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Summary Givetian to early Carboniferous sediments of South China are characterized by carbonates. Middle and Late Devonian strata are best developed in the Guilin area. Reefs and organic shoals are recorded by various lithofacies types indicating the existence of an extended carbonate platform and a change of the composition of reef communities in time. Starting in the late Devonian, stromatoporoids and corals were replaced by algae that subsequently played an important role together with stromatoporoids, receptaculitids and fasciculate rugose corals in reef communities. In Houshan, 5 km west of Guilin, a coral-bafflestone reef occurs in the Frasnian strata, situated near an offshore algal-stromatoporoid reef. The coral reef was formed in a back-reef area adjacent to the inner platform margin. The coral-bafflestone reef is unique among the late Devonian reefs of South China with regard to the biotic composition. The reef is composed of fasciculate colonies ofSmithiphyllum guilinense n. sp. embedded within in packstones and wackestones. The height of colonies reaches 1 m. The community is low-diverse. The species ofSmithiphyllum occurring in the Frasnian reef complexes of Guilin exhibit a distinct facies control:Smithiphyllum guilinense occurs in or near to margin facies and formed bafflestone, constituting a coral reef whereasSmithiphyllum occidentale Sorauf, 1972 andSmithiphyllum sp.—characterized by small colonies with thin corallites—are restricted to the back-reef and marginal slope facies. The bush-like coral colonies baffled sediments. Algae and stromatoporoids (mainlyStachyodes) are other reef biota. Reef-dwelling organisms are dominated by brachiopods. The reefs are composed from base to top of five lithofacies types: 1) cryptalgal micrite, 2) peloidal packstone, 3) stromatactis limestone, 4) coral-bafflestone, and 5) pseudopeloidal packstone. The reef complex can be subdivided into back-reef subfacies, reef flat and marginal subfacies, and marginal fore-slope subfacies. The Houshan coral-bafflestone reef is not a barrier reef but a coral patch reef located near the inner margin of a carbonate platform.  相似文献   

The Frasnian back‐reef Pillara Limestone from Guppy Hills, Lennard Shelf, northwestern Australia consists of 267 m of biostromal limestone. Seven facies are described and these form seventy‐six interpreted shallowing‐upward cycles, with an average thickness of 3.47 metres. These cycles differ only slightly from cycles described from Menyous Gap, but more markedly from those described from Windjana Gorge. The duration of the Guppy Hills cycles is estimated to be between 26 and 33 ka. This estimate is not well constrained, but falls in the band for estimated Milankovitch frequencies, and is probably influenced by precession. The Menyous Gap and Windjana Gorge cycle durations also fall into Milankovitch frequencies, but are thought to be influenced by obliquity. A Fischer plot for the Guppy Hills cycles, shows a negative shift, suggesting an overall shallowing trend. However, there is evidence of a rapid deepening implying contemporaneous tectonic activity. Correlation between this plot and one of a similar age from the Frasnian of Canada suggests part of the plot may be recording a third‐order eustatic fluctuation.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of Permian colonial corals in forming organic reefs have not been adequately assessed, although they are common fossils in the Permian strata. It is now known that colonial corals were important contributors to reef framework during the middle and late Permian such as those in South China, northeast Japan, Oman and Thailand. A coral reef occurs in Kanjia-ping, Cili County, Hunan, South China. It is formed by erect and unscathed colonies ofWaagenophyllum growing on top of one anotherin situ to form a baffle and framework. Paleontological data of the Cili coral reef indicates a middle to late Changhsing age (Late Permian), corresponding to thePalaeofusulina zone. The coral reef exposure extends along the inner platform margin striking in E-S direction for nearly 4 km laterally and generally 35 to 57 m thick. The Cili coral reef exhibits a lateral differentiation into three main reef facies; reef core facies, fore-reef facies, and marginal slope facies. The major reef-core facies is well exposed in Shenxian-wan and Guanyin-an sections where it rests on the marginal slope facies. Colonial corals are dispersed and preserved in non-living position easward. Sponges become major stabilizing organisms in the eastern part of Changhsing limestone outcrop in Kanjia-ping, but no read sponge reefs were formed. Coral reefs at Cili County in Human are different distinctly from calcisponge reefs in South China in their palaeogeography, lithofacies development, organic constitutuents, palaeoecology and diagenesis. The Cili coral reef also shows differences in age, depositional facies association, reef organisms and diagenesis from coral reefs in South Kitakami of Japan, Khorat Plateau of Thailand, and Saih Hatat of Oman. Although some sponge reefs and mounds can reach up to the unconformable Permian/Triassic boundary, coral reef at Kanjia-ping, Cili County, is the latest Permian reef known. This reef appears to had been formed in a palaeoenvironment that is different from that of the sponge reefs and provides an example of new and unique Permian reef type in South China, and could help us to: 1) understand the significance of colonial corals in Permian carbonate buildups; 2) evaluate the importance of coral community evolution prior to the collapse of reef ecosystems at the Permian/Triassic boundary; 3) better understand the effects of the biotic extinction events in Palaeotethys realm; 4) look for environmental factors that may have controlled reefs through time and space, and 5) provide valuable data for the study of Permian palaeoclimate and global evolutionary changes of Permian reefs and reef community.  相似文献   

A carbonate ramp in the shallow‐marine northwestern part of the Central Tarim Uplift, Bachu, NW China, exhibits an extraordinary Late Ordovician reef complex along the Lianglitag Mountains, exposed for a distance of about 25 km. Seven localities within the ‘Middle Red Limestone’ of the Upper Member of the Lianglitag Formation (Katian, Late Ordovician) illustrated the changes in biofacies and lithofacies: northern, seaward‐directed patch reefs are replaced towards the south by coeval grain banks. The patch reef units are dominated by microbial and calcareous algal components. The reefs at the northernmost locality are knoll‐shaped, kalyptra‐shaped or irregularly shaped with sizes of individual reefs increasing from about 2 m in height and diameter. Stratigraphically upward, reefs notably expand to larger structures by several mounds coalescing; they are generally about 10 m thick and tens of metres in lateral extent. The maximum thickness of the main patch reef is more than 30 m, and its diameter is around 100 m. The reefal units turn into biostromes with gentler relief southward and still further south grade into banks composed of peloids and coated grains. The southernmost locality is still a shallow‐water bank, and the coastline is not documented in the study area. The present evidence indicates that the Late Ordovician palaeo‐oceanography provided a number of environments for the optimal growth of carbonate build‐ups; microbial‐calcareous algal communities could thrive in areas where the innovative metazoan reef frameworks consisting of corals and stromatoporoids did not play a significant role. The ramp morphology, especially changes in water depth, controlled the configuration of the reef complex.  相似文献   

During the Middle Oxfordian, numerous coral reefs flourished on the northern margin of the Tethys Ocean. The outcrop of Bonnevaux-le-Prieuré (northern French Jura mountains) provides a rare opportunity to observe a nearly complete section allowing the installation, evolution and demise of this global carbonate reef rich event to be studied. Quantitative data on coral assemblages together with sedimentological and palaeoecological observations lead to the reconstruction of a reef tract coral zonation. Starting from the outer slope, Dimorpharaea, Microsolena, Dendraraea, Comoseris, and Stylina ecozones are recognized. This new facies model implies a central position for an oolitic shoal in the highest energy zone, within the Comoseris ecozone. Applying this facies model to the sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the vertical succession results in recognising a third-order relative sea-level fluctuation, which can be correlated at least with Lorraine (France) and Switzerland.  相似文献   

Summary The Upper Rhaetian coral limestone of Adnet, southeast of Salzburg Austria has been repeatedly referred to as one of the most spectacular examples of an ancient ‘autochthonous’ coral reef structure. The ‘Tropfbruch’ quarry is probably the best outcrop for interpreting the distributional patterns of biotic successions and communities of a late Triassic patch reef. Our study is based on the interpretation of a) outcrop photographs, b) reef maps resulting from quadrat transects, and c) the analysis of quantitative data describing the distribution and frequency of reef organisms and sediment. A new methodological approach (combination of reef mapping and photo-transects) is used to obtain quantitative field data which can be compared in greater detail with data from modern coral reefs investigated by corresponding quantitative surveys. Three unconformities and three well-defined ‘reef growth stages’ reflecting the vertical and lateral development of the reef structure were differrentiated using transects: Stage 1, representing the reef growth optimum, is characterized by laterally differentiated coral reef knobs with corals in growth position. Criteria supporting this interpretation are the extraordinary size of the corals, their preservation in situ and the great thickness of this interval. The massive coralPamiroseris grew under higher energy conditions at the rim of the reef knob, whereas branchingRetiophyllia colonies preferred less agitated water in the center. Vertical changes are reflected by an increase in frequency of the dasycladacean algaDiplopora adnetensis and by the decreasing size ofRetiophyllia. These sedimentological and biological criteria together with the unconformity above indicate a fall in the sea level as a major control mechanism. Stage 2, separated from stage 1 by an unconformity caused by partial subaerial exposure and karstification, is characterized by vertically stacked coral successions with diverse reef debris. Facies heterogeneity is reflected by differences in the diversity, taphonomy and packing density of reef-building organisms as well as by differences in sediment input from the platform. Water depths and accommodation space were lower, therefore minor sea level fluctuations had a stronger effect on the biotic composition. The high percentage of coral debris and corals reworked by storms and the increase in the input of platform sediment led to a reduction of reef growth. Stage 3, again separated at the base by an unconformity associated with karstification, is characterized by bioclastic sediments with isolated reefbuilders forming a level-bottom community. The distribution of different coral morphotypes suggests that sea level fluctuations were not the only controlling factor. Variations in the substrate were caused by differences in the input of platform sediment. The three-step development seen in Adnet documents the response of low-diverse coral associations to variations caused by small-scale sea level changes, storm activity and sedimentation. The vertical changes in reef community structures correspond to a sequence of ‘allogenic replacements’. The Adnet reef structure should not be regarded as a general model of Alpine Upper Rhaetian reefs, because of the particular setting of the patch reef. Only the ‘capping beds’ of the Upper Rhaetian Reef Limestone of the Steinplatte exhibit criteria similar to Adnet. Potential modern analogues of features seen in the coral communities of Adnet are the internal structure of theRetiophyllia thickets, the key role of branching corals within the communities, the scattered distribution and low and even diversity of corals subsequent to breaks in settlement, segration patterns of corals indicating ‘contact avoidance’, toppling of large coral colonies by intensive boring, and decreasing coral coverage from deeper and sheltered settings to more shallower water depths.  相似文献   

Well‐preserved cold‐water corals are comparatively rare in the fossil record. This is partly due to the very low fossilization potential of the predominantly aragonitic corals but also due to the fact that coral ecosystems of deep water are a geologically young development. A Middle Danian cold‐water coral mound complex is well exposed in Faxe Quarry, Denmark. The coral mounds are intercalated with bryozoan mounds of various sizes and form the Faxe Formation. The coral limestone displays large variations in diagenesis, and this complicates the palaeoecological reconstructions. However, the Baunekule facies from the Faxe Formation contain a well‐preserved originally aragonitic and calcitic fauna. The aragonitic skeletons have been recrystallized to calcite during early diagenesis and the excellent preservation makes taxonomic identifications straightforward. A diverse fauna of ten scleractinian coral species, nine stylasterine coral species and seven octocoral species has been described from the Baunekule facies. The fossil fauna represents an ecological niche between the dead coral framework and coral rubble on a flank of a growing Dendrophyllia coral mound with multiple colonization events. The diversity and relative abundance of the fossil scleractinian corals are comparable to the modern settings in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean. The distribution and diversity of the octocorals and the stylasterine corals are suggested to represent coral gardens as described from modern setting in the NE Pacific. The presence of a diverse and abundant stylasterine fauna suggests a stable palaeoenvironment, probably in a bathymetric depth range of 200–400 metre.  相似文献   

Dr. Oliver Weidlich 《Facies》1996,35(1):133-142
Summary Rugose corals are known from allochthonous Late Permian reefal blocks of the A1 Jil and Ba’id Formation (Hawasina Complex), Oman Mountains. In contrast to many Late Permian Rugosa found elsewhere in the Tethys, they occurred in sponge reefs and contributed to reef construction. The waagenophyllid warm water coral fauna is moderately diverse comprising cerioid, thamnasterioid, and fasciculate taxa. In contrast to sponges, chaetetids, and low-growing reefbuilders, the corals secreted diagenetically stable, most probably Mg-calcitic skeletons. Borings in coral skeletons are consequently well preserved providing important data for the interpretation of reef destructive processes. Thin-section analysis revealed three taxa of infaunal borers includingEntobia Bronn 1837, uncertain thallophyte borings, and borings of unknown bioeroders. Macroborers were more important than microborers, because of the dominance of clionid sponges. Good evidence exists also for the occurrence of two types of undetermined grazers which destroyed the coral surfaces. The amount and distribution of bioerosions is variable among different coral taxa. The fasciculate coralPraewentzelella regulare Flügel 1995 was the favorate substrate. Up to 33% of the calices were bored. Dendroid and compound corals were bored subordinately. Bioerosion of these colonies does not exceed 2%. There is good evidence for substrate preference amongst the borers. Major controlling factors affecting borer distribution are believed to be variations of skeletal density and gross morphology. The borer assemblage could not limit reef accretion significantly. Factors controlling boring activity might have been quality of substrate, sedimentation rate, rapid incrustation of substrates, and competition for food with reef constructors including sponges, chaetetids, and rugose corals.  相似文献   

Land-use changes and associated deteriorations in water quality are cited as major drivers of marine ecosystem change, and can modify community abundance and diversity on coral reefs. This study uses palaeoecological data derived from a mid-Holocene age coral reef in the Wet Tropics region of Australia's Great Barrier Reef to develop a record of coral community composition and diversity, from a period that significantly pre-dates European settlement in the region. Major changes in catchment sediment and nutrient yields since European settlement have been documented, and thus the data presented provides a baseline against which to compare contemporary ecological datasets. Natural variations in coral assemblage composition, as preserved in core records, clearly occurred in this mid-Holocene reef and were associated with the reef shallowing to sea level as it accreted vertically. Comparisons between modern and mid-Holocene coral community data from equivalent water depths did not reveal marked shifts in coral community composition and diversity, suggesting the long-term persistence of a resilient coral assemblage over these time periods.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are renowned for their spectacular biodiversity and the close links between fishes and corals. Despite extensive fossil records and common biogeographic histories, the evolution of these two key groups has rarely been considered together. We therefore examine recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and palaeoecology, and place the evolution of fishes and corals in a functional context. In critically reviewing the available fossil and phylogenetic evidence, we reveal a marked congruence in the evolution of the two groups. Despite one group consisting of swimming vertebrates and the other colonial symbiotic invertebrates, fishes and corals have remarkably similar evolutionary histories. In the Paleocene and Eocene [66–34 million years ago (Ma)] most modern fish and coral families were present, and both were represented by a wide range of functional morphotypes. However, there is little evidence of diversification at this time. By contrast, in the Oligocene and Miocene (34–5.3 Ma), both groups exhibited rapid lineage diversification. There is also evidence of increasing reef area, occupation of new habitats, increasing coral cover, and potentially, increasing fish abundance. Functionally, the Oligocene–Miocene is marked by the appearance of new fish and coral taxa associated with high‐turnover fast‐growth ecosystems and the colonization of reef flats. It is in this period that the functional characteristics of modern coral reefs were established. Most species, however, only arose in the last 5.3 million years (Myr; Plio–Pleistocene), with the average age of fish species being 5.3 Myr, and corals just 1.9 Myr. While these species are genetically distinct, phenotypic differences are often limited to variation in colour or minor morphological features. This suggests that the rapid increase in biodiversity during the last 5.3 Myr was not matched by changes in ecosystem function. For reef fishes, colour appears to be central to recent diversification. However, the presence of pigment patterns in the Eocene suggests that colour may not have driven recent diversification. Furthermore, the lack of functional changes in fishes or corals over the last 5 Myr raises questions over the role and importance of biodiversity in shaping the future of coral reefs.  相似文献   

The concept of ecological succession has been frequently applied in the study of ancient reefs. Whereas Paleozoic and Mesozoic reefs are commonly thought to reveal an autogenic primary—climax zonation, patterns in Neogene and Quaternary reefs are much more diverse. Here, we describe a well-preserved late Pleistocene coral reef from Dahab on Sinai Peninsula (Egypt), which shows a distinct zonation that resembles an ecological succession. In contrast to classical examples of ecological successions, species composition, paleoenvironmental conditions, and coral biodiversity of the Dahab reef indicate an allogenic, sea-level controlled community change, from marginal marine to reef slope and back reef. A review of the literature confirms that autogenic, short-term successions are virtually absent in Quaternary reefs. We predict that long generation times of corals make it unlikely that classical autogenic successions develop in reefs at all, unless environmental conditions are unusually stable.  相似文献   

Henderson Island, in the Pitcairn Group, preserves a Pleistocene atoll physiography with the rim of the raised reef structure, supporting spur and groove topography, enclosing a central lagoon. Excellent preservation of coral reef communities occurs along the ancient atoll rim and within the central lagoon. The previously interpreted depositional nature of the fossil atoll structure is herein corroborated with geomorphologic and stratigraphic evidence from previously un-visited portions of the island. Stratigraphic and lateral facies relationships indicate a physiographic zonation which includes spur and grooves, outer reef flat, lagoon margin, and an interior lagoon with patch reefs. The in situ occurrence and zonation of reef coral communities around the periphery and within the interior of the island appear to reflect the original physiography of the atoll lagoon, with the most pronounced reef development on the SE side of the original atoll. Stratigraphic units which comprise the raised atoll lagoon structure represent different time intervals, so the atoll lagoon structure formed during various sea level fluctuations. The modern atolls of the Pitcairn Group, Oeno and Ducie, provide some comparisons (similarities and differences) with the fossil lagoon on top of Henderson Island.  相似文献   

Occurrence and distribution of stony corals (Milleporina and Scleractinia) in the Gulf of Cariaco were investigated quantitatively using skin-diving methods. Unusual temperature conditions due to cold upwelling limit coral growth to a depth of 15 m. A clear vertical zonation of species was observed, with five zones, in order of increasing depth, dominated by Porites porites, Millepora complanata, Siderastrea siderea, Dichocoenia stokesi, and Solenastrea hyades. Twenty-one species of scleractinians and three species of hydrocorals have so far been found in the gulf. Of the total area covered by corals, over 50% is inhabited by Siderastrea siderea, Millepora spp., and Porites porites. A horizontal zonation of the littoral was established based on species composition and density of the coral cover.  相似文献   

Dr. Karl Kleemann 《Facies》1994,31(1):131-139
Summary The fossil record of coral and boring mytilid bivalves IS investigated. Middle Miocene associations from Austria, Hungary, and Turkey are described. As host corals,Montastrea, Porites, Siderastrea, Solenastrea, andTarbellastraea can be noted. Eocene (Waschberg Zone) and Upper Cretaceous (Gosau Formation) examples are presented from Austria only. As host corals,Favia andMontastrea, respectivelyAstrocoenia and an unidentified branching coral are recorded. The associated bivalve species are all mytilidLithophaga, includingL. laevigata (Quoy & Gaimard) inTarbellastraea, a new Middle Miocene species inMontastrea, andL. alpina (Zittel) inAstrocoenia, the latter two from Styria, Austria. Thecharacteristic features of the coral-bivalve relationships include (in massive corals): Boreholes more or less in the direction of coral growth, radially arranged, elongate boreholes, produced by keeping pace with coral growth. Bivalves were not only present near the surface, but deep inside the skeleton, representing successive generations in the same host colony. After the death of borers, their tunnels were closed by coral overgrowth. Cup-shaped false floors in the boreholes are correlated to reduced coral growth, indicating individual longevity of bivalves. The spacing of the floors mirrors the growth rate of the host coral (like its density bands), their number representing the minimal age of the respective bivalve. In branching corals, boreholes of the associated smallsizedLithophaga tended to turn into the axes of branchlets, when space was limited. Elongated boreholes and false floors were usually not developed, as bivalve growth obviously exceeded lateral growth of branchlets and specimens were rather short-lived. References to probable associations of coral and mytilid boring bivalves are given. It is quite likely that they have occurred since Jurassic times and probably since the Upper Triassic. So far, they have been ascertained since the Upper Cretaceous in massive and branching corals.  相似文献   

廖芝衡  余克服  王英辉 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6687-6695
随着全球范围珊瑚礁的退化,大型海藻在珊瑚礁区的覆盖度呈增多的趋势。大型海藻的大量生长,妨碍了珊瑚的生长、繁殖、恢复等过程。概括起来,大型海藻对珊瑚生长、繁殖及恢复过程所产生的不利影响主要包括:(1)大型海藻通过与珊瑚竞争空间和光照而影响珊瑚生长;(2)大型海藻与珊瑚直接接触时,通过摩擦作用及释放化感物质而影响珊瑚生长;(3)大型海藻的大量生长打破了珊瑚与海藻的竞争平衡,珊瑚为应对大型海藻的入侵而把用于生长和繁殖的能量转移到组织修复与防御上,进而造成珊瑚繁殖能量的减少;(4)大型海藻通过影响珊瑚幼虫的附着及附着后的存活率,而阻碍珊瑚群落的发展;(5)海藻还能通过富集沉积物、释放病原体及扰乱珊瑚共生微生物的生长等而间接影响珊瑚生长。明确的竞争机制有利于研究海藻与珊瑚的相互作用过程。在总结前人对海藻与珊瑚的竞争机制研究的基础上,把两者的竞争机制划分成物理机制、化学机制、微生物机制三大类,物理机制是研究得比较透彻的竞争机制,而化学机制与微生物机制则需要更深入的研究,是当前研究的热点。目前,我国对珊瑚礁中底栖海藻与珊瑚的相互作用研究甚少;鉴于此,对底栖海藻功能群的划分类型以及三大类型底栖海藻对珊瑚的作用特点做了简要介绍,并对珊瑚礁退化的现状和退化珊瑚礁区内海藻的表现做了概述。在此基础上,再综述国外关于大型海藻对珊瑚的影响研究进展,指出我国应该加强对南海珊瑚礁区大型海藻的种类分布及丰富度等的调查,评价大型海藻对南海珊瑚礁的影响现状;并结合生理学、分子生物学技术和生态学研究手段,在细胞与分子水平上探索海藻对珊瑚的影响机制,以期为珊瑚礁生态系统的保护提供参考。  相似文献   

Tropical reefs are dynamic ecosystems that host diverse coral assemblages with different life-history strategies. Here, we quantified how juvenile (<50 mm) coral demographics influenced benthic coral structure in reef flat and reef slope habitats on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Permanent plots and settlement tiles were monitored every six months for three years in each habitat. These environments exhibited profound differences: the reef slope was characterised by 95% less macroalgal cover, and twice the amount of available settlement substrata and rates of coral settlement than the reef flat. Consequently, post-settlement coral survival in the reef slope was substantially higher than that of the reef flat, and resulted in a rapid increase in coral cover from 7 to 31% in 2.5 years. In contrast, coral cover on the reef flat remained low (~10%), whereas macroalgal cover increased from 23 to 45%. A positive stock-recruitment relationship was found in brooding corals in both habitats; however, brooding corals were not directly responsible for the observed changes in coral cover. Rather, the rapid increase on the reef slope resulted from high abundances of broadcast spawning Acropora recruits. Incorporating our results into transition matrix models demonstrated that most corals escape mortality once they exceed 50 mm, but for smaller corals mortality in brooders was double those of spawners (i.e. acroporids and massive corals). For corals on the reef flat, sensitivity analysis demonstrated that growth and mortality of larger juveniles (21–50 mm) highly influenced population dynamics; whereas the recruitment, growth and mortality of smaller corals (<20 mm) had the highest influence on reef slope population dynamics. Our results provide insight into the population dynamics and recovery trajectories in disparate reef habitats, and highlight the importance of acroporid recruitment in driving rapid increases in coral cover following large-scale perturbation in reef slope environments.  相似文献   

Shallow-water Pleistocene coral reef facies in Barbados (dominated by Acropora palmata rubble) record evidence of deposition under contrasting non-catastrophic - (fair-weather?) and storm-induced conditions. Depositional styles are interpreted on the basis of coral rubble fabrics and calcareous encruster successions. Terrace exposures on the west of the island comprise uniform (3-4 m thick) depositional sequences. Individual coral samples exhibit similarities in encruster community composition and thickness, and a transition from photophilic to sciaphilic encrusting forms. These are indicative of colonization during gradual burial in an accumulating rubble pile. By contrast, NE coast sites comprise repetitive sequences of discrete (0.4-1 m thick) depositional units. Rubble colonization within each unit is characterized by a vertical succession from thin (1-2 mm), sciaphilic encruster-dominated sequences at the base, to progressively thicker (up to 20 mm), photophilic encruster-dominated sequences at the top. These are interpreted as multiple storm deposits, with upper surfaces colonized by opportunist coral species (primarily Agaricia agaricites). In contrast to many modern hurricane-impacted reef systems, however, there is no evidence of long-term shifts in coral community composition following physical disturbance. Colony sizes of opportunist corals at the tops of storm units are consistent with growth over timescales of <10 years. These are overlain on each occasion by a new A. palmata rubble pile, indicating successful recovery over successive physical disturbance cycles.  相似文献   

Upper Jurassic reefs rich in microbial crusts generally appear in deeper (sponge—‘algal’ crust reefs) or in very shallow but protected settings (coral or coral-coralline sponge meadows with ‘algal’ crusts). Upper Jurassic high-energy reefs (coral reefs and coral-stromatoporoid reefs) normally lack major participation of microbial crusts but rather represent huge bioclastic piles with only minor framestone patches preserved. An exception to this rule is represented by the high-energy, coral-‘algal’ Ota Reef from the Kimmeridgian of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). The narrow Ota Reef tract rims a small intra-basinal carbonate platform exhibiting perfect facies zonation (from W to E: Reef tract, back reef sands, peritidal belt, low-energy shallow lagoon). The reef is dominated by massive corals (Thamnasteria, Microsolena, Stylina). Complete preservation of coral framework is rare: like other Upper Jurassic high-energy reefs, the Ota Reef is very rich in debris; however, this debris is largely stabilized by algal and microbial crusts, what contrasts the other examples and gives the Ota Reef the appearance of a typical modern high-energy coral-melobesioid algal reef. Further similarities to modern reefs are the likely existence of a spur-and-groove system, the perfect sheltering of inner platform areas and the occurrence of small islands, as indicated by local blackenings and early vadose and karstic features.  相似文献   

Dr. Eric Fookes 《Facies》1995,33(1):129-149
Summary This study consists of a sedimentological and diagenetical analysis of reef facies from the Upper Kimmeridgian (sensu gallico). The investigated deposits are situated in eastern France, about fifty kilometres west of the city of Geneva (Switzerland). The reef complex is a fine example of vertical development and facies differentiation. It is subdivided into two distinct sequences by a perforated hardground horizon and sand shoals. The onset of the first reef sequence is characterized by a pioneer growth stage followed by up to 20 m of reef-core and-flank facies. Corals forming the reef-core are typically the ramose variety ofCalamophylliopsis flabellum. The second reef sequence has a reef-core with an average thickness of about 5 m. Corals, however, display much more varied morphologies, and in some areas massive rudist (Heterodiceras) build-ups occur. Development of the second reef sequence was seriously weakened by a storm which produced a 2 m thick accumulation of coral rubble. A shallowing-upwards trend gradually leads to the formation of beach deposits, followed by a newly detected black-pebble horizon. Diagenesis is an important aspect of the reef complex. Especially noteworthy is the dolomitization of certain horizons. At the base of the reef formation, the passage of the phreatic mixing zone provoked invasive dolomitization in large irregular patches (probably deposits richer in Mg-calcite). Some of the beds above the black-pebble horizon, in particular a deposit of accumulated microbial mats, are also dolomitized. In this case, dolomitization is stratiform and is interpreted as having precipitated under conditions of evaporative pumping. The sedimentary record clearly shows the imprint of eustasy. The reef complex was initiated during a transgressive cycle and the hardground found between the two reef sequences is interpreted as a maximum flooding surface (mfs). At the top of the sequence, the horizon overlain by the black-pebble conglomerate is believed to represent the new sequence boundary SB140. Other significant features identified from the St. Germain-de-Joux deposits include the discovery of a new foraminifera,Troglotella incrustans, which is only marginally covered here but is the topic of another paper (Wernli & Fookes, 1992); the subdivision of the first coralligenous level defined byPelletier (1953) into two reef sequences; and a proposition to redefine the ‘Calcaires de la Semine’ (Bernier, 1984). The investigations carried out in the past on the Kimmeridgian deposits in the area of St. Germain-de-Joux were mostly based on stratigraphy and palaeontology. These reefs are among the finest known in the Jura Mountains, but no thorough study had been made on their sedimentological aspects. The aim of this study is to fill this void and also to clarify the more confusing aspects of local stratigraphy (paper based onFookes, 1991).  相似文献   

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