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Using frozen sections from human muscle biopsies, we assessed the value of Nile blue and Nile red, two fluorescent probes, as stains for lipid droplets in normal and pathological skeletal muscle fibers. In normal muscle, lipid storage disorders, and mitochondrial myopathies, Nile blue stained the lipid droplets as yellow-gold fluorescent structures. The lipid droplets were also seen as yellow-gold fluorescent structures in Nile red-stained sections, but the outstanding feature in these preparations was the staining of the membrane network of the muscle fibers and membrane proliferations in pathological muscle as red-orange fluorescent structures. These results suggest that both Nile blue and Nile red stains are useful for visualization of lipid droplets and membrane proliferations in pathological muscle biopsies.  相似文献   

【目的】建立产油酵母筛选以及胞内油脂含量测定的简便方法。【方法】利用尼罗红与胞内油脂成分结合后在紫外光照射下发出荧光且荧光强弱与油脂含量相关的原理。通过在添加尼罗红的培养基中培养酵母,并观察菌落荧光的方法对385株深海酵母进行产油脂菌株筛选,利用26S rDNA D1/D2区序列分析方法对筛选获得的产油酵母菌株进行鉴定,并以其中的一株高产油脂酵母(2A00015)为试验菌株,建立了一套尼罗红染色快速测定油脂含量的方法。【结果】获得22株产油酵母,其中油脂含量最高可达62.9%,经分子鉴定后显示这22株酵母分别属于(Candida viswanathii)、近平滑假丝酵母(Candidaparapsilosis)、粘质红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa)、汉逊德巴利酵母(Debaryomyceshansenii)、季也蒙毕赤酵母(Pichia guilliermondii)以及Rhodosporidium paludigenum酵母。尼罗红染色快速测定油脂含量方法的最佳检测条件为:菌悬液OD600小于1.2,尼罗红浓度0.5 mg/L,染色时间5 min,激发波长488 nm,发射波长570 nm。该测定方法得到相对荧光强度与称重法得到油脂含量呈正相关性,R2=0.9637。  相似文献   

Our results show that the noncovalent dye 9-diethylamino-5H-benzo[alpha]phenoxazine-5-one (Nile red) can be used as a fluorescent probe to study the hydrophobic properties of proteins associated with the anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Nile red can interact with both SDS micelles and protein-SDS complexes. The enhancement of Nile red fluorescence observed with diverse types of proteins occurs at SDS concentrations lower than the critical micelle concentration of this detergent. This is also observed using the covalent fluorophore rhodamine B isothiocyanate. Additional results obtained in studies in solution show that the fluorescence intensity and the spectral characteristics of Nile red associated with different proteins complexed with SDS are very similar. These spectroscopic similarities are probably related to the equivalent synchrotron X-ray scattering results found for various protein-SDS complexes in solution. The scattering results suggest that SDS induces the formation of complexes in which the basic structural properties are independent of the different initial structures of native proteins. We speculate that Nile red is bound to regions with equivalent hydrophobic characteristics located in the uniform structures produced by the association of SDS with proteins.  相似文献   

Nile red is a phenoxazone dye that fluoresces intensely, and in varying color, in organic solvents and hydrophobic lipids. However, the fluorescence is fully quenched in water. The dye acts, therefore, as a fluorescent hydrophobic probe. We utilized this novel property of nile red to develop a sensitive fluorescent histochemical stain for tissue lipids. Nile red was prepared by boiling Nile blue A under reflux for 2 hr in 0.5% H2SO4, and extracting the product into xylene. For staining, the purified dye is dissolved in 75% glycerol (1-5 micrograms/ml) and applied to frozen tissue sections. Tissue lipids then fluoresce yellow-gold to red, depending on their relative hydrophobicity. Using sections of liver and aorta from a cholesterol-fed rabbit, we assessed the value of Nile red as a stain for neutral lipids by comparing the staining pattern obtained with that produced by oil red O, a commonly used dye for tissue cholesteryl esters and triacylglycerols. In the cholesterol fatty liver, Nile red staining was comparable to that of oil red O. In contrast, Nile red staining of rabbit aortic atheroma revealed ubiquitous lipid deposits not observed with oil red O staining. These latter results suggest that Nile red can detect neutral lipid deposits, presumably unesterified cholesterol, not usually seen with oil red O or other traditional fat stains.  相似文献   

Novel DNA binding ligands (1 and its stereoisomer 2) which contain three potentially intercalating units in a linear molecular skeleton were prepared. From a study of the displacement of ethidium bromide from several natural and synthetic polynucleotides, both compounds 1 and 2 were found to show an AT base-pair preference in the interaction with DNAs with 2 a slightly higher affinity for DNA. This result is in sharp contrast to that for acridine and anthraquinone, because these two compounds exhibit a GC-preference.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Neutral red (NR), a lipophilic phenazine dye, has been widely used in various biological systems as a vital stain for bright-field microscopy. In its unprotonated form it penetrates the plasma membrane and tonoplast of viable plant cells, then due to protonation it becomes trapped in acidic compartments. The possible applications of NR for confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) studies were examined in various aspects of plant root biology. METHODS: NR was used as a fluorochrome for living roots of Phaseolus vulgaris, Allium cepa, A. porrum and Arabidopsis thaliana (wild-type and transgenic GFP-carrying lines). The tissues were visualized using CLSM. The effect of NR on the integrity of the cytoskeleton and the growth rate of arabidopsis primary roots was analysed to judge potential toxic effects of the dye. KEY RESULTS: The main advantages of the use of NR are related to the fact that NR rapidly penetrates root tissues, has affinity to suberin and lignin, and accumulates in the vacuoles. It is shown that NR is a suitable probe for visualization of proto- and metaxylem elements, Casparian bands in the endodermis, and vacuoles in cells of living roots. The actin cytoskeleton and the microtubule system of the cells, as well as the dynamics of root growth, remain unchanged after short-term application of NR, indicating a relatively low toxicity of this chemical. It was also found that NR is a useful probe for the observation of the internal structures of root nodules and of fungal hyphae in vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas. CONCLUSIONS: Ease, low cost and absence of tissue processing make NR a useful probe for structural, developmental and vacuole-biogenetic studies of plant roots with CLSM.  相似文献   

Lipid extracts of the red algaGracilaria longa were studied by1H- and13C-NMR spectroscopy. Peaks in the13C-NMR spectra attributable to sterols, chlorophylls and carotenoids allowed free and acylated cholesterol, chlorophylla and lutein to be identified as the most abundant components of these classes. A content of 0.5 ± 0.1 μmoles of total cholesterol/g wet alga was estimated from the1H-NMR spectrum, which also allowed the determination of the phosphatidylcholine/total lipid molar ratio (9.5 ± 0.5%). The13C-NMR spectroscopic experiments provided information on the position of the double bonds on the fatty acid residues. A comparison between NMR spectra of lipid extracts obtained for wet and dried alga showed that the alga undergoes both a dramatic peroxidation and some glycolipid degradation during the drying process.  相似文献   

We describe the use of the fluorescent dye nile red, 9-diethylamino-5H-benzo[alpha]phenoxazine-5-one, as a general-purpose reagent for the rapid detection and quantitation of a wide variety of lipids and other hydrophobic compounds separated by thin-layer chromatography. After samples are applied to silica gel plates and chromatographed, the plate is briefly dipped into a nile red solution (8 micrograms/ml of methanol-water 80:20, v/v). Background fluorescence of nile red dye adsorbed to the silica gel is then preferentially destroyed by dipping the plate in a dilute aqueous solution of bleach. After drying, lipid bands are visualized under ultraviolet light. Reflectance fluorometry (Ex: 580 nm; Em: 640 nm) is utilized for in situ quantitative analysis of the fluorescence of the lipids on the nile red-stained plate. Neutral lipids, phospholipids, sphingolipids, and fatty acids can be examined, although the nile red fluorescence intensity varies significantly among the lipid classes. Also, staining is stronger for unsaturated lipids than for saturated lipids. The lower detection limit of the assay is 25-100 ng for cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, triacylglycerols, and phospholipids.  相似文献   

Binding of Nile Red to tubulin enhances and blue-shifts fluorescence emission to about 623 nm with a "shoulder" around 665 nm. Binding is reversible and saturable with an apparent Kd of approximately 0.6 microM. Nile Red does not alter tubulin polymerization, and polymerization in 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (Mes) buffer does not alter the spectrum of the Nile Red-tubulin complex. In contrast, polymerization in glutamate buffer results in a red shift, reduction of intensity, and a decrease in lifetime, suggesting an increase in "polarity" of the binding environment. Lifetimes of 4.5 and 0.6 ns fluorescence in Mes buffer are associated with the 623-nm peak and the 665-nm shoulder, respectively. Indirect excitation spectra for these components are distinct and the 4.5-ns component exhibits tryptophan to Nile Red energy transfer. Acrylamide quenching yields linear Stern-Volmer plots with unchanged lifetimes, indicating static quenching. Apparent quenching constants are wavelength-dependent; global analysis reveals a quenchable component corresponding to the 4.5 ns component and an "unquenchable" component superposing the 0.6-ns spectrum. Analysis of anisotropy decay required an "associative" model which yielded rotational correlation times of greater than 50 ns for the 4.5-ns lifetime and 0.3 ns for the 0.6-ns lifetime. Dilution of tubulin in Mes results in an apparent red shift of emission without lifetime changes, due only to loss of the 623-nm component. These data are reconciled in terms of a model with two binding sites on the tubulin dimer. The more "nonpolar" site is located in a region of subunit-subunit contact which accounts for the fluorescence changes upon dilution; this permits estimation of a subunit dissociation constant of 1 microM.  相似文献   

Binding of the lipophilic probe merocyanine 540 to artificial bilayers was assessed by measuring the enhancement of fluorescence which results when dye enters the hydrophobic environment of the membrane. Titration of a constant amount of dye with increasing amounts of vesicles revealed that much more dye binds to multilamellar and 1000-Å, unilamellar vesicles which are in the fluid-phase state than to comparable vesicles which are in the gel-phase state. Incorporation of cholesterol into fluid-phase vesicles at levels of greater than 20 mol% reduced dye binding, whereas cholesterol had no effect at any concentration when incorporated into gel-phase vesicles. Sonicated 200–300-Å unilamellar gel-phase vesicles, which because of their reduced radius of curvature resemble fluid-phase bilayers in their more widely spaced exterior leaflet lipids, bound more dye than 1000-Å unilameilar gel-phase vesicles constructed from the same lipid. These results suggest that merocyanine 540 is able to sense the degree of lipid packing of bilayers and inserts preferentially into bilayers whose lipids are more widely spaced.  相似文献   

Protein and lipid kinases are two important classes of biomedically relevant enzymes. The expression and activity of many kinases are known to be dysregulated in a variety of diseases, and proteomic tools that can assess the presence and activity of these enzymes are likely to be useful for their evaluation. Because many of the mechanisms by which protein kinases can become unregulated involve post-translational modifications or changes in protein localization, they can only be detected by examining protein activity, sometimes within the context of the living cell. Wortmannin is a steroid-derived fungal metabolite that covalently inhibits both protein and lipid kinases. Here we describe the synthesis of three wortmannin derivatives, biotin-wortmannin, BODIPY-wortmannin, and tetramethylrhodamine-wortmannin. We demonstrate that these reagents exhibit reactivity similarly as wortmannin and react with members of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and PI3-kinase related kinase families in cellular lysates. Moreover, in some cases these reagents can differentiate between the active and inactive forms of the enzyme, indicating that they are activity-based probes. The reagents also exhibit complementary properties. The biotin-wortmannin reagent is effective in the isolation of labeled proteins; all three can be used for protein labeling, and BODIPY-wortmannin is cell-permeable and can be used to label proteins within cells.  相似文献   

The 5-methyl-BDY-3-dodecanoic acid (B12FA) labelling of BHK cell lipids was analyzed by thin layer and reverse phase column chromatography. Incorporation to phospholipids was selective: over 90% of B12FA label was enriched in phosphatidylcholine. The major molecular species of PC was that containing palmitate as the unlabelled fatty acid. Small amounts of label was also found in other phosphoglycerides, but not in sphingomyelin. Triglycerides and diglycerides constituted the main B12FA-labelled neutral lipid classes; however, no label was found in cholesterol esters. B12FA was degraded to shorter homologues, which had significantly slower lipid incorporation rates. B12FA-labelled cells displayed in a microscope initially green reticular type fluorescence, but later red spherical structures, representing neutral lipid droplets, could also be seen. It is concluded that B12FA does not incorporate indiscriminately to all lipid classes of BHK cells, but is enriched to PC, diglycerides and triglycerides, which could be utilized in studies on lipid transport as well as metabolism.  相似文献   

Gaining an understanding of the structural and functional roles of cholesterol in membrane lipid rafts is a critical issue in studies on cellular signaling and because of the possible involvement of lipid rafts in various diseases. We have focused on the potential of perfringolysin O (theta-toxin), a cholesterol-binding cytolysin produced by Clostridium perfringens, as a probe for studies on membrane cholesterol. We prepared a protease-nicked and biotinylated derivative of perfringolysin O (BCtheta) that binds selectively to cholesterol in cholesterol-rich microdomains of cell membranes without causing membrane lesions. Since the domains fulfill the criteria of lipid rafts, BCtheta can be used to detect cholesterol-rich lipid rafts. This is in marked contrast to filipin, another cholesterol-binding reagent, which binds indiscriminately to cell cholesterol. Using BCtheta, we are now searching for molecules that localize specifically in cholesterol-rich lipid rafts. Recently, we demonstrated that the C-terminal domain of perfringolysin O, domain 4 (D4), possesses the same binding characteristics as BCtheta. BIAcore analysis showed that D4 binds specifically to cholesterol with the same binding affinity as the full-size toxin. Cell-bound D4 is recovered predominantly from detergent-insoluble, low-density membrane fractions where raft markers, such as cholesterol, flotillin and Src family kinases, are enriched, indicating that D4 also binds selectively to lipid rafts. Furthermore, a green fluorescent protein-D4 fusion protein (GFP-D4) was revealed to be useful for real-time monitoring of cholesterol in lipid rafts in the plasma membrane. In addition, the expression of GFP-D4 in the cytoplasm might allow the investigations of intracellular trafficking of lipid rafts. The simultaneous visualization of lipid rafts in plasma membranes and inside cells might help in gaining a total understanding of the dynamic behavior of lipid rafts.  相似文献   

The quenching efficiency of iodide as a penetrating fluorescence quencher for a membrane-associated fluorophore was utilized to measure the molecular packing of lipid bilayers. The KI quenching efficiency of tryptophan-fluorescence from melittin incorporated in DMPC bilayer vesicles peaks at the phase transition temperature (24 degrees C) of DMPC, whereas acrylamide quenching efficiency does not depend on temperature. The ability of iodide to penetrate the hydrocarbon region of the bilayer was examined by measuring the fluorescence quenching of the pyrene-phosphatidylcholine incorporated into DMPC vesicles (pyrene was attached to the 10th carbon of the sn-2 chain). The quenching efficiency of pyrene by iodide again shows a maximum at the lipid phase transition. We conclude that iodide penetrates the membrane hydrocarbon region at phase transition through an increased number of bilayer defects. The magnitude of change in quenching efficiency of iodide during lipid phase transition provides a sensitive technique to probe the lipid organization in membranes.  相似文献   

Spectrofluorometric analysis of hydrogen peroxide   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pH of maximum fluorescence (above pH 7) and the optimal excitation and emission wavelengths (468 nm and 519 nm, respectively) were determined for 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein (DCF). The stoichiometry after hydrolysis of the oxidation of the stable nonfluorescent compound 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (LDADCF) was determined and found to be 2 moles of DCF produced per mole of hydrogen peroxide used.  相似文献   

Cyclodextrins (CDs) are a family of cyclic oligosaccharides composed of α‐(1,4)‐linked glucopyranose subunits. The most important feature of CDs is their ability to form inclusion complexes (host–guest complexes) with a very wide range of solid, liquid and gaseous compounds by a molecular complexation. During the last decade, a considerable number of research papers has been focused on the use of CDs to enhance fluorescence intensity of different analytes and to develop CD‐induced spectrofluorimetric method. In this review, the various spectrofluorimetric methods based on host–inclusion complex are presented. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary Permeabilities for a homologous series of amine and carboxylate nitroxide spin probes were measured in human red blood cells by an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method. Permeabilities determined in this study are much lower than would be predicted for a sheet of bulk hydrocarbon and the polarity of the rate-limiting region is shown to be greater than bulk hydrocarbon. This suggests that the rate-limiting region for permeation of these nonelectrolytes is somewhere in the membrane periphery rather than in the center of the membrane. The red cell membrane does not discriminate between these probes on the basis of molecular volume, as might be predicted by a simple free-volume theory of membrane permeation.  相似文献   

It is shown that ruthenium red acts as a paramagnetic probe in NMR spectroscopy. Unlike lanthanide and calcium ions it acts as a substitution probe for polyamine binding sites in biological systems, although it also binds at sites where calcium binds.  相似文献   

Spin probes were intercalated in oriented films formed from a series of lipids to study their ability to form ordered bilayers. Factors found to be important are the size and charge of the headgroup, the number, length, and degree of unsaturation of the acyl chains, the presence of cholesterol, and the type and concentration of ions in the aqueous phase. Unsaturated diglycerides and monoglycerides did not form bilayers; saturated monoglycerides formed well-ordered bilayers above their transition temperatures and cholesterol allowed the formation of ordered bilayers at lower temperatures. Saturated diglycerides did not form bilayers at temperatures at which the probe was dissolved in the system. The addition of calcium ions increased the anisotropy of films formed from a mixture of lecithin, cholesterol, and phosphatidic acid, but disrupted films formed from phosphatidylserine. Caution must be exercised in interpreting electron spin resonance spectra of films since films of tightly packed lipids tend to exclude spin probes and preparations which are clearly lamellar manifest a high degree of disorder within the bilayers.  相似文献   

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