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Heitzer MD  DeFranco DB 《Steroids》2007,72(2):218-220
Growth factors and cytokines mediate communication between the epithelial and stromal compartments of the prostate. In prostate cancer (PCa), changes in the spatial arrangements of the two compartments (i.e. basement membrane invasion), DNA mutations, or cellular dedifferentiation (i.e. myofibroblasts) leads to significant changes in gene expression within both compartments. This results in altered cytokine and/or growth factor signaling in PCa. Recently, a stromal-specific androgen receptor (AR) coactivator, Hic-5/ARA55, has been identified that may play a role in regulating expression of the growth factor and/or cytokine expression in the prostate. Specifically, Hic-5/ARA55 expression influences androgen-induced keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) expression in WPMY-1 prostate stromal cells. Because Hic-5/ARA55's expression is also altered in PCa, it may play a role in the differential cellular signaling events that occur during tumor progression.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide-inducible clone-5 (Hic-5), belongs to the group III LIM domain protein family and contains four carboxyl-terminal LIM domains (LIM1-LIM4). In addition to its role in focal adhesion signaling, Hic-5 acts in the nucleus as a coactivator for some steroid hormone receptors such as the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and androgen receptor (AR). Based upon its effect on AR transactivation, Hic-5 has also been designated as ARA55. Here, we report mapping studies of Hic-5/ARA55 functional domains and establish that LIM3 and LIM4 are necessary for maximal effects on GR transactivation. However, results from yeast two-hybrid assays demonstrated that these two LIM domains together, while necessary, are not sufficient to interact with the tau2 transactivation domain of GR. LIM4 also functions as a nuclear matrix targeting sequence (NMTS) for Hic-5/ARA55, as it is both necessary and sufficient to target a heterologous protein to the nuclear matrix. Thus, as suggested from previous analysis of LIM domain-containing proteins, separate but highly related LIM domains serve distinct functions.  相似文献   

Hsp105alpha is a mammalian stress protein that belongs to the HSP105/110 family. Hsp105alpha prevents stress-induced apoptosis in neuronal cells and binds to Hsp70/Hsc70 and suppresses the Hsp70 chaperone activity in vitro. In this study, to further elucidate the function of Hsp105alpha, we searched for Hsp105alpha-binding proteins by screening a mouse FM3A cell cDNA library with full-length Hsp105alpha using the yeast two-hybrid system and obtained alpha-tubulin as an Hsp105alpha-binding protein. Hsp105alpha bound directly to alpha-tubulin both in vitro and in vivo. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis with anti-Hsp105 and anti-alpha-tubulin antibodies indicated that Hsp105alpha was colocalized with microtubules. Furthermore, the disorganization of microtubules induced by heat shock was prevented in Hsp105alpha-overexpressing COS-7 cells. These findings suggested that Hsp105alpha associates with alpha-tubulin and microtubules in cells and plays a role in protection of microtubules under conditions of stress.  相似文献   

hsp27 is involved in development of tolerance to stress, possibly by its involvement in molecular chaperoning, maintenance of glutathione status, and/or modulation of microfilament structure and function. We hypothesize that hsp27 function depends on specific association with other proteins. To discover proteins that associate with hsp27, we made a differentiated rat Sertoli cell cDNA expression library and screened it using the yeast two-hybrid system. We obtained a cDNA coding for a novel protein of 428 amino acids that we have named PASS1 (protein associated with small stress proteins 1). BLAST searches did not reveal major similarity of PASS1 to any known protein, but the cDNA sequence matched several mouse EST clones and shares 34% homology with a Caenorhabditis elegans genomic sequence. In vitro, bacterially expressed glutathione S-transferase-PASS1 fusion protein bound to hsp27, and hsp27 was co-immunoprecipitated with c-Myc-tagged PASS1 overexpressed in several cell lines. The region of PASS1 responsible for association with hsp27 was identified as existing predominantly between amino acids 108 and 208 of PASS1. Northern hybridization and Western blot analysis demonstrated that PASS1 is expressed in several tissues, with the highest expression occurring in testis, primarily in Sertoli cells. The presence of a 1.4-kilobase PASS1 mRNA in kidney as well as the 1. 8-kilobase mRNA seen in other tissues suggests that alternate splicing may occur in this organ. Ectopic expression of PASS1 in two cultured cell lines was observed to inhibit the ability of hsp27 to protect cells against heat shock, indicating that PASS1 does interact with hsp27 in the live cell.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 3 (TRAF3) is a highly versatile immune regulator that positively controls type I interferon production, but negatively regulates the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and alternative nuclear factor-κB signaling. The precise function of TRAF3 in different signaling pathways remains unclear. Thus, in a yeast two-hybrid assay, TRAF3 was used as the bait to screen a human spleen cDNA library for TRAF3 interactors that may potentially mediate TRAF3-regulated functions. Receptor-interacting protein 2 (RIP2) was identified as a TRAF3 binding partner. The interaction between TRAF3 and RIP2 was further confirmed by mammalian two-hybrid, co-immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays, and this interaction was also verified by immunoprecipitation of endogenous proteins in Ramos cells, a human B lymphoma cell line. RIP2 is an activator of NF-κB. We therefore examined the effect of TRAF3 in RIP2-induced NF-κB activation. The result showed that TRAF3 could inhibit RIP2-induced NF-κB activation. Given the high expression of RIP2 in the B lymphoma cell line and endogenous interaction between TRAF3 and RIP2 in Ramos cells, the role of RIP2 was further studied. The result demonstrated that RIP2 knockdown was capable of increasing the expression of TRAF3 and suppressing the activation of alternative NF-кB pathway in Ramos cells. These findings suggest that functional interactions between RIP2 and TRAF3 may provide some clues to the mechanisms of TRAF3-involvement in both positive and negative regulatory functions.  相似文献   

The role of hsp27 as an inhibitor of actin polymerization was considered in the context of the actin cytoskeleton and its relationship with focal adhesion formation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential effects of hsp27 on focal adhesion formation as a relevant biological consequence of actin stress fiber formation. When hsp27 was overexpressed in stably transfected cells, cell attachment was delayed and recovery of disrupted stress fibers and focal adhesions was limited. In ROS 17/2.8 cells, heat shock caused the reversible disruption of stress fibers and focal adhesions. The loss of stress fibers and focal adhesions was associated with reduced phosphotyrosine on the focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Microinjection of recombinant 6-His hsp27 and phosphorylated 6-His hsp27 was used to demonstrate that nonphosphorylated hsp27 prevented the recovery of stress fibers and focal adhesions. These results provide in vivo evidence that hsp27 acts as an inhibitor of actin polymerization that can alter cellular interactions with extracellular environments by perturbation of stress fibers, and subsequently focal adhesions.  相似文献   

Protein kinase A (PKA) plays an important role in the regulation of lipid metabolism in adipocytes. The activity of PKA is known to be modulated by its specific location in the cell, a process mediated by A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs). In order to examine the subcellular localization of PKA in this tissue we performed a search for AKAP proteins in adipocytes. We purified a 120 kDa protein which can bind both the regulatory subunit of PKA as well as the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1). This protein was found to be enriched in the lipid droplet fraction of primary adipocytes and was identified as D-AKAP1. This protein may play an important role in the regulation of PKA in adipocytes.  相似文献   

A novel human dual-specific protein phosphatase (DSP), designated DUSP27, is here described. The DUSP27 gene contains three exons, rather than the predicted 4-14 exons, and encodes a 220 amino acid protein. DUSP27 is structurally similar to other small DSPs, like VHR and DUSP13. The location of DUSP27 on chromosome 10q22, 50 kb upstream of DUSP13, suggests that these two genes arose by gene duplication. DUSP27 is an active enzyme, and its kinetic parameters and were determined. DUSP27 is a cytosolic enzyme, expressed in skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissue, suggesting its possible role in energy metabolism.  相似文献   

A merocrine released protein (named 115k protein) was highly enriched from the secretion of the rat coagulating gland. The protein has a molecular mass of 115 kDa as calculated by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. Furthermore, the 115 kDa protein is glycosylated, and carries Man, GlcNAc, Gal, Fuc and sialic acid residues. For identification, N-terminal amino acid and nucleotide sequence analyses were performed. The sequences obtained showed 86 to 100% identity with human and mouse IgGFc binding proteins. The functional capacity of IgG binding of the 115 kDa protein was shown by overlay experiments, indicating its membership in the IgG binding protein family.  相似文献   

IL-1 increases phosphorylation of the small heat shock protein (hsp27) in intact cells. This change was also shown both by introducing [gamma-32P]ATP and Mg2+ into MRC-5 fibroblasts permeabilized by LPC after stimulation by IL-1, and by adding the labeled ATP and Mg2+ to cell extracts. Hsp27 phosphorylated in permeabilized cells or cell extracts was shown by 2D electrophoresis to comprise the three forms seen in metabolically labeled cells, suggesting that the physiologically relevant kinase was acting on the substrate in vitro. Mixing of extracts of resting and IL-1-stimulated cells revealed that stimulated cells contained increased levels of kinase activity that phosphorylated substrate hsp27 in the extracts of resting cells. Existence of the activated kinase was confirmed by showing that extracts of IL-1-stimulated cells phosphorylated purified homogeneous hsp27 at a greater rate than those of resting cells. The kinase activity was maximal in cells stimulated with IL-1 for 5 to 10 min, but had declined to the resting level after stimulation for 40 min. Membrane and cytosolic fractions prepared from cell homogenates both contained hsp27 kinase, but the IL-1-dependent increase was associated with the cytosolic fraction. TNF-stimulated cells also contained increased hsp27 kinase activity in the cytosol. The evidence suggests that the cytosolic hsp27 kinase is responsible for the changes in hsp27 phosphorylation induced by the cytokines in intact cells.  相似文献   

An F-actin-bundling protein with Mr of 55,000 has been purified from HeLa cells by a simple method using its affinity to F-actin. Briefly, muscle actin was mixed with supernatants of HeLa cell homogenates, and the resultant actin gel was precipitated by low speed centrifugation. The 55-kDa protein in the actin gel was dissociated by depolymerization of F-actin and purified sequentially by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and hydroxylapatite. The Stokes radius and sedimentation coefficient of the 55-kDa protein were 32 A and 4.35 (S20,w), respectively. These results suggest that the 55-kDa protein is a monomeric globular protein with a native molecular weight of 57,000. The globular form of the protein was confirmed by electron microscopy of rotary shadowed specimens. The binding of the protein to actin was saturated at an approximate stoichiometry of 4 actin monomers to one 55-kDa molecule. The protein made F-actin aggregate side-by-side into bundles as has been reported for other F-actin-bundling proteins such as fimbrin (Mr = 68,000) and fascin (Mr = 58,000). The 55-kDa protein is a new actin-binding protein based on biochemical, morphological, and immunological characterization. Skeletal muscle tropomyosin inhibited the actin-bundling activity of 55-kDa protein by competitive binding to actin, suggesting that the 55-kDa protein binding site on F-actin is in the vicinity of the tropomyosin-binding site.  相似文献   

We have identified a homologue to the staphylococcal biofilm-associated protein (Bap) in a bloodstream isolate of Acinetobacter baumannii. The fully sequenced open reading frame is 25,863 bp and encodes a protein with a predicted molecular mass of 854 kDa. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence reveals a repetitive structure consistent with bacterial cell surface adhesins. Bap-specific monoclonal antibody (MAb) 6E3 was generated to an epitope conserved among 41% of A. baumannii strains isolated during a recent outbreak in the U.S. military health care system. Flow cytometry confirms that the MAb 6E3 epitope is surface exposed. Random transposon mutagenesis was used to generate A. baumannii bap1302::EZ-Tn5, a mutant negative for surface reactivity to MAb 6E3 in which the transposon disrupts the coding sequence of bap. Time course confocal laser scanning microscopy and three-dimensional image analysis of actively growing biofilms demonstrates that this mutant is unable to sustain biofilm thickness and volume, suggesting a role for Bap in supporting the development of the mature biofilm structure. This is the first identification of a specific cell surface protein directly involved in biofilm formation by A. baumannii and suggests that Bap is involved in intercellular adhesion within the mature biofilm.  相似文献   

We have investigated the binding characteristics of a potent member of the bis-ortho-substituted five-membered nitrogen heterocycle class of ALK-5 kinase inhibitors with lysates of cultured HEK-293 cells to identify protein binding partners of potential biological significance. An affinity chromatographic resin containing an immobilized ALK-5 kinase inhibitor, 2-phenyl-4-[3-(pyridin-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]pyridine, was used to capture specific proteins from the cell lysate. The soluble inhibitor was then used to specifically elute the proteins which selectively bound to the pharmacophore ligand structure. Application of 2-D SDS–PAGE analysis with positive and negative controls demonstrated the inhibitor bound several different proteins via selective molecular recognition processes. The structural features of the specifically eluted proteins were identified by peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) methods and included proteins with structural, metabolic and chaperone functions. Furthermore, these PMF results identified the therapeutic target in various cancer treatment studies, HSP-70, as a potential high-affinity binding partner. These observations warrant examination of bis-ortho-substituted five-membered nitrogen heterocycles as dual ALK-5/HSP-70 inhibitors for anti-cancer drug development.  相似文献   

Methyl-CpG binding domain proteins (MBD) can specifically bind to methylated CpG sites and play important roles in epigenetic gene regulation. Here, we identified and functionally characterized the MBD protein in Tribolium castaneum. T. castaneum genome encodes only one MBD protein: TcMBD2/3. RNA interference targeting this gene at different developmental stages caused lethal phenotypes including metamorphosis deficiency in larvae and pupae, gastrointestinal system problems and fecundity deficiency in adult. Moreover, Tcmbd2/3 knockdown adult showed progressive reduced locomoter activity, a typical neurodegeneration phenotype. This is a common feature of DNA methylation in mammals and has not been found in other insects. However, band shift assays demonstrated that TcMBD2/3 could not bind to methylated DNA, indicating the essential roles of TcMBD2/3 is independent of DNA methylation. Our study provides Tcmbd2/3 plays important roles in T. castaneum and gives new insights into the potential mechanism of action of MBD proteins in insect.  相似文献   

Mashimo J  Shibanuma M  Satoh H  Chida K  Nose K 《Gene》2000,249(1-2):99-103
The hic-5 gene encodes a focal adhesion protein that has striking similarity to paxillin. Genomic clones of the mouse hic-5 gene were isolated, and included 10 exons that covered the whole mouse mRNA sequence. Comparison of the sequence with those in the expressed sequence tag database suggested that the hic-5 gene contained an extra exon (named exon 1') located about 1kb upstream of exon 1, and mouse cells seemed to express two alternatively spliced forms of mRNA. All the exon-intron boundaries followed the GT/AG rule. Physical mapping and fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis indicated that the hic-5 gene is located on mouse chromosome 7, 60. 0cM from the centromere.  相似文献   

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