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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is another manifestation of vascular disease. We evaluated the natural history of ED in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and the respective participation of associated pathophysiological modifications, i.e., endothelial dysfunction and tissue remodeling. SHR and their normotensive counterparts [Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY)] of 6, 12, and 24 wk of age (n = 12) were used to evaluate erectile function, erectile and aortic tissue reactivity, and remodeling. Erectile responses in SHR are reduced at all ages (P < 0.001). In both aortic and erectile tissues of SHR and WKY, relaxations to ACh are altered progressively with age, although more markedly in SHR. They are decreased at 12 wk of age in erectile tissue of SHR compared with WKY (maximal relaxation: -19.2 +/- 2.8% vs. -28.3 +/- 3.9%, P < 0.001) but only at 24 wk of age in aortas (-47.9 +/- 6.4% vs. -90.5 +/- 2.9%, P < 0.001). Relaxations to sodium nitroprusside are unaltered in aortic rings of both strains but enhanced in erectile tissue of SHR at 12 wk of age. Major modifications in the distribution of collagen I, III, and V in SHR occur in both types of tissue and are detectable sooner in erectile tissue compared with aortic tissue. The onset of ED is detectable before the onset of hypertension in the SHR. Structural and functional alterations, while similar, occur earlier in erectile compared with vascular tissue. If confirmed in humans, ED could be an early warning sign for hypertension, and common therapeutic strategies targeting both ED and hypertension could be investigated.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to identify whether inflammation or oxidative stress is the primary abnormality in the kidney in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Renal inflammation and oxidative stress were evaluated in 2- and 3-week-old prehypertensive SHR and age-matched genetically normotensive control Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Blood pressure was similar in WKY and SHR rats at 2 and 3 weeks, of age. Renal inflammation (macrophage and nuclear factor-κB) was elevated in SHR at 3 weeks, but not at 2 weeks, of age compared with age-matched WKY rats. Renal oxidative stress (nitrotyrosine, 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine and p47phox) was also clearly elevated in 3-week-old SHR compared with age-matched WKY rats. Additionally, NADPH oxidase subunit p47phox was found elevated in 2-week-old SHR compared to age-matched WKY rats. Moreover, antioxidant (N-acetyl-l-cysteine and Tempol) treatment reduced renal inflammation in prehypertensive SHR. We therefore conclude that the oxidative stress appears before inflammation as a primary abnormality in the kidney in prehypertensive SHR.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to identify whether inflammation or oxidative stress is the primary abnormality in the kidney in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Renal inflammation and oxidative stress were evaluated in 2- and 3-week-old prehypertensive SHR and age-matched genetically normotensive control Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Blood pressure was similar in WKY and SHR rats at 2 and 3 weeks, of age. Renal inflammation (macrophage and nuclear factor-kappaB) was elevated in SHR at 3 weeks, but not at 2 weeks, of age compared with age-matched WKY rats. Renal oxidative stress (nitrotyrosine, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and p47phox) was also clearly elevated in 3-week-old SHR compared with age-matched WKY rats. Additionally, NADPH oxidase subunit p47phox was found elevated in 2-week-old SHR compared to age-matched WKY rats. Moreover, antioxidant (N-acetyl-L-cysteine and Tempol) treatment reduced renal inflammation in prehypertensive SHR. We therefore conclude that the oxidative stress appears before inflammation as a primary abnormality in the kidney in prehypertensive SHR.  相似文献   

Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) are an established animal model for antihypertensive treatment. The aim of this pilot study was a systematic search for two lines of antihypertensive treatment – a monotherapy and a combination of two drugs – to be applied in a future study on old SHR. Originally, representatives of three drug classes recommended for antihypertensive therapy in humans should be applied, namely captopril (CAP) as an antagonist of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, nifedipine (NIF) as calcium channel blocker and propranolol (PROP) as β-adrenergic blocker. As we observed that PROP had been poorly ingested, all groups with PROP therapy were excluded from the study. CAP (60 mg kg?1 d-1), NIF (10 mg kg?1 d-1) or both were administered orally to seven-week-old SHR over 3 weeks. A further group of SHR received no treatment (SHR/CTRL). Age-matched normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats served as normotensive controls. We examined the effect of the antihypertensive therapies on systolic blood pressure, heart weight and on histological and biochemical markers of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis.CAP proved to be the most effective treatment reducing blood pressure and relative heart weight significantly compared to SHR/CTRL without reaching normotensive values. Beginning cardiac fibrosis observed in SHR/CTRL was completely abrogated with CAP treatment. Similar effects were achieved with a combination of CAP and NIF. CAP as monotherapy and CAP + NIF as combination therapy were chosen for the forthcoming study on old SHR.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been shown to play an important role in the development of hypertensive renal injury. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors α (PPARα) has antioxidant effect. In this study, we demonstrated that fenofibrate significantly reduced proteinuria, inflammatory cell recruitment and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins deposition in the kidney of SHRs without apparent effect on blood pressure. To investigate the mechanisms involved, we found that fenofibrate treatment markedly reduced oxidative stress accompanied by reduced activity of renal NAD(P)H oxidase, increased activity of Cu/Zn SOD, and decreased phosphorylation of p38MAPK and JNK in the kidney of SHRs.Taken together, fenofibrate treatment can protect against hypertensive renal injury without affecting blood pressure by inhibiting inflammation and fibrosis via suppression of oxidative stress and MAPK activity.  相似文献   

Manipulative endoparasites with complex life cycles can alter their intermediate host immunity and behaviour in ways that increase survival probability within the host body cavity and enhance successful transmission to the definitive host. These parasitic manipulations are variable among and within parasite species and may result from co-evolutionary processes, in which the parasite is constrained for adaptation to the local intermediate host. Hence, arrival of a new host species in a local host population may promote local parasite maladaptation. This study tested the occurrence of local adaptation in two distantly located populations of the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis and its effect on the immunity and behaviour of its gammarid intermediate host Gammarus roeseli. This was done in France (an area for which G. roeseli is a recent invader) and Hungary (an area from which G. roeseli was believed to be native). As expected, we found no alteration in G. roeseli's immune defence and behaviour associated with infection by P. laevis in localities, where the gammarid is invasive. Unexpectedly, we found similar results in Hungarian populations, where the parasite was even more exposed to the host immune response. Whilst these results suggest maladaptation of the parasite to the gammarid in both countries, they also suggest that the gammarid host might be locally adapted to the parasite. Genetic analyses were performed on both the parasite and the host and the results suggest that the two subsets of populations we studied harbour rather isolated host-parasite systems, both probably deriving from a common ancestral population. We propose that G. roeseli is also of recent acquisition in Hungary, and that a recent co-evolutionary history between P. laevis and G. roeseli in association with a long generation time in the parasite has constrained parasite adaptations in Europe or even favoured host adaptation to the parasite.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent regulator in the cardiovascular system; it is generated by the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) family of proteins. NO produced in endothelial cells plays a crucial role in vascular functions. The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of diabetes on aortic NO synthesis in a model of genetic hypertension and determine whether captopril modulates this effect. Diabetes was induced in ten weeks old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) by streptozotocin injection. The rats were allocated into 3 groups: control group 1, non-diabetic SHR; group 2, diabetic SHR; group 3, diabetic SHR group receiving captopril at 80 mg/kg in drinking water for 4 weeks. Mean blood pressure (MBP) was measured once a week by tail-cuff method. Aortic NO metabolities (nitrite/nitrate) and endothelial NOS (NOS-3) were assayed by Griess reaction and by immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry, respectively. There was a significant decrease in nitrite/nitrate (NOx) in aortas of diabetic SHR compared with controls. The decrease of aortic NOx in diabetic SHR was accompanied by a decrease in NOS-3 expression. Captopril treatment reduced MBP without affecting either NOx level or NOS-3 expression in aortas of diabetic SHR. We conclude that STZ-induced diabetes decreased NO in aortas of SHR that may reflect endothelial cell dysfunction; captopril administration decreased MBP without affecting NO level in aortas of diabetic SHR which suggest that the blood pressure-lowering effects of captopril were independent of NO.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc degeneration is one major source of low back pain, which because of its complex multifactorial nature renders the treatment challenging and thus necessitates extensive research. Experimental animal models have proven valuable in improving our understanding of degenerative processes and potentially promising therapies. Currently, the sheep is the most frequently used large animal in vivo model in intervertebral disc research. However, despite its undoubted value for investigations of the complex biological and cellular aspects, to date, it is unclear whether the sheep is also suited to study the mechanical aspects of disc degeneration in humans.A parametric finite element (FE) model of the L4–5 spinal motion segment was developed. Using this model, the geometry and the material properties of both the human and the ovine spinal segment as well as different appearances of disc degeneration can be depicted. Under pure and combined loads, it was investigated whether degenerative changes to both the human and the ovine model equivalent caused the same mechanical response.Different patterns of degeneration resulted in large variations in the ranges of motion, intradiscal pressure, ligament and facet loads. In the human, but not in the ovine model, all these results differed significantly between different degrees of degeneration.This FE model study highlighted possible differences in the mechanical response to disc degeneration between human and ovine intervertebral discs and indicates the necessity of further, more detailed, investigations.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an obligate human intracellular pathogen which remains a major killer worldwide. A remarkable feature of M. tuberculosis infection is the ability of the pathogen to persist within the host for decades despite an impressive onslaught of stresses. In this review we seek to outline the host-inflicted stresses experienced by M. tuberculosis, the bacterial strategies used to withstand these stresses, and how this information should guide our efforts to combat this global pathogen.  相似文献   

Background: Elongation and calcification of the stylohyoid ligament complex may be correlated with Eagle's syndrome. The styloid complex pathogenesis is still being debated. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of stylohyoid ligament complex elongation in panoramic radiographs of 2252 patients in a Brazilian adult, partially edentulous population, of both sexes. Methods: The radiographs, taken in the Semiology Department at the Dental School in Brazil, were randomly selected from January 1997 to December 2000. The stylohyoid ligament complexes were measured from the cranial base up to the osseous tip of each process. Mineralisation of the complex of more than 25 mm in length on the radiograph was considered to be abnormal. The same operator made all the measurements. The lengths of the areas of mineralisation were recorded, and whether the condition was bilateral was noted. Results: This abnormality was present in both sexes. A calcified complex was found in 451 of the 2252 patients. The majority of these calcified complexes (n = 248; 54.9%) were bilateral. Three hundred and fifty‐six (39.5%) of them were longer than 25 mm (and so were abnormal), and the length varied from 26.1 to 65 mm. (average length = 27.8 mm). Forty (4.4%) of the abnormalities were longer than 50 mm, and of these 36 (90%) were in the 40–59 year age group. The mean length of a mineralised stylohyoid ligament complex in patients in the 60–79 year age group was 32.75 mm. Conclusion: The results suggested that an anatomical variant of the stylohyoid ligament complex was more frequently found in the elderly female population, although this abnormality was present in both sexes. There was a greater tendency for the abnormality to be present in patients between 60 and 79 years of age.  相似文献   

The exploratory behaviour of laboratory rodents is of interest within a number of areas of behavioural pharmacology. However, how best to measure exploratory behaviour in rodents remains a contentious issue. Many unconditioned tests, such as the open field, potentially confound general locomotor activity with exploration. The hole-board apparatus appears to avoid this confound, as head-dipping into holes in the floor is assumed to be a valid measure of the subject's attraction towards novelty (neophilia). This study aimed to investigate whether head-dipping should be considered a valid measure of neophilia by comparing performance of adult male and female Lister hooded rats on the hole-board task (a) over repeated sessions and (b) when novel objects were absent or present underneath the holes. The results show that head-dipping initially decreased across repeated exposures, while time spent in the aversive central area increased. No change in head-dipping was seen in response to objects being placed underneath the holes. Rather than being a measure of neophilia, these results support the hypothesis that head-dipping represents an escape response, which declines as the subject becomes less fearful. These results are compared with previous studies of repeated exposure to other novel environments.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in urinary levels of taurine have been reported in rats following treatment with various xenobiotics including those which alter protein synthesis and/or are hepatotoxic. This paper reports on the time course of the urinary elevation of taurine following treatment of rats with tetracycline (50, 150 and 200mg.kg-1). Maximum taurine excretion occurred 8–12h following dosing. Serum albumin and total protein were significantly lower after 24h (200mg.kg-1). The increase in urinary taurine was dose-related and reflected in the raised serum levels of taurine 24h after dosing. Serum and urinary protein and [3H]-leucine incorporation into acid precipitable protein in liver and muscle were reduced by tetracycline (100, 150 and 200mg.kg-1) 10h after dosing. The reduction in protein synthesis was correlated with increased urinary and serum levels of taurine at 10h. The use of taurine as a non-invasive marker of protein synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F (PGF) is one of the most common metabolites of arachidonic acid (AA) in rat brain. When administered intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) to rats, both AA and PGF exert dose-related hypertensive, tachycardic and hyperthermic effects. Metabolic alterations in the endogenous formation of some prostaglandins in the brain-stem of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) have been reported. Therefore the central effects of AA and PGF on blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature were studied both in SHR and normotensive Wistar rats (NR) under urethane-anaesthesia. The hypertensive effect of AA i.c.v. (0.01–100 μg/rat) was larger in magnitude in SHR than in NR, but there was no significant difference in the AA-induced changes of heart rate and body temperature between the groups. Pretreatment of NR with sodium meclofenamate (1 mg/rat i.c.v.) antagonised the central effects of AA indicating that these effects are not due to AA itself but to its conversion to prostaglandins. Unlike the effects of AA, the central hypertensive, tachycardic and hyperthermic responses to PGF (0.5–50 μg/rat i.c.v.) were significantly attenuated in SHR. The present results obtained with AA are compatible with the previous assumption that the synthesis of prostaglandins in the brain of SHR might differ from that in NR. The results also demonstrate that the central effects of PGF are reduced in SHR.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to find out which tree species can establish in spontaneously developed forests (SDFs) on mesic stands and how many tree seedlings are present there. The influence of different factors was examined and an attempt made to find out if there are some general trends true for groups of species typical for different stages of succession or with different types of distribution. All tree seedlings present in 48 permanent plots were counted (100 m2). The following factors were tested: altitude, slope and exposition, distance from the nearest forest, age and species composition of tree layer, species composition of herb layer, light conditions and soil reaction. The species composition was dependent on altitude and soil reaction. There were surprisingly high numbers of seedlings (in average 145 tree seedlings per 100 m2) and species (in average 5) present in SDFs. Not only species common in the area were found, but also uncommon species were present there, although in low numbers. Nonspecific species are the best colonisers of SDFs, and the anemochorous trees are better colonisers than zoochorous ones. The establishment of different tree species is influenced by different factors. The SDFs most probably shift toward forest with a number of species in the tree layer. The dominant species tend to be spruce and maple, but species typical for early stages of succession will be common in these growths.  相似文献   

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