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The systematic identification of the function of all the genes in the mammalian genome is one of the major scientific challenges for the 21st century. A comprehensive insight into mammalian gene function will illuminate our understanding of the genetic bases of disease. Mouse mutagenesis is a powerful tool for the study of mammalian gene function. Most recently, a number of approaches employing the chemical mutagen ethylnitrosourea (ENU) have been utilised by mouse geneticists to deliver a substantial new collection of mouse disease models. The growing mouse mutant archive provides a powerful resource for the identification of novel genes involved with human genetic disease.  相似文献   

In order to rapidly identify a substantial fraction of the genes with a unique and essential role in vertebrate development, the laboratory of Nancy Hopkins at MIT has performed a large insertional mutagenesis screen in zebrafish using a pseudotyped retroviral vector as the mutagen. We have recovered mutations in about one-quarter of the embryonic essential genes in this organism, and have identified the mutated genes in nearly all of these (333). As the ease of gene identification allowed us to clone the mutated genes for nearly all of the mutants rather than prioritizing based upon the initially observed phenotypes, this has provided an unbiased view of the diversity of genes required for vertebrate development as well as a large collection of mutants to be screened for more specific phenotypes. In collaboration with other labs, we have screened the insertional mutant for the development of a variety of organs and cell types, as well as phenotypes that could represent disease models, such as cystic kidney and hepatomegaly. Furthermore, while all of these mutants are embryonic lethal in their homozygous state, we are investigating the heterozygous adults for additional phenotypes, such as cancer predisposition.  相似文献   

The hedgehog (hh) genes encode secreted signaling proteins that have important developmental functions in vertebrates and invertebrates. In Drosophila, expression of hh coordinates retinal development by propagating a wave of photoreceptor differentiation across the eye primordium. Here we report that two vertebrate hh genes, sonic hedgehog (shh) and tiggy-winkle hedgehog (twhh), may perform similar functions in the developing zebrafish. Both shh and twhh are expressed in the embryonic zebrafish retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), initially in a discrete ventral patch which then expands outward in advance of an expanding wave of photoreceptor recruitment in the subjacent neural retina. A gene encoding a receptor for the hedgehog protein, ptc-2, is expressed by retinal neuroepithelial cells. Injection of a cocktail of antisense (alphashh/alphatwhh) oligonucleotides reduces expression of both hh genes in the RPE and slows or arrests the progression of rod and cone photoreceptor differentiation. Zebrafish strains known to have mutations in Hh signaling pathway genes similarly exhibit retardation of photoreceptor differentiation. We propose that hedgehog genes may play a role in propagating photoreceptor differentiation across the developing eye of the zebrafish.  相似文献   

The vertebrate gonad develops from the intermediate mesoderm as an initially bipotential organ anlage, the genital ridge. In mammals, Sry acts as a genetic switch towards testis development. Sox9 has been shown to act downstream of Sry in testis development, while Dax1 appears to counteract Sry. Few more genes have been implicated in early gonad development. However, the genetic networks controlling early differentiation events in testis and ovary are still far from being understood. In order to provide a broader basis for the molecular analysis of gonad development, high-throughput gene expression analysis was utilized to identify genes specifically expressed in the gonad. In total, among 138 genes isolated which showed tissue specific expression in the embryo, 79 were detected in the developing gonad or sex ducts. Twenty-seven have not been functionally described before, while 40 represent known genes and 12 are putative mouse orthologues. Forty-five of the latter two groups (86%) have not been described previously in the fetal gonad. In addition, 21 of the gonad specific genes showed sex-dimorphic expression suggesting a role in sex determination and/or gonad differentiation. Eighteen of the latter (86%) have not been described previously in the fetal gonad. In total we provide new data on 72 genes which may play a role in gonad or sex duct development and/or sex determination. Thus we have generated a large gene resource for the investigation of these processes, and demonstrate the suitability of high-throughput gene expression screening for the genetic analysis of organogenesis.  相似文献   

Using a subtractive hybridisation approach, we enriched for genes likely to play a role in embryonic development of the mammalian face and other structures. This was achieved by subtracting cDNA derived from adult mouse liver from that derived from 10.5 dpc mouse embryonic branchial arches 1 and 2. Random sequencing of clones from the resultant library revealed that a high percentage correspond to genes with a previously established role in embryonic development and disease, while 15% represent novel or uncharacterised genes. Whole mount in situ hybridisation analysis of novel genes revealed that approximately 50% have restricted expression during embryonic development. In addition to expression in branchial arches, these genes showed a range of expression domains commonly including neural tube and somites. Notably, all genes analysed were found to be expressed not only in the branchial arches but also in the developing limb buds, providing support for the hypothesis that development of the limbs and face is likely to involve analogous molecular processes.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, the pronephros is the functional larval kidney and consists of two identifiable components; the glomus, the pronephric tubules, which can be divided into four separate segments, based on marker gene expression. The simplicity of this organ, coupled with the fact that it displays the same basic organization and function as more complex mesonephros and metanephros, makes this an attractive model to study vertebrate kidney formation. In this study, we have performed a functional screen specifically to identify genes involved in pronephros development in Xenopus. Gain-of-function screens are performed by injecting mRNA pools made from a non-redundant X. tropicalis full-length plasmid cDNA library into X. laevis eggs, followed by sib-selection to identify the single clone that caused abnormal phenotypes in the pronephros. Out of 768 egg and gastrula stage cDNA clones, 31 genes, approximately 4% of the screened clones, affected pronephric marker expression examined by whole mount in situ hybridization or antibody staining. Most of the positive clones had clear expression patterns in pronephros and predicted/established functions highly likely to be involved in developmental processes. In order to carry out a more detailed study, we selected Sox7, Cpeb3, P53csv, Mecr and Dnajc15, which had highly specific expression patterns in the pronephric region. The over-expression of these five selected clones indicated that they caused pronephric abnormalities with different temporal and spatial effects. These results suggest that our strategy to identify novel genes involved in pronephros development was highly successful, and that this strategy is effective for the identification of novel genes involved in late developmental events.  相似文献   



Obesity is known to increase the risk of colorectal cancer. However, mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of obesity-induced colorectal cancer are not completely understood. The purposes of this study were to identify differentially expressed genes in the colon of mice with diet-induced obesity and to select candidate genes as early markers of obesity-associated abnormal cell growth in the colon.


C57BL/6N mice were fed normal diet (11% fat energy) or high-fat diet (40% fat energy) and were euthanized at different time points. Genome-wide expression profiles of the colon were determined at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Cluster analysis was performed using expression data of genes showing log2 fold change of ≥1 or ≤?1 (twofold change), based on time-dependent expression patterns, followed by virtual network analysis.


High-fat diet-fed mice showed significant increase in body weight and total visceral fat weight over 12 weeks. Time-course microarray analysis showed that 50, 47, 36, and 411 genes were differentially expressed at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks, respectively. Ten cluster profiles representing distinguishable patterns of genes differentially expressed over time were determined. Cluster 4, which consisted of genes showing the most significant alterations in expression in response to high-fat diet over 12 weeks, included Apoa4 (apolipoprotein A-IV), Ppap2b (phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2B), Cel (carboxyl ester lipase), and Clps (colipase, pancreatic), which interacted strongly with surrounding genes associated with colorectal cancer or obesity.


Our data indicate that Apoa4, Ppap2b, Cel, and Clps are candidate early marker genes associated with obesity-related pathological changes in the colon. Genome-wide analyses performed in the present study provide new insights on selecting novel genes that may be associated with the development of diseases of the colon.

Identification of genes involved in bamboo fiber development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rai V  Ghosh JS  Pal A  Dey N 《Gene》2011,478(1-2):19-27

Neuronal migration and growth cone motility are essential aspects of the development and maturation of the nervous system. These cellular events result from dynamic changes in the organization and function of the cytoskeleton, in part due to the activity of cytoskeletal motor proteins such as myosins. Although specific myosins such as Myo2 (conventional or muscle myosin), Myo1, and Myo5 have been well characterized for roles in cell motility, the roles of the majority of unconventional (other than Myo2) myosins in cell motility events have not been investigated. To address this issue, we have undertaken an analysis of unconventional myosins in zebrafish, a premier model for studying cellular and growth cone motility in the vertebrate nervous system. We describe the characterization and expression patterns of several members of the unconventional myosin gene family. Based on available genomic sequence data, we identified 18 unconventional myosin- and 4 Myo2-related genes in the zebrafish genome in addition to previously characterized myosin (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) genes. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that these genes can be grouped into existing classifications for unconventional myosins from mouse and man. In situ hybridization analyses using EST probes for 18 of the 22 identified genes indicate that 11/18 genes are expressed in a restricted fashion in the zebrafish embryo. Specific myosins are expressed in particular neuronal or neuroepithelial cell types in the developing zebrafish nervous system, spanning the periods of neuronal differentiation and migration, and of growth cone guidance and motility.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Incorporating genetic analyses into birth defect cluster investigations may increase understanding of both genetic and environmental risk factors for the defect. Current constraints of most birth defect cluster investigations make candidate gene selection the most feasible approach. Here, we describe strategies for choosing candidate genes for such investigations, which will also be applicable to more general gene-environment studies. METHODS: We reviewed publicly available web-based resources for selection of candidate genes and identification of risk factors, as well as publications on different strategies for candidate gene selection. RESULTS: Candidate gene selection requires consideration of available gene-disease databases, previous epidemiological studies, animal model research, linkage and expression studies, and other resources. We describe general considerations for utilizing available resources, as well as provide an example of a search for candidate genes related to gastroschisis. CONCLUSIONS: Available web resources could facilitate selection of candidate genes, but selection of optimal candidates will still require a strong understanding of genetics and the pathogenesis of the defect, as well as careful consideration of previous epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

The myelin sheath insulates axons in the vertebrate nervous system, allowing rapid propagation of action potentials via saltatory conduction. Specialized glial cells, termed Schwann cells in the PNS and oligodendrocytes in the CNS, wrap axons to form myelin, a compacted, multilayered sheath comprising specific proteins and lipids. Disruption of myelinated axons causes human diseases, including multiple sclerosis and Charcot-Marie-Tooth peripheral neuropathies. Despite the progress in identifying human disease genes and other mutations disrupting glial development and myelination, many important unanswered questions remain about the mechanisms that coordinate the development of myelinated axons. To address these questions, we began a genetic dissection of myelination in zebrafish. Here we report a genetic screen that identified 13 mutations, which define 10 genes, disrupting the development of myelinated axons. We present the initial characterization of seven of these mutations, defining six different genes, along with additional characterization of mutations that we have described previously. The different mutations affect the PNS, the CNS, or both, and phenotypic analyses indicate that the genes affect a wide range of steps in glial development, from fate specification through terminal differentiation. The analysis of these mutations will advance our understanding of myelination, and the mutants will serve as models of human diseases of myelin.  相似文献   

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