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We have carried out screens for lethal mutations on the second chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster that are associated with abnormal imaginal disc morphologies, particularly in the wing disc. From a collection of 164 P element-induced mutations with a late larva/pupa lethal phase we have identified 56 new loci whose gene products are required for normal wing disc development and for normal morphology of other larval organs. Genetic mosaics of these 56 mutant lines show clonal mutant phenotypes for 23 cell-viable mutations. These phenotypes result from altered cell parameters. Causal relationships between disc and clonal phenotypes are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary By X-irradiation ofM/M + embryos and larvae to induce mitotic recombination, clones ofM +/M+ genotype were obtained (Fig. 1). Since such cells grow faster than the surroundingM/M +-cells they can fill large areas within the compartments of an imaginal disc.The present studies concentrated mainly on the three leg discs. Clones were induced by doses of 1000 r at ages ranging from 3±0.5 h after oviposition to 144 h.All clones induced later than the blastoderm stage were absolutely restricted to either the anterior or the posterior compartment of a disc. The border between the anterior and posterior compartment runs as a straight line along the entire leg and at the distal end separates the two claws (Figs. 5, 6, 7). A further subdivision of the anterior compartment is indicated by clones initiated in the second larval instar (Fig. 11). A parallel subdivision could not be detected in the posterior compartment. Irradiation in the early third instar led to clones which were restricted to single longitudinal bristle rows and leg segments. But no clear-cut compartment borders could be found; in particular a proximo-distal separation appears to be absent.Among the 318 clones induced at the blastoderm stage eleven extended from the wing into the second leg (Fig. 8), or from the haltere into the third leg.With the exception of 3 clones that apparently occupied the anterior as well as the posterior compartment of a wing or a leg, all clones remained confined to either the anterior or the posterior compartment.Frequently clones overlapped left and right forelegs (Fig. 9). Intersegmental overlaps were not observed.The results show that the earliest compartment borders appear in all thoracic discs. This suggests that compartmentalization is a fundamental process common to all discs.Supported bySchweizerischer Nationalfonds Gesuch Nr. 3.480-0.75  相似文献   

Proliferation in imaginal discs requires cell growth and is linked to patterning processes controlled by secreted cell-signalling molecules. To identify new genes involved in the control of cell proliferation we have screened a collection of P-lacW insertion mutants that result in lethality in the larval/pupal stages, and characterized a novel gene, patufet (ptuf). Inactivation of ptuf by a P element insertion in the 5′ untranslated region leads to aberrant imaginal disc morphology characterized by a reduction in mass of discs and disorganisation of disc cells where no folding or patterning can be detected. Moreover, apoptotic cells can be observed in these small and abnormal mutant discs. To examine the role of ptuf we have studied its clonal behaviour in genetic mosaics generated by mitotic recombination. The mutation causes reduced cell viability, smaller cell size and stops vein differentiation. Non-autonomous effects, such as abnormal differentiation of wild-type cells surrounding the clones, are also observed. We have cloned the ptuf gene of Drosophila melanogaster and found that it encodes a selenophosphate synthetase, which is the first identified in insects. Mutant flies transformed with the full-length cDNA show complete reversion of lethality and disc phenotype. Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization indicate that the ptuf gene is expressed in imaginal discs as well as at different stages of development. The synthesis of selenoproteins by the selenophosphate synthetase, the role of selenoproteins in the maintenance of the oxidant/antioxidant balance of the cell and its possible implications in imaginal disc morphogenesis are discussed. Received: 22 August 1997 / Accepted: 9 September 1997  相似文献   

This paper presents results of the genetic and cytological analysis of 144 sex-linked recessive lethals, plus 1 non-lethal. All of them were induced by IR hybrid dysgenesis. This collection of mutants was pooled from experiments involving inducer chromosomes that differ in the chrosomal position of their I elements. Our results show that 30% of the recessive lethals are associated with chromosomal rearrangements which depend on the strength of the IR interaction. These lethals are induced on both inducer- and reactive-origin chromosomes, and their frequency is dependent on the structure of the inducer chromosome used. The IR-induced lethals occur along the entire length of the X chromosome. These sites probably correspond to specific loci which are more or less homologous with I. The complementation relationshups showed that some specific loci were more frequently involved in all the lethal mutations tested. The most sensitive loci are, in order of observation: l(1)J1, ct, f, ma1 and m. Among induced recessive lethals considered to be point mutation, complementation tests showed that many of them are in fact multilocius deficiencies which can be detected only at the molecular level.

It seems that the production of IR rearrangements (cytologically visible or not) may be the most important mechanism leading to lethal mutations. These mutations probably occur during the transposition of I elements, hence their importance from an evolutionary standpoint.  相似文献   

Summary A series of P-element insertion mutations at one site in the vestigial (vg) locus was tested for cytotype dependent effects on vg expression. The mutant phenotypes for four P-element vg alleles were suppressed when the alleles were stabilized in the P-cytotype. The suppression was observed whenever repressor-producing P-elements were present in the genome. Genetic and molecular analysis indicated that the suppression is not due to excision or other irreversible alterations of the inserts. The results are consistent with a model in which somatic P-element repressor binding to the ends of P-element inserts can modify the effects of these inserts on target gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of P element excision and the structure of the resulting excision products were determined in three drosophilid species, Drosophila melanogaster, D. virilis, and Chymomyza procnemis. A transient P element mobility assay was conducted in the cells of developing insect embryos, but unlike previous assays, this mobility assay permitted the recovery of excision products from plasmids regardless of whether the excision event was precise or imprecise. Both quantitative and qualitative differences between the products of excision in the various species studied were observed. The frequency with which P element excision products were recovered from D. melanogaster was 10-fold greater than from D. virilis and C. procnemis; however, the proportion of all excision events resulting in the reversion of a P-induced mutant phenotype was the same. Virtually all excision products recovered, including those resulting in a reversion of the mutant phenotype, did not result in the exact restoration of the original target sequence. Sequence analysis suggested that duplex cleavage at the 3 and 5 termini of the P element, or their subsequent modification, occurred asymmetrically and interdependently. P element-encoded transposase was not absolutely required for P element excision.  相似文献   

Summary The hormonal control of evagination of the imaginal leg discs of the fleshflySarcophaga crassipalpis was studied by means of ectopic transplantation of discs from mature larvae or prepupae onto prepupal hosts. Evagination was influenced by the age of the donor and the developmental commitment of the host. Discs from non-diapuse as well as diapause-committed donors did not differ in their capacity to evaginate and differentiate. Mature larval discs from either type of donor could evaginate only when transplanted onto non-diapause hosts; they failed to evaginate on diapause-committed hosts even though host discs evaginated in situ about 40 h after transplantation. Discs from white prepupae evaginated whether transplanted onto non-diapause or onto diapause-committed hosts.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the range of phenotypes caused by cell death when larvae of the heat-sensitive cell-lethal mutant,l(1)ts726 ofDrosophila, are subjected to heat treatment at different stages of development. When the treatment extends into the pupal period, certain bristles fail to develop but the disc derivatives are otherwise normal. Earlier treatments cause the replacement of sets of leg and eye-antennal markers by mirror image duplications of neighbouring sets. The results are compared in detail with those expected under a gradient model proposed earlier to account for the phenotype. It is found that although the results for the second leg are in excellent agreement with the predictions of the model, a more elaborate hypothesis is necessary to account for the eye-antennal disc data. Abnormal head patterns fall into several distinct categories, any one of which could be explained by postulating the existence of a gradient, if other categories did not also occur. The markers affected in each case belong to overlapping sets, and each category of pattern can be induced by heat treatments administered throughout the temperature-sensitive period. The statistical distribution of the data is such that only one category of pattern would be detected in a small scale experiment. The possible implications relative to pattern formation in normal development are discussed.Supported by NRC (Canada) grant number A6485 to M.A.R. and funds from the Committee for Computer Utilisation of the University of Alberta  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated vesicles mediate cellular endocytosis of nutrients and molecules that are involved in a variety of biological processes. Basic components of the vesicle coat are clathrin heavy chain (Chc) and clathrin light chain molecules. In Drosophila melanogaster the chc gene function has been analyzed in a number of previous studies mainly using genetic approaches. However, the chc mRNA and protein expression patterns have not been studied systematically. We have generated an antibody that specifically recognizes Chc and we have analyzed chc RNA and protein expression patterns throughout embryonic and larval stages. We found that chc mRNA and protein are highly expressed from early stages of embryogenesis onwards, consistent with genetic studies predicting a maternal contribution of the gene function. During subsequent stages mRNA and protein are co-expressed in all embryonic cells; however we found an up-regulation in specific tissues including the gut, the salivary glands, tracheal system and the epidermis. In addition the central nervous system and the nephrocyte-like garland cells show strong Chc expression at late embryogenesis. In larvae Chc is highly expressed in garland cells, imaginal discs, fat body, salivary glands and the ring gland. Subcellularly, we found Chc protein in a vesicle-like pattern within the cytoplasm and at the plasma membrane. Co-labeling studies show that Chc is partially in contact with the trans-Golgi network and co-localizes with markers for early endocytosis. Together, the antibody may serve as a new tool to study the function of Chc in clathrin-dependent cellular processes, such as endocytosis.  相似文献   

Summary We report on the size distribution of clones marked by mitotic recombination induced by several different doses of X-rays applied to 72 h oldDrosophila larvae. The results indicate that the radiation significantly reduces the number of cells which undergo normal proliferation in the imaginal wing disc. We estimate that 1000 r reduces by 40–60% the number of cells capable of making a normal contribution to the development of the adult wing. Part of this reduction is due to severe curtailment in the proliferative ability of cells which nevertheless remain capable of adult differentiation; this effect is possibly due to radiation-induced aneuploidy. Cytological evidence suggests that immediate cell death also occurs as a result of radiation doses as low as 100 r. The surviving cells are stimulated to undergo additional proliferation in response to the X-ray damage so that the result is the differentiation of a normal wing.  相似文献   

Summary P element transposons in Drosophila melanogaster are capable of mobilizing incomplete P elements elsewhere in the genome, and of inducing recombination. This recombination is usually only of the order of 1% or less. We show that two P elements, located at exactly homologous sites, induce levels of recombination of 20% or higher. The recombination appears to be exact, as determined by the lack of phenotypic effects in recombinant products and the lack of size changes detectable by Southern hybridization. Female recombination is increased, but to a lesser extent than male recombination. Somatic recombination levels are also elevated. Alternative explanations for the high recombination levels are given in terms of the consequences of repair of an excision site and in terms of recombination as part of the replicative transposition process.  相似文献   

Summary Variations in suppression efficiency were observed among nonsense mutations at different locations within the lysozyme gene (e) of T4 phage. The present experiments using three amber mutants in lysozyme gene indicate such variations presumably depend upon the base sequences neighboring to the nonsense mutations.Part of this work is the thesis work of one of the authors (E.A.) and was reported at the Annual Meeting (1968) of Genetic Society of Japan  相似文献   

The control of cell morphology is important for shaping animals during development. Here we address the role of the Wnt/Wingless signal transduction pathway and two of its target genes, vestigial and shotgun (encoding E-cadherin), in controlling the columnar shape of Drosophila wing disc cells. We show that clones of cells mutant for arrow (encoding an essential component of the Wingless signal transduction pathway), vestigial or shotgun undergo profound cell shape changes and are extruded towards the basal side of the epithelium. Compartment-wide expression of a dominant-negative form of the Wingless transducer T-cell factor (TCF/Pangolin), or double-stranded RNA targeting vestigial or shotgun, leads to abnormally short cells throughout this region, indicating that these genes act cell autonomously to maintain normal columnar cell shape. Conversely, overexpression of Wingless, a constitutively-active form of the Wingless transducer β-catenin/Armadillo, or Vestigial, results in precocious cell elongation. Co-expression of Vestigial partially suppresses the abnormal cell shape induced by dominant-negative TCF. We conclude that Wingless signal transduction plays a cell-autonomous role in promoting and maintaining the columnar shape of wing disc cells. Furthermore, our data suggest that Wingless controls cell shape, in part, through maintaining vestigial expression.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of suboptimal levels of -ecdysone on the differentiation in vitro ofDrosophila melanogaster wing discs was enhanced by the addition of larval fat body to the cultures. However, similar experiments with -ecdysome showed no enhancement. It is suggested that a partial conversion of -ecdysone to -ecdysone by the fat body may well account for these results.  相似文献   

Reversion mutagenesis of three single P elements located in the cytogenetic interval 1E-2A at the tip of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster was used to recover new deletions in this chromosomal region. The deletions obtained include small aberrations within region 2A and larger lesions extending from 2A into 1E and 1B. All three screens also yielded terminal deficiencies. The new deficiencies, together with previously characterized rearrangements, were analyzed for their complementation behaviour with the maternal effect locus fs(1)Nasrat and lethal loci in the region. These analyses provide an overall genetic map of the interval 1E-2A. In addition, the smaller deletions were physically mapped within cloned genomic DNA of the 2A region.  相似文献   

With the aid of a cytological technique (analysis of metaphase chromosomes of larval cerebral ganglia) it was shown that, in experiments on X-chromosome loss induced by X-rays in oocytes of Drosophila melanogaster, one has to distinguish between partial and total chromosome loss. For this purpose a scheme has been devised allowing the detection of aberrant F1 individuals already at the larval stage. After treatment of mature oocytes, X-chromosomal fragments of various sizes were found. On the other hand, most of the X-chromosomal fragments observed after irradiation of immature oocytes had the same size as chromosome IV (“points”). Possibly this finding is, partly at least, simulated by the combined induction of complete X loss and nondisjunction of chromosomes IV. Otherwise preferential breakage close to the X-chromosomal centromere after irradiation of immature oocytes would have to be assumed to account for the observation of “points”.

About 39% (13/33) of the losses induced in mature oocytes by 400 R were shown to be partial ones. Depending on the classification of the “points” observed after treatment of immature oocytes with 3500 R, between 7% (3/43) and 23% (10/43) of the losses were partial ones. No indication was obtained either after irradiation of mature or of immature oocytes that the loss frequencies observed for imagoes and larvae differed from each other, e.g. because of selection.

The two-track component of the dose-effect curve of X-ray-induced (total plus partial) X-chromosome loss seems to be based—completely in the mature, partly in the immature oocyte experiments—on the induction of partial losses requiring two independently produced breaks.  相似文献   

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