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Myoepithelial cells were present between the basal lamina and the acinar secretory cells of human labial salivary glands. In form and disposition, they resembled myoepithelial cells in the major salivary glands. Many of these cells possessed single cilia on their upper surfaces. Such cilia occasionally extended into invaginations of the overlying secretory cell. The intercalated ducts were variable in occurrence. Their epithelium ranged from columnar to squamous, and showed few signs of secretory activity. Few intralobular ducts possessed basal striations. While mitochondria were abundant in non-striated cells, they were randomly disposed in both basal and apical cytoplasm, and the basal plasmalemma showed only occasional infoldings. The paucity of true striated ducts in labial salivary glands may be responsible for the high concentration of sodium and chloride in unstimulated labial gland salivary secretions.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of human labial salivary glands. I. Acinar secretory cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The structure of human labial salivary gland acini was studied by light and electron microscopy. Contrary to previous reports, these glands were pure mucous in nature; no serous elements were present. The acinar cells were found in all stages of maturation. Immature cells were characterized by an extensive and highly organized rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. The Golgi complex was extremely prominent, consisting of stacks of flattened cisternae and swarms of small vesicles. Mucous droplets were almost completely absent. As secretory activity progressed, the endoplasmic reticulum involuted, while the Golgi cisternae became distended and formed many vacuoles. In mature mucous cells, the apical cytoplasm was filled with membrane-bounded mucous droplets, and the nucleus was displaced basally. The droplets frequently showed great variation in density from cell to cell, and even within the same cell they sometimes were quite heterogeneous. They were liberated from the acinar cells by an apocrine process, so that droplets with intact limiting membranes were often observed in the acinar lumen. These droplets soon lysed, their contents fusing into streams of mucus. Occasionally during apocrine secretion a mucous cell failed to reconstitute its apical surface, and its entire contents spilled into the acinar lumen. Unusual cytoplasmic inclusions were present in many of the acinar cells. These inclusions, which were surrounded by a single membrane, consisted of lipid droplets closely associated with bundles of fine filaments.  相似文献   

In this study, the first experimental investigation carried out at the ultrastructural level on mucous cells of human salivary glands, we have examined by light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM), the secretory response of labial glands stimulated in vitro by the beta-adrenergic agent, D,L isoproterenol, and by the muscarinic agent carbachol. For comparison we have used identical methods to study samples of mixed portions of human submandibular glands. Morphological findings obtained here on both submandibular and labial glands mucous cells demonstrate that mucous droplets are released solely by muscarinic stimulation, and that cytological events occurring during secretory discharge are similar to those described by others, using TEM, on stimulated mucous cells of rat sublingual glands. Despite the fact that human labial glands are said to have a prominent cholinergic innervation with scanty adrenergic nerves, the response of seromucous cells in these organs to stimulation with carbachol and with isoproterenol was similar to that observed by us, (using LM, TEM and HRSEM), in serous cells of human major salivary glands.  相似文献   

Simplified biopsy technique for labial minor salivary glands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Magainins, antimicrobial peptides secreted by granular glands of frog skin, may be related to the high resistance to infections of this epithelial surface. The oral mucosa of healthy individuals is another tissue in which infection is not frequent, probably owing to the activity of potent salivary and mucosal defense mechanisms. To investigate if magainin-like factors are a component of these oral defense mechanisms, human and animal minor (mucosal) and major salivary glands were examined by immunohistochemistry, using a polyclonal rabbit anti-magainin antibody. Cryostat sections of (para) formaldehyde-fixed tissues were incubated with the antibody and then stained with fluorescein-complexed anti-rabbit IgG. Specific staining was observed in the apical portion of the cytoplasm of ductal epithelial cells of human submandibular and labial salivary glands. Diffuse staining was present in submandibular acinar cells. Bovine, rat, hamster, and mouse tissues were unreactive. The presence of magainin-like substances in human salivary gland duct cells is consistent with reports of the occurrence of other biologically active substances in salivary gland ducts.  相似文献   

By means of electron microscopy cells in the human submandibular glands were studied. It was demonstrated that in acini two types of glandular cells were present: mucosal and seromucosal. In the latter, secretory granules are descrete with electron opaque cores in most of them. Mucocytes are filled with an electron transparent secrete; secretory granules often confluent and their membranes rupture. The acini are surrounded with myoepithelial cells. Intercalated ducts consist of cells with moderately electron opaque granules. In some granules there are dense bodies excentrically situated. In these cells there occur lipid inclusions. Striated ducts are composed of basal (electron transparent) and high cylindric (light and dark) cells. The cylindrical cells have a large amount of mitochondria, deep folds in their basal plasmolemma protruding into cytoplasma. Most of the cells in these parts contain small apically accumulated secretory granules with a dense matrix and separate larger ones scattered in the cell. It is possible to suggest that some secretory granules of ductal or, perhaps, acinar origin contain hormonal products.  相似文献   

A method for the correction of macrocheilia due to hyperplasia of labial salivary glands is presented. It can be carried out as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. A vermilion flap is elevated, providing good exposure for adequate excision and preventing lip distortion. In this method, bulkiness of the lip is reduced, preserving the normal general contour of the entire lip.  相似文献   

Insect silks are secreted from diverse gland types; this chapter deals with the silks produced by labial glands of Holometabola (insects with pupa in their life cycle). Labial silk glands are composed of a few tens or hundreds of large polyploid cells that secrete polymerizing proteins which are stored in the gland lumen as a semi?liquid gel. Polymerization is based on weak molecular interactions between repetitive amino acid motifs present in one or more silk proteins; cross?linking by disulfide bonds may be important in the silks spun under water. The mechanism of long?term storage of the silk dope inside the glands and its conversion into the silk fiber during spinning is not fully understood. The conversion occurs within seconds at ambient temperature and pressure, under minimal drawing force and in some cases under water. The silk filament is largely built of proteins called fibroins and in Lepidoptera and Trichoptera coated by glue?type proteins known as sericins. Silks often contain small amounts of additional proteins of poorly known function. The silk components controlling dope storage and filament formation seem to be conserved at the level of orders, while the nature of polymerizing motifs in the fibroins, which determine the physical properties of silk, differ at the level of family and even genus. Most silks are based on fibroin β?sheets interrupted with other structures such as α?helices but the silk proteins of certain sawflies have predominantly a collagen?like or polyglycine II arrangement and the silks of social Hymenoptera are formed from proteins in a coiled coil arrangement.  相似文献   

We investigated the change of the glucose oxidase (GOX) activity in labial salivary glands of Helicoverpa armigera larvae fed with the artificial diet or host plant tobacco and the major factors responsible for such a change. Throughout larval development, the labial salivary GOX activities in caterpillars reared on the artificial diet were remarkably higher than those fed with the plant. After fifth-instar plant-fed caterpillars were transferred to the artificial diet, their labial salivary GOX activity increased quickly, which was closely correlated with the time spent feeding on the artificial diet. The total sugar content of the artificial diet was 68 times higher than that of the tobacco leaves. We hypothesized that sugars and secondary metabolites are the possible causes of induction of GOX activity. When fifth-instar caterpillars were fed with tobacco leaves coated with glucose or sucrose, their labial salivary GOX activity was significantly higher than those fed with leaves without sugar coating. Following native PAGE, 1 single band of the labial salivary GOX was observed in all the caterpillars fed with different diets, implying that only the activity of the isoenzyme was changed in response to different diets. Furthermore, the labial salivary GOX activity was determined after caterpillars were fed with artificial diets containing chlorogenic acid, rutin, and quercetin. The results showed that all these phenolic compounds had no effect on the GOX activity. We conclude that sugar in diets was a major factor influencing the labial salivary GOX activity of the larvae. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 2008.  相似文献   

The paired salivary glands of unfed adult Ornithodoros (Ornithodoros) moubata are composed of type I (agranular) and type II (granular) alveoli. Type I alveoli consis of one large central cell surrounded by peripheral cells having the morphology of fluid-transporting epithelia. Type II alveoli contain granular and agranular cells; the former are comprised of morphologically distinct types of cells (a, b, and c) containing granules of different structures and chemical composition with respect to polysaccharide and protein. The agranular cells are the interstitial and cap cells. Golgi bodies and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) are found in all granular cells and apparently are involved in granule formation. No appreciable structural changes were observed in type I alveoli during or after feeding. Type c cell granules are released before granules from types a and b cells and may contain anticoagulant substances that promote the blood flow of the host during the tick feeding. Although the cap cells are not structurally affected by feeding, interstitial cells are developed into transporting epithelia.  相似文献   

Each of the paired salivary glands of third instar larvae of the humpbacked fly Megaselia scalaris is a bag-like structure with a short neck region from which a single duct emerges. The two ducts form a common duct that empties into the ventral region of the pharynx near the mouthparts. The wall of the glands and ducts consists of a simple squamous epithelium that rests upon a connective tissue layer. Cells in the neck are less flattened than those found elsewhere. The basal surfaces of the cells are infolded most deeply in the neck and the least in the duct. The apical surfaces of the cells possess microvilli except in the duct where the apices of the cells are covered by a complex extracellular layer. This layer displays circularly arranged folds that accommodate a thread-like supportive structure resembling taenidial threads of tracheae. Elaborate junctional complexes are associated with the lateral surfaces of the cells. Elements of these complexes include a zonula adherens, a series of pleated septate desmosomes, and conventional desmosomes. The cytoplasm of the glandular cells is filled with RER and other organelles normally seen in cells that export proteins and mucosubstances. Secretory material found in the lumens of the glands reacts only moderately with the PAS procedure but more strongly with alcian blue and methods that demonstrate proteins. The nuclei of the glandular cells contain single large nucleoli and polytene chromosomes whose banding is rather indistinct. Treatment with EDTA produces detrimental effects on all of the foregoing ultrastructural features of the glands and ducts.  相似文献   

Podisus nigrispinus Dallas (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is a zoophytophagous insect with a potential for use as a biological control agent in agriculture because nymphs and adults actively prey on various insects by inserting mouthparts and regurgitating the contents of the salivary glands inside the prey, causing rapid paralysis and death. However, the substances found in saliva of P. nigrispinus that causes the death of the prey are unknown. As a first step to identify the component of the saliva of P. nigrispinus, this study evaluated the ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the salivary glands of P. nigrispinus. The salivary system of P. nigrispinus has a pair of principal salivary glands, which are bilobed with a short anterior lobe and a long posterior lobe, and a pair of tubular accessory glands. The principal gland epithelium is composed of a single layer of cells enclosing a large lumen. Epithelial cells of the principal salivary gland vary from cubic to columnar shape, with one or two spherical and well-developed nuclei. Cells of the anterior lobe of the principal salivary gland have an apical surface with narrow, short, and irregular plasma membrane foldings; apical and perinuclear cytoplasm rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum; and mitochondria with tubular cristae. The basal portion of the secretory cells has mitochondria associated with many basal plasma membrane infoldings that are short but form large extracellular canals. Secretory granules with electron-dense core and electron-transparent peripheral are dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Cells of the posterior lobe of the principal salivary gland are similar to those of the anterior lobe, except for the presence of mitochondria with transverse cristae. The accessory salivary gland cells are columnar with apical microvilli, have well-developed nucleus and cytoplasm rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum, and have secretory granules. Cytochemical tests showed positive reactions for carbohydrate, protein, and acid phosphatase in different regions of the glandular system. The principal salivary glands of P. nigrispinus do not have muscle cells attached to its wall, suggesting that saliva-releasing mechanism may occurs with the participation of some thorax muscles. The cytochemical and ultrastructural features suggest that the principal and accessory salivary glands play a role in protein synthesis of the saliva.  相似文献   

Bovine parotid glands exhibit outstanding structural differences when compared with those of non-ruminant mammals. The acini are tortuous, branched and lined with cells of different heights, imparting a scalloped appearance to acinar lumina. Numerous microvilli, ca. 1.5 μ in length, extend into the lumina and intercellular canaliculi. Intercellular canaliculi measure ca. 3 μ in diameter and interweave in close association with intercellular tissue spaces. Intercellular tissue spaces are separated from the extraacinar spaces across a basal lamina only, whereas junctional complexes guard canaliculi from direct continuity with tissue spaces and/or extraacinar spaces. Flattened cytoplasmic lamellae extend from adjacent acinar cells and loosely interdigitate with one another across the tissue spaces. Acinar cells contain more mitochondria and less granular endoplasmic reticulum than parotid glands of non-ruminant mammals. Two types of secretory material, in the form of inclusions which vary in size and electron density, are present in the acinar cells. Intercalated ducts connect acini with striated ducts which in turn, empty into collecting ducts located between gland lobules. In terms of frequency of “basal infoldings” and numbers of mitochondria, striated ducts of calf parotid glands are not as well developed as those of certain other salivary glands. Myoepithelial cells are most often present at junctions of acini and intercalated ducts where they may attach to both acinar and ductal epithelium. Nerve “terminals” were not observed on the epithelial side of basement membranes in relation to the secretory cells.  相似文献   

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