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Various synthetic peptides recognized as Ag by CTL in the context of MHC class I molecules were tested for stability in vitro and in vivo. Peptide inactivation in vitro was quantitated by titrating the amount of peptide required to sensitize target cells for lysis by specific CTL clones. The degree of inactivation after overnight incubation at 37 degrees C varied widely among a series of antigenic peptides. Some were nearly unaffected, whereas others lost activity by more than 100-fold or even 10,000-fold. However, no correlation was found between susceptibility to serum inactivation and antigenic potency as measured in short term cytolytic assays. No inactivation occurred at 4 degrees C, or at 37 degrees C in the absence of serum, under the conditions used. Serum inactivation most likely involved proteolysis because it could be inhibited by protease inhibitors. Moreover, presumed cleavage products of a radiolabeled susceptible peptide could be visualized by TLC. In vivo, the persistence of the antigenic activity of the injected peptides, either in extracellular fluids or on tumor target cells growing in an ascites form, correlated with the degree of stability found for the peptides in vitro. The differential stability of synthetic peptides may have important consequences for attempts to manipulate the development of an immune response in vivo.  相似文献   

Pathways for loading exogenous protein-derived peptides on MHC class I are thought to be present mainly in monocyte-lineage cells and to involve phagocytosis- or macropinocytosis-mediated antigenic leakage into either cytosol or extracellular milieu to give peptide access to MHC class I. We show that maleylation of OVA enhanced its presentation to an OVA-specific MHC class I-restricted T cell line by both macrophages and B cells. This enhanced presentation involved uptake through receptors of scavenger receptor (SR)-like ligand specificity, was TAP-1-independent, and was inhibited by low levels (2 mM) of ammonium chloride. No peptide loading of bystander APCs by maleylated (maleyl) OVA-pulsed macrophages was detected. Demaleylated maleyl-OVA showed enhanced MHC class I-restricted presentation through receptor-mediated uptake and remained highly sensitive to 2 mM ammonium chloride. However, if receptor binding of maleyl-OVA was inhibited by maleylated BSA, the residual presentation was relatively resistant to 2 mM ammonium chloride. Maleyl-OVA directly introduced into the cytosol via osmotic lysis of pinosomes was poorly presented, confirming that receptor-mediated presentation of exogenous maleyl-OVA was unlikely to involve a cytosolic pathway. Demaleylated maleyl-OVA was well presented as a cytosolic Ag, consistent with the dependence of cytosolic processing on protein ubiquitination. Thus, receptor-specific delivery of exogenous protein Ags to APCs can result in enhanced MHC class I-restricted presentation, suggesting that the exogenous pathway of peptide loading for MHC class I may be a constitutive property dependent mainly on the quantity of Ag taken up by APCs.  相似文献   

To develop a vaccine by augmenting the protective cellular immunity against Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii)-infection, T gondii SAG1 gene-transfectants were established by using RMA.S (H-2b), a murine transporter associated with the antigen processing (TAP) molecule-deficient lymphoma line, as a host antigen-presenting cell (APC). Immunization of C57BL/6 mice with the SAG1-transfected RMA.S induced CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for not only SAG1-transfected RMA.S but also T gondii-infected RMA.S, and elicited protective responses to infection with a virulent T. gondii strain, RH.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells that are activated by a MHC class II/peptide encounter can induce maturation of APCs and promote cytotoxic CD8+ T cell responses. Unfortunately, the number of well-defined tumor-specific CD4+ T cell epitopes that can be exploited for adoptive immunotherapy is limited. To determine whether Th cell responses can be generated by redirecting CD4+ T cells to MHC class I ligands, we have introduced MHC class I-restricted TCRs into postthymic murine CD4+ T cells and examined CD4+ T cell activation and helper function in vitro and in vivo. These experiments indicate that Ag-specific CD4+ T cell help can be induced by the engagement of MHC class I-restricted TCRs in peripheral CD4+ T cells but that it is highly dependent on the coreceptor function of the CD8beta-chain. The ability to generate Th cell immunity by infusion of MHC class I-restricted Th cells may prove useful for the induction of tumor-specific T cell immunity in cases where MHC class II-associated epitopes are lacking.  相似文献   

Cytolytic T cell-centric active specific and adoptive immunotherapeutic approaches might benefit from the simultaneous engagement of CD4(+) T cells. Considering the difficulties in simultaneously engaging CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in tumor immunotherapy, especially in an Ag-specific manner, redirecting CD4(+) T cells to MHC class I-restricted epitopes through engineered expression of MHC class I-restricted epitope-specific TCRs in CD4(+) T cells has emerged as a strategic consideration. Such TCR-engineered CD4(+) T cells have been shown to be capable of synthesizing cytokines as well as lysing target cells. We have conducted a critical examination of functional characteristics of CD4(+) T cells engineered to express the alpha- and beta-chains of a high functional avidity TCR specific for the melanoma epitope, MART-1(27-35), as a prototypic human tumor Ag system. We found that unpolarized CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells engineered to express the MART-1(27-35) TCR selectively synthesize Th1 cytokines and exhibit a potent Ag-specific lytic granule exocytosis-mediated cytolytic effector function of comparable efficacy to that of CD8(+) CTL. Such TCR engineered CD4(+) T cells, therefore, might be useful in clinical immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells are destroyed at an early age by an immune process that involves both CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes. The identification of autoantigens in diabetes is very important for the design of antigen-specific immunotherapy. By screening a pancreatic islet cDNA library, we have identified the autoantigen recognized by highly pathogenic CD8 T cells in the non-obese diabetic mouse, one of the best animal models for human diabetes. This is the first identification, to our knowledge, of a CD8 T-cell epitope in an autoimmune disease. The peptide recognized by the cells is in the same region of the insulin B chain as the epitope recognized by previously isolated pathogenic CD4 T cells. This has very important implications for the potential use of insulin in preventative therapy.  相似文献   

It is widely appreciated that inflammatory responses in peripheral tissues are usually associated to the development of acidic microenvironments. Despite this, there are few studies aimed to analyze the effect of extracellular pH on immune cell functions. We analyzed the impact of acidosis on the behavior of dendritic cells (DCs) derived from murine bone marrow. We found that extracellular acidosis (pH 6.5) markedly stimulated the uptake of FITC-OVA, FITC-dextran, and HRP by DCs. In fact, to reach similar levels of endocytosis, DCs cultured at pH 7.3 required concentrations of Ag in the extracellular medium almost 10-fold higher compared with DCs cultured at pH 6.5. Not only the endocytic capacity of DCs was up-regulated by extracellular acidosis, but also the expression of CD11c, MHC class II, CD40, and CD86 as well as the acquisition of extracellular Ags by DCs for MHC class I-restricted presentation. Importantly, DCs pulsed with Ag under acidosis showed an improved efficacy to induce both specific CD8(+) CTLs and specific Ab responses in vivo. Our results suggest that extracellular acidosis improves the Ag-presenting capacity of DCs.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotides containing unmethylated CpG motifs (cytosine-phosphorothioate-guanine oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG ODN)) are potent immunostimulatory agents capable of enhancing the Ag-specific Th1 response when used as immune adjuvants. We evaluated the cellular mechanisms responsible for this effect. Development of a CTL response was enhanced when mice were immunized with peptide-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) treated with CpG ODN. However, in vitro, CpG ODN had no direct effect on highly purified T cells. In vitro, CpG ODN treatment of peptide- or protein-pulsed DCs enhanced the ability of the DCs to activate class I-restricted T cells. The presence of helper T cells enhanced this effect, indicating that treatment with CpG ODN does not obviate the role of T cell help. The enhanced ability of CpG ODN-treated DCs to activate T cells was present but blunted when DCs derived from IL-12 knockout mice were used. Fixation of Ag-pulsed, CpG ODN-treated DCs limited their ability to activate T cells. In contrast, fixation had little effect on DC activation of T cells when DCs were not exposed to CpG ODN. This indicates that production of soluble factors by DCs stimulated with CpG ODN plays a particularly important role in their ability to activate class I-restricted T cells. We conclude that CpG ODN enhances the development of a cellular immune response by stimulating APCs such as DCs, to produce IL-12 and other soluble factors.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that most epitopes presented by MHC class I molecules are derived from those newly synthesized proteins that are defective due to errors during manufacture. We examined epitope production from model cytosolic and exocytic proteins modified in various ways. Substrates containing a degradation targeting sequence demonstrated very rapid turnover and enhanced epitope production, as was the case for substrate retargeted from endoplasmic reticulum to cytosol. For less radical alterations, including point mutation and deletion and elimination of glycosylation sites, despite detectable changes in folding, half-life was only moderately decreased and there were no significant increases in epitope production. Puromycin, which causes premature termination of protein synthesis, also had no impact upon epitope production. It appears that most defective proteins are not rapidly dispensed with and the targeting of most nascent proteins for Ag processing is not tied to quality control.  相似文献   

The human cellular immune response against 14 distantly related yeast species was analyzed by intracellular cytokine staining of lymphocytes after ex vivo stimulation of whole blood. While the CD4 T cell response was marginal, extensive MHC class I-restricted CD8 T cell responses were detected against a number of species including spoiling, environmental and human pathogenic yeasts. The yeast-specific CD8 T cells expressed interferon-gamma but lacked expression of CD27 and CCR7, indicating that they were end-differentiated effector memory cells. Mainly intact yeast cells rather than spheroplasts were able to induce cytokine expression in T cells demonstrating that the dominant immunogens were located in the yeast cell wall. Together these data underline the importance of the cellular immune response in protecting humans against yeast and fungal infections. And, from another perspective, recombinant yeast suggests itself as a potential vaccine candidate to efficiently induce antigen-specific CD8 T cell responses.  相似文献   

The processing and MHC class I-restricted presentation of antigenic peptides derived from the p60 protein of the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is tightly linked to bacterial protein synthesis. We used non-linear regression analysis to fit a mathematical model of bacterial antigen processing to a published experimental data set showing the accumulation and decay of p60-derived antigenic peptides in L. monocytogenes-infected cells. Two alternative models equally describe the experimental data. The simulation accounting for a stable and a hypothetical rapidly degraded form of antigen predicts that the antigenic peptides p60 217-225 and p60 449-457 are derived from a putative instable form of p60 with an average intracellular half-life of approximately 3 minutes accounting for approximately 31% of all p60 molecules synthesized. The alternative model predicts that both antigenic peptides are processed from p60 degraded intracellularly with a half-life of 109 min and that antigen processing only occurs as long as bacterial protein synthesis is not inhibited. In order to decide between both models the intracellular accumulation of p60 in infected cells was studied experimentally and compared with model predictions. Inhibition of p60 degradation by the proteasome inhibitor epoxomicin revealed that during the first 3 h post infection approximately 30% of synthesized p60 molecules were degraded. This value is significantly lower than the approximately 50% degradation of p60 that would be expected in the presence of the predicted putative short-lived state of p60 and also fits precisely with the predictions of the alternative model, indicating that the tight connection of bacterial protein biosynthesis and antigen processing and presentation of L. monocyctogenes-derived antigenic peptides is not caused by the presence of a highly instable antigenic substrate.  相似文献   

For most nascent glycoprotein Ags, the MHC class I-restricted processing pathway begins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). From this location, they are translocated to the cytosol for degradation by the proteasome. A reasonable assumption is that processing of exocytic Ags is less efficient than that of cytosolic Ags, due to the requirement for additional handling, but that the processing pathways for the two types of proteins are otherwise similar. To test this, we compared the presentation of three epitopes within influenza nucleoprotein (NP) when this Ag is targeted to the cytosol or the ER. Surprisingly, under conditions of limited Ag expression, presentation of two proteasome-dependent epitopes is comparable when NP is targeted to the ER while presentation of a third is negatively impacted. Furthermore, presentation of the third epitope is unaffected by the addition of proteasome inhibitor when cytosolic NP is expressed but is significantly enhanced when exocytic NP is expressed. These results indicate that delivery of Ag to the ER need not preclude efficient presentation and that processing of cytosolic and ER-targeted Ag is qualitatively distinct.  相似文献   

We have used a T-T hybridoma, RF33.70, to detect the MHC class I-restricted presentation of exogenous native OVA by thymic APC in vitro. Presentation of OVA with class I molecules by thymic APC requires intracellular processing. Phenotypic analyses indicated that low bouyant density, MHC class II+, FcR+ cells are capable of using this presentation pathway. In order to determine whether thymic APC have this function in vivo, thymic APC were isolated from mice after i.v. injection of native OVA. We find that OVA is presented in association with MHC class I, but not class II, molecules in the thymus. This is in contrast to splenic APC, which present exogenous OVA with both class I and class II molecules under these conditions. Our findings have implications for the repertoire of self-peptides that might be presented by thymic APC to developing T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The proteasome is primarily responsible for the generation of MHC class I-restricted CTL epitopes. However, some epitopes, such as NP(147-155) of the influenza nucleoprotein (NP), are presented efficiently in the presence of proteasome inhibitors. The pathways used to generate such apparently "proteasome-independent" epitopes remain poorly defined. We have examined the generation of NP(147-155) and a second proteasome-dependent NP epitope, NP(50-57), using cells adapted to growth in the presence of proteasome inhibitors and also through protease overexpression. We observed that: 1) Ag processing and presentation proceeds in proteasome-inhibitor adapted cells but may become more dependent, at least in part, on nonproteasomal protease(s), 2) tripeptidyl peptidase II does not substitute for the proteasome in the generation of NP(147-155), 3) overexpression of leucine aminopeptidase, thymet oligopeptidase, puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase, and bleomycin hydrolase, has little impact on the processing and presentation of NP(50-57) or NP(147-155), and 4) proteasome-inhibitor treatment altered the specificity of substrate cleavage by the proteasome using cell-free digests favoring NP(147-155) epitope preservation. Based on these results, we propose a central role for the proteasome in epitope generation even in the presence of proteasome inhibitors, although such inhibitors will likely alter cleavage patterns and may increase the dependence of the processing pathway on postproteasomal enzymes.  相似文献   

Proteasomes are the major source for the generation of peptides bound by MHC class I molecules. To study the functional relevance of the IFN-gamma-inducible proteasome subunits low molecular mass protein 2 (LMP2), LMP7, and mouse embryonal cell (MEC) ligand 1 in Ag processing and concomitantly that of immunoproteasomes, we established the tetracycline-regulated mouse cell line MEC217, allowing the titrable formation of immunoproteasomes. Infection of MEC217 cells with Adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) and analysis of Ag presentation with Ad5-specific CTL showed that cells containing immunoproteasomes processed the viral early 1B protein (E1B)-derived epitope E1B192-200 with increased efficiency, thus allowing a faster detection of viral entry in induced cells. Importantly, optimal CTL activation was already achieved at submaximal immunosubunit expression. In contrast, digestion of E1B-polypeptide with purified proteasomes in vitro yielded E1B192-200 at quantities that were proportional to the relative contents of immunosubunits. Our data provide evidence that the IFN-gamma-inducible proteasome subunits, when present at relatively low levels as at initial stages of infection, already increase the efficiency of antigenic peptide generation and thereby enhance MHC class I Ag processing in infected cells.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSP) are conserved proteins, many of which share the ability for indiscriminate peptide binding and ATPase-coupled peptide release. In this paper, we show that heat shock cognate protein (HSC)73, a constitutively expressed member of the HSP70 family, could be a candidate for chaperone activity within the MHC class II presentation pathway. HSC73 expression in macrophages was shown to overlap with expression of MHC class II; overexpression of HSC73 in stable transfectants of a macrophage line markedly enhanced their presentation of exogenous Ag without affecting presentation of processing independent peptide. Ag from an exogenous source was demonstrated to associate with HSC73 in macrophages, and this association was sensitive to ATP treatment and inhibited by deoxyspergualin, an immunosuppressive agent that has previously been shown to bind specifically to HSC73. Furthermore, deoxyspergualin reduced Ag presentation by macrophages in relation to the amount of HSC73 expressed in these cells. The data are consistent with a potential role for HSC73 in binding and protecting peptides from extensive degradation and/or facilitating the kinetics of peptide transfer to MHC class II molecules.  相似文献   

We find that expression of the membrane dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) enhances presentation of certain endogenously synthesized peptides to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes. ACE appears to function only in an intracellular secretory compartment of antigen-presenting cells. ACE-enhanced antigen presentation requires the expression of the putative antigenic peptide transporters, TAP1 and TAP2. These findings demonstrate that a protease can influence the processing of endogenously synthesized antigens and strongly suggest that longer peptides can be transported from the cytosol to a secretory compartment where trimming of antigenic peptides to the lengths preferred by MHC class I molecules can occur if the appropriate protease is present.  相似文献   

Substantial effort has been invested into optimization of vector structure, DNA formulation, or delivery methods to increase the effectiveness of DNA vaccines. In contrast, it has been only insufficiently explored how the higher order structure of an antigenic protein influences immunogenicity of embedded epitopes in vivo. Potent CD8+ T cell responses specific for a single immunogenic epitope are induced upon electrovaccination with plasmid DNA encoding the full-length heavy chain of the human HLA-Cw3 molecule. Contrary to expectations, a minimal construct, which provoked a substantial release of IFN-gamma from specific CTLs in vitro, did not induce a significant response in vivo. Systematically altered variants of the Cw3 molecule were thus tested both in vivo and in vitro to determine which structural parts are responsible for this discrepancy. In complementation experiments the participation of trans-acting helper epitopes was ruled out. Successive C-terminal truncations, human/mouse domain swap variants, and subdomain modifications defined the alpha3 region of the HLA heavy chain and membrane anchoring as critical elements. Based on these data, refined minimal constructs were engineered that triggered very high in vivo responses. The most advanced variant consisted only of an adenoviral leader, antigenic epitope, alpha3 domain, and 16 aa of the transmembrane domain. When a tumor Ag epitope was incorporated into one of these high performer minimal constructs, protection against melanoma metastases was attained upon vaccination. Thus, structural elements of the Ag can dominantly influence immunogenicity in vivo. These elements can also markedly improve the immunogenicity of unrelated Ags and may form the basis of a new generation of DNA vaccines.  相似文献   

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