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Summary The effect of water activity on the rate of thermolysin-catalyzed synthesis of an aspartame precursor has been investigated in water-miscible and water-immiscible solvents. In both cases, the enzyme reaction rate at a given water activity was found to be significantly different depending on the nature of the solvent. The reaction rates in water-immiscible solvents, where the water activities were close to 1.0, were found to be significantly dependent on the volume ratio of water to organic media and the hydrophobicity of the solvent. These data suggest that the enzyme reaction in the solvent is influenced appreciably by other factors in addition to the water activity.  相似文献   

The effect of glycerol on the hydrolytic activity of thermolysin (EC has been compared with the effect on the condensation of N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-aspartic acid with L-phenylalanine methyl ester to form N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester (Z X Asp X Phe X OMe), the precursor to the sweet-tasting compound L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester. Hydrolytic activity was measured by the degradation of azocasein and furylacryloyl-L-glycyl-L-leucinamide. Increasing concentrations of glycerol reversibly inhibited the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme toward both substrates. The inclusion of glycerol in the synthetic medium facilitated the production of Z X Asp X Phe X OMe in a water-soluble system but reduced the initial rate of peptide synthesis. Glycerol stabilized thermolysin against thermal denaturation.  相似文献   

The effect of glycerol on the hydrolytic activity of thermolysin (EC has been compared with the effect on the condensation of N-benzyloxycarbonyl-l-aspartic acid with l-phenylalanine methyl ester to form N-benzyloxycarbonyl-l-aspartyl-l-phenylalanine methyl ester (Z · Asp · Phe · OMe), the precursor to the sweet-tasting compound l-aspartyl-l-phenylalanine methyl ester. Hydrolytic activity was measured by the degradation of azocasein and furylacryloyl-l-glycyl-l-leucinamide. Increasing concentrations of glycerol reversibly inhibited the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme toward both substrates. The inclusion of glycerol in the synthetic medium facilitated the production of Z · Asp · Phe · OMe in a water-soluble system but reduced the initial rate of peptide synthesis. Glycerol stabilized thermolysin against thermal denaturation.  相似文献   

The kinetic patterns and parameters of 12 alcoholic organic solvents of different classes inhibiting thermolysin-catalyzed synthesis of N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester (Z-Phe-Phe-OMe) in aqueous organic one-phase reaction system have been determined. All alcohols showed a linear mixed type inhibition. A kinetic model of inhibition is suggested. It was presumed that alcohols interact with substrate in the active site of thermolysin.  相似文献   

This is a comparative study of the performance of thermolysin for enzymatic peptide synthesis by reversed hydrolysis in several different reaction systems. Z-Gln-Leu-NH(2) was synthesized in acetonitrile containing 5% water (with various catalyst preparation methods) as well as by the "solid-to-solid" and frozen aqueous methods. Reaction rates (values in nanomoles per minute per milligram) in acetonitrile depended significantly on the method of addition of enzyme: (a) direct suspension in the reaction mixture as freeze-dried powders gave 60 to 95; (b) addition as an aqueous solution, so that enzyme precipitates on mixing with acetonitrile, gave 230; (c) addition as an aqueous suspension gave a remarkable increase in reaction rates (up to 780); (d) immobilized enzymes (adsorbed at saturating loading on celite, silica, Amberlite XAD-7, or polypropylene, then dried by propanol rinsing) all gave <230. It is postulated that, starting with the enzyme already in the form of solid particles in aqueous buffer, there is a minimum chance of alteration of its optimal conformation during transfer to the organic medium. For solid-to-solid synthesis with 10% water content we found initial rates of 670 under optimized conditions. In frozen aqueous synthesis, rates were <10. Equilibrium yields were always around 60% in low water organic solvent, whereas they were found to >80% in the aqueous systems studied.  相似文献   

Enzymatic peptide synthesis can be carried out efficiently in solid-to-solid reaction mixtures with 10% (w/w) water added to a mixture of substrates. The final reaction mass contains >/=80% (by weight) of product. This article deals with acid-base effects in such reaction mixtures and the consequences for the enzyme. In the Thermoase-catalyzed synthesis of Z-Asp-Phe-OMe, the reaction rate is strongly dependent on the amount of basic salts added to the system. The rate increases 20 times, as the KHCO(3) or K(2)CO(3) added is raised 2.25-fold from an amount equimolar to the Phe-OMe. HCL starting material. With further increases in KHCO(3) addition, the initial rate remains at the maximum, but with K(2)CO(3) it drops sharply. Addition of NaHCO(3) is less effective, but rates are faster if more water is used. With >1.5 equivalents of basic salt, the final yield of the reaction decreases. Similar effects are observed when thermolysin catalyzes the same reaction, or Z-Gln-Leu-NH(2) synthesis. These effects can be rationalized using a model estimating the pH of these systems, taking into account the possible formation of up to ten different solid phases.  相似文献   

A systematic study of thermolysin-catalyzed solid-to-solid peptide synthesis using Z-Gln and Leu-NH2 as model substrates was carried out. The aim was to extend the kinetic knowledge of this new reaction system involving highly concentrated substrate mixtures with little water (10% to 20% w/w). Preheating of the substrates, and ultrasonic treatment, as described in the literature, had no significant effect on our system. The formation of a third compound, the salt of the two substrates, was discovered during melting point experiments. This was associated with a very strong dependence of kinetics on the exact substrate ratio (e.g., twofold higher initial rate with 60% Leu-NH2 and 40% Z-Gln than with the equimolar substrate ratio). A model was developed to show how the composition and pH of the liquid phase depends on the substrate ratio, and seemed to explain the experimental rates. In addition, the influences of different mixing and water distribution methods are described. Finally, we can now summarize the major effects of the reaction system as a starting point for further research and scale-up studies.  相似文献   

Interactive computer graphics was used as a tool in studying the cleavage mechanism of the model substrate Z-Phe-Phe-Leu-Trp by the zinc endopeptidase thermolysin. Two Michaelis complexes and three binding orientations of the tetrahedral intermediate to the crystal structure of thermolysin were investigated. Our results indicate that a Michaelis complex, which does not involve coordination of the scissile peptide to the zinc, is consistent with available experimental data and the most plausible of the two complexes. A tetrahedral intermediate complex wherein the two oxygens of the hydrated scissile peptide straddle the zinc in a bidentate fashion results in the most favorable interactions with the active site. The preferred tetrahedral intermediate and Michaelis complex provide a rationalization for the published substrate data. A trajectory for proceeding from the Michaelis complex to the tetrahedral intermediate is proposed. This trajectory involves a simultaneous activation of the zinc-bound water molecule concurrent with attack on the scissile peptide. A detailed ordered product release mechanism is also presented. These studies suggest some modifications and a number of extensions to the mechanism proposed earlier [Kester, W. R., & Matthews, B. W. (1977) Biochemistry 16, 2506; Holmes, M. A., & Matthews, B. W. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 6912]. The binding mode of the thermolysin inhibitor N-(1-carboxy-3-phenylpropyl)-L-leucyl-L-tryptophan [Monzingo, A. F., & Matthews, B. W. (1984) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)] is compared with that of the preferred tetrahedral intermediate, providing insight into this inhibitor design.  相似文献   

Data from the literature and own ones indicate the key role of the nervous system in regulation of the activity and synthesis of the enzymes of energy metabolism in skeletal muscles. Hepatic cells are highly sensitive both to regulation of their metabolism by the vegetative, especially sympathetic nervous system, and hormonal regulation. The enzymic activity and metabolism in the kidneys are controlled mainly by hormones and are not subjected or poorly monitored by the nervous system. Hormonal regulation of the enzymic activity in the bone marrow is presumably rather poor, whereas the question of nervous regulation of its metabolism remains nuclear.  相似文献   

Protease-catalyzed peptide synthesis in acetonitrile/water mixtures, containing 0-90% water, was investigated. alpha-Chymotrypsin, as well as thermolysin, were deposited on solid supports, prior to exposure to the reaction media. Peptide syntheses were performed using both a kinetically controlled process (chymotrypsin) and an equilibrium-controlled synthesis (thermolysin). The activity of chymotrypsin decreased at low water contents. However, at low water contents (1-10%) hydrolytic side reactions were suppressed and high yields of dipeptides were obtained. Optimal water content for the thermolysin-catalyzed reaction was 4-8%. The dipeptides produced were fully soluble in the reaction mixtures. High operational stability for alpha-chymotrypsin was obtained during 216 h of reaction.  相似文献   

The effect of enzyme concentration on the H2-uptake and H2-evolving activities of the reversible hydrogenase from Thiocapsa roseopersicina was examined. In the activity range assayed by a spectrophotometric technique the apparent H2-uptake specific activity varied greatly with hydrogenase concentration. Study of H2-evolving activity measured by the H2 electrode method and compared with a gas chromatographic assay also indicated that specific activity was highly dependent on enzyme concentration. The results indicate that the widely applied hydrogenase assays give systematically erroneous specific activity values. These assays should be used only for relative measurements and the hydrogenase concentration in the reaction mixture should be kept constant. To make the data from various laboratories comparable the assay parameters should be standardized.  相似文献   

alpha-Chymotrypsin deposited on Celite was used to catalyse peptide synthesis reactions between N-protected amino acid esters and leucine amide in organic media with low water content. The influence of the solvent and the thermodynamic water activity on the reaction kinetics was studied. The substrate specificity in the reactions was shown to be a combination of the substrate specificity of the enzyme in aqueous media and the influence of the solvents. The magnitude of the solvent effects differed greatly depending on the substrates used. In hydrophobic solvents high reaction rates were observed and the competing hydrolysis of the ester substrate occurred to only a minor extent. Reactions occurred at water activities as low as 0.11, but the rate constants increased with increasing water activity and were about two orders of magnitude higher at the highest water activity tested (0.97).  相似文献   

The effect of tertiary amine (DIEA) on reaction rate and product purity of a carbodiimide/HOBt-mediated peptide synthesis was studied. It was found that very rapid activation can be achieved using carbodiimide/HOBt in non-polar solvents, such as DCM. Although the HOBt is poorly soluble in DCM, the activation proceeds within 2 min, probably forming the HOBt-ester. By such a preactivation followed by a coupling in the presence of DIEA the rate of coupling is comparable with other rapid methods using BOP or TBTU, and no racemization was found in a model coupling (less than 0.1%). For comparison, syntheses of neurotensin by means of different coupling reagents (BOP, TBTU, OPfp-esters) and the DIEA-catalyzed coupling after carbodiimide/HOBt-activation under comparable conditions have shown that these procedures are of the same value in view of coupling efficiency and product purity.  相似文献   

The role of alpha-chymotrypsin in the plastein reaction was studied using a peptic hydrolysate of albumin as substrate. Study of this reaction simultaneously by different methods showed that the plastein reaction is enzyme catalyzed and is highly dependent on environmental conditions. A gel permeation chromatography study of the plastein reaction showed simultaneous increases in the high- and low-molecular-weight oligopeptide fractions; a transpeptidation mechanism may be involved in the reaction. A study of the effect of substrate concentration on the plastein reaction catalyzed by alpha-chymotrypsin showed a profile with both hydrolytic and synthetic activities. This effect was also observed when the reaction course was followed by quantification of the free amino groups at different substrate concentrations, showing that a condensation mechanism is responsible for the synthetic activity when the substrate concentration is very high. These results have led us to conclude that the plastein reaction involves a transpeptidation and/or condensation mechanism, which is a function of the substrate concentration.  相似文献   

The effects of water on enzyme (protein) hydration and catalytic efficiency of enzyme molecules in organic solvents have been analyzed in terms of the thermodynamic activity of water, which has been estimated by the NRTL or UNIFAC equations. When the amount of water bound to the enzyme was plotted as a function of water activity, the water adsorption isotherms obtained from the water-solvent liquid mixtures were similar to the reported water-vapor adsorption isotherms of proteins. The water adsorption of proteins from the organic media was not significantly dependent on the properties of the solvents or the nature of the proteins. It is also shown that there is a linear relationship between the logarithm of the enzyme reaction rate and water activity. However, the dependence of the enzyme reaction rate on water activity was found to be different depending on the properties of the solvent. The relationship between water activity and other solvent parameters such as solvent hydrophobicity and the solubility of water in the solvent is also discussed.  相似文献   

Further experiments support the original suggestion of one of the authors (T. C. B.) that low concentrations of the heavy isotope of hydrogen in water will yield more significant physiological results than pure heavy water. The water employed had been slightly concentrated by commercial electrolysis and had a specific gravity of 1.00061 or 1 part in 2,000 of deuterium. Short lengths (5 to 50 cells) ofSpirogyra filaments lived longer in the isotope water (average 6.3 days for 355 cells) as compared to their longevity in ordinary distilled water (average 3.3 days for 322 cells). The experiments indicate that this effect was not due to differences in salt, CO2, or O2 content of the water samples.Planaria maintained their body size for longer periods in the isotope water. Fermentation by suspensions of commercial yeast, and digestion of starch by pancreatic amylase were inhibited only after a period of incubation of the enzyme in the heavy water; the degree of inhibition of the former reaction was, however, very nearly indentical for incubation periods of 16 and 166 hours indicating a stoichiometrical relationship between the isotope and the enzyme.  相似文献   

The specific activity of Neurospora crassa glutamine synthetase varies according to the nitrogen source in which the organism is grown. In a poor nitrogen source such as glutamate, the specific activity of the enzyme is higher than that found in good nitrogen sources such as ammonium or glutamine. These differences in specific enzyme activity correspond to differences in enzyme concentration. The relative rates of glutamine synthetase synthesis and degradation were measured in exponential cultures grown in different nitrogen sources. The differences in enzyme concentration are explained by differences in the relative rate of enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to quantify the effect of temperature and enzyme origin on the enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides. Quantification of these effects is important because temperature and enzyme origin are important process parameters. A kinetic model was used to describe the concentrations in time. The kinetic parameters were determined by using data obtained in batch experiments at various temperatures (20, 30, 40, and 50 degrees C) and by using beta-galactosidases from Bacillus circulans, Aspergillus oryzae, Kluyveromyces lactis, and Kluyveromyces fragilis. The effect of temperature on the kinetic parameters could be described with the Arrhenius equation, except for the inhibition parameter. Slightly higher oligosaccharide yields were found at higher temperatures. However, the influence of the initial lactose concentration was much larger. The higher yield at higher temperatures is an additional advantage when operating at high initial lactose concentrations and consequently elevated temperatures. Clear differences between the beta-galactosidases were found concerning amount, size, and type of oligosaccharides produced. The beta-galactosidase from B. circulans produced the most abundant amount, the most different, and largest-sized oligosaccharides. The beta-galactosidases from Kluyveromyces spp. produced mainly trisaccharides. The kinetic parameters for the different enzymes were determined and differences were discussed.  相似文献   

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