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The introduction of avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum) and mosquitoes (Culex quinquefasciatus) to the Hawaiian Islands (USA) is believed to have played a major role in the decline and extinction of native Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae). This introduced disease is thought to be one of the primary factors limiting recovery of honeycreepers at elevations below 1,200 m where native forest habitats are still relatively intact. One of the few remaining species of honeycreepers with a wide elevational distribution is the Hawaii Amakihi (Hernignathus virens). We measured morbidity and mortality in experimentally-infected Hawaii Amakihi that were captured in a high elevation, xeric habitat that is above the current range of the mosquito vector. Mortality among amakihi exposed to a single infective mosquito bite was 65% (13/20). All infected birds had significant declines in food consumption and a corresponding loss in body weight over the 60 day course of the experiment. Gross and microscopic lesions in birds that succumbed to malaria included enlargement and discoloration of the spleen and liver and parasitemias as high as 50% of circulating erythrocytes. Mortality in experimentally-infected amakihi was similar to that observed in Apapane (Himnatione sanguinea) and lower than that observed in Iiwi (Vestiaria coccinea) infected under similar conditions with the same parasite isolate. We conclude that the current elevational and geographic distribution of Hawaiian honeycreepers is determined by relative susceptibility to avian malaria.  相似文献   

Avian malaria has had a profound impact on the demographics and behaviour of Hawaiian forest birds since its vector, Culex quinquefasciatus the southern house mosquito, was first introduced to Hawaii around 1830. In order to understand the dynamics of the disease in Hawaii and gain insights into the evolution of vector-mediated parasite-host interactions in general we studied the population genetics of Cx. quinquefasciatus in the Hawaiian Islands. We used both microsatellite and mitochondrial loci. Not surprisingly we found that mosquitoes in Midway, a small island in the Western group, are quite distinct from the populations in the main Hawaiian Islands. However, we also found that in general mosquito populations are relatively isolated even among the main islands, in particular between Hawaii (the Big Island) and the remaining Hawaiian Islands. We found evidence of bottlenecks among populations within the Big Island and an excess of alleles in Maui, the site of the original introduction. The mitochondrial diversity was typically low but higher than expected. The current distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes combined with the microsatellite information lead us to conclude that there have been several introductions and to speculate on some processes that may be responsible for the current population genetics of vectors of avian malaria in Hawaii.  相似文献   

Genetic approaches to controlling the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases are being developed to augment the available chemical control practices and environmental manipulation methods. Much progress has been made in laboratory-based research that seeks to develop antipathogen or antivector effector genes and methods for genetically manipulating host vector strains. Research is summarized here in the development of a malaria-resistant phenotype using as a model system the avian parasite, Plasmodium gallinaceum, and the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Robust transformation technology based on a number of transposable elements, the identification of promoter regions derived from endogenous mosquito genes, and the development of single-chain antibodies as effector genes have made it possible to produce malaria-resistant mosquitoes. Future challenges include discovery of methods for spreading antiparasite genes through mosquito populations, determining the threshold levels below which parasite intensities of infection must be held, and defining the circumstances in which a genetic control strategy would be employed in the field.  相似文献   

Newly occurring adaptive genes, such as those providing insecticide resistance, display a fitness cost which is poorly understood. In order to detect subtle behavioural changes induced by the presence of resistance genes, we used natural predators and compared their differential predation on susceptible and resistant Culex pipiens mosquitoes, using strains with a similar genetic background. Resistance genes were either coding an overproduced detoxifying esterase (locus Ester), or an insensitive target (locus ace-1). Differential predation was measured between susceptible and resistant individuals, as well as among resistant mosquitoes. A backswimmer, a water measurer, a water boatman and a predaceous diving beetle were used as larval predators, and a pholcid spider as adult predator. Overall, the presence of a resistance gene increased the probability of predation: all resistance genes displayed predation costs relative to susceptible ones, at either the larval or adult stage, or both. Interestingly, predation preferences among the susceptible and the resistance genes were not ranked uniformly. Possible explanations for these results are given, and we suggest that predators, which are designed by natural selection to detect specific behavioural phenotypes, are useful tools to explore non-obvious differences between two classes of individuals, for example when they differ by the presence or absence of one recent gene, such as insecticide resistance genes.  相似文献   

Predation may often influence native species dynamics and so may be important for the control of introduced species as well. Here, we examine how predation can regulate fouling communities on artificial substrates in the coast of Brazil. Specifically, we tested whether predators limit colonization and establishment of introduced species. A predation experiment using plastic plates as experimental replicates (predator excluded and not excluded) was carried out in Ceará, Bahia, São Paulo and Santa Catarina, between 3°S and 27°S. Ninety-eight species colonized the plates, 14 of which were introduced. While species richness was similar among the treatments (except in Santa Catarina), community structure varied by treatment and introduced species were less abundant in the predation treatment at all sites. Also, predation was selective and controlled introduced, poorly defended, species, specifically ascidians. Thus, biotic resistance driven by predation was not ubiquitous but apparently targets one group of major economic and environmental impact. As a consequence, introduced barnacles were released from competition with dominant ascidians and thus the ecosystem service (biotic resistance) performed by fish alone was unable to completely avoid or control the introduction of non-native species. Control measures must rely on various approaches, but if we want fish to contribute in this control, it is very important to conserve the local native assembly of predators in order to reap their benefits in this ecosystem service.  相似文献   

Recent epizootics have removed important functional species from Caribbean coral reefs and left communities vulnerable to alternative attractors. Global warming will impact reefs further through two mechanisms. A chronic mechanism reduces coral calcification, which can result in depressed somatic growth. An acute mechanism, coral bleaching, causes extreme mortality when sea temperatures become anomalously high. We ask how these two mechanisms interact in driving future reef state (coral cover) and resilience (the probability of a reef remaining within a coral attractor). We find that acute mechanisms have the greatest impact overall, but the nature of the interaction with chronic stress depends on the metric considered. Chronic and acute stress act additively on reef state but form a strong synergy when influencing resilience by intensifying a regime shift. Chronic stress increases the size of the algal basin of attraction (at the expense of the coral basin), whereas coral bleaching pushes the system closer to the algal attractor. Resilience can change faster—and earlier—than a change in reef state. Therefore, we caution against basing management solely on measures of reef state because a loss of resilience can go unnoticed for many years and then become disproportionately more difficult to restore.  相似文献   

To identify potential vectors of avian malaria in Hawaiian native forests, the innate susceptibility of Aedes albopictus, Wyeomyia mitchellii, and Culex quinquefasciatus from 3 geographical sites along an altitudinal gradient was evaluated using local isolates of Plasmodium relictum. Mosquitoes were dissected 5-8 and 9-13 days postinfective blood meal and microscopically examined for oocysts and salivary-gland sporozoites. Sporogony was completed in all 3 species, but prevalence between species varied significantly. Oocysts were detected in 1-2% and sporozoites in 1-7% of Aedes albopictus that fed on infected ducklings. Wyeomyia mitchellii was slightly more susceptible, with 7-19% and 7% infected with oocysts and sporozoites, respectively. In both species, the median oocyst number was 5 or below. This is only the second Wyeomyia species reported to support development of a malarial parasite. Conversely, Culex quinquefasciatus from all 3 sites proved very susceptible. Prevalence of oocysts and sporozoites consistently exceeded 70%, regardless of gametocytemia or origin of the P. relictum isolate. In trials for which a maximum 200 oocysts were recorded, the median number of oocysts ranged from 144 to 200. It was concluded that Culex quinquefasciatus is the primary vector of avian malaria in Hawai'i.  相似文献   

Considerable research effort has been directed at understanding the genetic and molecular basis of mosquito innate immune mechanisms. Whether environmental factors interact with these mechanisms to shape overall resistance remains largely unexplored. Here, we examine how changes in mean ambient temperature, diurnal temperature fluctuation and time of day of infection affected the immunity and resistance of Anopheles stephensi to infection with Escherichia coli. We used quantitative PCR to estimate the gene expression of three immune genes in response to challenge with heat-killed E. coli. We also infected mosquitoes with live E. coli and ran bacterial growth assays to quantify host resistance. Both mosquito immune parameters and resistance were directly affected by mean temperature, diurnal temperature fluctuation and time of day of infection. Furthermore, there was a suite of complex two- and three-way interactions yielding idiosyncratic phenotypic variation under different environmental conditions. The results demonstrate mosquito immunity and resistance to be strongly influenced by a complex interplay of environmental variables, challenging the interpretation of the very many mosquito immune studies conducted under standard laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Malaria is the most significant vector‐borne disease and mostly affects people living in the lesser developed countries of tropical and sub‐tropical regions. Climate changes, rapid global transportation, immigration and invasion of exotic mosquito vectors bring the threat of introduction of the disease to developed nations. Sustainability of malaria control requires the discovery of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs, development of effective vaccines and control of vector mosquitoes. Drug development and vaccine research have been pursued aggressively over the past 20 years, and progress in novel approaches to vector control is now evident. Our long‐term objective is the production and utilization of strains of vector mosquitoes that are genetically refractory to the transmission of malaria parasites. These insects will be used to test the hypothesis that an increase in the frequency of a gene or allele that confers decreased vector competence to a population of mosquitoes will result in a reduction in the incidence and prevalence of malaria. Completed studies make it possible to develop strains of Anopheles mosquitoes expressing specific effector molecules that interfere completely with the transmission of the most lethal human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Data are reviewed here that support the use of single‐chain monoclonal antibodies (scFv) that disable parasites in the midgut and hemolymph of transgenic mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Six of seven Hawaii Amakihi (Hemignathus virens) with chronic malarial infections had no increases in peripheral parasitemia, declines in food consumption, or loss of body weight when rechallenged with the homologous isolate of Plasmodium relictum 61 to 62 days after initial infection. Five uninfected control amakihi exposed at the same time to infective mosquito bites developed acute infections with high parasitemias. Reductions in food consumption and loss of body weight occurred in all control birds and three of these individuals eventually died. When surviving birds were rechallenged >2 yr later with either the same parasite isolate or an isolate of P. relictum collected on the island of Kauai, all individuals were immune to superinfection. Chronically infected birds developed antibodies to a common suite of malarial antigens ranging in size from 22 to 170 kDa that were detectable as early as 8 days post infection on immunoblots of SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Antibodies to this suite of malarial antigens persisted as long as 1,248 days after initial infection and were consistently detectable at times when parasites were not easily found by microscopy on Giemsa-stained blood smears. The immunoblotting method that is described here appears to be an effective technique for identifying birds with chronic, low-intensity malarial infections when circulating parasites are not easily detectable by microscopy. Hawaiian honeycreepers that are capable of recovering from acute infections develop concomitant immunity to superinfection, making them functionally immune in areas where malaria transmission has become endemic.  相似文献   

The mean surface temperature rose by 1.0°C over the last 40 years in Japan. Changes in the pest status, distribution range, winter mortality, and the synchronization in phenology were examined. The increase in the number of annual generations of each taxon was predicted based on the lower developmental threshold and the thermal constant. Increasing damage due to rice- and fruit-infesting bugs, their simultaneous outbreaks and the poleward geographic spread observed for six species may be triggered by global warming. The winter mortality of adults of Nezara viridula and Halyomorpha halys is predicted to be reduced by 15% by each rise of 1°C. More than 50 species of butterflies showed northward range expansions and ten species of previously migrant butterflies established on Nansei Islands during 1966–1987. Global warming may be responsible for the recent decline in abundance of Plutella xylostella and the increase in Helicoverpa armigera and Trichoplusia ni. In general, global warming may work in favour of natural enemies (except for spiders) by increasing the number of generations more than in their host species. Biological control utilizing native natural enemies is expected to become a more important control tactic in the future. Greenhouse culture may provide a model of a temperate agroecosystem after global warming. The increasing occurrence of alien species of tropical origin in association with the increase in pesticide applications might be expected. Interception of alien pests by plant quarantine followed by integrated pest management is needed.  相似文献   

Climate change has rapidly altered many ecosystems, with detrimental effects for biodiversity across the globe. In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that the microorganisms that live in and on animals can substantially affect host health and physiology, and the structure and function of these microbial communities can be highly sensitive to environmental variables. To date, most studies have focused on the effects of increasing mean temperature on gut microbiota, yet other aspects of climate are also shifting, including temperature variation, seasonal dynamics, precipitation and the frequency of severe weather events. This array of environmental pressures might interact in complex and non-intuitive ways to impact gut microbiota and consequently alter animal fitness. Therefore, understanding the impacts of climate change on animals requires a consideration of multiple types of environmental stressors and their interactive effects on gut microbiota. Here, we present an overview of some of the major findings in research on climatic effects on microbial communities in the animal gut. Although ample evidence has now accumulated that shifts in mean temperature can have important effects on gut microbiota and their hosts, much less work has been conducted on the effects of other climatic variables and their interactions. We provide recommendations for additional research needed to mechanistically link climate change with shifts in animal gut microbiota and host fitness.  相似文献   

I investigated the susceptibility of Culex quinquefasciatus larvae collected from taro fields around Kauai island (Hawaii, USA) to Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (VectoBac). Susceptibility was based on the time required for standardized concentrations of the insecticide to kill the larvae. While 2-h exposure mortalities at an insecticide concentration of 10 μg/μl for all population samples were very similar (92–100%), sensitivities to exposures of shorter durations varied. The different time-courses of mortality suggest that the three treatment populations may have reduced sensitivity to VectoBac relative to an untreated population. However, all of the sampled mosquitoes were susceptible to VectoBac.  相似文献   

Avian malaria is among the most important threats to native Hawaiian forest birds. It is caused by the parasite Plasmodium relictum and is transmitted by the introduced mosquito vector Culex quinquefasciatus. Temperature increases and precipitation declines due to climate change over the last decade may be responsible for the observed recent expansion in the range and prevalence of avian malaria on the Alakai Plateau, Kauai Island. To examine the hypothesis that conditions are now favorable for transmission of malaria on the Plateau, mosquitoes were sampled with CO2 and Reiter oviposition traps at three sites (Kawaikoi, Halepa'akai, and Koke'e) on several occasions between October, 2013 and April, 2014. P. relictum infection was assessed by PCR or dissection under a microscope. We also surveyed mosquito larvae along Halepa'akai and Kawaikoi streams. We observed that Cx. quinquefasciatus is well established on the Alakai Plateau, as mosquitoes were caught on all field trips, except in April at Halepa'akai, and larvae were found throughout the year. We observed differences in adult abundance among sites and microhabitats (stream vs ridge lines).  相似文献   

This study assesses the potential impacts of future global warming on the carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems across monsoon Asia using the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP) dataset. We used simulation results of two emission pathways (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5), climate projections of five climate models, and seven terrestrial biome models to analyze the changes in net primary production and carbon stocks in the South, Southeast, and East Asian subregions during the period 1981–2099. The simulations indicated that by the end of the 21st century, net primary production would increase by 9–45 % and ecosystem carbon storage would increase by 42–86 Pg C. The clearest climatic impacts were found when using the adaptation-oriented emission scenario (RCP8.5), which assumes a greater CO2 increase and a larger change in climatic conditions. Substantial disparities in temporal trajectories and spatial patterns were found in the estimated changes, owing to the uncertainties in the emission scenarios, climate projections, and ecosystem models. We attempted to derive consistent patterns throughout the simulations to specify potential hotspots of climatic impacts (e.g., soil carbon change in the southern Tibetan Plateau). Finally, we discuss changes to the climatic characteristics in the study region (e.g., a change in the rainy season), the implications for ecosystem services, and the need for collaborative field monitoring studies.  相似文献   

The abundance of lesions from fish bites on corals was quantified at nine shallow reefs in the main Hawaiian Islands. There were on average 117 bite scars m−2 on Pocillopora meandrina tissue from the barred filefish Cantherhines dumerilii, 69 bites m−2 on Porites compressa tissue, and 4 bites m−2 on Porites lobata tissue from the spotted puffer Arothron meleagris. Across sites, the frequency of A. meleagris bites on P. compressa per unit area of living coral cover declined exponentially with increasing coral cover. P. compressa nubbins in two size classes (1–2 cm and 4–5 cm) were transplanted onto six study reefs. Nubbins in the small size class were entirely removed by bites from A. meleagris, while nubbins ≥4 cm were only partially consumed, leaving them able to recover. At sites with abundant P. compressa, predation had little effect on transplanted nubbins; at sites where P. compressa comprised less than 5% of living cover, all nubbins were preyed upon. A. meleagris bite lesions on P. compressa were monitored through time and fully recovered in 42 ± 4 days. A model of the risk of over-predation (a second predation event before the first is healed) decreased exponentially with increasing coral cover and increased linearly with increasing lesion healing time. The increased risk of over-predation at low coral cover could indicate an Allee effect limiting the recovery of coral populations if coral cover is substantially reduced by natural or anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

Global warming has shortened mosquitoes’ lifecycle period and increased the disease transmission rates by mosquito vectors. We reviewed only three mosquito‐borne diseases: malaria, dengue fever, and the Japanese encephalitis. Billions of people get infected with those diseases and millions of people die every year. Although we struggle to find the most effective way to control mosquitoes using various methods (including pesticides), mosquito‐borne diseases are still among the most serious problems being faced. This paper, therefore, reviews the strategies for controlling mosquitoes. The use of pesticides to control mosquitoes might have more negative effects on humans and environments than benefits. Although the development of genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes raises new hopes for effective mosquito control, it will take longer to assess the risks to humans and environments. Furthermore, there has been concern about the possible adverse effects from the release of GM mosquitoes into the environment. The various mosquito traps may not be as effective at controlling only female mosquito populations. Therefore, new strategies for the control of mosquitoes are vital. The smart mosquito counter device was developed by Korean Centre for Disease Control (KCDC) in 2013. The mosquito pest control office is able to set up the appropriate mosquito control strategies by using quantitative mosquito information. The smart device will bring mosquito control in line with modern smart generation technology and the device will also soon be able to identify different mosquito species. This new strategy will change the methods of mosquito control and will provide beneficial effects toward sustainable nature and human health.  相似文献   

Monitoring variations in proteins involved in metabolic processes, oxidative stress responses, cell signalling and protein homeostasis is a powerful tool for developing hypotheses of how environmental variations affect marine organisms' physiology and biology. According to the oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance hypothesis, thermal acclimation mechanisms such as adjusting the activities of enzymes of intermediary metabolism and of antioxidant defence mechanisms, inducing heat shock proteins (Hsps) or activating mitogen-activated protein kinases may all shift tolerance windows. Few studies have, however, investigated the molecular, biochemical and organismal responses by fishes to seasonal temperature variations in the field to link these to laboratory findings. Investigation of the impacts of global warming on fishes farmed offsore, in the open sea, can provide a stepping stone towards understanding effects on wild populations because they experience similar environmental fluctuations. Over the last 30 years, farming of the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (Linnaeus 1758) has become widespread along the Mediterranean coastline, rendering this species a useful case study. Based on available information, the prevailing seasonal temperature variations expose the species to the upper and lower limits of its thermal range. Evidence for this includes oxygen restriction, reduced feeding, reduced responsiveness to environmental stimuli, plus a range of molecular and biochemical indicators that change across the thermal range. Additionally, close relationships between biochemical pathways and seasonal patterns of metabolism indicate a connection between energy demand and metabolic processes on the one hand, and cellular stress responses such as oxidative stress, inflammation and autophagy on the other. Understanding physiological responses to temperature fluctuations in fishes farmed offshore can provide crucial background information for the conservation and successful management of aquaculture resources in the face of global change.  相似文献   

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