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Summary The distribution of actin on various organelles in a green alga,Trebouxia potteri, was examined by immunoelectron microscopy. Actin was detected on the surface of lysosomes at various stages during the formation of zoospores. The distribution of actin on the surface of lysosomes is discussed in connection with their change in shape at a specific stage during the formation of zoospores. Actin was also detected on the surface of coated vesicles, Golgi vesicles, and the trans Golgi network, while it was not detected on the surfaces of mitochondria, chloroplasts, and Golgi bodies.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - ER endoplasmic reticulum - PBS phosphate buffered saline - TGN trans Golgi network  相似文献   

In the marine green alga Ulva mutabilis Føyn, large daily fluctuations in respiratory and photosynthetic rates are found after the induction of synchronous formation of gametes and zoospores. A sharp reduction in photosynthetic capacity preceeds the zooid-forming cell divisions. During the same period, samples for polyacrylamide electrophoresis show an initial increase followed by a decrease in the amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. Some other transient protein changes were also noted. A new protein band with MW 51,400 appears in the 48-h sample and becomes a prominent constituent of gametes and zoospores; it may represent tubulin.Abbreviations PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecylsulphate To whom correspondence should be addressed  相似文献   

Summary Populations ofPhytophthora palmivora zoospores induced to undergo synchronous differentiation by the addition of pectin showed an ordered sequence of surface changes. Within 10 seconds blebs and microvilli appeared on the cell and flagellar surfaces. These projections gave the zoospore a highly irregular and even convoluted surface for up to 30 seconds poststimulation. Between 30 and 40 seconds, pits appeared on the surface, which began to assume a smoother texture. Zoospores then rounded up and by 4 minutes had assumed an almost spherical form. At this time the surface became wrinkled as though shrinkage had occurred. Germ tubes could be seen emerging from almost all cells by 40 minutes, and as germ tubes enlarged, the cell surface became smooth again but with a fibrous texture. Many zoospores retained their flagella through to the germling stage.When cells were stimulated in iso-osmotic rather than hypo-osmotic media, germ tubes in most cases emerged at or very near the site of flagellar attachment. Differentiation in iso-osmotic media showed the same sequence except that the cells did not assume the spherical shape normally characteristic of cysts and germlings differentiating under hypo-osmotic conditions.Strontium-induced differentiation again followed the same general sequence as desribed above, although the cell surface was noticeably more convoluted and irregular prior to the stage of the formation of pits, and flagella were always shed between 40 seconds and 1 minute. Calcium addition up to 20 seconds after the initiation of differentiation with pectin prevented a high proportion of zoospores from encysting, the cells remained motile, and although the frequency of surface blebs and microvilli increased, pits did not appear.These surface changes are consistent with those expected during stimulus-mediated secretion, and it appears that calcium is able to inhibit differentiation only before the secretory step (pit formation).  相似文献   

During encystment,Phytophthora cinnamomi zoospores bind firmly to the host surface. We have developed a microassay to study adhesion of the zoospores to solid surfaces, both biological and non-biological. The results show that timing of the acquisition of adhesiveness during encystment correlates closely with the secretion of high molecular weight glycoproteins. The adhesive phase is short lived, occurring between 1 and 4 min after induction of encystment. During this period, cells that come into contact with a variety of surfaces (glass, plastic, and onion epidermis) become firmly attached, while cells that come into contact with one of these substrata after this period are unable to bind. Our results also show that EGTA inhibits cyst adhesion, while addition of calcium promotes cyst adhesion, especially of cysts more than 4 min old. To help identify the cyst surface component involved in adhesion we tested a number of lectins for their ability to block cyst adhesion. Soybean agglutinin andHelix pomatia agglutinin, lectins which bind to the secreted high molecular weight glycoproteins, both inhibit adhesion in the presence and absence of the hapten sugar, indicating that inhibition was non-specific. Wheatgerm agglutinin, a lectin which does not bind to the cyst surface, also blocked adhesion non-specifically.  相似文献   

The elemental composition of gamma particles in zoospores ofAllomyces macrogynus andBlastocladiella emersonii was determined by use of energy dispersive X-ray analysis of glutaraldehyde fixed, thin section zoospores. Isolated preparations of gamma particles were also examined. Gamma particles contained no detectable elements. Similar sized, globular, electron dense cytoplasmic inclusions contained phosphorus and calcium. We suggest that previous studies assigning calcium and phosphorus to gamma particles may have been based on confusion of these two types of cytoplasmic inclusions.  相似文献   

Summary Action spectra for phototaxis in zoospores of brown alga,Pseudochorda gracilis (Laminariales), were examined in the wavelength range between 300 and 600 nm using the Okazaki Large Spectrograph and a video tracking system. The direction of swimming (both in percent cells swimming in parallel with the stimulating light, and in mean angle of cell movement) was dependent on the wavelength. The action spectra had two peaks at 420 and 460 nm, while light above 500 nm was not effective in changing the swimming direction of the cells.Abbreviations TCMA tracker-cell movement analyzer system - CMA cell movement analyzer program  相似文献   

Summary Calmodulin distribution in the tinsel and whiplash flagella of zoospores ofPhytophthora cinnamomi has been studied by immunofluorescence microscopy and immunogold labelling. In whole zoospores labelled with a monoclonal antibody raised against pea calmodulin, followed by a second antibody-FITC, both flagella appear to be weakly stained except for a region at the base of the tinsel flagellum which was stained intensely. A similar staining pattern was also detected in isolated flagella labelled with anti-calmodulin. To identify the calmodulin rich region of the tinsel flagellum, we labelled sections of zoospores embedded in Lowicryl K4M with anti-calmodulin followed by a second antibody gold probe. In the tinsel flagellum, the gold labelling was restricted to a paraxonemal swelling close to the base. Very little gold labelling was detected elsewhere. The swelling extends for 1.5–2.0 n from the base of the tinsel flagellum and is hook shaped in cross section. Immunoblot analysis confirmed that the staining was specific for calmodulin.  相似文献   

M. Melkonian  H. Robenek 《Protoplasma》1980,104(1-2):129-140
Summary Eyespot membranes in zoospores of the green algaChlorosarcinopsis gelatinosa were studied with the freeze-fracture technique. The PF of the plasmalemma overlying the eyespot lipid globules contains significantly greater numbers of intramembraneous particles (IMP; 8,200 IMP/m2) compared to other areas of the plasmalemma (2,100 IMP/m2). In the eyespot area the EF of the plasmalemma reveals no IMP, but regularly arranged depressions corresponding to the PF particles. Sizes of PF particles are not significantly different between the eyespot area and other areas of the plasmalemma. Zoospore settlement starts approximately two hours after release and involves in sequence, rounding up of the cells, retraction of the flagella and secretion of a cell wall. Eyespot membrane specializations on the PF of the plasmalemma disappear during flagellar retraction and before cell wall secretion.The functional significance of eyespot membrane specializations is discussed in accordance with the view that these membranes are engaged in photoreception and primary sensory transduction relating to green algal phototaxis.  相似文献   

Methods of ultracytochemistry and of X-ray energy dispersive analysis have been used to demonstrate that the gamma-like granules in encysted zoospores of the chytrid Rozella allomycis contain polyphosphate. The possibility that cysts contain two classes of polyphosphate granules which differ in structure, in function, and in origin is discussed.  相似文献   

Sporangia formation ofPhysarum polycephalum was induced by starvation and illumination, and the morphogenic process during the differentiation was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Plasma membranes were prepared from these differentiating plasmodia and the membrane proteins were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Many glycoproteins appeared during the fruit-body formation. Of these a protein of apparent molecular mass of 66 kD was prominent in sporangia forming stage which showed a high affinity to RCA lectin. Inhibition of the glycosylation and processing of these glycoproteins resulted in the prevention of fruit-body formation suggesting that the synthesis of these membrane components is a prerequisite process for the sporangia formation in the slime mold.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate composition was determined in isolated cell walls of meiospores of Allomyces arbuscula after incubation for 15 min (encysted meiospores: cysts), 150 min (germlings: cysts + rhizoids) and 24 h (cysts + rhizoids + hyphae). The principal constituent in all cell wall samples is chitin, accounting for about 75% of the recovered carbohydrates. In addition, cell walls of all stages examined contain polysaccharides which release galactose, glucose, mannose, arabinose, xylose, fucose, and rhamnose on acid hydrolysis. While different developmental stages show minor quantitative changes in chitin, the ratio of galactose to glucose decreases sharply during differentiation of ungerminated cysts into germlings with rhizoids and hyphae. The increase in glucose is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of xylose and/or fucose and of galactose.List of Abbreviation TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary The beet cyst nematodeHeterodera schachtii is able to establish a feeding structure (syncytium) in the vascular tissue of roots and shoots ofArabidopsis thaliana. Histological and ultrastructural studies were performed to assess plant responses during the development of juvenile females under monoxenic conditions. After destructively invading a root the nematode selects and pierces a single procambial cell with its stylet and transforms it into an initial syncytial cell (ISC) by secretory activity. The first most obvious changes in the ISC occur in the vacuolar system and at the wall. Differentiation of a central vacuole is impeded resulting in the formation of numerous small vacuoles. Multivesicular and paramural bodies are formed. An electron translucent material is deposited on the cell wall. Partial dissolution of the cell wall leads to the formation of a syncytium. At the juveniles' last pre-adult developmental stage the syncytium attains its maximum longitudinal and radial extension, occupying a major part of the central cylinder. Its features are indicative of a very high level of metabolic activity. The hypertrophied syncytium is ensheathed by a peridermal cover in which secondary xylem and phloem elements are interspersed. When females die the syncytia degenerate. The ultrastructural and histological features of syncytia described from roots are also found in syncytia induced in aerial parts of the plant.  相似文献   

Robold AV  Hardham AR 《Protoplasma》2004,223(2-4):121-132
Summary. A coimmunisation protocol using microsomal fractions from Phytophthora nicotianae cells has enhanced the production of monoclonal antibodies directed towards proteins produced during asexual sporulation. Over 40% of the antibodies targeted three categories of zoospore peripheral vesicles. Five antibodies label the contents of dorsal vesicles, with three of these reacting with two P. nicotianae polypeptides with a relative molecular mass of approximately 100 kDa. Two antibodies label the contents of large peripheral vesicles and react with two very high-molecular-weight polypeptides in extracts of P. nicotianae cells. These antibodies cross-react with the contents of large peripheral vesicles in P. cinnamomi zoospores. Ten antibodies label the contents of P. nicotianae zoospore ventral vesicles and react with a single polypeptide with a relative molecular mass of 230 kDa. A number of these antibodies against the contents of ventral vesicles in P. nicotianae zoospores cross-react with ventral-vesicle proteins in P. cinnamomi cells in immunofluorescence and immunoblot assays. The study illustrates the value of the coimmunisation protocol and has produced antibodies that could be instrumental in the cloning of genes encoding peripheral-vesicle proteins.Correspondence and reprints: Plant Cell Biology Group, Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University, GPO Box 475, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.  相似文献   

The development of Paragordius varius (Nematomorpha), in the parasitic phase of the life cycle, was followed ultrastructurally from 10 days after controlled infection of crickets (Gryllus firmus) to mature animals at 30 days after infection. During this time span, specimens grow from about 1 cm to more than 10 cm and from 93 m to about 400 m in diameter. A thin larval cuticle is replaced at about day 20 by a robust adult cuticle. Epidermis and intestine appear physiologically active during the early stages, but decrease in size and cytological components during further development. This is probably connected to the uptake of nutrients through the larval cuticle, whereas the adult cuticle has only protective function. The longitudinal musculature grows continuously and changes from fewer platymyarian cells to abundant coelomyarian cells. The ventral nerve cord shifts from an intraepidermal to a submuscular position during development. Additionally, basiepidermal nerves are present. Gonads develop from paired dorsolateral compact strands. It seems that in males, cells within these strands separate into epithelial and central cells, which become the gametes, while in females, gametes proliferate from the strands into the primary body cavity and fill it up completely. In males, there is a large quantity of parenchyma, restricting the body cavity to a small periintestinal space, while in females, parenchyma occurs only in the periphery of the gametes.  相似文献   

K. Ueda  Y. Suzuki 《Protoplasma》1985,125(3):205-213
Summary The behavior of gamete cells ofClosterium ehrenbergii in hypertonic solutions was observed and the significance of changes in osmotic pressure of the protoplasts is discussed in relation to zygote formation. The osmotic pressure of fusing gamete protoplasts was calculated to be 0.063 Osm at the original cell volume. The osmotic pressure of immature gamete protoplasts was 0.24 Osm at incipient plasmolysis. This lowering of cell osmotic pressure may serve to protect the rupture of the plasma membrane during migration of protoplasts in the conjugation tube after dissolution of cell walls. During maturation of gamete cells, chloroplasts and dictyosomes differed greatly in their ultrastructure from those of vegetative cells. These structural changes may be induced by changes of the physiological condition including osmotic pressure in the cells.  相似文献   

Nine species ofNeochloris can be divided into three groups on the basis of comparative ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus, the cell wall and the pyrenoid of zoospores. In Group I,N. wimmeri andN. minuta, zoospores are thin-walled, pyrenoids are penetrated by stromal channels, and the basal bodies are in the clockwise absolute orientation and connected by the distal and two proximal fibers. In Group II,N. aquatica, N. vigenis, N. terrestris, N. pyenoidosa, andN. pseudostigmatica, zoospores are naked or covered by fuzzy material, pyrenoids are covered by a continuous starch sheath or invaginated by cytoplasmic channels, basal bodies are directly opposed, the distal fiber is differentiated into a ribbed structure at the central region, a striated microtubule-associated component (SMAC) is continuous between opposite two-membered rootlets and connected to the ribbed structure, proximal ends of basal bodies are covered by partial caps, each two-membered rootlet and a basal body are connected by a striated fiber to the X-membered rootlet associated with the opposite basal body, and the basal bodies, when oriented at wide angles, are joined at their proximal ends by core extensions. In Group III,N. pseudoalveolaris andN. cohaerens, zoospores are naked, pyrenoids are traversed by parallel thylakoids, basal bodies are in the counterclockwise absolute orientation and overlapped, and each X-membered rootlet is connected to the end of the opposite basal body by a terminal cap. It is suggested that the genusChlorococcopsis gen. nov. be erected for the Group I species. Group II, which includes the type species,N. aquatica, should be preserved asNeochloris. The group appears to be closely related to the coenobial generaPediastrum, Hydrodictyon, andSorastrum, and to have affinities with the coenocytic generaSphaeroplea andAtractomorpha as well. It is also suggested that the genusParietochloris gen. nov. be erected in thePleurastrophyceae for the species of Group III.  相似文献   

A simple and convenient culture system has been developed for the analysis of ectomycorrhiza formation under controlled conditions. Rapid and synchronous mycorrhiza synthesis was observed when thin and even layers of Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) hyphae were brought at once into contact with the entire root system of 3-month-old Picea abies (L. Karst) plants. Suitable fungal layers were grown on cardboard with limiting glucose supply in the medium to maximize radial growth. The glucose was almost consumed by the time the fungus had spread over the whole cardboard and was ready for inoculation of the roots. At this stage, the fungus contained trehalose and arabitol as the main soluble carbohydrates. A few hours after the assembly of the culture system, contacts between roots and aerial hyphae were observed and a sheath was formed 3 days later, suggesting very rapid ectomycorrhiza formation under these conditions. The pool of soluble carbohydrates of the inoculum, i.e. the extramatrical mycelium, declined after inoculation of the roots and was almost zero after 2 weeks. The supply of carbon by the plant was then sufficient for the fungus to expand the soluble pool efficiently in both the mycorrhizas and the extramatrical mycelium. The kinetics of the carbohydrate pool and the observed differentiation of the short roots to mycorrhizas imply that in our culture system fully functional symbiosis was established no later than 14 days after the plants were inoculated with the fungus.  相似文献   

D. Koller  J. Kigel  Sarah Ovadia 《Planta》1977,137(2):133-138
The first inductive (short-day; SD) cycle advanced the initiation of reproductive development, while additional SD cycles progressively reduced the lag phase between the start of induction and initiation. The sensitivity to SD increased during ontogeny in long-days (LD) until even the requirement for the first SD cycle disappeared at the onset of autonomous flowering. In photo-induced plants, the postinitiation rate of elongation of the apex was accelerated as the SD dose was increased, but was progressively slower as the start of induction was delayed closer to autonomous flowering, approaching asymptotically the rate of non-induced controls. The inflorescences were branched in plants growing continuously in LD and unbranched in those growing continously in SD. The subsequent branching of the inflorescence could be repressed by SD at any time prior to autonomous flowering, and the degree of repression increased with the induction dose. After the initial SD cycle, 1–2 additional SD could induce the loss of apical dominance, causing excessive elongation and leaf production in the subjacent branches. Further increase in the SD dose inhibited this elongation by accelerating the transformation of the apices of these branches to the reproductive state.Abbreviations LD long day(s) - SD short day(s) - ContSD continuous short day(s) - RGR relative growth rate  相似文献   

Summary We analyzed the formation of thylakoids and grana during the development of pea chloroplasts, illuminated by white, red and blue low intensity light. The total length of granal and intergranal thylakoids, and the length of granal thylakoids per unit area of plastid section were measured. Initially the greatest increase in length of granal thylakoids and the highest incidence of grana with large thylakoid content occurred in red light. On the other hand, with illumination times of over 12 hours blue light appeared to be more efficient in stimulating grana formation and thylakoid growth.  相似文献   

Summary Zoospores of the mosquito pathogenic fungusLagenidium giganteum preferentially attach to and encyst on the cuticular surface of the immature stages of many species of mosquitoes as the initial step in the infection process. Recognition by zoospores of specific chemical or physical signals on the cuticular surface triggers attachment. A number of compounds likely to be present on the surface of mosquito larvae were evaluated for efficacy in eliciting zoospore encystment. Free amino acids and oligomers, a number of phenolic and polyphenolic compounds and most carbohydrates did not induce encystment at concentrations less than 500 g/ml. Colloidal chitin and chitin films were also ineffective as was O-carboxy-methylchitin; however, glycol chitin and glycol chitosan induced rapid encystment at concentrations at or below 1 g/ml. Zoospores also attached to and encysted in great numbers on fibers of oxycellulose, but not on cellulose. Concanavalin A was the only lectin which induced encystment at concentrations less than 10 g/ml, which suggests that a glycoprotein with terminal mannose and/or glucose residues is involved in encystment. A number of phenols were metabolized by peroxidase on the zoospore surface. Addition of hydrogen peroxide to zoospore suspensions reduced the time needed to induce zoospore encystment by some phenols; however, there was no consistent relationship between the presence or absence of this synergistic effect and the ability ofL. giganteum peroxidase to metabolize a given substrate. The sterol-binding compound amphotericin B induced immediate encystment at 3.5 g/ml, suggesting that sterols, which are required for the induction of zoosporogenesis, were present on the zoospore membrane.  相似文献   

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