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Flowering of the facultative long-day plant Arabidopsis is controlled by several endogenous and environmental factors, among them gibberellins (GAs) and day length. The promotion of flowering by long days involves an endogenous clock that interacts with light cues provided by the environment. Light, and specifically photoperiod, is also known to regulate the biosynthesis of GAs, but the effects of GAs and photoperiod on flowering are at least partially separable. Here, we have used a short-period mutant, toc1, to investigate the role of the circadian clock in the control of flowering time by GAs and photoperiod. We show that toc1 affects expression of several floral regulators and a GA biosynthetic gene, but that these effects are independent.  相似文献   

Light and serotonin were found to cause phase shifts of the circadian neural activity rhythm in the optic lobe of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus cultured in vitro. The two phase-shifting agents yielded phase-response curves different in shape. Light induced phase delay and advance in the early and late subjective night, respectively, and almost no shifts in the subjective day, whereas serotonin phase-advances the clock during the subjective day and induced delay shifts during the subjective night. The largest phase advance and delay occurred at circadian time 21 and 12, respectively, for light, and circadian time 3 and 18, respectively, for serotonin. Quipazine, a nonspecific serotonin agonist, induced phase advance and phase delay at circadian time 3 and 18, respectively, like serotonin. (±)8-OH-DPAT, a specific 5-HT1A agonist, phase delayed by 2 h at the subjective night, but produced no significant phase shifts at the subjective day. When NAN-190, a specific 5-HT1A antagonist, was applied together with quipazine, it completely blocked the phase delay at circadian time 18, whereas it had no effect on the advance shifts induced by quipazine. The results suggest that the phase dependency of serotonin-induced phase shifts of the clock may be partly attributable to the daily change in receptor type. Accepted: 4 July 1999  相似文献   

A vast network of cellular circadian clocks regulates 24‐hour rhythms of behavior and physiology in mammals. Complex environments are characterized by multiple, and often conflicting time signals demanding flexible mechanisms of adaptation of endogenous rhythms to external time. Traditionally this process of circadian entrainment has been conceptualized in a hierarchical scheme with a light‐reset master pacemaker residing in the hypothalamus that subsequently aligns subordinate peripheral clocks with each other and with external time. Here we review new experiments using conditional mouse genetics suggesting that resetting of the circadian system occurs in a more “federated” and tissue‐specific fashion, which allows for increased noise resistance and plasticity of circadian timekeeping under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are regulated by clocks located in specific structures of the central nervous system, such as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in mammals, and by peripheral oscillators present in various other tissues. Recent discoveries have elucidated the control of central and peripheral clocks by environmental signals. The major synchroniser in animals is light. In mammals, a subset of retinal ganglion cells receive light signals that are transmitted to the SCN via the retinohypothalamic tract. Photoreception is probably elicited by a novel opsin, melanopsin, although cryptochromes may also play a role. These signals feed directly to the SCN master clock, which then provides timing cues to peripheral clocks. In contrast to mammals, peripheral tissues in the fly and in the fish are directly photoreceptive. However, alternative routes exist. Some peripheral clocks in mammals can be specifically entrained in an SCN-independent manner by restricting food during the light period.  相似文献   

A striking and defining feature of circadian clocks is the small variation in period over a physiological range of temperatures. This is referred to as temperature compensation, although recent work has suggested that the variation observed is a specific, adaptive control of period. Moreover, given that many biological rate constants have a Q10 of around 2, it is remarkable that such clocks remain rhythmic under significant temperature changes. We introduce a new mathematical model for the Neurospora crassa circadian network incorporating experimental work showing that temperature alters the balance of translation between a short and long form of the FREQUENCY (FRQ) protein. This is used to discuss period control and functionality for the Neurospora system. The model reproduces a broad range of key experimental data on temperature dependence and rhythmicity, both in wild‐type and mutant strains. We present a simple mechanism utilising the presence of the FRQ isoforms (isoform switching) by which period control could have evolved, and argue that this regulatory structure may also increase the temperature range where the clock is robustly rhythmic.  相似文献   



Most organisms have evolved a circadian clock in order to anticipate daily environmental changes and many of these organisms are also capable of sophisticated measurement of daylength (photoperiodism) that is used to regulate seasonal events such as diapause, migration and polymorphism. It has been generally accepted that the same elements are involved in both circadian (daily) and seasonal (annual) rhythms because both rely upon daily light-dark cycles. However, as reasonable as this sounds, there remains no conclusive evidence of such a molecular machinery in insects. We have approached this issue by using RNA interference (RNAi) in Riptortus pedestris.  相似文献   

A fundamental role of the circadian clock is to control biochemical and physiological processes such that they occur an optimal time of day. One of the most significant clock outputs from a clinical as well as basic biological standpoint is the timing of the cell cycle. Here we show that the circadian clock regulates the timing of mitosis in a light-responsive, clock-containing zebrafish cell line. Disrupting clock function, using a CLOCK1 dominant-negative construct or constant light, blocks the gating of cell division, demonstrating that this mitotic rhythm is cell autonomous and under control of the circadian pacemaker. Quantitative PCR reveals that several key mitotic genes, including Cyclin B1, Cyclin B2, and cdc2, are rhythmically expressed and clock-controlled. Peak expression of these genes occurs at a critical phase required to gate mitosis to the late night/early morning. Using clock and cell cycle luminescent reporter zebrafish cell lines, we show that light strongly represses not only circadian clock function, but also mitotic gene expression, and consequently slows cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Whether a clock that generates a circatidal rhythm shares the same elements as the circadian clock is not fully understood. The mangrove cricket, Apteronemobius asahinai, shows simultaneously two endogenous rhythms in its locomotor activity; the circatidal rhythm generates active and inactive phases, and the circadian rhythm modifies activity levels by suppressing the activity during subjective day. In the present study, we silenced Clock (Clk), a master gene of the circadian clock, in A. asahinai using RNAi to investigate the link between the circatidal and circadian clocks. The abundance of Clk mRNA in the crickets injected with double-stranded RNA of Clk (dsClk) was reduced to a half of that in control crickets. dsClk injection also reduced mRNA abundance of another circadian clock gene period (per) and weakened diel oscillation in per mRNA expression. Examination of the locomotor rhythms under constant conditions revealed that the circadian modification was disrupted after silencing Clk expression, but the circatidal rhythm remained unaffected. There were no significant changes in the free-running period of the circatidal rhythm between the controls and the crickets injected with dsClk. Our results reveal that Clk is essential for the circadian clock, but is not required for the circatidal clock. From these results we propose that the circatidal rhythm of A. asahinai is driven by a clock, the molecular components of which are distinct from that of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Somers DE  Kim WY  Geng R 《The Plant cell》2004,16(3):769-782
As an F-box protein, ZEITLUPE (ZTL) is involved in targeting one or more substrates for ubiquitination and degradation via the proteasome. The initial characterization of ZTL suggested a function limited largely to the regulation of the circadian clock. Here, we show a considerably broader role for ZTL in the control of circadian period and photomorphogenesis. Using a ZTL-specific antibody, we quantitated and characterized a ZTL dosage series that ranges from a null mutation to a strong ZTL overexpressor. In the dark, ztl null mutations lengthen circadian period, and overexpression causes arrhythmicity, suggesting a more comprehensive role for this protein in the clock than previously suspected. In the light, circadian period becomes increasingly shorter at higher levels of ZTL, to the point of arrhythmicity. By contrast, hypocotyl length increases and flowering time is delayed in direct proportion to the level of ZTL. We propose a novel testable mechanism by which circadian period and amplitude may act together to gate phytochrome B-mediated suppression of hypocotyl. We also demonstrate that ZTL-dependent delay of flowering is mediated through decreases in CONSTANS and FLOWERING LOCUS T message levels, thus directly linking proteasome-dependent proteolysis to flowering.  相似文献   

Daily light and feeding cycles act as powerful synchronizers of circadian rhythmicity. Ultimately, these external cues entrain the expression of clock genes, which generate daily rhythmic behavioral and physiological responses in vertebrates. In the present study, we investigated clock genes in a marine teleost (gilthead sea bream). Partial cDNA sequences of key elements from both positive (Bmal1, Clock) and negative (Per2, Cry1) regulatory loops were cloned before studying how feeding time affects the daily rhythms of locomotor activity and clock gene expression in the central (brain) and peripheral (liver) oscillators. To this end, all fish were kept under a light-dark (LD) cycle and were divided into three experimental groups, depending on the time of their daily meal: mid-light (ML), mid-darkness (MD), or at random (RD) times. Finally, the existence of circadian control on gene expression was investigated in the absence of external cues (DD?+?RD). The behavioral results showed that seabream fed at ML or RD displayed a diurnal activity pattern (>91% of activity during the day), whereas fish fed at MD were nocturnal (89% of activity during the night). Moreover, seabream subjected to regular feeding cycles (ML and MD groups) showed food-anticipatory activity (FAA). Regardless of the mealtime, the daily rhythm of clock gene expression in the brain peaked close to the light-dark transition in the case of Bmal1 and Clock, and at the beginning of the light phase in the case of Per2 and Cry1, showing the existence of phase delay between the positive and negative elements of the molecular clock. In the liver, however, the acrophases of the daily rhythms differed depending on the feeding regime: the maximum expression of Bmal1 and Clock in the ML and RD groups was in antiphase to the expression pattern observed in the fish fed at MD. Under constant conditions (DD?+?RD), Per2 and Cry1 showed circadian rhythmicity in the brain, whereas Bmal1, Clock, and Per2 did in the liver. Our results indicate that the seabream clock gene expression is endogenously controlled and in liver it is strongly entrained by food signals, rather than by the LD cycle, and that scheduled feeding can shift the phase of the daily rhythm of clock gene expression in a peripheral organ (liver) without changing the phase of these rhythms in a central oscillator (brain), suggesting uncoupling of the light-entrainable oscillator (LEO) from the food-entrainable oscillator (FEO). These findings provide the basis and new tools for improving our knowledge of the circadian system and entraining pathways of this fish species, which is of great interest for the Mediterranean aquaculture. (Author correspondence: javisan@um.es).  相似文献   

Liu C  Reppert SM 《Neuron》2000,25(1):123-128
The master clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is composed of multiple, single-cell circadian clocks. We test the postulate that these individual "clock cells" can be synchronized to each other by the inhibitory transmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). For these experiments, we monitored the firing rate rhythm of individual clock cells on fixed multielectrode plates in culture and tested the effects of GABA. The results show that the daily variation in responsiveness of the SCN to phase-shifting agents is manifested at the level of individual neurons. Moreover, GABA, acting through A-type receptors, can both phase shift and synchronize clock cells. We propose that GABA is an important synchronizer of SCN neurons in vivo.  相似文献   

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