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The effects of solution conditions on protein collapse were studied by measuring the hydrodynamic radii of two unfolded proteins, alpha-synuclein and acid-denatured ferricytochrome c, in dilute solution and in 1 M glucose. The radius of alpha-synuclein in dilute solution is less than that predicted for a highly denatured state, and adding 1 M glucose causes further collapse. Circular dichroic data show that alpha-synuclein lacks organized structure in both dilute solution and 1 M glucose. On the other hand, the radius of acid-denatured cytochrome c in dilute solution is consistent with that of a highly denatured state, and 1 M glucose induces collapse to the size and structure of native cytochrome c. Taken together, these data show that alpha-synuclein, a natively unfolded protein, is collapsed even in dilute solution, but lacks structure.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - This review compares the three-dimensional structures of the solublec-type cytochromes that functionally link membrane-bound energy transducingcomplexes in algal,...  相似文献   

A J Wand  H Roder  S W Englander 《Biochemistry》1986,25(5):1107-1114
The hydrogen exchange behavior of the N-terminal helical segment in horse heart cytochrome c was studied in both the reduced and the oxidized forms by use of two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance methods. The amide protons of the first six residues are not H bonded and exchange rapidly with solvent protons. The most N-terminal H-bonded groups--the amide NH of Lys-7 to Phe-10--exhibit a sharp gradient in exchange rate indicative of dynamic fraying behavior, consistent with statistical-mechanical principles. This occurs identically in both reduced and oxidized cytochrome c. In the oxidized form, residues 11-14, which form the last helical turn, all exchange with a similar rate, about one million times slower than the rate characteristic of freely exposed peptide NH, even though some are on the aqueous face of the helix and others are fully buried. These and similar observations in several other proteins appear to document local cooperative unfolding reactions as determinants of protein H exchange reactions. The N-terminal segment of cytochrome c is insensitive to the heme redox state, as in the crystallographic model, except for residues closest to the heme (Cys-14 and Ala-15), which exchange about 15-fold more slowly in the reduced form. The cytochrome c H exchange results can be further considered in terms of the conformation of the native and the transiently unfolded forms and their free energy relationships in both the reduced and the oxidized states.  相似文献   

A procedure to measure exchange rates of fast exchanging protein amide hydrogens by time-resolved NMR spectroscopy following in situ initiation of the reaction by diluting a native protein solution into an exchanging deuterated buffer is described. The method has been used to measure exchange rates of a small set of amide hydrogens of reduced cytochrome c, maintained in a strictly anaerobic atmosphere, in the presence of an otherwise inaccessible range of guanidinium deuterochloride concentrations. The results for the measured protons indicate that hydrogen exchange in the unfolding transition region of cytochrome c reach the EX2 limit, but emphasize the difficulty in interpretation of the exchange mechanism in protein hydrogen exchange studies. Comparison of free energies of structure opening for the measured hydrogens with the global unfolding free energy monitored by far-UV CD measurements has indicated the presence of at least one partially unfolded equilibrium species of reduced cytochrome c. The results provide the first report of measurement of free energy of opening of structure to exchange in the 0–2-kcal/mol range. Proteins 32:241–247, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The exchange of a large number of amide hydrogens in oxidized equine cytochrome c was measured by NMR and compared with structural parameters. Hydrogens known to exchange through local structural fluctuations and through larger unfolding reactions were separately considered. All hydrogens protected from exchange by factors greater than 10(3) are in defined H-bonds, and almost all H-bonded hydrogens including those at the protein surface were measured to exchange slowly. H-exchange rates do not correlate with H-bond strength (length) or crystallographic B factors. It appears that the transient structural fluctuation necessary to bring an exchangeable hydrogen into H-bonding contact with the H-exchange catalyst (OH(-)-ion) involves a fairly large separation of the H-bond donor and acceptor, several angstroms at least, and therefore depends on the relative resistance to distortion of immediately neighboring structure. Accordingly, H-exchange by way of local fluctuational pathways tends to be very slow for hydrogens that are neighbored by tightly anchored structure and for hydrogens that are well buried. The slowing of buried hydrogens may also reflect the need for additional motions that allow solvent access once the protecting H-bond is separated, although it is noteworthy that burial in a protein like cytochrome c does not exceed 4 angstroms. When local fluctuational pathways are very slow, exchange can become dominated by a different category of larger, cooperative, segmental unfolding reactions reaching up to global unfolding.  相似文献   

A E García  G Hummer 《Proteins》1999,36(2):175-191
We study the dynamical fluctuations of horse heart cytochrome c by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in aqueous solution, at four temperatures: 300 K, 360 K, 430 K, and 550 K. Each simulation covers a production time of at least 1.5 nanoseconds (ns). The conformational dynamics of the system is analyzed in terms of collective motions that involve the whole protein, and local motions that involve the formation and breaking of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The character of the MD trajectories can be described within the framework of rugged energy landscape dynamics. The MD trajectories sample multiple conformational minima, with basins in protein conformational space being sampled for a few hundred picoseconds. The trajectories of the system in configurational space can be described in terms of diffusion of a particle in real space with a waiting time distribution due to partial trapping in shallow minima. As a consequence of the hierarchical nature of the dynamics, the mean square displacement autocorrelation function, <|x(t) - x(0)|2>, exhibits a power law dependence on time, with an exponent of around 0.5 for times shorter than 100 ps, and an exponent of 1.75 for longer times. This power law behavior indicates that the system exhibits suppressed diffusion (sub-diffusion) in sampling of configurational space at time scales shorter than 100 ps, and enhanced (super-diffusion) at longer time scales. The multi-basin feature of the trajectories is present at all temperatures simulated. Structural changes associated with inter-basin displacements correspond to collective motions of the Omega loops and coiled regions and relative motions of the alpha-helices as rigid bodies. Similar motions may be involved in experimentally observed amide hydrogen exchange. However, some groups showing large correlated motions do not expose the amino hydrogens to the solvent. We show that large fluctuations are not necessarily correlated to hydrogen exchange. For example, regions of the proteins forming alpha helices and turns show significant fluctuations, but as rigid bodies, and the hydrogen bonds involved in the formation of these structures do not break in proportion to these fluctuations. Proteins 1999;36:175-191. Published 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Gong J  Yao P  Duan H  Jiang M  Gu S  Chunyu L 《Biomacromolecules》2003,4(5):1293-1300
The structural transformation of cytochrome c (cyt c) and its heme-free precursor, apo cyt c, induced by negatively charged sulfonated polystyrene (SPS) with different charge density (degree of sulfonation) and chain length was studied to understand the factors that influence the folding and unfolding of the protein. SPS forms stable transparent nanoparticles in aqueous solution. The hydrophobic association of the backbone chain and phenyl groups is balanced by the electrostatic repulsion of the sulfonate groups on the particle surface. The binding of cyt c to negatively charged SPS particles causes an extensive disruption of the native compact structure of cyt c: the cleavage of Fe-Met80 ligand, about 40% loss of the helical structure, and the disruption of the asymmetry environment of Trp59. On the other hand, SPS particle-bound apo cyt c undergoes a conformational change from the random coil to alpha-helical structure. The folding of apo cyt c in SPS particles was influenced by pH and ionic strength of the solution, SPS concentration, and the degree of sulfonation and chain length of SPS. The folding can reach more than 90% of the alpha-helix content of native cyt c in solution. Poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS), which is 100% sulfonated polystyrene and cannot form hydrophobic cores in the solution, induces only two-thirds of the alpha-helix content compared with SPS. It appears that the electrostatic interaction between PSS/SPS and apo cyt c induces an early partially folded state of apo cyt c. The hydrophobic interaction between nonpolar residues in apo cyt c and the hydrophobic cores in SPS particles extends the alpha-helical structure of apo cyt c.  相似文献   

The singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis was applied to a large set of far-ultraviolet circular dichroism (far-UV CD) spectra (100-400 spectra) of horse heart cytochrome c (cyt c). The spectra were collected at pH 1.7-5.0 in (NH4)2SO4, sorbitol and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) solutions. The present purpose is to develop a rigorous matrix method applied to far-UV CD spectra to resolve in details conformational properties of proteins in the non-native (or denatured) regions. The analysis established that three basis spectral components are contained in a data set of difference spectra (referred to the spectrum of the native state) used here. By a further matrix transformation, any observed spectrum could be decomposed into fractions of the native (N), the molten-globule (MG), the highly denatured (D), and the alcohol-induced helical (H) spectral forms. This method could determine fractional transition curves of each conformer as a function of solution conditions, which gave the results consistent with denaturation curves of cyt c monitored by other spectroscopic methods. The results in sorbitol solutions, for example, suggested that the preferential hydration effect of the co-solvent stabilizes the MG conformer of cyt c. This report has found that the systematic SVD analysis of the far-UV CD spectra is a powerful tool for the conformational analysis of the non-native species of a protein when it is suitably supplemented with other experimental methods.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c is degraded by a large excess of hydrogen peroxide, leading to opening of the heme porphyrin ring and loss of the Soret absorption bands. The kinetic parameters of this reaction have been determined, and it is shown that a small concentration of oxygen is liberated at the same rate as degradation. Low-level chemiluminescence and release of a hydroxylating species also accompany heme destruction. It is proposed that heme iron activates hydrogen peroxide to a more powerful oxidant, perhaps the hydroxyl radical, which remains bound to the heme iron and initiates attack on the porphyrin ring. Chemiluminescence appears to result from a side reaction involving singlet oxygen attack on the alpha-methene bridge, yielding a dioxetane. The in vivo degradation of cytochrome c by excess hydrogen peroxide may interfere with respiration, accelerate aging, and enhance the metabolism of carcinogens.  相似文献   

Oxidative alteration of mitochondrial cytochrome c has been linked to disease and is one of the causes of pro-apoptotic events. We have investigated the modification of cytochrome c by H2O2. When cytochrome c was incubated with H2O2, oligomerization of the protein increased and the formation of carbonyl derivatives and dityrosine was stimulated. Radical scavengers prevented these effects suggesting that free radicals are implicated in the H2O2-mediated oligomerization. Oligomerization was significantly inhibited by the iron chelator, deferoxamine. During incubation of deoxyribose with cytochrome c and H2O2, damage to the deoxyribose occurred in parallel with the release of iron from cytochrome c. When cytochrome c that had been exposed to H2O2 was analyzed by amino acid analysis, the tyrosine, histidine and methionine residues proved to be particularly sensitive. These results suggest that H2O2-mediated cytochrome c oligomerization is due to oxidative damage resulting from free radicals generated by a combination of the peroxidase activity of cytochrome c and the Fenton reaction of free iron released from the oxidatively-damaged protein.  相似文献   

Four betacyanin pigments were analysed by LC NMR and subjected to extensive NMR characterisation after isolation. Previously, low pH values were applied for NMR investigations of betalains resulting in rapid degradation of the purified substances thus preventing extensive NMR studies. Consequently, up to now only one single (13)C NMR spectrum of a betalain pigment, namely that of neobetanin (=14,15-dehydrobetanin), was available. Because of its sufficient stability under highly acidic conditions otherwise detrimental for betacyanins, this pigment remained an exemption. Since betalains are most stable in the pH range of 5-7, a new solvent system has been developed allowing improved data acquisition through improved pigment stability at near neutral pH. Thus, not only (1)H, but for the first time also partial (13)C data of betanin, isobetanin, phyllocactin and hylocerenin isolated from red-purple pitaya [Hylocereus polyrhizus (Weber) Britton & Rose, Cactaceae] could be indirectly obtained by gHSQC- and gHMQC-NMR experiments.  相似文献   

During oxygenic photosynthesis, cytochrome c(6) shuttles electrons between the membrane-bound complexes cytochrome bf and photosystem I. Complex formation between Phormidium laminosum cytochrome f and cytochrome c(6) from both Anabaena sp. PCC 7119 and Synechococcus elongatus has been investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chemical-shift perturbation analysis reveals a binding site on Anabaena cytochrome c(6), which consists of a predominantly hydrophobic patch surrounding the heme substituent, methyl 5. This region of the protein was implicated previously in the formation of the reactive complex with photosytem I. In contrast to the results obtained for Anabaena cytochrome c(6), there is no evidence for specific complex formation with the acidic cytochrome c(6) from Synechococcus. This remarkable variability between analogous cytochromes c(6) supports the idea that different organisms utilize distinct mechanisms of photosynthetic intermolecular electron transfer.  相似文献   

The reaction of H2O2 with mixed-valence and fully reduced cytochrome c oxidase was investigated by photolysis of fully reduced and mixed-valence carboxy-cytochrome c oxidase in the presence of H2O2 under anaerobic conditions. The results showed that H2O2 reacted rapidly (k = (2.5-3.1) X 10(4) M-1 X s-1) with both enzyme species. With the mixed-valence enzyme, the fully oxidised enzyme was reformed. On the time-scale of our experiments, no spectroscopically detectable intermediate was observed. This demonstrates that mixed-valence cytochrome c oxidase is able to use H2O2 as a two-electron acceptor, suggesting that cytochrome c oxidase may under suitable conditions act as a peroxidase. Upon reaction of H2O2 with the fully reduced enzyme, cytochrome a was oxidised before cytochrome a3. From this observation it was possible to estimate that the rate of electron transfer from cytochrome a to a3 is about 0.5-5 s-1.  相似文献   

Here we present a solution NMR study of the complex between yeast cytochrome c (Cc) and cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP), a paradigm for understanding the biological electron transfer. Performed for the first time, the CcP-observed heteronuclear NMR experiments were used to probe the Cc binding in solution. Combining the Cc- and CcP-detected experiments, the binding interface on both proteins was mapped out, confirming that the X-ray structure of the complex is maintained in solution. Using NMR titrations and chemical shift perturbation analysis, we show that the interaction is independent of the CcP spin-state and is only weakly affected by the Cc redox state. Based on these findings, we argue that the complex of the ferrous Cc and the cyanide-bound CcP is a good mimic of the catalytically-active Cc–CcP compound I species. Finally, no chemical shift perturbations due to the Cc binding at the low-affinity CcP site were observed at low ionic strength. We discuss possible reasons for the absence of the effects and outline future research directions.  相似文献   

At high concentration (98% or higher, v/v), glycerol induces collapse of acid-denatured cytochrome c into a compact state, the GU state, showing a molten globule character. The GU state possesses a nativelike -helix structure but a tertiary conformation less packed with respect to the native state. The spectroscopic properties of the GU state closely resemble those of the molten globule stabilized by the organic solvent from the native protein (called the GN state), indicating that glycerol can stabilize the molten globule of cytochrome c either from the native or the acid-denatured protein. The GU and the GN states show spectroscopic (and, thus, structural) properties and stabilities comparable to those of molten globules stabilized by different effectors, despite the fact that the mechanisms involved in the molten globule formation may significantly differ. This implies in cytochrome c a hierarchy for the rupture (native-to-molten globule) or the formation (unfolded-to-molten globule) of intramolecular interactions leading to the stabilization of the molten globule state of the protein, independently from the effector responsible for the structural transition, in accord with the sequential model proposed by Englander and collaborators.  相似文献   

The important role played by chemical exchange in solving the proton assignment problem for oxidized and reduced horse cytochrome c is described. Some novel approaches for establishing oxidation-reduction exchange correlations in combinations of several two-dimensional spectra were used. Unambiguous chemical exchange correlations were established for 55 NH-C alpha H resonances and all the aromatic and side chain methyl resonances. Consistent although not fully unambiguous main chain proton correlations were observed for 47 of the remaining 49 residues. The many exchange correlations found serve to multiply cross-connect the two extensive, individually self-consistent networks of assignments found for the oxidized and reduced forms, and thus help to confirm both sets of assignments.  相似文献   

Structural intermediates in folding of yeast iso-2 cytochrome c   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
B T Nall 《Biochemistry》1983,22(6):1423-1429
The kinetic properties of the folding reactions of iso-2 cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been investigated by stopped-flow and temperature-jump methods. Three different structural probes are compared: (1) absorbance changes in the visible reflecting changes in heme environment, (2) ultraviolet absorbance changes due to the exposure of aromatic groups to solvent, and (3) tryptophan fluorescence attributable principally to the average distance between the tryptophan residue (donor) and the heme (quencher). In addition, two probes either indicative of or correlated with function, ascorbic acid reducibility and the 695-nm absorbance band, have been used to monitor specifically the rate of formation of the native protein on refolding. The fastest phase observed (tau 3) has a measurable relative amplitude only when monitored by visible absorbance changes, suggesting that this reaction involves changes in heme environment in the absence of significant changes in the heme to tryptophan distance or in the extent to which aromatic groups are exposed to solvent. Different slow phases are observed when complete refolding is monitored by visible or ultraviolet absorbance (tau 1a) as opposed to tryptophan fluorescence (tau 1b), the fluorescence changes being complete on a time scale 4-8-fold faster than for absorbance. A mid-range kinetic phase (tau 2) is detected by all three structural probes. When ascorbic acid reducibility or 695-nm absorbance changes are used to monitor the rate of formation of the native protein, two phases are detected: tau 2 and tau 1a. Taken together these results demonstrate that kinetic phase tau 1b results in the formation of a structural intermediate in folding with fluorescence close to that of the native protein but with distinct absorbance properties.  相似文献   

Zinc-substituted cytochrome c has been widely used in studies of protein-protein interactions and photo-induced electron transfer reactions between proteins. However, the coordination geometry of zinc in zinc-substituted cyt c has not yet been determined; two different opinions about the coordination have been reached. Here the solution structures of zinc-substituted cytochrome c that might be five-coordinated and six-coordinated have been refined separately by using (1)H NMR spectroscopy, and the zinc coordination geometry was determined just by NOE distance constraints. Structural analysis of the energy-minimized average solution structures of both the pentacoordinated and hexacoordinated geometries indicate that that zinc in zinc-substituted cyt c should be bound to both His18 and Met80, which means that the zinc is six-coordinated. RMSD values of the family of 25 six-coordinated structures from the average structure are 0.66+/-0.13 A and 1.09+/-0.16 A for the backbone and all heavy atoms, respectively. A statistical analysis of the structure indicates its satisfactory quality. Comparison of the solution structure of the six-coordinated energy-minimized average structure of zinc-substituted cytochrome c with the solution structure of reduced cytochrome c reveals that for the overall folding the secondary structure elements are very close. The availability of the structure provides for a better understanding of the protein-protein complex and for electron transfer processes between Zn cyt c and other metalloproteins.  相似文献   

Using hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HX) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, we have investigated the stability and structural changes of recombinant human interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) during aggregation induced by guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) and potassium thiocyanate. First, HX labeling was initiated after the amorphous aggregates were formed to probe the tertiary structure of the aggregated state. Second, labeling was performed at low protein concentrations to assess stability under aggregation prone conditions. In 1 M GdnHCl, the stability of IFN-gamma was greatly reduced and much less protection from HX in solution was observed. Exchange under these conditions was slower in helix C than in the rest of the protein. Aggregates formed in 1 M GdnHCl showed a HX pattern consistent with a partially unfolded state with an intact helix C. Although aggregates formed in 0.3 M KSCN exhibited a HX pattern similar to those formed in GdnHCl, the solution phase HX pattern in 0.3 M KSCN was surprisingly comparable to that of the native state. Varying the aggregation time before performing HX revealed that KSCN first precipitated native protein and then facilitated partial unfolding of the precipitated protein. These results show that helix C, which forms the hydrophobic core of the IFN-gamma dimer, is highly protected from HX under native conditions, is more stable in GdnHCl than the rest of the protein and remains intact in both GdnHCl- and KSCN-induced aggregates. This suggests that native-state HX patterns may presage regions of the protein susceptible to unfolding during aggregation.  相似文献   

Electrostatically stabilized complexes of fully oxidized cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans and horse heart cytochrome c were studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The experiments were carried out with the wild-type oxidase and a variant in which a negatively charged amino acid in the binding domain (D257) is replaced by an asparagine. It is shown that cytochrome c induces structural changes at heme a and heme a(3) which are reminiscent to those found in mammalian cytochrome c oxidase-cytochrome c complex. The spectral changes are attributed to subtle changes in the heme-protein interactions implying that there is a structural communication from the binding domain even to the remote catalytic center. Only for the heme a modes minor spectral differences were found in the response of the wild-type and the D257N variant oxidase upon cytochrome c binding indicating that electrostatic interactions of aspartate 257 are not crucial for the perturbation of the catalytic site structure in the complex. On the other hand, in none of the complexes, structural changes were detected in the bound cytochrome c. These findings are in contrast to previous results obtained with beef heart cytochrome c oxidase which triggers the formation of a new conformational state of cytochrome c assumed to be involved in the biological electron transfer process.  相似文献   

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