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The modification of tyrosine residues of DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment from E. coli by acetylimidazole has been investigated. This reagent was shown to inactivate both polymerization and 3',5'-exonuclease activities but with different velocity. The poly(dT)-template and r(pA)10-primer each added separately to the enzyme have no notable influence on the rate of enzyme inactivation. Simultaneous presence of both template and primer increases the rate of inactivation. In the presence of poly(dT).r(pA) 10 there is not effect of dCTP and dTTP (noncomplementary to the template) on the rate of inactivation of polymerization activity. However, dATP complementary to the template, provides a complete protection. A weak protective action is detected in the presence of dADP. Orthophosphate, pyrophosphate and dAMP each taken separately increase the rate and the level of the enzyme inactivation. dAMP together with either ortho- or pyrophosphate have the same protective action as ATP. All data obtained allow to suggest the functional significance for polymerization activity of tyrosine located in the dNTP binding site of DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

The modification of Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I E. coli was investigated by the affinity reagents d(Tp)2C[Pt2+(NH3)2OH](pT)7 and d(pT)2pC[Pt2+(NH3)2OH](pT)7. The template binding site of the enzyme was modified by these reagents in the presence of NaF (5 mM), which inhibits selectively the 3'----5'-exonuclease activity of the enzyme and therefore prevents the reagent from degradation. NaCN destroyed covalent bonds between reagents and enzyme, restoring activity of the Klenow fragment. The affinity of different ligands (inorganic phosphate, nucleoside monophosphates, oligonucleotides) to the template binding site of Klenow fragment was estimated. Minimal ligands capable to bind with the template site were shown to be triethylphosphate (Kd 290 microM) and phosphate (Kd 26 microM). Ligand affinity increases by the factor 1.76 per an added (monomer unit from phosphate to d(pT) and then for oligonucleotides d(Tp)nT (n 1 to 19-20). At n greater than 19-20, the ligand affinity remained constant. The complete ethylation of phosphodiester groups lowers affinity of the oligothymidylates to the enzyme by approximately 10 times, and comparable decrease of Pt2+-oligonucleotide affinity to polymerase is caused by the absence of Mn2+-ions. The data obtained led to suggestion that one Me2+-dependent electrostatic contact of the template phosphodiester group with the enzyme takes place (delta G = -1.45...-1.75 kcal/mole). Formation of a hydrogen bond with the oxygen atom of P = O group of the same template phosphate is also assumed (delta G = -4.8...-4.9 kcal/mole). Other template internucleotide phosphates do not interact with the enzyme but the bases of oligonucleotides take part in hydrophobic interactions with the template binding site. Gibbs energy changes by -0.34 kcal/mole when the template is lengthened by one unit.  相似文献   

Distribution of the DNA polymerase I large fragment (Klenow fragment) was studied during fractionation of the E. coli MRE-600 cell-free extract with polyethylenimine. On the basis of the results obtained a simple procedure is proposed that enables the Klenow fragment to be obtained as a coproduct of DNA polymerase I, RNA polymerase, polynucleotide phosphorylase, nucleotide kinases with acetokinase and nucleoside deoxy-ribosyltransferase in the framework of a combined technological scheme.  相似文献   

The possibility to use the E. coli intact DNA polymerase I in the oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis of DNA has been studied. Optimal conditions of the extension activity of this enzyme were found. We have shown that the substitution of the Klenow fragment of the E. coli DNA polymerase by the intact DNA polymerase I did not decrease the efficiency and fidelity of the oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Affinity modification of E. coli DNA polymerase I and its Klenow fragment by imidazolides of dNMP (Im-dNMP) and dNTP was studied. DNA polymerase activity of DNA polymerase I was reduced by both Im-dNMP and Im-dNTP. However Im-dNTP does not inactivate of the Klenow fragment. The level of covalent labelling of both enzymes by radioactive Im-dNTP did not exceed 0.01 mol of reagent per mol of enzyme. But the deep inactivation of DNA polymerase I by Im-dNTP was observed. It is likely that this inactivation is due to the formation of intramolecular ether followed by phosphorylation of the carboxyl group. This assumption is strongly supported by the increase of the isoelectrical point of DNA polymerase I after its incubation with Im-dNTP in conditions of enzyme inactivation. All data permit us to suggest that the affinity modification of both enzymes by Im-dNMP and covalent labeling by Im-dNTP takes place without complementary binding of dNTP moiety with the template. However inactivation of DNA polymerase I by Im-dNTP occurs only if the dNTP-moiety is complementary to the template in the template.primer complex. It was shown that His residue was phosphorylated by Im-dNMP and Tyr or Ser residues between Met-802 and Met-848 were phosphorylated by Im-dNTP. We suppose that there are two states of DNA polymerase active site for the binding of dNTPs. One of them is independent on the template, in the other state the dNTP hydrogen bond with the template is formed.  相似文献   

The Klenow fragment structure, together with many biochemical experiments, has suggested a region of the protein that may contain the polymerase active site. We have changed 7 amino acid residues within this region by site-directed mutagenesis, yielding 12 mutant proteins which have been purified and analyzed in vitro. The results of steady-state kinetic determinations of Km(dNTP) and kcat for the polymerase reaction, together with measurements of DNA binding affinity, suggest strongly that this study has succeeded in targeting important active site residues. Moreover, the in vitro data allow dissection of the proposed active site region into two clusters of residues that are spatially, as well as functionally, fairly distinct. Mutations in Tyr766, Arg841, and Asn845 cause an increase in Km(dNTP), suggesting that contacts with the incoming dNTP are made in this region. Mutations in the second cluster of residues, Gln849, Arg668, and Asp882, cause a large decrease in kcat, suggesting a role for these residues in catalysis of the polymerase reaction. The DNA-binding properties of mutations at positions 849 and 668 may indicate that the catalytic role of these side chains is associated with their interaction with the DNA substrate. Screening of the mutations in vivo for the classical polA-defective phenotype (sensitivity to DNA damage) demonstrated that a genetic screen of this type may be a reasonable predictor or kcat or of DNA binding affinity in future mutational studies.  相似文献   

The interaction of deoxyribonucleoside-5'-mono-, di- and triphosphates with E. coli DNA polymerase I Klenow fragments was examined. Dissociation constants of the enzyme complex with nucleotides were determined from the data on the enzyme inactivation by adenosine 2',3'-riboepoxide 5'-triphosphate. The role of nucleotide bases, phosphate groups and sugar moieties in the complex formation of nucleotides with the enzyme was elucidated. The necessity of complementary interaction of nucleotides with templates for template-controlled 'adjusting' of complementary dNTP to its reactive state was found. The crucial role of the interaction of dNTP gamma-phosphate with the enzyme in this process is discussed.  相似文献   

The 3',5'-exonuclease center of the Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I (FK) was selectively blocked by NaF. The latter was shown to forbid the binding of nucleotides and their analogs to the enzyme exonuclease center. In the presence of poly(dT).r(pA)10 template.primer complex and NaF, we observed AMP, ADP, ATP, PPi and dATP to be competitive inhibitors of the FK-catalyzed DNA polymerization. The interactions of the nucleotides with FK and human DNA polymerase alpha were compared to reveal similarity of binding to the DNA polymerizing centers. Structural components of dNTP and PPi playing key roles in forming complexes with pro- and eukaryotic DNA polymerases were identified.  相似文献   

It has been shown that, in the absence of dATP in the poly(dT).oligo(dA) template-primer complex, the rate of primer cleavage by the E. coli DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment equals 4% of polymerization rate, while in the presence of dATP it equals as much as 50-60%. NaF and NMP taken separately inhibit exonuclease cleavage of oligo(dA) both with and without dATP. The addition of NaF (5-10 mM) or NMP (5-20 mM) increases the absolute increment of polymerization rate 5-9-fold relative to the absolute decrement of the rate of nuclease hydrolysis of primer. This proves the assumption that not more than 10-20% of primer molecules, interacting with the exonuclease center of polymerase, are cleaved by the enzyme. Presumably, NaF and nucleotides disturb the coupling of the 3'-end of oligonucleotide primer to the exonuclease center of the enzyme. As the primers mostly form complexes with the polymerizing center, the reaction of polymerization is activated.  相似文献   

The Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I from Escherichia coli has two enzymatic activities: DNA polymerase and 3'-5' exonuclease. The crystal structure showed that the fragment is folded into two distinct domains. The smaller domain has a binding site for deoxynucleoside monophosphate and a divalent metal ion that is thought to identify the 3'-5' exonuclease active site. The larger C-terminal domain contains a deep cleft that is believed to bind duplex DNA. Several lines of evidence suggested that the large domain also contains the polymerase active site. To test this hypothesis, we have cloned the DNA coding for the large domain into an expression system and purified the protein product. We find that the C-terminal domain has polymerase activity (albeit at a lower specific activity than the native Klenow fragment) but no measurable 3'-5' exonuclease activity. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that each of the three enzymatic activities of DNA polymerase I from E. coli resides on a separate protein structural domain.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis at primers d(pT)n, d(pA)n, d(pC)n, and d(pG)n in the presence of corresponding complementary templates and at hetero-oligoprimers complementary to M13 phage DNA was investigated. The values of both -log Km and log Vmax increased linearly if homo-oligoprimers contained less than 10 nucleotides. The lengthening of d(pT)n and d(pA)n primers by one mononucleotide unit (n = 1-10) resulted in the 1.82-fold decrease of the Km values. The incremental decreases of Km for d(pC)n and d(pG)n were equal to about 2.46. The enhancement of the homo- and hetero-oligonucleotide primers' affinity to the enzyme due to one Watson-Crick hydrogen bond between complementary template and primer is about 1.35 times. This allows to calculate the Km values for primers of various structure and length up to 10 units. The objective laws of the Km and Vmax values changes for primers containing more than 10 nucleotides were analyzed.  相似文献   

Upon associating with a proofreading polymerase, the nascent 3' end of a DNA primer/template has two possible fates. Depending upon its suitability as a substrate for template-directed extension or postsynthetic repair, it will bind either to the 5'-3' polymerase active site, yielding a polymerizing complex, or to the 3'-5' exonuclease site, yielding an editing complex. In this investigation, we use a combination of biochemical and biophysical techniques to probe the stoichiometry, thermodynamic, and kinetic stability of the polymerizing and editing complexes. We use the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (KF) as a model proofreading polymerase and oligodeoxyribonucleotide primer/templates as model DNA substrates. Polymerizing complexes are produced by mixing KF with correctly base paired (matched) primer/templates, whereas editing complexes are produced by mixing KF with multiply mismatched primer/templates. Electrophoretic mobility shift titrations carried out with matched and multiply mismatched primer/templates give rise to markedly different electrophoretic patterns. In the case of the matched primer/template, the KF.DNA complex is represented by a slow moving band. However, in the case of the multiply mismatched primer/template, the complex is predominantly represented by a fast moving band. Analytical ultracentrifugation measurements indicate that the fast and slow moving bands correspond to 1:1 and 2:1 KF.DNA complexes, respectively. Fluorescence anisotropy titrations reveal that KF binds with a higher degree of cooperativity to the matched primer/template. Taken together, these results indicate that KF is able to dimerize on a DNA primer/template and that dimerization is favored when the first molecule is bound in the polymerizing mode, but disfavored when it is bound in the editing mode. We suggest that self-association of the polymerase may play an important and as yet unexplored role in coordinating high-fidelity DNA replication.  相似文献   

The photoinduced reaction of phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (E.C. from E.coli MRE-600 with tRNAphe containing photoreative p-N3-C6H4-NHCOCH2-group attached to 4-thiouridine sU8 (azido-tRNAphe) was investigated. The attachment of this group does not influence the dissociation constant of the complex of Phe-tRNAphe with the enzyme, however it results in sevenfold increase of Km in the enzymatic aminoacylation of tRNAphe. Under irradiation at 300 nm at pH 5.8 the covalent binding of [14C]-Phe-azido-tRNAphe to the enzyme takes place 0.3 moles of the reagent being attached per mole of the enzyme. tRNA prevents the reaction. Phenylalanine, ATP,ADP,AMP, adenosine and pyrophosphate (2.5 xx 10(-3) M) don't affect neither the stability of the tRNA-enzyme complex nor the rate of the affinity labelling. The presence of the mixture of either phenylalanine or phenylalaninol with ATP as well as phenylalaninol adenylate exhibits 50% inhibition of the photoinduced reaction. Therefore, the reaction of [14C]-Phe-azido-tRNA with the enzyme is significantly less sensitive to the presence of the ligands than the reaction of chlorambucilyl-tRNA with the reactive group attached to the acceptor end of the tRNA studied in 1. It has been concluded that the kinetics of the affinity labelling does permit to discriminate the influence of the low molecular weight ligands of the enzyme on the different sites of the tRNA enzyme interaction.  相似文献   

Gill JP  Romano LJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(46):15387-15395
N-Acetyl-2-aminofluorene (AAF) is a chemical carcinogen that reacts with guanines at the C8 position in DNA to form a structure that interferes with DNA replication. In bacteria, the NarI restriction enzyme recognition sequence (G1G2CG3CC) is a very strong mutational hot spot when an AAF adduct is positioned at G3 of this sequence, causing predominantly a -2 frameshift GC dinucleotide deletion mutation. In this study, templates were constructed that contained an AAF adduct at this position, and primers of different lengths were prepared such that the primer ended one nucleotide before or opposite or one nucleotide after the adduct site. Primer extension and gel shift binding assays were used to study the mechanism of bypass by the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment) in the presence of these templates. Primer extension in the presence of all four dNTPs produced a fully extended product using the unmodified template, while with the AAF-modified template synthesis initially stalled at the adduct site and subsequent synthesis resulted in a product that contained the GC dinucleotide deletion. Extension product and gel shift binding analyses were consistent with the formation of a two-nucleotide bulge structure upstream of the active site of the polymerase after a nucleotide is incorporated across from the adduct. These data support a model in which the AAF adduct in the NarI sequence specifically induces a structure upstream of the polymerase active site that leads to the GC frameshift mutation and that it is this structure that allows synthesis past the adduct to occur.  相似文献   

Reaction of DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase I KF in the presence of 2'-deoxynucleoside 5'-alpha-thiotriphosphates (dNTP alpha S) was investigated. DNA with thiophosphate groups (DNA[P=S]) obtained by such a way was studied in reactions of hydrolysis and pyrophosphorolysis catalyzed by DNA polymerase I KF. It is shown that the rate of DNA elongation is decreased both on the step of incorporation of dNMP alpha S residues and on the step of incorporation of the next dNMP residue. The rate of pyrophosphorolysis of 3'-terminal dNMP alpha S was demonstrated to be one order of magnitude less in comparison with the corresponding reaction with the natural dNMP residue. Contrary, the rate of 3'----5'-exonuclease hydrolysis of both DNA[P=S] and DNA of the same structure revealed no distinguishable differences.  相似文献   

The comparison of the Km and Vmax values for the primers was carried out. The primers were either completely complementary to the template or contained non-complementary bases at different positions with respect to the 3'-end. The addition of NaF, selectively inhibiting 3'----5'-exonuclease activity of the enzyme, was shown to result in the increase of Vmax values by 10% and 30% for complementary and partially complementary primers, respectively, Km values of the latters being unchanged. Km values for d[(pT)10pC] is about 146-fold greater than that for d[(pT)11]. Km values for d[(pT)7pC(pT)2] (20 microM) and d[[(pT)2pC]3pT] (20 microM); d[(pT)4pC(pT)5] (5.0 microM); d[(pC)(pT)7] (1.3 microM) and d[(pT)2pC(pT)7] (1.2 microM) are comparable with those for d[(pT)2] (22 microM), d[(pT)5] (4.1 microM) and d[(pT)7] (1.2 microM), respectively, but not with the decathymidylate d[(pT)10] (0.2 microM). We suggest that it is not the length of the primers but the number of bases in the fragment beginning with the first nucleotide from the 3'-end and ending in the non-complementary base, that determines the efficiency of interaction of the primers containing non-complementary bases with the enzyme. The addition of one link to d(pT)n (n less than or equal to 10) resulted in a 1.8-fold increase in the affinity. When 11 less than n less than 25 the affinity is decreased so that d(pT)22-23 have minimal affinity to the enzyme. The primers containing more than 50 units were found to have about the same affinity (calculated on base concentration) as d(pT)10-11.  相似文献   

Dzantiev L  Romano LJ 《Biochemistry》2000,39(2):356-361
It is well established that the insertion of a nucleotide into a growing DNA chain requires a conformational change in the structure of a DNA polymerase. These enzymes have been shown to bind a primer-template in the open conformation and then upon binding of a complementary dNTP undergo a conformational rearrangement to the closed ternary complex. This movement results in the positioning of the incoming nucleotide in the proper geometry for the nucleophilic attack by the 3'-hydroxyl of the primer. In this work, tryptic digestion experiments were performed to detect this conformational change in the structure of the exonuclease-deficient DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment). Three distinct digestion patterns were observed: one for the polymerase alone, one for the binary complex with the primer-template, and one for the ternary polymerase-DNA-dNTP complex. The latter conformational change leads to a stable ternary closed complex formation only when the correct nucleotide is present in the reaction mixture. Positioning of nucleotides with incorrect geometry in the protein active site inhibits or eliminates formation of the closed complex. Similarly, this conformational change is inhibited when the primer terminus of the DNA molecule is altered by the presence of the 2'-hydroxyl.  相似文献   

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