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P A Baldwin  W L Hubbell 《Biochemistry》1985,24(11):2633-2639
When rhodopsin is incorporated into the saturated short-chain phospholipid dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, photolysis of the protein results in an abnormal sequence of spectral transitions, and the dominant product of metarhodopsin I decay is free retinal plus opsin [Baldwin, P. A., & Hubbell, W. L. (1985) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]. By incorporation of rhodopsin into a series of phosphatidylcholines of defined composition, we have determined the properties of the lipid environment that are responsible for the altered spectral behavior. Metarhodopsin II is not found in appreciable amounts in bilayers containing acyl chains that are too short (14 or fewer carbon atoms in length), in the presence of only n-alkyl chains, or below the characteristic phase-transition temperature of recombinant membranes. Double bonds are not required for the formation of the metarhodopsin II intermediate, as it is observed in diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine recombinants.  相似文献   

R N Frank  S M Buzney 《Biochemistry》1975,14(23):5110-5117
Partial separation of protein kinase activity from rhodopsin in isolated bovine retinal photoreceptor outer segments was accomplished by mild ultrasonic treatment followed by ultracentrifugation. Residual kinase activity in the rhodopsin-rich sediment was destroyed by chemical denaturation which did not affect the spectral properties of the rhodopsin. The retinal outer segment kinase was found to be specific for rhodopsin, since in these preparations it alone of several bovine protein kinases was capable of phosphorylating rhodopsin in the light. The phosphorylation reaction apparently requires a specific conformation of the rhodopsin molecule since it is abolished by heat denaturation of rhodopsin, and it is greatly reduced or abolished by treatment of the visual pigment protein with potassium alum after the rhodopsin has been "bleached" by light. When kinase and rhodopsin or opsin fractions were prepared from dark-adapted and bleached outer segments and the resultant fractions were mixed in various combinations of bleached and unbleached preparations, the observed pattern of light-activated phosphorylation was consistent only with the interpretation that a conformational change in the rhodopsin molecule in the light exposes a site on the visual pigment protein to the kinase and ATP. These results rule out the possibility of a direct or indirect (rhodopsin-mediated) light activation of the kinase. Finally, phosphorylation of retinal outer segment protein in monochromatic lights of various wavelengths followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicates that both rhodopsin and the higher molecular weight visual pigment protein reported by several laboratories have the same action spectrum for phosphorylation. This result is consistent with the suggestion that the higher molecular weight species is a rhodopsin dimer.  相似文献   

P A Baldwin  W L Hubbell 《Biochemistry》1985,24(11):2624-2632
Photolysis of bovine rhodopsin in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine recombinant membranes results in the production of a relatively stable metarhodopsin I like photointermediate that decays slowly to a species with a broad absorbance maximum centered at about 380 nm [O'Brien, D. F., Costa, L. F., & Ott, R. A. (1977) Biochemistry 16, 1295-1303]. On the basis of the results of a variety of chemical and spectroscopic tests, we show that this process corresponds to the production of free retinal plus opsin and not to the slow production of metarhodopsin II. Electron spin resonance studies using a novel disulfide spin-label that is covalently linked to rhodopsin indicate that the apparent arrest of the protein at the metarhodopsin I stage is not due to simple aggregation of the protein in this short-chain, saturated lipid bilayer but must be understood in terms of the effect of the lipid host on the conformational energies of individual protein molecules. Limited production of metarhodopsin II is observed under acidic conditions. Thus, the rhodopsin-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine recombinants offer a unique system for the study of the effect of the phospholipid bilayer environment on the conformation of an intrinsic membrane protein.  相似文献   

Structural requirements for the activation of transducin by rhodopsin have been studied by site-specific mutagenesis of bovine rhodopsin. A variety of single amino acid replacements and amino acid insertions and deletions of varying sizes were carried out in the two cytoplasmic loops CD (amino acids 134-151) and EF (amino acids 231-252). Except for deletion mutant delta 137-150, all the mutants bound 11-cis-retinal and displayed normal spectral characteristics. Deletion mutant delta 236-239 in loop EF caused a 50% reduction of transducin activation, whereas deletion mutant delta 244-249 and the larger deletions in loop EF abolished transducin activation. An 8-amino acid deletion in the cytoplasmic loop CD as well as a replacement of 13 amino acids with an unrelated sequence showed no transducin activation. Several single amino acid substitutions also caused significant reduction in transducin activation. The conserved charged pair Glu-134/Arg-135 in the cytoplasmic loop CD was required for transducin activation; its reversal or neutralization abolished transducin activation. Three amino acid replacements in loop EF (S240A, T243V, and K248L) resulted in significant reduction in transducin activation. We conclude that 1) both the cytoplasmic loops CD and EF are required for transducin activation, and 2) effective functional interaction between rhodopsin and transducin involves relatively large peptide sequences in the cytoplasmic loops.  相似文献   

The protein fluorescence changes of rod outer segment fragments during bleaching were studied. Flash caused a fluorescence intensity drop by about 6%. The time constant of this process was30 msec and coincided with the time constant of increasing the permeability of an artificial lipid membrane containing rhodopsin and of Metarhodopsin I decay. In the presence of hydroxylamine the fluorescence intensity increases after the initial drop. The second process time constant was about 300 msec and coincided with the conduction drop time constant of the artificial membrane containing rhodopsin. A new intermediate — Metarhodopsin II1 is proposed. It has the Metarhodopsin II absorption spectrum, lives for about 300 msec at room temperature, does not react with hydroxylamine, and increases the permeability of a disk membrane.  相似文献   

Electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) has been applied to the study of specific interactions of 15N-spin-labeled stearic acid with the retinal chromophore of a rhodopsin analogue containing a 14N spin-labeled retinal. Both the 5 and 16 spin-labeled stearic acids were incorporated into the lipid bilayer of rod outer segment membranes containing the spin-labeled pigment. No interaction between the 15N and 14N spin-labels was observed in rhodopsin or the metarhodopsin II state with either of these labeled stearic acids. Therefore in this system the ring portion of the chromophore must be highly sequestered from the phospholipid bilayer in both the rhodopsin and metarhodopsin II forms.  相似文献   

The native ferric and cyanide-bound ferric forms of nine vertebrate and two yeast cytochromes c have been investigated by high-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Spectral comparisons have been made among the cytochromes with emphasis on the signal positions for heme and amino acid ligand protons. Consistent with earlier more limited studies of native ferric cytochromes c, the paramagnetically shifted proton NMR signals show little variation among species with up to 50% substitution of amino acids. Proton NMR spectra for the cyanide complexes also show little variation among species. The nitrogen-15 signal for the coordinated cyanide ion is known to be highly variable among other hemoproteins, but the signal covers a range of only 855 to 865 ppm (nitrate ion reference) for vertebrate cytochromes c and 884 to 886 ppm for yeast cytochromes c. The cyanide ligand probe thus reports an amazing conservation of the heme and proximal ligand environment among the cytochromes. Comparative proton and nitrogen-15 chemical shift values are consistent with a slightly stronger proximal histidine imidazole hydrogen bond to an amino acid carbonyl function than is the case for hemoglobin and myoglobin.  相似文献   

In the first step of the visual transduction cascade a photoexcited rhodopsin molecule, R*ret, binds to a GDP-carrying transducin molecule, TGDP. The R*-T interaction causes the opening of the nucleotide site in T and catalyzes the GDP/GTP exchange by allowing the release of the GDP. We have studied the influences on this R*-T transitory complex of the occupancies of the nucleotide site in T and the retinal site in rhodopsin. After elimination of the GDP released from the bound transducin, the complex, named R*ret-te (ret for retinal present, e for nucleotide site empty) remains stabilized almost indefinitely in a medium whose ionic composition is close to physiological. In this complex the bound Te retains a lasting ability to interact with GDP or GTP, and R*ret remains spectroscopically in the meta-II state, by contrast with free R*ret which decays to opsin and free retinal. Hence the R*-T interaction which opens the nucleotide site in T conversely blocks the retinal site in R*ret. Upon prolonged incubation in a low-ionic-strength medium the R*ret-Tc complex dissociates partially, but the liberated Te is then unable to rebind GDP or GTP, even in the presence of R*ret, it is probably denaturated. Upon treatment of the R*ret-Te complex by a high concentration of hydroxylamine, the retinal can be removed from the rhodopsin. The Re-Te complex remains stable and the complexed transducin keeps its capacity to bind GTP. TGTP then dissociates from Re. The liberated Re loses its capacity to interact with a new transducin. These data are integrated into a discussion of the development of the cascade. We stress that affinities, i.e. dissociation equilibrium constants, are insufficient to describe the flow of reactions triggered by one R*ret molecule. It depends on a few critical rapid binding and dissociation processes, and is practically insensitive to other slow ones, hence to the values of affinities that express only the ratio of kinetics constants. The effect of the R*-T interaction on the retinal site in rhodopsin is analogous to the effect of the binding of a G-protein on the apparent affinity of a receptor for its agonist.  相似文献   

Homologous desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptors, as well as adaptation of rhodopsin, are thought to be triggered by specific phosphorylation of the receptor proteins. However, phosphorylation alone seems insufficient to inhibit receptor function, and it has been proposed that the inhibition is mediated, following receptor phosphorylation, by the additional proteins beta-arrestin in the case of beta-adrenergic receptors and arrestin in the case of rhodopsin. In order to test this hypothesis with isolated proteins, beta-arrestin and arrestin were produced by transient overexpression of their cDNAs in COS7 cells and purified to apparent homogeneity. Their functional effects were assessed in reconstituted receptor/G protein systems using either beta 2-adrenergic receptors with Gs or rhodopsin with Gt. Prior to the assays, beta 2-receptors and rhodopsin were phosphorylated by their specific kinases beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta ARK) and rhodopsin kinase, respectively. beta-Arrestin was a potent inhibitor of the function of beta ARK-phosphorylated beta 2-receptors. Half-maximal inhibition occurred at a beta-arrestin:beta 2-receptor stoichiometry of about 1:1. More than 100-fold higher concentrations of arrestin were required to inhibit beta 2-receptor function. Conversely, arrestin caused half-maximal inhibition of the function of rhodopsin kinase-phosphorylated rhodopsin when present in concentrations about equal to those of rhodopsin, whereas beta-arrestin at 100-fold higher concentrations had little inhibitory effect. The potency of beta-arrestin in inhibiting beta 2-receptor function was increased over 10-fold following phosphorylation of the receptors by beta ARK, but was not affected by receptor phosphorylation using protein kinase A. This suggests that beta-arrestin plays a role in beta ARK-mediated homologous, but not in protein kinase A-mediated heterologous desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptors. It is concluded that even though arrestin and beta-arrestin are similar proteins, they display marked specificity for their respective receptors and that phosphorylation of the receptors by the receptor-specific kinases serves to permit the inhibitory effects of the "arresting" proteins by allowing them to bind to the receptors and thereby inhibit their signaling properties. Furthermore, it is shown that this mechanism of receptor inhibition can be reproduced with isolated purified proteins.  相似文献   

We have determined 15N isotope effects and solvent deuterium isotope effects for adenosine deaminase using both adenosine and the slow alternate substrate 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenosine. With adenosine, 15N isotope effects were 1.0040 in H2O and 1.0023 in D2O, and the solvent deuterium isotope effect was 0.77. With 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenosine, 15N isotope effects were 1.015 in H2O and 1.0131 in D2O, and the solvent deuterium isotope effect was 0.45. The inverse solvent deuterium isotope effect shows that the fractionation factor of a proton, which is originally less than 0.6, increases to near unity during formation of the tetrahedral intermediate from which ammonia is released. Proton inventories for 1/V and 1/(V/K) vs percent D2O are linear, indicating that a single proton has its fractionation factor altered during the reaction. We conclude that a sulfhydryl group on the enzyme donates its proton to oxygen or nitrogen during this step. pH profiles with 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenosine suggest that the pK of this sulfhydryl group is 8.45. The inhibition of adenosine deaminase by cadmium also shows a pK of approximately 9 from the pKi profile. Quantitative analysis of the isotope effects suggests an intrinsic 15N isotope effect for the release of ammonia from the tetrahedral intermediate of approximately 1.03 for both substrates; however, the partition ratio of this intermediate for release of ammonia as opposed to back-reaction is 14 times greater for adenosine (1.4) than for 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenosine (0.1).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Complete assignments of nitrogen-15 resonances of gramicidin S have been made in dimethyl sulfoxide, trifluoroethanol, and in a solvent mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide (50%) and methanol (50%). The assignments are achieved by utilizing the secondary structure of gramicidin S, by comparing the nitrogen-15 spectrum of gramicidin S with that of di-N-methylphenylalanine-gramicidin S and by taking into account the distinguishable value of nitrogen-15 chemical shift for valine in model compounds. Deuterium substitution for labile peptide protons was performed to delineate solvent shielded and deshielded peptide nitrogens and to substantiate further the signal assignments. The solvent titration on going from dimethyl sulfoxide to trifluoroethanol was also performed and shown to have a large deshielding effect on the peptide nitrogen whose corresponding peptide carbonyl, within the peptide moiety, was accessible to the trifluroethanol solvent.  相似文献   

M Struthers  H Yu  M Kono  D D Oprian 《Biochemistry》1999,38(20):6597-6603
We have used cysteine scanning mutagenesis and disulfide cross-linking in a split rhodopsin construct to investigate the secondary structure and tertiary contacts of the fifth (TM5) and sixth (TM6) transmembrane segments of rhodopsin. Using a simple increase in pH to promote disulfide bond formation, three cross-links between residues on the extracellular side of TM5 (at positions 198, 200, and 204) and TM6 (at position 276) have been identified and characterized. The helical pattern of cross-linking observed indicates that the fifth transmembrane helix extends through residue 200 but does not include residue 198. Rhodopsin mutants containing these disulfides demonstrate nativelike absorption spectra and light-dependent activation of transducin, suggesting that large movements on the extracellular side of TM5 with respect to TM6 are not required for receptor activation.  相似文献   

The major peripheral and soluble proteins in frog rod outer segment preparations, and their interactions with photoexcited rhodopsin, have been compared to those in cattle rod outer segments and found to be similar in both systems. In particular the GTP-binding protein (G) has the same subunit composition, the same abundance relative to rhodopsin (1/10) and it undergoes the same light and nucleotide-dependent interactions with rhodopsin in both preparations. Previous work on cattle rod outer segments has shown that photoexcited rhodopsin (R*), in a state identified with metarhodopsin II, associates with the G protein as a first step to the light-activated GDP/GTP exchange on G. The complex R*-G is stable in absence of GTP, but is rapidly dissociated by GTP owing to the GDP/GTP exchange reaction. Low bleaching extents (less than 10% R*) in absence of GTP therefore create predominantly R*-G complexes, whereas bleaching in presence of GTP creates free R*. We report here that, under conditions of complexed R*, two reactions of R* in frog rod outer segments are highly perturbed as compared to free R*: (a) the spectral decay of metarhodopsin II (MII) into later photoproducts, and (b) the phosphorylation of R* by an ATP-dependent protein kinase. a) The spectral measurements have been performed using linear dichroism on oriented frog rod outer segments; this technique allows discrimination between MII and later photoproducts absorbing at the same wavelength. Association of R* with G leads to a strong reduction of the amount of MIII formed and to an acceleration of the decay of MIII. Furthermore, MII is significantly stabilized, in agreement with the hypothesis that MII is the intermediate which binds to G. b) The phosphorylation of R* is strongly inhibited under conditions of R*-G complex formation as compared to free R*. Interferences between reactions at the three sites involved in R* are discussed: the retinal binding site in the hydrophobic core is sensitive to the presence of GTP-binding protein at its binding site on the cytoplasmic surface of R*; the kinase and the GTP-binding protein compete for access to their respective binding sites, both located on the surface of R*. We also observed a slow and nucleotide-dependent light-induced binding of a protein of molecular weight 50 000, which we consider as the equivalent of the 48 000 Mr light-dependent protein previously identified in cattle rod outer segments.  相似文献   

B H Oh  E S Mooberry  J L Markley 《Biochemistry》1990,29(16):4004-4011
Multinuclear two-dimensional NMR techniques were used to assign nearly all diamagnetic 13C and 15N resonances of the plant-type 2Fe.2S* ferredoxin from Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. Since a 13C spin system directed strategy had been used to identify the 1H spin systems [Oh, B.-H., Westler, W. M., & Markley, J. L. (1989) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 3083-3085], the sequence-specific 1H assignments [Oh, B.-H., & Markley, J. L. (1990) Biochemistry (first paper of three in this issue)] also provided sequence-specific 13C assignments. Several resonances from 1H-13C groups were assigned independently of the 1H assignments by considering the distances between these nuclei and the paramagnetic 2Fe.2S* center. A 13C-15N correlation data set was used to assign additional carbonyl carbons and to analyze overlapping regions of the 13C-13C correlation spectrum. Sequence-specific assignments of backbone and side-chain nitrogens were based on 1H-15N and 13C-15N correlations obtained from various two-dimensional NMR experiments.  相似文献   

Interactions between flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and apoprotein have been investigated in the reduced and oxidized states of the flavodoxin isolated from Anabaena 7120 (Mr approximately 21,000). 1H, 15N, and 31P NMR have been used to characterize the FMN-protein interactions in both redox states. These are compared with those seen in other flavodoxins. Uniformly enriched [15N]flavodoxin (greater than 95% isotopic purity) was isolated from Anabaena 7120 grown on K15NO3 as the sole nitrogen source. 15N insensitive nucleus enhanced by polarization transfer (INEPT) and nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) studies of this sample provided information regarding protein structure and dynamics. A 1H-detected 15N experiment allowed the correlation of nitrogen resonances to those of their attached protons. Over 90% of the expected N-H cross peaks could be resolved in this experiment.  相似文献   

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