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Apomictic plants often produce pollen that can function in crosses with related sexuals. Moreover, facultative apomicts can produce some sexual offspring. In dandelions, Taraxacum, a sexual-asexual cycle between diploid sexuals and triploid apomicts, has been described, based on experimental crosses and population genetic studies. Little is known about the actual hybridization processes in nature. We therefore studied the sexual-asexual cycle in a mixed dandelion population in the Netherlands. In this population, the frequencies of sexual diploids and triploids were 0.31 and 0.68, respectively. In addition, less than 1% tetraploids were detected. Diploids were strict sexuals, triploids were obligate apomicts, but tetraploids were most often only partly apomictic, lacking certain elements of apomixis. Tetraploid seed fertility in the field was significantly lower than that of apomictic triploids. Field-pollinated sexual diploids produced on average less than 2% polyploid offspring, implying that the effect of hybridization in the 2x-3x cycle in Taraxacum will be low. Until now, 2x-3x crosses were assumed to be the main pathway of new formation of triploid apomicts in the sexual-asexual cycle in Taraxacum. However, tetraploid pollen donors produced 28 times more triploid offspring in experimental crosses with diploid sexuals than triploid pollen donors. Rare tetraploids may therefore act as an important bridge in the formation of new triploid apomicts.  相似文献   

Asexual organisms usually have larger and more northern distributions than their sexual relatives. This phenomenon, called geographical parthenogenesis, has been controversially attributed to predispositions in certain taxa; advantages of polyploidy and/or hybrid origin; better colonizing abilities because of uniparental reproduction; introgression of apomixis into sexuals; niche differentiation of clones; or biotic interactions. This review on apomictic plants demonstrates that each of these factors alone has not been able to explain the observed distributions. Establishment of the complex regulatory system of apomixis requires taxonomic and geographical predispositions; hybridization and/or polyploidization do create diversity, but they do not necessarily result in large distributions; colonizing abilities depend on clonal diversity and are outweighed by sexuals by self-compatibility and higher potentials for speciation; niche differentiation, ploidy levels and selfing keep sympatric sexuals and apomicts separated; and the impact of biotic interactions on distributions is uncertain. In conclusion, the distributional success of apomicts has a complex causality and depends on certain circumstances and combinations of factors. The rare establishment of apomixis may help to explain the predominance of sexuality on the large scale.  相似文献   

The genus Taraxacum is a widely dispersed, ecologically variable taxon of some 2000 sexual and apomictic (agarnospermous) species. Data from numerous studies are used to examine the influences sexuality and apomixis have had on its evolution, geographical distribution and ecological diversification. A new explanation is given of the geographical distribution of sexual and apomictic forms, and the role of polyploidy in buffering apomicts against the effects of an accumulation of deleterious mutations is examined.  相似文献   

Apomixis, asexual reproduction through seeds, occurs in over 40 plant families. This widespread phenomenon can lead to the fixation of successful genotypes, resulting in a fitness advantage. On the other hand, apomicts are expected to lose their fitness advantage if the environment changes because of their limited evolutionary potential, which is due to low genetic variability and the potential accumulation of deleterious somatic mutations. Nonetheless, some apomicts have been extremely successful, for example certain apomictic accessions of Hieracium pilosella L. from New Zealand, where the plant is invasive. Here, we investigate whether the success of these apomictic accessions could be due to a fitness advantage by comparing the vegetative competitiveness of apomictic H. pilosella from New Zealand with sexual accessions of H. pilosella from Europe. Sexual and apomictic plants were grown either (A) alone (no competition), (B) in competition with the other type (intra-specific competition), (C) in competition with the grass Bromus erectus (inter-specific competition), and (D) in competition with the other type and the grass B. erectus (intra- and inter-specific competition). To distinguish effects of apomixis and the region of origin, different H. pilosella lineages were compared. Furthermore, experiments were carried out to investigate effects of the ploidy level. We show that sexual plants are better inter-specific competitors than apomicts in terms of vegetative reproduction (number of stolons) and vegetative spread (stolon length), while apomicts do better than sexuals in intra-specific competition. The magnitude of the effect was in some cases dependent on the ploidy levels of the plants. Furthermore, apomicts always produced more stolons than sexuals, suggesting potential displacement of sexuals by apomicts where they co-occur.  相似文献   

Because of their higher evolvability, sexuals may have an advantage relative to asexual organisms in a competitive environment with many biotic interactions. We tested this idea using sexual and apomictic Taraxacum , dandelions. Taraxacum seedlings were grown without competition and in different competing combinations in a greenhouse. Apomicts had more and longer leaves than sexuals, but the same dry weight at harvest as sexuals. Competition reduced growth to the same extent in both apomicts and sexuals. Therefore, we conclude that sexual dandelions are no superior competitors relative to apomicts. In Taraxacum , new apomictic lineages spin off from the sexual population with some unknown frequency. This may enable the apomictic community to keep up with the sexual population.  相似文献   

 Most apomicts are hermaphroditic and pseudogamous (pollination is necessary to trigger parthenogenesis). In these plants, fitness depends on the number of progeny obtained by maternal reproduction. We determined the evolutionary stable strategy for male and female sex allocation. We show that the efficiency of pollination determines male and female resource allocations. Predictions are made of these allocations, of pollen/ovule ratio and of seed-set. We show that self-compatibility in apomicts is necessary for the maintenance of an apomictic population, and thus can account for the association between the loss of self-incompatibility and pseudogamous apomixis. In contrast to sexuals, male investment in pseudogamous apomicts increases with the rate of self-pollination. Received: 15 June 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

Negative reproductive interactions are likely to be strongest between close relatives and may be important in limiting local coexistence. In plants, interspecific pollen flow is common between co‐occurring close relatives and may serve as the key mechanism of reproductive interference. Agamic complexes, systems in which some populations reproduce through asexual seeds (apomixis), while others reproduce sexually, provide an opportunity to examine effects of reproductive interference in limiting coexistence. Apomictic populations experience little or no reproductive interference, because apomictic ovules cannot receive pollen from nearby sexuals. Oppositely, apomicts produce some viable pollen and can exert reproductive interference on sexuals by siring hybrids. In the Crepis agamic complex, sexuals co‐occur less often with other members of the complex, but apomicts appear to freely co‐occur with one another. We identified a mixed population and conducted a crossing experiment between sexual diploid C. atribarba and apomictic polyploid C. barbigera using pollen from sexual diploids and apomictic polyploids. Seed set was high for all treatments, and as predicted, diploid–diploid crosses produced all diploid offspring. Diploid–polyploid crosses, however, produced mainly polyploidy offspring, suggesting that non‐diploid hybrids can be formed when the two taxa meet. Furthermore, a small proportion of seeds produced in open‐pollinated flowers was also polyploid, indicating that polyploid hybrids are produced under natural conditions. Our results provide evidence for asymmetric reproductive interference, with pollen from polyploid apomicts contributing to reduce the recruitment of sexual diploids in subsequent generations. Existing models suggest that these mixed sexual–asexual populations are likely to be transient, eventually leading to eradication of sexual individuals from the population.  相似文献   

Self-fertilization and apomixis have often been seen as alternative evolutionary strategies of flowering plants that are advantageous for colonization scenarios and in bottleneck situations. Both traits have multiple origins, but different genetic control mechanisms; possible connections between the two phenomena have long been overlooked. Most apomictic plants, however, need a fertilization of polar nuclei for normal seed development (pseudogamy). If self-pollen is used for this purpose, self-compatibility is a requirement for successful pollen tube growth. Apomictic lineages usually evolve from sexual self-incompatible outcrossing plants, but pseudogamous apomicts frequently show a breakdown of self-incompatibility. Two possible pathways may explain the evolution of SC: (1) Polyploidy not only may trigger gametophytic apomixis, but also may result in a partial breakdown of SI systems. (2) Alternatively, frequent pseudo self-compatibility (PSC) via aborted pollen may induce selfing of pseudogamous apomicts (mentor effects). Self-fertile pseudogamous genotypes will be selected for within mixed sexual–apomictic populations because of avoidance of interploidal crosses; in founder situations, SC provides reproductive assurance independent from pollinators and mating partners. SI pseudogamous genotypes will be selected against in mixed populations because of minority cytotype problems and high pollen discounting; in founder populations, SI reactions among clone mates will reduce seed set. Selection for SC genotypes will eliminate SI unless the apomict maintains a high genotypic diversity and thus a diversity of S-alleles within a population, or shifts to pollen-independent autonomous apomixis. The implications of a breakdown of SI in apomictic plants for evolutionary questions and for agricultural sciences are being discussed.  相似文献   

Most plant species produce genetically variable seeds by the fusion of meiotically reduced egg cells and pollen grains. However, a small proportion of seed plants produces clonal, asexual seeds by the process of apomixis. The fixation of heterosis by apomixis is of great interest for plant breeding. The prospect of changing sexual crop species into apomictic crop species by genetic engineering--apomixis technology--has recently caused a boom in apomixis research. According to evolutionary biological theories, a dominant apomixis gene will rapidly become fixed in an outcrossing sexual population. Therefore, in theory, apomixis transgenes could have unconditional advantages that could result in the uncontrollable spread of the transgenes. By contrast, 'classic' transgenes might only have conditional advantages. Paradoxically, sexual reproduction and not apomixis is common in nature. However, this is no guarantee that apomixis transgenes will be ecologically safe because there could be essential differences between natural and transgenic apomicts.  相似文献   

Paspalum dilatatum Poir. and its related species are warm-season grasses native to the grasslands of temperate South America. The group comprises several sexual tetraploid forms and apomictic tetraploids, pentaploids, hexaploids, and heptaploids. Interest in several of these biotypes as forage grasses has led to the accumulation of abundant cytogenetic information, evolutionary hypotheses, and thorough field studies which make the group a very promising model for analysis of evolutionary processes in apomictic complexes. Microsatellite markers were used here to analyze the relationships among the apomictic biotypes and evolutionary pathways. Most apomictic biotypes were shown to be monoclonal and sexual recombination is probably very rare. Suggested mechanisms for the formation of apomicts involve either unreduced female gametes or euploid pollen grains from the pentaploid biotype. Even-ploid apomictics, including those cytologically capable of facultative apomixis, are monoclonal and seem to play a very minor role in the evolution of the complex. The relationships hypothesized among the apomicts are congruent with a single origin of apomixis in the group which in turn would be coded by a non-recombining genome.  相似文献   

The genetic mechanisms causing seed development by gametophytic apomixis in plants are predominantly unknown. As apomixis is consistently associated with hybridity and polyploidy, these confounding factors may either (a) be the underlying mechanism for the expression of apomixis, or (b) obscure the genetic factors which cause apomixis. To distinguish between these hypotheses, we analyzed the population genetic patterns of diploid and triploid apomictic lineages and their sexual progenitors in the genus Boechera (Brassicaceae). We find that while triploid apomixis is associated with hybridization, the majority of diploid apomictic lineages are likely the product of intra-specific crosses. We then show that these diploid apomicts are more likely to sire triploid apomictic lineages than conspecific sexuals. Combined with flow cytometric seed screen phenotyping for male and female components of apomixis, our analyses demonstrate that hybridization is an indirect correlate of apomixis in Boechera.  相似文献   

Dandelions (genus Taraxacum) comprise a group of sexual diploids and apomictic polyploids with a complicated reticular evolution. Apomixis (clonal reproduction through seeds) in this genus is considered to be obligate, and therefore represent a good model for studying the role of asexual reproduction in microevolutionary processes of apomictic genera. In our study, a total of 187 apomictic individuals composing a set of nine microspecies (sampled across wide geographic area in Europe) were genotyped for six microsatellite loci and for 162 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Our results indicated that significant genetic similarity existed within accessions with low numbers of genotypes. Genotypic variability was high among accessions but low within accessions. Clustering methods discriminated individuals into nine groups corresponding to their phenotypes. Furthermore, two groups of apomictic genotypes were observed, which suggests that they had different asexual histories. A matrix compatibility test suggests that most of the variability within accession groups was mutational in origin. However, the presence of recombination was also detected. The accumulation of mutations in asexual clones leads to the establishment of a network of clone mates. However, this study suggests that the clones primarily originated from the hybridisation between sexual and apomicts.  相似文献   

Apomixis evolves from a sexual background and usually is linked to polyploidization. Pseudogamous gametophytic apomicts, which require a fertilization to initiate seed development, of various ploidy levels frequently co‐occur with their lower‐ploid sexual ancestors, but the stability of such mixed populations is affected by reproductive interferences mediated by cross‐pollination. Thereby, reproductive success of crosses depends on the difference in ploidy levels of mating partners, that is, on tolerance of deviation from the balanced ratio of maternal versus paternal genomes. Quality of pollen can further affect reproductive success in intercytotype pollinations. Cross‐fertilization, however, can be avoided by selfing which may be induced upon pollination with mixtures of self‐ and cross‐pollen (i.e., mentor effects). We tested for reproductive compatibility of naturally co‐occurring tetraploid sexuals and penta‐ to octoploid apomicts in the rosaceous species Potentilla puberula by means of controlled crosses. We estimated the role of selfing as a crossing barrier and effects of self‐ and cross‐pollen quality as well as maternal: paternal genomic ratios in the endosperm on reproductive success. Cross‐fertilization of sexuals by apomicts was not blocked by selfing, and seed set was reduced in hetero‐ compared to homoploid crosses. Thereby, seed set was negatively related to deviations from balanced parental genomic ratios in the endosperm. In contrast, seed set in the apomictic cytotypes was not reduced in hetero‐ compared to homoploid crosses. Thus, apomictic cytotypes either avoided intercytotype cross‐fertilization through selfing, tolerated intercytotype cross‐fertilizations without negative effects on reproductive success, or even benefitted from higher pollen quality in intercytotype pollinations. Our experiment provides evidence for asymmetric reproductive interference, in favor of the apomicts, with significantly reduced seed set of sexuals in cytologically mixed populations, whereas seed set in apomicts was not affected. Incompleteness of crossing barriers further indicated at least partial losses of a parental genomic endosperm balance requirement.  相似文献   

Abstract: The mode of reproduction, sexual or asexual, will influence the way populations respond to selective pressures. This can cause genetic and ecological divergence between sexual and asexual forms of the same species. Here we examine differences in morphology and phenology between sexual and apomictic types of dandelion, Taraxacum officinale. Sexual and apomictic dandelions were collected from a mixed population on the banks of the river Rhine, The Netherlands. Clonal copies of both sexual and apomictic genotypes were planted in an experimental garden under two light levels. Sexual plants flowered four days later on average than apomicts, but the number of capitula was the same. Apomicts had longer leaves and were heavier than sexual plants, especially under shaded conditions. In apomicts plasticity for leaf length and height was larger than in sexuals, but for most other measured traits no differences in plasticity were observed. Trait values of apomicts were within the same range as those of sexual plants.  相似文献   

Taraxacum officinale L. (dandelion) is a vigorous weed in Europe with diploid sexual populations in the southern regions and partially overlapping populations of diploid sexuals and triploid or tetraploid apomicts in the central and northern regions. Previous studies have demonstrated unexpectedly high levels of genetic variation in the apomictic populations, suggesting the occurrence of genetic segregation in the apomicts and (or) hybridization between sexual and apomictic individuals. In this study we analysed meiosis in both sexual diploid and apomictic triploid plants to find mechanisms that could account for the high levels of genetic variation in the apomicts. Microscopic study of microsporocytes in the triploid apomicts revealed that the levels of chromosome pairing and chiasma formation at meiotic prophase I were lower than in that of the sexual diploids, but still sufficient to assume recombination between the homologues. Nomarski DIC (differential interference contrast) microscopy of optically cleared megasporocytes in the apomicts demonstrated incidental formation of tetrads, which suggests that hybridization can occur in triploid apomicts.  相似文献   

Sexual devolution in plants: apomixis uncloaked?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are a growing number of examples where naturally occurring mutations disrupt an established physiological or developmental pathway to yield a new condition that is evolutionary favored. Asexual reproduction by seed in plants, or apomixis, occurs in a diversity of taxa and has evolved from sexual ancestors. One form of apomixis, diplospory, is a multi-step development process that is initiated when meiosis is altered to produce an unreduced rather than a reduced egg cell. Subsequent parthenogenetic development of the unreduced egg yields genetically maternal progeny. While it has long been apparent from cytological data that meiosis in apomicts was malfunctional or completely bypassed, the genetic basis of the phenomenon has been a long-standing mystery. New data from genetic analysis of Arabidopsis mutants in combination with more sophisticated molecular understanding of meiosis in plants indicate that a weak mutation of the gene SWI, called DYAD, interferes with sister chromatid cohesion in meiosis I, causes synapsis to fail in female meiosis and yields two unreduced cells. The new work shows that a low percentage of DYAD ovules produce functional unreduced egg cells (2n) that can be fertilized by haploid pollen (1n) to give rise to triploid (3n) progeny. While the DYAD mutants differ in some aspects from naturally occurring apomicts, the work establishes that mutation to a single gene can effectively initiate apomictic development and, furthermore, focuses efforts to isolate apomixis genes on a narrowed set of developmental events. Profitable manipulation of meiosis and recombination in agronomically important crops may be on the horizon.  相似文献   

In asexual (apomictic) plants, the absence of meiosis and sex is expected to lead to mutation accumulation. To compare mutation accumulation in the transcribed genomic regions of sexual and apomictic plants, we performed a double-validated analysis of copy number variation (CNV) on 10 biological replicates each of diploid sexual and diploid apomictic Boechera, using a high-density (>700 K) custom microarray. The Boechera genome demonstrated higher levels of depleted CNV, compared with enriched CNV, irrespective of reproductive mode. Genome-wide patterns of CNV revealed four divergent lineages, three of which contain both sexual and apomictic genotypes. Hence genome-wide CNV reflects at least three independent origins (i.e., expression) of apomixis from different sexual genetic backgrounds. CNV distributions for different families of transposable elements were lineage specific, and the enrichment of LINE/L1 and long term repeat/Copia elements in lineage 3 apomicts is consistent with sex and meiosis being mechanisms for purging genomic parasites. We hypothesize that significant overrepresentation of specific gene ontology classes (e.g., pollen–pistil interaction) in apomicts implies that gene enrichment could be an adaptive mechanism for genome stability in diploid apomicts by providing a polyploid-like system for buffering the effects of deleterious mutations.  相似文献   

The isolation of genes associated with apomixis would improve understanding of the molecular mechanism of this mode of reproduction in plants as well as open the possibility of transfer of apomixis to sexual plants, enabling cloning of crops through seeds. Brachiaria brizantha is a highly apomictic grass species with 274 tetraploid apomicts accessions and only one diploid sexual. In this study we have compared gene expression in ovaries at megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis of sexual and apomictic accessions of B. brizantha by differential display (DD-PCR), with 60 primer combinations. Specificity of 65 cloned fragments, checked by reverse northern blot analysis, showed that 11 clones were differentially expressed, 6 in apomictic ovaries, 2 in sexual and 3 in apomictic and sexual, but at different stages. Of the 6 sequences isolated that were preferentially expressed in the apomictic accession: one sequence was from ovaries at megasporogenesis stage; three were from megagametogenesis stage; two were from both stages. Of the two sequences isolated from the sexual accessions, one showed expression in ovaries at megagametogenesis, while the other sequence was shown to be specific to both stages. Three sequences were from megasporogenesis stage in apomicts but were also detected at megagametogenesis in sexual plants. Sequence analysis showed that 5 of the 11 clones had no apparent homologues in the protein database. Some of the clones identified as apomictic-specific shared homology with known genes enabling their functional annotation. The relationships of these functions to the generation of the apomictic trait are discussed.  相似文献   

Trends concerning coevolution of mode of reproduction and genome size were elucidated by screening both components in 71 species/subspecies of the genus Hypericum. Two independent agamic complexes were identified (sections Ascyreia with ten, and Hypericum with five apomictic species). In the phylogenetically younger section Hypericum, the relative DNA content of apomicts is increased solely by polyploidy. The apomicts of the evolutionarily older section Ascyreia have significantly larger genomes than all other species due to polyploidization and higher DNA content per chromosome. An accumulation of retroelements might be one reason for the larger genomes. The male fertility of the apomicts was reduced compared to sexuals, although all apomicts were facultative pseudogamous, forming reduced male gametes. Another form of apomixis (obligate pseudogamous with unreduced male gametes), probably indicating an escape from interspecific sterility, was found in H. scabrum, the only case of asexual seed formation outside of sections Ascyreia and Hypericum. The described scenario for evolution of apomixis in relation to genome size deserves consideration in harnessing of apomixis.  相似文献   

Levels and distribution of genetic variation were studied in central and western European populations of Taraxacum section Ruderalia containing differing mixtures of sexual diploid and asexual triploid plants. All sexual populations were panmictic with their variation partitioned mainly among populations. Genotypic diversity in triploid samples was very high with few clones widespread and many clones restricted to one or a few populations. Extensive amounts of gene (pollen) flow between the diploid and triploid components of a population were inferred from the following data: (1) the two ploidy levels share all major allozyme polymorphisms; (2) the intrapopulational homogeneity in genic variation between diploids and triploids contrasts strongly with the geographic differentiation at each ploidy level separately; (3) population-unique alleles simultaneously occur at the two ploidy levels; (4) not only sexuals but also asexuals generally simulate Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Most likely, intrapopulational gene exchange occurs bidirectionally by mechanisms such as reductional pollen meiosis in apomictic plants, facultative apomixis, and formation of unreduced gametes in sexuals. Thus, diploid and triploid Taraxacum section Ruderalia are less genetically isolated than has previously been supposed and probably form a cohesive evolutionary unit with the level at which gene pools are shared differing by population.  相似文献   

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