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Aquatic habitats in the Republic of Panamá were examined for freshwater sponges during 21 Feb. to 6 March 1986. Eunapius carteri, Trochospongilla leidyi, and Trochospongilla horrida were found in the northern canal area. This is the first report of E. carteri and T. horrida from Central America, and the first record of E. carteri from the Western Hemisphere. Taxonomic characters used to distinguish T. leidyi and T. horrida from similar South American species are discussed.  相似文献   

Four species of buthid scorpions (Ananteris platnicki Louren?o, 1993; Centruroides limbatus [Pocock, 1898]; Tityus pachyurus [Pocock, 1897]; and T. ocelote Francke and Stockwell, 1987) are recorded for the first time from some islands and cays of the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama. Morphological variation and ecological data are given for all the species. This is the first Panamanian record for both C. limbatus and T. ocelote. The scorpion fauna of the Bocas de Toro Archipelago is related with the recent fauna of the Atlantic continental lowland region of Costa Rica and Panama and includes Amazonian-Guyanese (genera Ananteris and Tityus) as well as Mexican-North Central American (genus Centruroides) elements.  相似文献   

Chronological ages of Alouattaon Barro Colorado Island (BCI) were estimated from longitudinal dental wear. Combining these data with visual censuses, we approximated the study population’s age profile. A stable model was then constructed; from it we derived agespecific mortality rates. Mortality of immature animals is high, with 88% of the males and 65% of the females dying before 5 years. Adult mortality is low until 11 years, when it accelerates. The average adult life span is 16.6 years for males and 15.5 for females. The maximum life span is over 20 years. A pubertal male growth spurt occurs from 3 to 5 years, at which time females are primiparous. Sexual size differences develop primarily during this time. The 1976 age profile had anomalously few animals aged 7 years and males aged 8–9 and 15–16 years. With corroborating evidence, we hypothesize that these deficits resulted from excessive rainfall in 1963 and 1971, which reduced the fall fruit crop and led to a high juvenile mortality. Within half of our study troops, some adult males have nearly identical ages, suggesting an active process of agemate coalition. We hypothesize a form of kin selection, wherein peripheral male cohorts from the same natal troop have greater survival and social success than solitary animals. The stable model suggests an annual growth rate of 1.5% during the 1970s. Estimates of 16.7 and 4% for the previous two decades, following a yellow-fever epidemic, imply that the BCI population is becoming stationary. A very different age structure existed on neighboring Orchid Island in 1976, suggesting general food limitation. By contrast, the lowered, but continuing growth on BCI suggests a less drastic limiting mechanism. We hypothesize that intratroop social competition limits population growth by regulating subadult survival rates during food scarcity cycles.  相似文献   

Bats represent a key component in the dynamics of many terrestrial ecosystems, and one of the groups of mammals with the highest levels of diversification in the Neotropics. Here we describe the results of a study of the bat fauna from Yurubí National Park (mountain area in Northern Venezuela), that includes a taxonomic list and the characterization of some community attributes in forested areas. Data was collected from zoological collections and diversified sampling methods from February to July of 2009 in an altitudinal gradient (100-1 500m), with three principal ecological units: semideciduous, evergreen and cloud forests. We recorded 64 species grouped in five families (63% of the bats known from La Cordillera de la Costa), of which Phyllostomidae was the dominant taxa (42 species; 66% of total), followed by Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, Emballonuridae and Mormoopidae. The community with the highest taxonomic diversification was found in the lowest elevation range, while the lowest number of species was found at the highest range. Eleven trophic guilds were identified; the insectivorous guild was the richest, whereas the frugivorous was the most abundant. Our results allow us to indicate these forest ecosystems have an appropriate conservation status, taking into account the presence of a relatively high proportion of species from the subfamily Phyllostominae, as well as the presence of other species with conservation priorities. All these aspects, and the fact that this represents a reservoir of the biological diversity of the forest ecosystems of La Cordillera de la Costa, make this protected area of an essential conservation value, in a highly endangered bioregion by neighboring socio-economic growth.  相似文献   

A hitherto unknown rotifer species was found in ponds of Doñana National Park (Spain) during winter 1990, 1991 and 1992. It belongs to the family Lecanidae (Monogononta), is related to Lecane ungulata and superficially resembles Lecane leontina.Two specimens of this species hatched after two days incubation of pond sediments in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The present study is based on oribatid mite material (Acari, Oribatida) collected from the Oumé region (Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa) in 2007. A list of identified taxa, including 67 species from 50 genera and 31 families, is presented; all species, genera and families are registered in this country for the first time; Kalloia simpliseta, Scheloribates latoincisus and Pergalumna paraelongata are recorded in the Ethiopian region for the first time. One new species of the genus Arcoppia (Oppiidae) is described; A. goulikaoensis Ermilov sp. n. differs from A. robusta Mahunka, 1988 by the well-developed bothridial heads (versus not developed), barbed branches on the bothridial setae (versus smooth) and smooth notogaster surface (versus lineolate).  相似文献   

The objective of the studies was to analyse the process of oogenesis in vimba from a non-migratory population living in the waters of Drawieński National Park in north-west Poland. The character of spawning of this species is an obstacle in determining the right moment to catch spawners or developing artificial spawning biotechniques. Previtellogenesis of vimba begins about six months after hatching and lasts three years. The trophoplasmatic growth of oocytes (October-March/April) begins when carbohydrate vesicles appear near the nuclei oocytes of sexually mature females (aged 4+). Just before spawning, granulated, lipoprotein-like substances are cumulated. The resorption of pre-ovulation corpora lutea (non-ejected oocytes) and post-ovulation corpora lutea (ruptured theca folds and follicles) begins in the ovary of vimba in the middle of June. These were observed in histological cross sections for about two to three months. Describing the process of oogenesis can provide a foundation for developing practical applications in aquaculture aimed at preserving the biodiversity of the park's waters and this critically endangered species of the Polish ichthyofauna.  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective serologic survey for antibodies against the MPB70 protein of Mycobacterium bovis in wild carnivores from Do?ana National Park (southwestern Spain). Serum samples from 118 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 39 Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), 31 Eurasian badgers (Meles meles), five Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon), four European genet (Genetta genetta), and one Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) were analyzed using an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay. Antibodies against the MPB70 protein of M. bovis were detected in seven badgers, five foxes, and one lynx. The frequency of positive animals was significantly higher in badger (23%) than in lynx (3%) and fox (4%). Antibodies were not detected in other species. Annual antibody frequency peaked at 38% in badgers and 11% for red fox. These species may contribute to persistence of bovine tuberculosis in Do?ana.  相似文献   

A freshwater fish Roeboides loftini n.sp. is described from the Río Coclé del Norte drainage of the Atlantic versant of Panamá. The new species differs from other species of the Roeboides guatemalensis-group by the number of perforated scales on the lateral line (83-100), body depth (31.8-36.1%), predorsal distance (49.1-51.9%) and the shape of the humeral spot.  相似文献   

Károly Schöll 《Biologia》2009,64(5):951-958
Gemenc floodplain lies between river kilometres km 1503 and 1469 of the Danube River; it is a part of the Danube-Dráva National Park in Hungary. The floodplain is one of the largest in Europe with an 18,000 hectares (Natura 2000) area, and various characteristic side arms and backwaters which lie completely in the floodplain. The area needs hydrological revitalization because of the sinking of the river bed caused by the regulation of the main arm at the end of the 19th century. For this revitalization an exhaustive knowledge of the hydrobiological relationships among the different water bodies is required. The aims of this study were to explore connections among the hydrological events, physico-chemical parameters of the water bodies and the diversity of the planktonic rotifer assemblages. From 2002 to 2004, 56 planktonic and 15 tychoplanktonic rotifer taxa were found in the area. The diversity of rotifer assemblages was generally higher in the parapotamal water bodies than in the main arm and in the plesio/paleo-potamal water bodies, which could be explained by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. The diversity, dominance, and evenness of the assemblages were correlated with water flow and water temperature. The most important factors influencing the diversity patterns were the occurrence of flow (retention time) as a disturbance, connectivity with the main arm, and habitat diversity of the given water body. Most of these factors are determined by the water level fluctuation of the main arm.  相似文献   

Fourteen species in five genera of Streblidae and two species in two genera of Nycteribiidae, collected in Maracá Island, State of Roraima, Brazil are presented with comments on bat hosts and geographical distribution. A total of 42 specimens of Diptera and 17 bats were captured from 1987 to 1988, integrating the "Maracá Project". All species of ectoparasites represent new geographic records for Roraima.  相似文献   

During 1997 and 1998, a survey of Iberian carnivores was conducted to study the epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis in the Do?ana National Park and surrounding areas in southwestern Spain. Post-mortem examinations were done on seven red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), two Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon), one weasel (Mustela nivalis), two genets (Genetta genetta), one Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), one Eurasian badger (Meles meles), and two polecats (Mustela putorius). Lesions suggestive of bovine tuberculosis were not detected but, in culture, Mycobacterium bovis was isolated from the retropharyngeal lymph nodes of one adult male red fox. This is the first report of M. bovis infection in red fox in Spain.  相似文献   

Two new species of Culicoides Latreille of the subgenus Haematomyidium Goeldi are described and illustrated based on female specimens from Pará, Brazil. The new species are compared with their similar congeners.  相似文献   

We are presenting a list of the reptile species from Lençóis Maranhenses National Park (LMNP), Maranhão, Brazil, obtained during 235 days of field work. The study area is located in the contact zone between three major Neotropical ecosystems: Amazonia, Caatinga, and Cerrado. The PNLM encompasses the largest dune fields in Brazil, wide shrubby areas (restingas), lakes, mangroves, and many freshwater lagoons. We have recorded 42 species of reptiles in the area: 24 snakes, 12 lizards, two worm lizards, three turtles, and one alligator. About 81 % of the recorded species occurred only in restinga areas. Our data highlights the uniqueness of the PNLM in the context of the biomes that surround it and shows the importance of efforts to improve the conservation of reptiles living in the restinga, which currently comprise only about 20 % of the total area protected by the park, but which are the mesohabitat containing most of the reptile species in the Lençóis Maranhenses complex of habitats.  相似文献   

The tick Amblyomma dissimile Koch feeds preferentially on reptiles (Squamata), although amphibians (Anura) also seem to be important hosts. We report an A. dissimile nymph infesting a blue-winged macaw, Primolius maracana, held in captivity in the Mangal das Gar?as Park, State of Pará, Brazil. Environmental observations suggest that free-living iguanas (Iguana iguana), which used to walk on the bird enclosure in the park, were the source of the A. dissimile tick that infested the blue-winged macaw. We provide the second world record of a bird host for A. dissimile, and the first bird record for this species in South America.  相似文献   



Evolution is everywhere in Galápagos, especially regarding the role the islands have played in the history of evolutionary thought. In turn, the Galápagos National Park guides are in a unique position as informal science educators, as they are the primary points-of-contact for the islands’ ~ 200,000 tourists per year. Our goal was to assess the guides’ knowledge and acceptance of the theory of evolution, in addition to learning more about their perceptions of the connection between the islands and evolution.


We surveyed 63 guides in three towns on three of the archipelago’s populated islands. Surveys included items targeting the guides knowledge of evolution (via the Knowledge of Evolution Exam, or the KEE) and acceptance of the theory of evolution (via the Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution, or the MATE). Additional, novel items gauged the guides’ perceptions of the islands, insofar as Galápagos is connected to evolution and the history of evolutionary thought.


Although acceptance of evolution was high, knowledge was relatively low. However, the guides are proud of the islands’ association with the history of evolutionary thought, and enjoy talking about evolution while giving tours. On open-ended responses, guides claimed to especially enjoy talking with tourists about geology and island culture, and a few voiced concerns about the conflict between evolution and religion. Finally, the overwhelming majority of the guides agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “I would like to learn more about Galápagos and the history of evolutionary thought.”


Galápagos guides display a disconnect between what is felt about evolution, and what is known about how evolution actually works. We can probably trace their fondness for, and acceptance of, evolution to the clear connection between evolution, tourism, and the guides’ livelihoods. We can trace their lack of knowledge to their schooling, as prior work detected similarly low knowledge of evolution in the islands’ schoolteachers. However, the guides are a receptive audience for professional development pertaining to our contemporary understanding of the mechanics of biological evolution. Improving guides’ understanding of biological evolution could, in turn, inform the evolutionary understanding of thousands of tourists each year.

Jaú National Park is a large rain forest reserve that contains small populations of four caiman species. We sampled crocodilian populations during 30 surveys over a period of four years in five study areas. We found the mean abundance of caiman species to be very low (1.0 +/- 0.5 caiman/km of shoreline), independent of habitat type (river, stream or lake) and season. While abundance was almost equal, the species' composition varied in different waterbody and study areas. We analysed the structure similarity of this assemblage. Lake and river habitats were the most similar habitats, and inhabited by at least two species, mainly Caiman crocodilus and Melanosuchus niger. However, those species can also inhabit streams. Streams were the most dissimilar habitats studied and also had two other species: Paleosuchus trigonatus and P. palpebrosus. The structure of these assemblage does not suggest a pattern of species associated and separated by habitat. Trends in species relationships had a negative correlation with species of similar size, C. crocodilus and P. trigonatus, and an apparent complete exclusion of M. niger and P. trigonatus. Microhabitat analysis suggests a slender habitat partitioning. P. trigonatus was absent from river and lake Igapó (flooded forest), but frequent in stream Igapó. This species was the most terrestrial and found in microhabitats similar to C. crocodilus (shallow waters, slow current). Melanosuchus niger inhabits deep, fast moving waters in different study areas. Despite inhabiting the same waterbodies in many surveys, M. niger and C. crocodilus did not share the same microhabitats. Paleosuchus palpebrosus was observed only in running waters and never in stagnant lake habitats. Cluster analysis revealed three survey groups: two constitute a mosaic in floodplains, (a) a cluster with both M. niger and C. crocodilus, and another (b) with only C. crocodilus. A third cluster (c) included more species, and the presence of Paleosuchus species. There was no significant difference among wariness of caimans between disturbed and undisturbed localities. However, there was a clear trend to increase wariness during the course of consecutive surveys at four localities, suggesting that we, more than local inhabitants, had disturbed caimans. The factors that are limiting caiman populations can be independent of human exploitation. Currently in Amazonia, increased the pressure of hunting, habitat loss and habitat alteration, and there is no evidence of widespread recovery of caiman populations. In large reserves as Jaú without many disturbance, most caiman populations can be low density, suggesting that in blackwater environments their recovery from exploitation should be very slow.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in the bamboo (Chusquea tessellata) páramo of Parque Natural Nacional de Chingaza, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia from December 1987 to April 1988. Above-ground biomass structure of bamboo páramo was quantified in 16 plots. These data are compared with previous results on above-ground biomass structure of bunch-grass (Calamagrostis spp.) páramos.The total (non-living and living) above-ground biomass of a Chusquea tessellata bamboo páramo was low (2,625 g DW · m–2) compared to bunch-grass páramo. Nevertheless, higher values of standing living biomass and litter are found in the bamboo páramo due to the leaf shed of the bamboo. The thick litter layer may inhibit germination and growth of nearby plants.Maximum biomass is found near the ground surface. Cumulative LAI (In transformed) and height in the bamboo vegetation are related parabolically for Chusquea tessellata and linearly for bunch-grass due to differences in leaf distribution. The mean bifacial LAI of living Chusquea tessellata leaves is 2.2 m2 · m–2, whereas it is 2.5 m2 · m-2 for all Poaceae.  相似文献   

Wood decomposition is an important component in forest ecosystems but information about the diversity of fungi causing decay is lacking. This is especially true for the temperate rain forests in Chile. These investigations show results of a biodiversity study of white-rot fungi in wood obtained from Chiloé National Park in Los Lagos region, Chile. Culturing from white-rotted wood followed by sequencing of the complete internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) or partial large subunit region of the rDNA, identified 12 different species in the Basidiomycota. All of these fungi were characterized as white rot fungi and were identified with a BLAST match of 97 % or greater to sequences in the GenBank database. Fungi obtained were species of Phlebia, Mycoacia, Hyphodontia, Bjerkandera, Phanerochaete, Stereum, Trametes, and Ceriporiopsis. This report identifies for the first time in Chile the species Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, Hyphodontia radula, Phlebia radiata, Phanerochaete affinis, Peniophora cinerea, Stereum gausapatum, Phlebia setulosa and Phanerochaete sordida. Scanning electron microscopy was used to characterize the type of decay caused by the fungi that were isolated and a combination of selective lignin degraders and simultaneous white rot fungi were found. Fungi that cause a selective degradation of lignin are of interest for bioprocessing technologies that require modification or degradation of lignin without cellulose removal.  相似文献   

Nearly 230 species of biting midges have been recorded or described from Argentina; 38 of them are known from the Buenos Aires province and only one is cited from Martín García Island. This paper presents the results raised from six collecting trips which took place on the island during spring 2005, summer 2006 and autumn 2009. Diverse sampling sites including permanent and temporary aquatic environments were chosen, most of the ten sampling sites were ponds of diverse origin, some of these environments were covered with floating vegetation as Lemna gibba, Lemna minuscule, Salvinia biloba, Salvinia minima, Azolla filiculoides, Limnobium laevigatum, Pistia stratiotes, Spirodela intermedia, Wolffiella oblonga and Wolffia columbiana. Other sites were placed in urban and suburban areas. Adults were collected with sweep nets at sunrise and sunset and with light traps at intervals of four to five hours at night, depending on electricity availability on the island. Larvae and pupae were collected with different implements depending on characteristics of each surveyed aquatic habitat. In free standing water, they were captured with small sieves or hand pipettes and micropipettes, flotation techniques were utilized for sampling vegetated areas, free and rooted floating hydrophytes were extracted for removing insects among them. Thirteen species of Ceratopogonidae were collected, three of Atrichopogon Kieffer, three of Forcipomyia Meigen, two of Dasyhelea Kieffer, four of Culicoides Latreille, and one of Bezzia Kieffer, all representing new records from the island.  相似文献   

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