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Motion of myosin cross-bridges in skeletal muscle fibers studied by time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy decay 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The time-resolved fluorescence polarization anisotropy signal has been measured from fluorescent-labeled myosin cross-bridges in single glycerinated muscle fibers in the relaxed and rigor states. In one experimental configuration, the polarization of the excitation light and the fiber axis are aligned, and the anisotropy is sensitive to rotational motions of the probes about axes other than the fiber axis. The rotational correlation times are approximately 1000 ns for relaxed fibers and greater than 7000 ns for rigor fibers. In another experimental configuration, the excitation light polarization is perpendicular to the fiber axis, and its propagation vector has a component parallel to the fiber axis so that the anisotropy is sensitive to probe rotational motion about different axes, including the fiber axis. In this configuration, the rotational correlation times are approximately 300 ns for both relaxed and rigor fibers. The theory of rotational diffusion in a potential described in a related paper [Burghardt, T.P. (1985) Biophys. J. (in press)] is applied to the relaxed fiber data. 相似文献
Time-resolved fluorescence polarization from ordered biological assemblies. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

T P Burghardt 《Biophysical journal》1985,48(4):623-631
Burghardt TP 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e16772
Photoactivatable fluorescent probes developed specifically for single molecule detection extend advantages of single molecule imaging to high probe density regions of cells and tissues. They perform in the native biomolecule environment and have been used to detect both probe position and orientation.Methods and Findings
Fluorescence emission from a single photoactivated probe captured in an oil immersion, high numerical aperture objective, produces a spatial pattern on the detector that is a linear combination of 6 independent and distinct spatial basis patterns with weighting coefficients specifying emission dipole orientation. Basis patterns are tabulated for single photoactivated probes labeling myosin cross-bridges in a permeabilized muscle fiber undergoing total internal reflection illumination. Emitter proximity to the glass/aqueous interface at the coverslip implies the dipole near-field and dipole power normalization are significant affecters of the basis patterns. Other characteristics of the basis patterns are contributed by field polarization rotation with transmission through the microscope optics and refraction by the filter set. Pattern recognition utilized the generalized linear model, maximum likelihood fitting, for Poisson distributed uncertainties. This fitting method is more appropriate for treating low signal level photon counting data than χ2 minimization.Conclusions
Results indicate that emission dipole orientation is measurable from the intensity image except for the ambiguity under dipole inversion. The advantage over an alternative method comparing two measured polarized emission intensities using an analyzing polarizer is that information in the intensity spatial distribution provides more constraints on fitted parameters and a single image provides all the information needed. Axial distance dependence in the emission pattern is also exploited to measure relative probe position near focus. Single molecule images from axial scanning fitted simultaneously boost orientation and axial resolution in simulation. 相似文献4.
Ushakov DS Caorsi V Ibanez-Garcia D Manning HB Konitsiotis AD West TG Dunsby C French PM Ferenczi MA 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2011,286(1):842-850
We applied fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy to map the microenvironment of the myosin essential light chain (ELC) in permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers. Four ELC mutants containing a single cysteine residue at different positions in the C-terminal half of the protein (ELC-127, ELC-142, ELC-160, and ELC-180) were generated by site-directed mutagenesis, labeled with 7-diethylamino-3-((((2-iodoacetamido)ethyl)amino)carbonyl)coumarin, and introduced into permeabilized rabbit psoas fibers. Binding to the myosin heavy chain was associated with a large conformational change in the ELC. When the fibers were moved from relaxation to rigor, the fluorescence lifetime increased for all label positions. However, when 1% stretch was applied to the rigor fibers, the lifetime decreased for ELC-127 and ELC-180 but did not change for ELC-142 and ELC-160. The differential change of fluorescence lifetime demonstrates the shift in position of the C-terminal domain of ELC with respect to the heavy chain and reveals specific locations in the lever arm region sensitive to the mechanical strain propagating from the actin-binding site to the lever arm. 相似文献
Model-independent analysis of the orientation of fluorescent probes with restricted mobility in muscle fibers

Dale RE Hopkins SC an der Heide UA Marszałek T Irving M Goldman YE 《Biophysical journal》1999,76(3):1606-1618
The orientation of proteins in ordered biological samples can be investigated using steady-state polarized fluorescence from probes conjugated to the protein. A general limitation of this approach is that the probes typically exhibit rapid orientational motion ("wobble") with respect to the protein backbone. Here we present a method for characterizing the extent of this wobble and for removing its effects from the available information about the static orientational distribution of the probes. The analysis depends on four assumptions: 1) the probe wobble is fast compared with the nanosecond time scale of its excited-state decay; 2) the orientational distributions of the absorption and emission transition dipole moments are cylindrically symmetrical about a common axis c fixed in the protein; 3) protein motions are negligible during the excited-state decay; 4) the distribution of c is cylindrically symmetrical about the director of the experimental sample. In a muscle fiber, the director is the fiber axis, F. All of the information on the orientational order of the probe that is available from measurements of linearly polarized fluorescence is contained in five independent polarized fluorescence intensities measured with excitation and emission polarizers parallel or perpendicular to F and with the propagation axis of the detected fluorescence parallel or perpendicular to that of the excitation. The analysis then yields the average second-rank and fourth-rank order parameters ( and ) of the angular distribution of c relative to F, and and , the average second-rank order parameters of the angular distribution for wobble of the absorption and emission transition dipole moments relative to c. The method can also be applied to other cylindrically ordered systems such as oriented lipid bilayer membranes and to processes slower than fluorescence that may be observed using longer-lived optically excited states. 相似文献
Orientation of spin-labeled light chain-2 exchanged onto myosin cross-bridges in glycerinated muscle fibers.

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy has been used to study the angular distribution of a spin label attached to rabbit skeletal muscle myosin light chain 2. A cysteine reactive spin label, 3-(5-fluoro-2,4-dinitroanilino)-2,2,5,5- tetramethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxy (FDNA-SL) was bound to purified LC2. The labeled LC2 was exchanged into glycerinated muscle fibers and into myosin and its subfragments. Analysis of the spectra of labeled fibers in rigor showed that the probe was oriented with respect to the fiber axis, but that it was also undergoing restricted rotations. The motion of the probe could be modeled assuming rapid rotational diffusion (rotational correlation time faster than 5 ns) within a "cone" whose full width was 70 degrees. Very different spectra of rigor fibers were obtained with the fiber oriented parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, showing that the centroid of each cone had the same orientation for all myosin heads, making an angle of approximately 74 degrees to the fiber axis. Binding of light chains or labeled myosin subfragment-1 to ion exchange heads immobilized the probes, showing that most of the motion of the probe arose from protein mobility and not from mobility of the probe relative to the protein. Relaxed labeled fibers produced EPR spectra with a highly disordered angular distribution, consistent with myosin heads being detached from the thin filament and undergoing large angular motions. Addition of pyrophosphate, ADP, or an ATP analogue (AMPPNP), in low ionic strength buffer where these ligands do not dissociate cross-bridges from actin, failed to perturb the rigor spectrum. Applying static strains as high as 0.16 N/mm2 to the labeled rigor fibers also failed to change the orientation of the spin label. Labeled light chain was exchanged into myosin subfragment-1 (S1) and the labeled S1 was diffused into fibers. EPR spectra of these fibers had a component similar to that seen in the spectra of fibers into which labeled LC2 had been exchanged directly. However, the fraction of disordered probes was greater than seen in fibers. In summary, the above data indicate that the region of the myosin head proximal to the thick filament is ordered in rigor, and disordered in relaxation. 相似文献
Observation of two orientations from rigor cross-bridges in glycerinated muscle fibers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The fluorescence polarization from rhodamine labels specifically attached to the fast-reacting thiol of the myosin cross-bridge in glycerinated muscle fibers has been measured to determine the angular distribution of the cross-bridges in different physiological states of the fibers as a function of temperature. To investigate the fibers at temperatures below 0 degree C, we have added glycerol to the bathing solution as an anti-freezing agent. We find that the fluorescence polarization from the rhodamine probe detects distinct angular distributions of the cross-bridges in isometric-active, rigor, MgADP, and low ionic strength relaxed fibers at 4 degrees C. We also find that the rigor cross-bridges in the presence of glycerol can maintain at least two distinct orientations relative to the actin filament, one dominant at temperatures T greater than 2 degrees C and another dominant at T less than -10 degrees C. MgADP cross-bridges in the presence of glycerol maintain approximately the same orientation for all temperatures investigated. The rigor cross-bridge orientation at T less than -10 degrees C is similar to both the MgADP cross-bridge orientation in the presence of glycerol and the active muscle cross-bridge orientation at 4 degrees C. These findings show that the rigor cross-bridge in the presence of glycerol has at least two distinct orientations while attached to actin: one of them dominant at high temperature, the other dominant at low temperature or when MgADP is present. The latter orientation resembles that present in isometric-active fibers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Cross-linking of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) with a molar excess of actin in vitro reveals the presence of an actin-S1-actin complex. It is absolutely essential that actin be present in molar excess over S1 so that the decoration of F-actin with S1 be incomplete. However, the excess of actin may not be available in the overlap zone of sarcomeres of skeletal muscle. We therefore found it necessary to test for the presence of the actin-S1-actin complex in vivo. Myofibrils from rabbit skeletal muscle were reacted with zero-length cross-linker, the products were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and analyzed by Western blots using antibodies against actin and against heavy and light chains of myosin. The cross-linking produced the evidence of formation of actin-S1-actin complex. 相似文献
Myosin cross-bridge subfragment 1 (S1) is the ATP catalyzing motor protein in muscle. It consists of three domains that catalyze ATP and bind actin (catalytic), conduct energy transduction (converter), and transport the load (lever arm). Force development during contraction is thought to result from rotary lever arm movement with the cross-bridge attached to actin. To elucidate cross-bridge structure during force development, two crystal structures of S1 were extrapolated to working "in solution" or oriented "in tissue" forms, using structure-sensitive optical spectroscopic signals from two extrinsic probes. The probes were located at two interfaces containing the catalytic, converter, and lever arm domains of S1. Observed signals included circular dichroism (CD) and absorption originating from S1 in solution in the presence and absence of actin and fluorescence polarization from cross-bridges in muscle fibers. Theoretical signals were calculated from S1 crystal structure models perturbed with lever arm movement from swiveling at three conserved glycines, 699, 703, and 710 (chicken skeletal myosin numbering). Best agreement between the computed and observed signals gave structures showing that actin binding to S1 causes movement of the lever arm. A three-state model of S1 conformation during contraction consists of three actin-bound cross-bridge states observed from muscle fibers in isometric contraction, in the presence of MgADP, and in rigor. Structures best representing these states show that most of the lever arm rotation occurs between isometric contraction and the MgADP states, i.e., during phosphate release. Smaller but significant lever arm rotation occurs with ADP dissociation. Structural changes within the S1 interfaces studied are discussed in the accompanying paper [Burghardt et al. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 4834-4843]. 相似文献
When skeletal muscles are activated and mechanically shortened, the force that is produced by the muscle fibers decreases in two phases, marked by two changes in slope (P1 and P2) that happen at specific lengths (L1 and L2). We tested the hypothesis that these force transients are determined by the amount of myosin cross-bridges attached to actin and by changes in cross-bridge strain due to a changing fraction of cross-bridges in the pre-power-stroke state. Three separate experiments were performed, using skinned muscle fibers that were isolated and subsequently (i) activated at different Ca2+ concentrations (pCa2+ 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0) (n = 13), (ii) activated in the presence of blebbistatin (n = 16), and (iii) activated in the presence of blebbistatin at varying velocities (n = 5). In all experiments, a ramp shortening was imposed (amplitude 10%Lo, velocity 1 Lo•sarcomere length (SL)•s−1), from an initial SL of 2.5 µm (except by the third group, in which velocities ranged from 0.125 to 2.0 Lo•s−1). The values of P1, P2, L1, and L2 did not change with Ca2+ concentrations. Blebbistatin decreased P1, and it did not alter P2, L1, and L2. We developed a mathematical cross-bridge model comprising a load-dependent power-stroke transition and a pre-power-stroke cross-bridge state. The P1 and P2 critical points as well as the critical lengths L1 and L2 were explained qualitatively by the model, and the effects of blebbistatin inhibition on P1 were also predicted. Furthermore, the results of the model suggest that the mechanism by which blebbistatin inhibits force is by interfering with the closing of the myosin upper binding cleft, biasing cross-bridges into a pre-power-stroke state. 相似文献
The relation between the chemical and mechanical steps of the myosin-actin ATPase reaction that leads to generation of isometric force in fast skeletal muscle was investigated in demembranated fibers of rabbit psoas muscle by determining the effect of the concentration of inorganic phosphate (Pi) on the stiffness of the half-sarcomere (hs) during transient and steady-state conditions of the isometric contraction (temperature 12°C, sarcomere length 2.5 μm). Changes in the hs strain were measured by imposing length steps or small 4 kHz oscillations on the fibers in control solution (without added Pi) and in solution with 3-20 mM added Pi. At the plateau of the isometric contraction in control solution, the hs stiffness is 22.8 ± 1.1 kPa nm−1. Taking the filament compliance into account, the total stiffness of the array of myosin cross-bridges in the hs (e) is 40.7 ± 3.7 kPa nm−1. An increase in [Pi] decreases the stiffness of the cross-bridge array in proportion to the isometric force, indicating that the force of the cross-bridge remains constant independently of [Pi]. The rate constant of isometric force development after a period of unloaded shortening (rF) is 23.5 ± 1.0 s−1 in control solution and increases monotonically with [Pi], attaining a maximum value of 48.6 ± 0.9 s−1 at 20 mM [Pi], in agreement with the idea that Pi release is a relatively fast step after force generation by the myosin cross-bridge. During isometric force development at any [Pi], e and thus the number of attached cross-bridges increase in proportion to the force, indicating that, independently of the speed of the process that leads to myosin attachment to actin, there is no significant (>1 ms) delay between generation of stiffness and generation of force by the cross-bridges. 相似文献
C. R. Mateo M. P. Lillo J. González-Rodríguez A. U. Acuña 《European biophysics journal : EBJ》1991,20(1):41-52
The ability of seven fluorescence polarization probes (1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, 1-[(4-trimethylamino)phenyl]-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, (2-carboxyethyl)-1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, 16(9-anthroyloxy)palmitic acid, CIS-parinaric acid, trans-parinaric acid and perylene) to report changes induced by temperature and Ca2+ in the plasma membrane of human platelets has been examined. The steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of the probes was compared after being incorporated into whole resting platelets, fragments of platelet plasma membrane and multilayers of lipids extracted from these membranes. In addition, we have investigated the molecular order and dynamics of the three preparations by time-resolved fluorescence depolarization of DPH and CE-DPH as a function of temperature and Ca2+ concentration. The high values of the order parameters found in intact platelets (SDPH, 36.c=0.70) were almost identical to those in membrane fragments and lipid vesicles, suggesting that lipid-lipid interactions and, therefore, the lipid composition are the main factors influencing the probe order parameter. Other lipid interactions such as those with membrane proteins and intracellular components have little effect on the SDP, in platelets. These measurements also showed that the stationary fluorescence anisotropy of DPH and CE-DPH in platelets is largely determined (80%) by the structural order of the lipid bilayer. Therefore, the previous microviscosity values based on stationary anisotropy data reflect the alignment and packing rather than the mobility of the bilayer components. The dynamic component of the anisotropy decay of these probes was analyzed in terms of the wobbling-in-cone model, allowing an estimation of the apparent viscosity of platelet plasma membrane (DPH, 36°C =–0–5 P) that is similar to that of the erythrocyte membrane. This value decreased substantially in multilayers of native lipids, indicating a large effect of the lipidprotein interactions on the probe dynamics within the bilayer. When the temperature was raised from 25° to 36°C a pronounced decrease was observed in the order parameter and apparent viscosity, followed by a tendency to level-off in the 36°-40°C interval. This may be related to the end-point of the lipid phase separation reported by Gordon et al. (1983). Finally, the rigidifying (lipid ordering) effect of Ca2+ on the platelet plasma membrane could also be observed by the fluorescence anisotropy measurements, in the form of an increase (2%) of the order parameter of CE-DPH for Ca2+ concentrations in the millimolar range.Abbreviations DPH
- 16AP
16-(9-anthroyloxy)-palmitic acid; c-PnA, CIS-parinaric acid; t-PnA, trans-parinaric acid
electron spin resonance
Offprint requests to: A. U. Acuña 相似文献
Indo-1 fluorescence signals elicited by membrane depolarization in enzymatically isolated mouse skeletal muscle fibers. 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6

V Jacquemond 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(2):920-928
Indo-1 fluorescence signals were measured from one extremity of enzymatically isolated skeletal muscle fibers of mice. An original and simple method was developed to allow the measurements to be made under voltage-clamp control: the major part of a single fiber was embedded in silicone grease, so that only a short portion of one end of the fiber, from which the fluorescence measurements were taken, was in contact with the external solution. Membrane potential was held and varied by using a patch-clamp amplifier in whole-cell configuration with a single microelectrode, the tip of which was inserted across the silicone grease within the insulated portion of the fiber. In response to 100-ms depolarizing command pulses to voltages more positive than -40 mV (from a holding potential of -80 mV), clear changes in fluorescence were qualitatively observed to feature a time course of rise and decay expected from a change in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) due to voltage-dependent sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium release. Although the peak [Ca2+]i elicited by a 100-ms depolarization at 0 or +10 mV varied from fiber to fiber, it could clearly reach a value high enough to saturate Indo-1. The overall results show that this method represents an efficient way of measuring depolarization-induced [Ca2+]i changes in enzymatically dissociated skeletal muscle fibers. 相似文献
Evidence for a novel mechanism of time-resolved flavin fluorescence depolarization in glutathione reductase

Time-resolved flavin fluorescence anisotropy studies on glutathione reductase (GR) have revealed a remarkable new phenomenon: wild-type GR displays a rapid process of fluorescence depolarization, that is absent in mutant enzymes lacking a nearby tyrosine residue that blocks the NADPH-binding cleft. Fluorescence lifetime data, however, have shown a more rigid active-site structure for wild-type GR than for the tyrosine mutants. These results suggest that the rapid depolarization in wild-type GR originates from an interaction with the flavin-shielding tyrosine, and not from restricted reorientational motion of the flavin. A novel mechanism of fluorescence depolarization is proposed that involves a transient charge-transfer complex between the tyrosine and the light-excited flavin, with a concomitant change in the direction of the emission dipole moment of the flavin. This interaction is likely to result from side-chain relaxation of the tyrosine in the minor fraction of enzyme molecules in which this residue is in an unsuitable position for immediate fluorescence quenching at the moment of excitation. Support for this mechanism is provided by binding studies with NADP+ and 2'P-5'ADP-ribose that can intercalate between the flavin and tyrosine and/or block the latter. Fluorescence depolarization analyses as a function of temperature and viscosity confirm the dynamic nature of the process. A comparison with fluorescence depolarization effects in a related flavoenzyme indicates that this mechanism of flavin fluorescence depolarization is more generally applicable. 相似文献
Colson BA Bekyarova T Fitzsimons DP Irving TC Moss RL 《Journal of molecular biology》2007,367(1):36-41
Myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) is a thick filament accessory protein, which in cardiac muscle functions to regulate the kinetics of cross-bridge interaction with actin; however, the underlying mechanism is not yet understood. To explore the structural basis for cMyBP-C function, we used synchrotron low-angle X-ray diffraction to measure interfilament lattice spacing and the equatorial intensity ratio, I(11)/I(10), in skinned myocardial preparations isolated from wild-type (WT) and cMyBP-C null (cMyBP-C(-/-)). In relaxed myocardium, ablation of cMyBP-C appeared to result in radial displacement of cross-bridges away from the thick filaments, as there was a significant increase ( approximately 30%) in the I(11)/I(10) ratio for cMyBP-C(-/-) (0.37+/-0.03) myocardium as compared to WT (0.28+/-0.01). While lattice spacing tended to be greater in cMyBP-C(-/-) myocardium (44.18+/-0.68 nm) when compared to WT (42.95+/-0.43 nm), the difference was not statistically significant. Furthermore, liquid-like disorder in the myofilament lattice was significantly greater ( approximately 40% greater) in cMyBP-C(-/-) myocardium as compared to WT. These results are consistent with our working hypothesis that cMyBP-C normally acts to tether myosin cross-bridges nearer to the thick filament backbone, thereby reducing the likelihood of cross-bridge binding to actin and limiting cooperative activation of the thin filament. 相似文献
Rigor-force producing cross-bridges in skeletal muscle fibers activated by a substoichiometric amount of ATP

Isometric skinned muscle fibers were activated by the photogeneration of a substoichiometric amount of ATP and their cross-bridge configurations examined during the development of the rigor force by x-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. By the photogeneration of approximately 100 microM ATP, approximately 2/3 of the concentration of the myosin heads in a muscle fiber, muscle fibers originally in the rigor state showed a transient drop of the force and then produced a long-lasting rigor force (approximately 50% of the maximal active force), which gradually recovered to the original force level with a time constant of approximately 4 s. Associated with the photoactivation, muscle fibers revealed small but distinct changes in the equatorial x-ray diffraction that run ahead of the development of force. After reaching a plateau of force, long-lasting intensity changes in the x-ray diffraction pattern developed in parallel with the force decline. Two-dimensional x-ray diffraction patterns and electron micrographs of the sectioned muscle fibers taken during the period of 1-1.9 s after the photoactivation were basically similar to those from rigor preparations but also contained features characteristic of fully activated fibers. In photoactivated muscle fibers, some cross-bridges bound photogenerated ATP and underwent an ATP hydrolysis cycle whereas a significant population of the cross-bridges remained attached to the thin actin filaments with no available ATP to bind. Analysis of the results obtained indicates that, during the ATP hydrolysis reaction, the cross-bridges detached from actin filaments and reattached either to the same original actin monomers or to neighboring actin monomers. The latter cross-bridges contribute to produce the rigor force by interacting with the actin filaments, first producing the active force and then being locked in a noncycling state(s), transforming their configuration on the actin filaments to stably sustain the produced force as a passive rigor force. 相似文献
Vascular smooth muscle cell contraction and relaxation are directly related to the phosphorylation state of the regulatory myosin light chain. Myosin light chains are dephosphorylated by myosin phosphatase, leading to vascular smooth muscle relaxation. Myosin phosphatase is localized not only at actin-myosin stress fibers where it dephosphorylates myosin light chains, but also in the cytoplasm and at the cell membrane. The mechanisms by which myosin phosphatase is targeted to these loci are incompletely understood. We recently identified myosin phosphatase-Rho interacting protein as a member of the myosin phosphatase complex that directly binds both the myosin binding subunit of myosin phosphatase and RhoA and is localized to actin-myosin stress fibers. We hypothesized that myosin phosphatase-Rho interacting protein targets myosin phosphatase to the contractile apparatus to dephosphorylate myosin light chains. We used RNA interference to silence the expression of myosin phosphatase-Rho interacting protein in human vascular smooth muscle cells. Myosin phosphatase-Rho interacting protein silencing reduced the localization of the myosin binding subunit to stress fibers. This reduction in stress fiber myosin phosphatase-Rho interacting protein and myosin binding subunit increased basal and lysophosphatidic acid-stimulated myosin light chain phosphorylation. Neither cellular myosin phosphatase, myosin light chain kinase, nor RhoA activities were changed by myosin phosphatase-Rho interacting protein silencing. Furthermore, myosin phosphatase-Rho interacting protein silencing resulted in marked phenotypic changes in vascular smooth muscle cells, including increased numbers of stress fibers, increased cell area, and reduced stress fiber inhibition in response to a Rho-kinase inhibitor. These data support the importance of myosin phosphatase-Rho interacting protein-dependent targeting of myosin phosphatase to stress fibers for regulating myosin light chain phosphorylation state and morphology in human vascular smooth muscle cells. 相似文献
R Greinert H Staerk A Stier A Weller 《Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods》1979,1(2):77-83
E (eosin)-type delayed fluorescence depolarization studies extend the time range for the measurement of rotational diffusion to microseconds and ms, thereby allowing investigation of slow rotational movement of macromolecules like membrane proteins. An apparatus is described for the determination of time-dependent anisotropy in this interesting time range. The method has been tested on eosin-labelled cytochrome P-450 incorporated into phospholipid membrane vesicles. 相似文献
X-ray diffraction studies of cross-bridges weakly bound to actin in relaxed skinned fibers of rabbit psoas muscle.

X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained from skinned rabbit psoas muscle under relaxing and rigor conditions over a wide range of ionic strengths (50-170 mM) and temperatures (1 degree C-30 degrees C). For the first time, an intensification of the first actin-based layer line is observed in the relaxed muscle. The intensification, which increases with decreasing ionic strength at various temperatures, including 30 degrees C, parallels the formation of weakly attached cross-bridges in the relaxed muscle. However, the overall intensities of the actin-based layer lines are low. Furthermore, the level of diffuse scattering, presumably a measure of disorder among the cross-bridges, is little affected by changing ionic strength at a given temperature. The results suggest that the intensification of the first actin layer line is most likely due to the cross-bridges weakly bound to actin, and that the orientations of the weakly attached cross-bridges are hardly distinguishable from the detached cross-bridges. This suggests that the orientations of the weakly attached cross-bridges are not precisely defined with respect to the actin helix, i.e., nonstereospecific. Intensities of the myosin-based layer lines are only marginally affected by changing ionic strength, but markedly by temperature. The results could be explained if in a relaxed muscle the cross-bridges are distributed between a helically ordered and a disordered population with respect to myosin filament structure. Within the disordered population, some are weakly attached to actin and others are detached. The fraction of cross-bridges in the helically ordered assembly is primarily a function of temperature, while the distribution between the weakly attached and the detached within the disordered population is mainly affected by ionic strength. Some other notable features in the diffraction patterns include a approximately 1% decrease in the pitch of the myosin helix as the temperature is raised from 4 degrees C to 20 degrees C. 相似文献