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Scrotal circumference (SC) and plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were measured in 19 Finnish Landrace (Finn) and 29 Rambouillet crossbred ram lambs raised in confinement and in 21 Finn and 19 Dorset crossbred ram lambs raised on pasture. SC was larger (P<0.05) for Finn crossbreds than for Rambouillet crossbreds only at 70 and 100 days of age. Finn crossbreds had more (P<0.05) plasma LH and FSH than did Rambouillet crossbreds at 20 and 44 days but not at 70 days. SC was larger for Dorset crossbreds than for Finn crossbreds at the same age, but SC was larger (P<0.05) for Finn crossbreds than for Dorset crossbreds at the same weight. Finn and Dorset crossbreds differed (P<0.10) in plasma LH and FSH concentration at 77 days only (Finn>Dorset).  相似文献   

This study evaluated the short-term effects of hemicastration on levels of bioactive (bio-) and immunoactive (immuno-) FSH and LH in 3.5-mo-old ram lambs. Biological activities of FSH and LH were determined using in vitro rat granulosa cell aromatase and mouse Leydig cell testosterone assays, respectively. Four rams each were either hemicastrated (HC) or left intact (INT) and blood samples were collected over a 2-wk period. In HC rams, serum bio- and immuno-FSH concentrations increased several fold within 5-8 h after surgery and remained elevated over INT controls for 7 and 14 days, respectively. The increase in bio-FSH was greater than that for immuno-FSH, resulting in an increase in the ratio of biological to immunological activity (B/I ratio) through Day 7. Neither immuno-FSH, bio-FSH, nor the B/I ratios varied throughout the 2-wk study in INT rams. In contrast to FSH, serum concentrations of immuno- and bio-LH and the B/I ratios were similar between HC and INT rams. For both gonadotropins, biological activity was positively correlated to immunological activity. These results demonstrate that (1) immuno- and bio-FSH concentrations are elevated after hemicastration; (2) the FSH biopotency (B/I ratio) also is increased, at least temporarily; and (3), despite these changes in FSH production, neither immuno- nor bio-LH secretion is altered by hemicastration.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,67(1-3):121-128
Our objective was to determine the influence of short-term exposure to endophyte-infected tall fescue on reproductive function of ram lambs. Rams (214 days of age) were fed a diet free of endophyte-infected fescue seed (EF; n = 8) or endophyte-infected fescue seed (EI; n = 9; 34% of diet; 4.8 μg g−1 ergovaline) for 6 weeks. Feed offered to EF rams, individually fed, was reduced to the average intake of EI lambs from previous day so that intake was similar between treatments and averaged 2.4% BW (DM basis), leading to daily intake of 33.7 μg ergovaline kg−1 BW for the EI fed lambs. Daily high ambient temperature for the trial ranged between 16 and 26 °C. Respiration rate and rectal temperature were measured at 14:00 daily. Blood was collected for serum concentrations of prolactin (weekly) and testosterone (twice weekly). Body weight and body condition scores (BCS; 1 = thin; 5 = fat) were determined every 14 days. Scrotal circumference, scrotal skin temperature, and semen characteristics were determined weekly. Rams were slaughtered after 6 weeks of feeding. Signs of fescue toxicosis in EI fed rams included increased rectal temperature (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.11) and respiration rate (day, P < 0.001, R2 = 0.25) when high ambient temperature exceeded 22 °C and reduced serum concentrations of prolactin (diet × day, P < 0.001). Body weight of EI fed rams tended to decrease after 36 days of feeding compared with EF fed rams (−3.0 kg versus 0.51 kg; P < 0.07) and BCS was similar between treatment throughout the trial. Serum concentrations of testosterone were greater in EI compared with EF fed rams (diet × day, P < 0.005, R2 = 0.08). Scrotal skin temperature, scrotal circumference, semen volume, percent sperm motility, and percent abnormal sperm were similar between treatments. Spermatozoa concentration tended to be greater in EF compared with EI fed rams after 43 days of feeding (P < 0.10; R2 = 0.15). Rate of forward movement of spermatozoa tended to increase at a greater rate between Days 8 and 29 in EF compared with EI fed rams (diet × day, P < 0.08). Feeding endophyte-infected fescue seed to ram lambs was associated with potential decreased fertility and increased serum concentrations of testosterone. Short term exposure of endophyte toxins to male ruminants may negatively impact reproductive responses. Feeding for longer periods may further reduce fertility and merits further research.  相似文献   

The effect of the removal of one testis from cross-bred lambs at 1, 4, 8 or 12 weeks of age on plasma FSH, LH and testosterone was studied until 16 weeks of age. Hemicastration at all ages elicited a significant increase in plasma FSH compared to controls without a corresponding change in plasma LH or testosterone. The raised FSH after hemicastration at 1 or 4 weeks of age was suppressed to control levels between weeks 7 and 8; such a suppression was not observed in the 4 weeks following hemicastration at 8 or 12 weeks of age. The weight of the remaining testis had increased compared with the control by 12 weeks of age after hemicastration at 1 week (+ 69%), 4 weeks (+ 13%) and 8 weeks (+ 40%); hemicastration at 12 weeks of age also resulted in growth of the remaining testis at 16 weeks (+ 82%). The total androgen production of interstitial cells in response to ovine LH stimulation in vitro did not differ significantly between lambs of 1 and 12 weeks of age, or in animals of 4, 8 and 12 weeks of age after hemicastration at 1 week of age. Subdermal implantation of oestradiol-17 beta into 1-week hemicastrated lambs at the time of operation or at 6 weeks of age increased plasma oestradiol concentrations by approximately 2-4-fold, prevented the FSH and testicular growth responses to hemicastration and suppressed plasma LH and testosterone to levels lower than those in control lambs. The total androgen response of interstitial cells from the remaining testis of oestradiol-implanted lambs at 12 weeks of age was significantly reduced. We suggest that the pituitary-testis axis varies in sensitivity during the prepubertal period although the interstitial cellular response of the testis to LH stimulation remains constant.  相似文献   

Sixteen pinealectomized and 19 unoperated ewes were exposed to constant light for about 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after lambing. Six ram lambs born to unoperated ewes were implanted s.c. with melatonin sachets while 8 ram lambs were implanted with empty sachets. The 8 ram lambs born to pinealectomized dams also received empty implants. Ewes and lambs were then returned to the field. Analysis of weekly blood samples indicated that prolactin secretion was significantly decreased in the ram lambs with empty implants between 44-51 weeks of age whereas lambs treated with melatonin failed to show a significant change during development. All 3 groups of rams had elevated LH levels between 7 and 17 weeks of age, and a second period of high LH between 27 and 40 weeks. There were no significant differences between groups in the patterns of FSH secretion; FSH was highest between 7 and 17 weeks of age, and again between 27 and 40 weeks of age. Plasma testosterone levels in all groups increased gradually between 4 and 35 weeks. Between 38 and 48 weeks of age testosterone concentrations were markedly elevated in all groups. Growth was not affected by melatonin treatment. These results indicate that neonatal melatonin treatment has subtle endocrine effects; whether these effects are sufficient to compromise fertility in the ram, however, remains to be established.  相似文献   

The primary objective was to compare various mathematical models to describe scrotal circumference (SC) and paired testis volume development in Blackbelly ram lambs. The study was conducted in the state of Querétaro, México (20° 43' N, 100° 15' W). Spring-born Blackbelly ram lambs (n = 41) were housed outdoors and fed alfalfa hay and concentrate. Body weight, SC, and testis length, diameter, and volume were recorded every 2 wk from 24 to 172 d of age (June 18 to November 3). The following mathematical functions were used to model SC-age and testis volume-age relationship: Von Bertalanffy, Brody, Gompertz, Logistic, and Richards. The suitability of the models was evaluated based on parameter values and standard errors, residual mean square, the coefficient of determination (R2), and the average prediction error (APE). All models, except for Brody's, had good fit to SC (R2 > 0.98) and testis volume (R2 > 0.95), and produced similar growth curves in the range of ages studied. The logistic model predicted SC at maturity quite well, 33.6 ± 0.6 cm as compared with 33.9 ± 0.5 cm observed in adult animals; all models had APE's smaller than ±7% between 56 and 168 d of age. The Bertalanffy model predicted testis volume at maturity quite well, 513 ± 22 cm3 as compared with 488 ± 20 cm3 calculated for adult animals. The logistic model had a good fit to testis volume during the period of study, but underestimated the volume at maturity by 28%. All models, except for Brody's, had APE's smaller than ±14% between 98 and 168 d of age. The logistic and Bertalanffy models predicted the inflection point for SC at 83 and 59 d of age, and testis volume at 116 and 109 d of age, respectively. In conclusion, all models, except for Brody's, had good fit to actual SC and testis volume data in the range of age evaluated, whereas the logistic and Bertalanffy's models made the best predictions for adult SC and testis volume, respectively.  相似文献   

Oestrus was consistently induced by 20, 40 or 80 microgram oestradiol benzoate in progesterone-primed lambs aged 23 weeks and 17 weeks respectively in two experiments. The duration of oestrus increased linearly with increasing log dose of oestrogen, and was negatively correlated with the time of its onset. In the absence of progesterone there was a reduced incidence, later onset and shorter duration of oestrus. Progesterone alone did not induce oestrus. In lambs treated during January (Exp. 2), a later date of injection of oestrogen was associated with earlier onset and longer duration of oestrus. The induced oestrus was anovulatory. Oestrogen reduced the proportion of lambs with follicles greater than or equal to 3 mm in diameter whilst progesterone had no effect. Lambs which were the progeny of low- and high-fecundity dams did not differ in their oestrous or ovarian responses. Correlations between the dam's lamb production index and the time to onset and duration of the induced oestrus were also not significant.  相似文献   

Mass (TM) and relative mass (organ mass/body mass; RTM) of the right testis and epididymis (EM and REM, respectively) were determined every 14 days from 10 to 122 days of age for intact boars (I) and boars hemicastrated on Day 10 (HC) in two crossbred herds (Trial 1 and Trial 2). Plasma follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, growth hormone (GH), and testosterone were determined in four blood samples from each pig, three collected 24 h prior to castration and one immediately prior to castration. Values for TM and RTM of HC boars were approximately double (p less than 0.0001) those of I boars by 38 days of age, and these differences were maintained through Day 122. Both EM and REM were greater (p less than 0.05) in HC than in I boars from Day 52 to Day 122. The TM, RTM, EM and REM were greater (p less than 0.05) in Trial 1 than in Trial 2 for both I and HC boars from Day 80 to Day 122, indicating an earlier onset of pubertal testicular growth in the Trial-1 boars. Plasma GH concentration was greater (p less than 0.05) in HC than in I boars from Day 16 to Day 38. A transient increase in plasma FSH (p less than 0.05) was observed from Day 24 to Day 38. After Day 38, there was no difference (p greater than 0.05) in FSH or GH between HC and I boars, or between trials. Plasma LH, prolactin, and testosterone concentrations were also similar in HC and I boars.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Plasma FSH and LH in prepubertal Booroola ewe lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Basal plasma concentrations (four 30-min samples) and GnRH-induced release of gonadotrophins were measured every 15 days between 30 and 90 days and at 110 days of age in Merino ewe lambs from the prolific Booroola ('B') flock (n = 18-23), the medium prolificacy ('T') flock (n = 14-20), and the 'O' flock (n = 4-8) of low prolificacy. At ages of 30 and 45 days B ewe lambs had mean basal plasma FSH concentrations of 145 and 122 ng/ml which were significantly higher (P less than 0.01) than those seen in T (45 and 53 ng/ml), and O (39 and 38 ng/ml) flock ewes. Between 60 and 110 days of age there were no significant differences between genotypes. The increment in FSH concentrations above basal levels induced by the subcutaneous injection of 100 micrograms synthetic GnRH was only significantly (P less than 0.05) greater in B than T and O genotype ewe lambs at 110 days of age but not at other ages. The basal plasma FSH differences between the B, T and O genotypes at 30 and 45 days of age were not consistently related to the size of litter in which lambs were born. At 30 days of age the mean plasma LH concentration of B, T, and O flock lambs were 2.6 +/- 0.5, 1.2 +/- 0.6 and 0.7 +/- 0.8 ng/ml respectively. These differences were not significant. At later ages there were also no significant differences between the genotypes with respect to basal LH, and the increase in LH induced by exogenous GnRH was always similar for the three genotypes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sex composition of the group of lambs before puberty on later sexual performance in Awassi ram lambs. Thirteen Awassi ram lambs of the same age were raised in either all-male group (n = 7) or in a group mixed with females (n = 6) from weaning to puberty. Blood samples, body weights (BW) and scrotal circumferences (SC) of ram lambs were recorded between eight and 10 months of age. Sexual performance testing was performed at 9 months of age by individually exposing ram lambs to oestrous females on five occasions. Body weight and SC were greater (P < 0.01) in the all-male compared with the mixed group. Plasma testosterone concentrations were not influenced (P > 0.05) by treatment. Plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly correlated (P  0.05) with BW (r = 0.3) and SC (r = 0.4). No treatment effects were detected regarding bouts of leg-kicking. Bouts of anogenital sniffing, the frequency of mount attempts and mounting frequency were greater (P < 0.05) in the all-male group. Even though the frequency of raising the fat tail of females was similar between the two treatments, the mixed group tended to be (P = 0.08) more efficient in doing so than the all-male group (higher tail raising/mount). Results of the current study indicate that mixing groups of ram and ewe lambs before puberty may be insufficient to improve later sexual performance of ram lambs.  相似文献   

Short-term responses of Photosystem I to heat stress   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
When 23°C-grown potato leaves (Solanum tuberosum L.) were exposed for 15 min to elevated temperatures in weak light, a dramatic and preferential inactivation of Photosystem (PS) II was observed at temperatures higher than about 38°C. In vivo photoacoustic measurements indicated that, concomitantly with the loss of PS II activity, heat stress induced a marked gas-uptake activity both in far-red light (>715 nm) exciting only PS I and in broadband light (350–600 nm) exciting PS I and PS II. In view of its suppression by nitrogen gas and oxygen and its stimulation by high carbon-dioxide concentrations, the bulk of the photoacoustically measured gas uptake by heat-stressed leaves was ascribed to rapid carbon-dioxide solubilization in response to light-modulated stroma alkalization coupled to PS I-driven electron transport. Heat-induced gas uptake was observed to be insensitive to the PS II inhibitor diuron, sensitive to the plastocyanin inhibitor HgCl2 and saturated at a rather high photon flux density of around 1200 E m–2 s–1. Upon transition from far-red light to darkness, the oxidized reaction center P700+ of PS I was re-reduced very slowly in control leaves (with a half time t1/2 higher than 500 ms), as measured by leaf absorbance changes at around 820 nm. Heat stress caused a spectacular acceleration of the postillumination P700+ reduction, with t1/2 falling to a value lower than 50 ms (after leaf exposure to 48°C). The decreased t1/2 was sensitive to HgCl2 and insensitive to diuron, methyl viologen (an electron acceptor of PS I competing with the endogenous acceptor ferredoxin) and anaerobiosis. This acceleration of the P700+ reduction was very rapidly induced by heat treatment (within less than 5 min) and persisted even after prolonged irradiation of the leaves with far-red light. After heat stress, the plastoquinone pool exhibited reduction in darkness as indicated by the increase in the apparent Fo level of chlorophyll fluorescence which could be quenched by far-red light. Application (for 1 min) of far-red light to heat-pretreated leaves also induced a reversible quenching of the maximal fluorescence level Fm, suggesting formation of a pH gradient in far-red light. Taken together, the presented data indicate that PS I responded to the heat-induced loss of PS II photochemical activity by catalyzing an electron flow from stromal reductants. Heat-stress-induced PS I electron transport independent of PS II seems to constitute a protective mechanism since block of this electron pathway in anaerobiosis was observed to result in a dramatic photoinactivation of PS I.Abbreviations PFD photon flux density - PS Photosystem - Apt and Aox amplitude of the photothermal and photobaric components of the photoacoustic signal, respectively - P700 reaction center pigment of PS I - Fo and Fm initial and maximal levels of chlorophyll fluorescence, respectively - Fv=Fm Fo-variable chlorophyll fluorescence - QA primary (stable) electron acceptor of PS II - DCMU (diuron) 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - Cyt cytochrome  相似文献   

Salinity is one of the main chemical factors in salt marshes. Studies focused on the analysis of salinity tolerance of salt marsh plants are very important, since they may help to relate their physiological tolerances with distribution limits in the field. Spartina densiflora is a South America cordgrass, which has started its invasion of the European coastline from the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. In this work, short-term responses in adult tussocks of S. densiflora from southwestern Spain are studied over a wide range of salinity in a greenhouse experiment. Our results point out that S. densiflora has a high tolerance to salinity, showing high growth and net photosynthesis rates from 0.5 to 20 ppt. S. densiflora showed at the lowest salinity (0.5 ppt) high levels of photoinhibition, compensated by higher levels of energy transmission between photosystems. Adaptative mechanisms, as those described previously, would allow it to live in fresh water environments. At the highest salinity (40 ppt), S. densiflora showed a high stress level, reflected in significant decreases in growth, net photosynthesis rate and photochemical efficiency of Photosystem II. These responses support S. densiflora invasion patterns in European estuaries, with low expansion rates along the coastline and faster colonization of brackish marshes and river banks. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Arousal and cardiopulmonary responses to hyperoxic hypercapnia in lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments were done to investigate the arousal and cardiopulmonary responses to hyperoxic hypercapnia in 8 lambs. Each lamb was anaesthetized and instrumented for recordings of electrocorticogram, electro-oculogram, nuchal and diaphragm electromyograms and measurements of arterial blood pressure and haemoglobin oxygen saturation. No sooner than 3 days after surgery, measurements were made in quiet sleep and active sleep during control periods when the animal was breathing 21% oxygen and during experimental periods of hyperoxic hypercapnia when the animal was breathing 10% carbon dioxide and 30% oxygen. Hyperoxic hypercapnia was terminated during each epoch by returning the inspired gas mixture to 21% oxygen once the animal aroused from sleep. Arousal occurred from both sleep states during hyperoxic hypercapnia but was delayed in active sleep compared to quiet sleep (active sleep 58 +/- 17 s; quiet sleep 21 +/- 10 s; mean +/- 1SD). There were no significant changes in heart rate or blood pressure during hyperoxic hypercapnia before arousal. However, respiratory rate and diaphragm electrical activity did increase during hyperoxic hypercapnia before arousal. Thus, our data provide evidence that hypercapnia can initiate arousal from sleep in young lambs. The mechanisms responsible for this response are yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Jaeger, C. H., Goeschl, J. D., Magnuson, C. E., Fares, Y. and Strain, B. R. 1988. Short-term responses of phloem transport to mechanical perturbation. - Physiol. Plant. 72: 588–594.
Phloem transport was monitored using a continuous stream of 11CO2-labelled air administered to one leaf while gamma detectors measured 11C activity at intervals along the stem. The effect of gentle, non-injurious mechanical perturbation on phloem transport was tested in cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Stoneville 213). Mechanical stimuli such as shaking, localized vibration and gentle massage were applied while the plants were at isotope equilibrium. Localized phloem blockages were observed within 1–2 min of the stimuli. The blockages lasted from 6–55 min and full recovery of transport required 20–175 min. The effect of preconditioning to mechanical perturbation on phloem transport was tested in bush beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Cherokee Bush). Preconditioning of a bean seedling to gentle stem massage resulted in a shorter blockage response and quicker transport recovery period when the seedling was massaged during a 11C tracer experiment compared to a control seedling. These results indicate that measurements of phloem transport on recently disturbed plants will probably show depressed phloem transport velocities. Measurements should be made after at least a 24-h disturbance-free recovery period.  相似文献   

Ten sexually immature rams were experimentally infected with Brucella ovis, to verify the antibody kinetics and its localization in urinary and genital tracts. All animals became positive to the complement fixation test from the 2nd post infection (p.i.) week and reached the maximum titre (1:256) on the 4th p.i. week. Bacteriemia was demonstrated on 3rd, 4th and 5th p.i. weeks. Two animals, respectively slaughtered 11 and 13 weeks after the infection, showed macroscopic and microscopic genital lesions and the etiologic agent was cultured from their urine and genital organs.  相似文献   

1. The objectives of this study were to determine whether compensation of androgen secretion occurred acutely, chronically or after hCG-stimulation in unilaterally orchidectomized (ULO) rams. 2. Testosterone (T) concentrations were not significantly different (P greater than 0.10) between ULO and sham-operated ram lambs during the period immediately following ULO. 3. Chronically, testosterone concentrations were not significantly different (P greater than 0.10) between ULO and sham-operated ram lambs. 4. After hCG injection, the testosterone response of chronic ULO ram lambs was approx. half the response of the sham-operated ram lambs. 5. These data indicate that a rapid and sustained compensatory response of basal secretion of testosterone but not hCG-inducible testosterone secretion occurred in the ULO'd ram lambs.  相似文献   

Individual groups of 6 ram lambs were housed within a controlled environment and exposed to one of 6 photoperiod schedules. Groups I and II received 8 (short day) or 16 (long day) h of continuous light, respectively; Groups III, IV and V were exposed to asymmetrical skeleton photoperiods consisting of a main light period of 7 h followed 9 h later by a light pulse of 1 h, 15 min or 1 min duration, respectively, and Group VI was exposed to a symmetrical skeleton photoperiod consisting of two 1-h light pulses positioned 16 h apart. After 4 weeks of treatment serum concentrations of prolactin and testosterone were measured over 24 h. Long-day responses characteristic of the 16L:8D photoperiod (i.e. elevated prolactin and reduced testosterone) were obtained in each of the asymmetric light-pulse treatment groups, but whereas prolactin was elevated over the full 24 h in lambs exposed to 16L:8D, two prominent nocturnal prolactin releases were largely responsible for the high 24-h mean prolactin values in Groups III, IV and V. Reduced serum testosterone in these same groups could not be attributed to a diurnal pattern of secretion but was associated with an overall decrease in testosterone pulse frequency. Prolactin and testosterone levels in Group IV were intermediate between those observed in lambs exposed to 8 or 16 h of light. In summary, light pulses of short duration (1 min) positioned at 17 h after dawn can produce endocrine changes in lambs similar to those observed in lambs exposed to 16 h of continuous light.  相似文献   

Ovulation rates following treatment with PMSG were measured in prepubertal ewe lambs of known Booroola genotype to evaluate the technique as a method of early identification of Booroola genotypes. Two experiments were conducted with homozygous (FF), heterozygous (F+) and non-carrier (++) interbred 12 Merino 12 Romney breed type ewe lambs and a third experiment compared first cross F+ 12 Merino 12 Coopworth breed type with contemporary Coopworths (++). The ewe lambs aged 5–6 months were injected with 400 or 600 i.u. PMSG. The percentage of ewe lambs ovulating following treatment with PMSG was similar in all experiments (75–77%) but in Experiment 1 the FF and F+ lambs had a significantly higher proportion ovulating than the ++ lambs (P<0.05). The mean ovulation rate of FF ewe lambs treated with PMSG was 1.03 (Expt 1) and 1.69 (Expt 2) higher than ++ lambs (P<0.05). In Experiment 1 the mean ovulation rate of F+ ewe lambs was 0.33 higher than ++ ewe lambs but this difference was not significant. However, in Experiments 2 and 3 the mean ovulation rate of F+ ewe lambs treated with 600 i.u. PMSG was 1.06 and 0.45 higher than ++ ewe lambs respectively (P< 0.05). These results show that PMSG treatment is a promising technique for identifying the Booroola genotype of ewe lambs at an early age but further experiments with different dose rates of PMSG and different ages and liveweights of lambs are required to determine optimum dose rates and time of treatment.  相似文献   

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