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The aim of the present study was to examine arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) activity and melatonin content in the pineal gland and retina as well as the melatonin concentration in plasma of the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), an avian species in which several physiological processes, including reproduction, are controlled by day length. In order to investigate whether the analyzed parameters display diurnal or circadian rhythmicity, we measured these variables in tissues isolated at regular time intervals from birds kept either under a regular light-dark (LD) cycle or under constant darkness (DD). The pineal gland and retina of the turkey rhythmically produced melatonin. In birds kept under a daily LD cycle, melatonin levels in the pineal gland and retina were high during the dark phase and low during the light phase. Rhythmic oscillations in melatonin, with high night-time concentrations, were also found in the plasma. The pineal and retinal melatonin rhythms mirrored oscillations in the activity of AANAT, the penultimate enzyme in the melatonin biosynthetic pathway. Rhythmic oscillations in AANAT activity in the turkey pineal gland and retina were circadian in nature, as they persisted under conditions of constant darkness (DD). Transferring birds from LD into DD, however, resulted in a potent decline in the amplitude of the AANAT rhythm from the first day of DD. On the sixth day of DD, pineal AANAT activity was still markedly higher during the subjective dark than during the subjective light phase; whereas, AANAT activity in the retina did not exhibit significant oscillations. The results indicate that melatonin rhythmicity in the turkey pineal gland and retina is regulated both by light and the endogenous circadian clock. The findings suggest that environmental light may be of primary importance in the maintenance of the high-amplitude melatonin rhythms in the turkey.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are self-sustaining oscillations that free-run in constant conditions with a period close to 24 h. Overt circadian rhythms have been studied mostly using onset phase as the marker for the underlying pacemaker. Using in vivo online pineal microdialysis, the authors have performed detailed analysis of free-running profiles of rat pineal secretory products, including N-acetylserotonin (NAS) and melatonin that have precisely defined onsets and offsets. When rats entrained in LD 12:12 were released into constant darkness (DD), both onset and offset phases of melatonin and NAS free-run. However, while onsets free-run with a period closer to a day (FRP(on) = 24-24.17 h) at the beginning, offset phases free-run with significantly larger FRPs (free-running periods) (FRP(off) = 24.24-24.42 h). This asymmetric free-running of onset and offset of NAS and melatonin in DD resulted in a 60- to 120-min increase of secretion duration of both NAS and melatonin. The rate of expansion of melatonin duration was 10 to 15 min per circadian cycle. The expansion of melatonin secretion duration ended for some within 4 days, while others were still expanding by the end of 10th day in DD. These results revealed that upon release into DD, the pacemaker's oscillation is initially driven by 2 forces, free running and decompression, before reaching a stable state of free running, and suggest that the circadian pacemaker may be an elastic structure that can decompress and compress under varying photic conditions. They also illustrate the importance of using both onset and offset of a given rhythm as phase markers, as compression/decompression, and transient disparity between FRP(on) and FRP(off) may be a common phenomenon of the circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

Daily and circadian variations of melatonin contents in the diencephalic region containing the pineal organ, the lateral eyes, and plasma were studied in a urodele amphibian, the Japanese newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster), to investigate the possible roles of melatonin in the circadian system. Melatonin levels in the pineal region and the lateral eyes exhibited daily variations with higher levels during the dark phase than during the light phase under a light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness (LD12:12). These rhythms persisted even under constant darkness but the phase of the rhythm was different from each other. Melatonin levels in the plasma also exhibited significant day-night changes with higher values at mid-dark than at mid-light under LD 12:12. The day-night changes in plasma melatonin levels were abolished in the pinealectomized (Px), ophthalmectomized (Ex), and Px+Ex newts but not in the sham-operated newts. These results indicate that in the Japanese newts, melatonin production in the pineal organ and the lateral eyes were regulated by both environmental light-dark cycles and endogenous circadian clocks, probably located in the pineal organ and the retina, respectively, and that both the pineal organ and the lateral eyes are required to maintain the daily variations of circulating melatonin levels.  相似文献   

The authors examined levels of melatonin in the plasma and various tissues in intact, pinealectomized, and pineal stalk-deflected zebra finches kept under 12:12 LD to determine if the melatonin found in the gastrointestinal tract is secreted in a circadian manner. In intact and pineal stalk-deflected birds, there is a clear day-night rhythm in melatonin content of the plasma, pineal gland, eyes, proventriculus, crop, duodenum, jejunum/ileum, colon, heart, and liver. In contrast, pinealectomy abolished the day-night rhythm. These results indicate that most of the melatonin present in the gastrointestinal tract of zebra finches is of pineal origin. However, some melatonin remained. This suggests that this melatonin may be locally synthesized and has paracrine and/or autocrine functions. Nonetheless, the results do not lend support to the contention that this putative melatonin secretion by the gastrointestinal tract is circadian.  相似文献   

Circadian regulation of pineal melatonin content was studied in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), especially melatonin peak width and the temporal correlation to wheel-running activity. Melatonin was measured by radioimmunoassay in glands removed at different circadian times with respect to activity onset (= CT 12). Pineal melatonin peak width (h; for mean 125 pg/gland) and activity duration () were both 4–5 h longer after 12 or 27 weeks than after 5 or 6 days in continuous darkness (DD). Increased peak width was associated with a delay in the morning decline (M) of melatonin to baseline, correlated with a similar delay in wheel-running offset. In contrast, the evening rise (E) in melatonin occurred at approximately the same circadian phase regardless of the length of DD. Fifteen min light pulses produced similar phase-shifts in melatonin and activity. In a phase advance shift, M advanced at once, while E advanced only after several days of adjustment. Independent timing of shifts in the E and M components of the melatonin rhythm suggest that these events are controlled separately by at least two circadian oscillators whose mutual phase relationship determines melatonin peak width. This two-oscillator control of melatonin peak width is integral to the circadian mechanism of hamster photoperiodic time measurement.Abbreviations CT circadian time - DD continuous dark - L: D light: dark cycle - PMEL pineal melatonin - PRC phase response curve - RIA radioimmunoassay; , duration (h) of the active phase of the circadian wheel-running rhythm; , free-running period  相似文献   

An improved and simplified radioimmunoassay for measuring pineal, serum, and in vitro cultured medium melatonin is described. Using 2-[125I]iodomelatonin as radiolabeled ligand and a polyclonal rabbit antimelatonin antiserum, melatonin concentrations were determined in all three types of samples by a 2-day direct equilibrium double-antibody assay method without prior extraction. Serial dilutions of pineal homogenates, serum, and cultured medium all gave parallel displacement curves. Cross-reactivity of the antisera with other indoles was negligible. Intraassay coefficients of variation (n = 3) were 5.09, 3.32, and 5.05% at 7.81, 62.5, and 500 pg/tube, respectively, and the interassay coefficients of variation (n = 20) were 12.18% at 62.5 pg/tube. A characteristic diurnal rhythm of melatonin was observed using this direct assay for measuring daytime and nighttime chicken pineal and serum samples. An in vitro incubation of chicken pineal glands with a lighting cycle of 12-hr light:12-hr dark showed that the diurnal rhythm of melatonin secretion into the cultured medium was maintained. The direct assay method described in this report for measuring chicken melatonin using 2-[125I]iodomelatonin as radiolabeled ligand coupled with the in vitro cultured chicken pineal gland clearly offers great potential for studying the chicken pineal circadian oscillator and its underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

We examined melatonin profiles of ruin lizards in different seasons (spring, summer, and autumn) under light:dark (LD) and concomitant responses when transferred to continuous darkness (DD) to determine the degree to which previously reported seasonally dependent effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior are related to melatonin secretion. The amplitude of the melatonin rhythm and the amount of melatonin produced over 24 h varied with season. In spring, the amount of melatonin produced was greatest and the amplitude 4- 5 times that found in summer or autumn. The degree of self-sustainment of the melatonin rhythm when transferred to DD also varied with season. In DD, melatonin levels remained high but did not exhibit circadian variation in spring. In summer, the melatonin profile persisted virtually unchanged in DD, showing the existence of a circadian rhythm. Finally, in the fall there was no circadian variation in DD and levels remained low. These responses correspond closely to previously reported effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior where there is little or no effect of pinealectomy in spring or fall but a profound alteration of locomotor behavior in summer. These results suggest that the seasonally dependent effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior in ruin lizards are related to a seasonally mediated change in the degree of self-sustainment of some component of the circadian pace-making system of which melatonin plays some role.  相似文献   

Summary The role of the hormone melatonin in the circadian system of pigeons (Columba livia) was investigated. Using an automatic infusion system, melatoni at physiological levels was delivered for 10 h each day to cannulated, pinealectomized (P-X) pigeons in constant darkness. These cyclic infusions of melatonin entrained feeding rhythms in P-X pigeons while vehicle infusions were ineffective entraining agents. When the retinae of P-X pigeons were removed (E-X), feeding rhythms were abolished in constant darkness. When cyclic melatonin infusions were delivered to these birds (E-X and P-X), feeding rhythmicity was restored whereas vehicle infusions alone did not restore rhythmicity. When melatonin infusions were terminated in E-X/P-X pigeons, feeding rhythms persisted for several days but eventually decayed. Blood melatonin levels were measured in both P-X and E-X/P-X birds infused cyclically with exogenous melatonin and were found to be within the physiological range both in level and pattern. These results strongly suggest that endogenous melatonin, released by the pineal gland and the retinae, regulates the timing of feeding rhythms by entraining other oscillators in the circadian system of the pigeon.Abbreviations P-X pinealectomized - E-X bilaterally enucleated - T period of infusion cycle - LD light: dark cycle - DD constant darkness  相似文献   

The human circadian timing system has previously been shown to free run with a period slightly longer than 24 h in subjects living in the laboratory under conditions of forced desynchrony. In forced desynchrony, subjects are shielded from bright light and periodic time cues and are required to live on a day length outside the range of circadian entrainment. The work schedule used for most personnel aboard American submarines is 6 h on duty alternating with 12 h off duty. This imposed 18-h cycle is too short for human circadian synchronization, especially given that there is no bright-light exposure aboard submarines. However, crew members are exposed to 24-h stimuli that could mediate synchronization, such as clocks and social contacts with personnel who are living on a 24-h schedule. The authors investigated circadian rhythms of salivary melatonin in 20 crew members during a prolonged voyage on a Trident nuclear submarine. The authors found that in crew members living on the 18-h duty cycle, the endogenous rhythm of melatonin showed an average period of 24.35 h (n = 12, SD = 0.18 h). These data indicate that social contacts and knowledge of clock time are insufficient for entrainment to a 24-h period in personnel living by an 18-h rest-activity cycle aboard a submarine.  相似文献   

Mammalian circadian organization is believed to derive primarily from circadian oscillators within the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). The SCN drives circadian rhythms of a wide array of functions (e.g., locomotion, body temperature, and several endocrine processes, including the circadian secretion of the pineal hormone melatonin). In contrast to the situation in several species of reptiles and birds, there is an extensive literature reporting little or no effect of pinealectomy on mammalian circadian rhythms. However, recent research has indicated that the SCN and circadian systems of several mammalian species are highly sensitive to exogenous melatonin, raising the possibility that endogenous pineal hormone may provide feedback in the control of overt circadian rhythms. To determine the role of the pineal gland in rat circadian rhythms, the effects of pinealectomy on locomotor rhythms in constant light (LL) and constant darkness (DD) were studied. The results indicated that the circadian rhythms of pinealectomized rats but not sham-operated controls dissociated into multiple ultradian components in LL and recoupled into circadian patterns only after 12-21 days in DD. The data suggest that pineal feedback may modulate sensitivity to light and/or provide coupling among multiple circadian oscillators within the SCN.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to test the effects of light on melatonin rhythms in the pineal gland and gut of goldfish Carassius auratus and to investigate whether melatonin function differed in these two tissues, which are photosensitive and non-photosensitive respectively. Rhythms were evaluated by measuring arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT2) and melatonin receptor 1 (MT-R1) mRNA expression and melatonin concentration in the pineal gland, gut (in vivo), and cell cultures of the two tissues (in vitro). Compared to control, pineal gland melatonin secretion was higher at night, whereas the 24-h dark and ophthalmectomy groups maintained higher AANAT2 and MT-R1 mRNA expression during the day. Melatonin levels and AANAT2 and MT-R1 mRNA expression in the gut were also the highest at night, but the 24-h light, dark, and ophthalmectomy groups did not significantly differ from control. Furthermore, we measured AANAT2 and MT-R1 mRNA expression in high temperature water (30 °C) to investigate differences in the antioxidant capacity of pineal gland vs. gut melatonin. Melatonin and H2O2 levels, as well as AANAT2 and MT-R1 mRNA expression, were all higher in the two tissues under thermal stress, compared with their levels at 22 °C. Taken together, our results suggest that light has no effect on melatonin patterns in the gut, which appears to exhibit its own circadian rhythm, but both gut and pineal gland melatonin exhibit similar antioxidant function.  相似文献   

Previous work in our laboratory has shown that daily injection of large doses of the pineal hormone melatonin entrains the free-running locomotor rhythms of rats held in constant darkness and synchronizes the disrupted patterns of rats maintained in constant bright light. The present experiments determined the dose-response characteristics of entrainment to daily melatonin injections and made preliminary biochemical estimates of blood melatonin levels and half-lives after two critical doses of the hormone. The data indicated that the median effective dose for melatonin as an entraining agent in free-running rats was 5.45 +/- 1.33 micrograms/kg, considerably lower than doses previously employed and lower than doses employed in reproductive and metabolic studies in rats and hamsters. The data further indicated that the response to melatonin was quantal; rats either entrained to melatonin or they did not. No "partial entrainment" was evident, nor were there differences in phase angle, activity, or period among all effective doses. Biochemical estimates of blood melatonin after either 1 mg/kg or 1 microgram/kg of melatonin indicated that all effective doses resulted in supraphysiological levels of blood melatonin, although doses of 1 microgram/kg resulted in blood levels that were within one order of magnitude of normal nighttime values. Together, the data suggest that the rat circadian system is sensitive to the pineal hormone melatonin at or below doses required to effect rodent reproduction. Whether this sensitivity reflects a role for the pineal gland in rat circadian organization, however, still remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Corticosterone is thought to be the main glucocorticoid secreted in response to stressful exercise, while melatonin buffers the adverse immunological effects of stress. The present work was aimed to evaluate whether swimming-exercise-induced stress leads to changes in the chronobiology parameters of the circadian rhythms of melatonin and corticosterone, and in the number and phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages in 3-month-old male Wistar rats. The animals were subjected to a physical activity trial consisting of 2 h of free swimming. Radioimmunoassay was used to determine the plasma levels of melatonin and corticosterone. Phagocytosis was measured by the latex-bead phagocytosis index (PI), i.e., the number of latex beads ingested by 100 macrophages, the phagocytosis percentage (PP), i.e., the percentage of cells that had phagocytosed at least one latex bead, and the phagocytosis efficiency (PE), i.e., the ratio PI: PP which indicates how effectively the phagocytes ingested the particles. Stress significantly decreased the MESOR and amplitude of the melatonin rhythm, and significantly increased the MESOR of the corticosterone rhythm. The control animals' peritoneal macrophage number and PI showed a circadian rhythm with maxima at 02:00 and 03:00, respectively. The stressed group displayed higher values of PI than the controls at most hours of the night, but the number of cells in the peritoneal cavity was practically the same at all hours studied. These data confirm that melatonin and corticosterone act as modulators of the innate immune response, and that the circadian rhythm of the two hormones are altered in situations of stress.  相似文献   

To systematically determine the effects of daytime exposure to sleep in darkness on human circadian phase, four groups of subjects participated in 4-day studies involving either no nap (control), a morning nap (0900-1500), an afternoon nap (1400-2000), or an evening nap (1900-0100) in darkness. Except during the scheduled sleep/dark periods, subjects remained awake under constant conditions, i.e., constant dim light exposure (36 lx), recumbence, and caloric intake. Blood samples were collected at 20-min intervals for 64 h to determine the onsets of nocturnal melatonin and thyrotropin secretion as markers of circadian phase before and after stimulus exposure. Sleep was polygraphically recorded. Exposure to sleep and darkness in the morning resulted in phase delays, whereas exposure in the evening resulted in phase advances relative to controls. Afternoon naps did not change circadian phase. These findings indicate that human circadian phase is dependent on the timing of darkness and/or sleep exposure and that strategies to treat circadian misalignment should consider not only the timing and intensity of light, but also the timing of darkness and/or sleep.  相似文献   

B D Goldman 《Steroids》1991,56(5):218-225
The major function of the mammalian pineal gland appears to be its central role in photoperiodism. The pineal hormone, melatonin, is synthesized and secreted primarily at night, under the control of a circadian oscillator that is entrained to the light-dark cycle. Both the circadian phase and the duration of the nocturnal peak of melatonin secretion are established primarily by interactions between the endogenous circadian oscillator and the daily photic cycle. The duration of the melatonin peak varies inversely with day length, and this relationship between day length and the duration of each circadian melatonin peak appears to be an integral part of the photoperiodic mechanism. When pinealectomized animals are given daily melatonin infusions of long duration, they exhibit physiologic responses that normally are observed during exposure to short day photoperiods; when administered short-duration melatonin infusions, the animals display long photoperiod-type responses. In addition to the importance of the duration of each melatonin peak, certain other parameters appear to be significant. If a long-duration infusion of melatonin is interrupted by a period of 2 hours or more without melatonin (i.e., to produce two short duration infusions), the responses are those typical for long day-exposed animals. Thus, to elicit short day-type responses, each long-duration melatonin peak must be relatively continuous; responses are not determined simply by the total time of exposure to melatonin in each circadian cycle. Also, long-duration melatonin peaks may not be effective to elicit photoperiod-type responses unless they are present at frequencies of nearly once every 24 hours or more.  相似文献   

Summary A marked interspecific variability in the role played by the pineal and the retinae characterizes the circadian system of lizards. I examined the role played by these structures in a new model species, the ruin lizard, Podarcis sicula. In constant temperature and darkness pinealectomy as well as bilateral removal of the retinae produced significant changes (both lengthening and shortening) in the freerunning period of locomotor rhythms. Circadian activity time was also affected by pinealectomy. Circadian locomotor rhythmicity persisted in all cases even when both operations were combined in the same individuals. This demonstrates in Podarcis sicula the existence of an oscillatory system outside the pineal and the retinae which can drive locomotor rhythms. The period changes recorded after pinealectomy as well as after bilateral removal of the retinae specifically suggest that both the pineal and the retinae play a modulating role on circadian oscillators located elsewhere in the system, with the final effect of stabilizing the overt rhythms.Abbreviations DD constant darkness - LL constant light - PIN-X pinealectomy - RET-X bilateral removal of the retinae - SHAM sham pinealectomy - circadian activity time - freerunning circadian period  相似文献   

The study was conducted to investigate diurnal changes in pinealocyte ultrastructure, pineal serotonin content and plasma melatonin concentration in the domestic pig. The immature pigs (n=24) were kept under a cycle of 12 h light : 12 h dark, with a photophase between 0800 and 2000. During the photophase the animals were exposed to direct sunlight. After four weeks the gilts were slaughtered at 0900, 1400, 2100 and 0200. The pineals were removed and divided into two parts - one for quantitative ultrastructural study (by a point count method) and one for serotonin assay. Simultaneously, blood samples were taken for melatonin assay. The relative volume of mitochondria in pinealocyte perikarya was significantly higher at 1400 than at 0200 and 0900 as well as at 2100 than at 0200. The relative volume of Golgi apparatus was higher at 0900 and 1400 than at 0200. The relative volume of dense bodies of the MBB-1 type in pinealocyte perikarya was significantly lower at 1400 and 2100 than at 0900. In contrast, the relative volume of MBB-2 was higher at 1400 than at 0900 and 0200. The numerical density of DCV in perikarya was significantly higher at 0200 than at 1400. No significant differences were found in rough endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes and multivesicular bodies. The pineal serotonin content showed a prominent rhythm with the maximum at 1400. The plasma melatonin concentration was significantly higher at 0200 than at 0900, 1400 and 2100. The obtained results demonstrate that both pinealocyte ultrastructure and pineal biochemistry in the pig undergo significant changes in the course of the diurnal rhythm.  相似文献   

Hayasaka N  LaRue SI  Green CB 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e15599


Although an endogenous circadian clock located in the retinal photoreceptor layer governs various physiological events including melatonin rhythms in Xenopus laevis, it remains unknown which of the photoreceptors, rod and/or cone, is responsible for the circadian regulation of melatonin release.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We selectively disrupted circadian clock function in either the rod or cone photoreceptor cells by generating transgenic Xenopus tadpoles expressing a dominant-negative CLOCK (XCLΔQ) under the control of a rod or cone-specific promoter. Eyecup culture and continuous melatonin measurement revealed that circadian rhythms of melatonin release were abolished in a majority of the rod-specific XCLΔQ transgenic tadpoles, although the percentage of arrhythmia was lower than that of transgenic tadpole eyes expressing XCLΔQ in both rods and cones. In contrast, whereas a higher percentage of arrhythmia was observed in the eyes of the cone-specific XCLΔQ transgenic tadpoles compare to wild-type counterparts, the rate was significantly lower than in rod-specific transgenics. The levels of the transgene expression were comparable between these two different types of transgenics. In addition, the average overall melatonin levels were not changed in the arrhythmic eyes, suggesting that CLOCK does not affect absolute levels of melatonin, only its temporal expression pattern.


These results suggest that although the Xenopus retina is made up of approximately equal numbers of rods and cones, the circadian clocks in the rod cells play a dominant role in driving circadian melatonin rhythmicity in the Xenopus retina, although some contribution of the clock in cone cells cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

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