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GdmCl-induced unfolding of rabbit muscle creatine kinase, CK, has been studied by a variety of physico-chemical methods including near and far UV CD, SEC, intrinsic fluorescence (intensity, anisotropy and lifetime) as well as intensity and lifetime of bound ANS fluorescence. The formation of several stable unfolding intermediates, some of which were not observed previously, has been established. This was further confirmed by representation of fluorescence data in terms of "phase diagram", i.e. I(lambda1) versus I(lambda2) dependence, where I(lambda1) and I(lambda2) are fluorescence intensity values measured on wavelengths lambda(1) and lambda(2) under the different experimental conditions for a protein undergoing structural transformations. The unfolding behavior of CK was shown to be strongly affected by association of partially folded intermediates. A model of CK unfolding, which takes into account both structural perturbations and association of partially folded intermediates has been elaborated.  相似文献   

A preliminary crystallographic investigation of avidin   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Avidin was crystallized in various forms from 3m-ammonium sulphate or sodium phosphate at pH5.2. X-ray-crystallographic analysis of crystals from phosphate showed them to be orthorhombic, space group C222, containing two molecules per unit cell and with a single subunit as the asymmetric unit. The formation of the complex with biotin did not affect the morphology of the crystals.  相似文献   

The mechanism of inhibition of creatine kinase (CK) by acrylamide (Acr) has been examined (in vitro). Within the concentration range of 0 to 1 M, Acr markedly inhibited CK and depleted the protein thiols. Both inactivation and thiol depletion were time- and Acr concentration-dependent. Addition of dithiothreitol (DTT) did not reactivate CK inactivated by Acr. However, CK with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) pre-blocked thiols can be reactivated by DTT after incubation with Acr. The transition-state analogue also had a significant protective effect on CK against Acr inhibition. We conclude that thiol alkylation is a critical event in inactivation of CK by Acr. Furthermore, Acr binding to CK changed its surface charge, which may be the same effect for the toxicity of Acr towards other proteins.  相似文献   

An essential tryptophan residue for rabbit muscle creatine kinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tryptophan residues in rabbit muscle creatine kinase (ATP:creatine N-phosphotransferase, EC have been modified by dimethyl(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl) sulfonium bromide after reversible protection of the reactive SH groups. The modification of two tryptophan residues as measured by spectrophotometric titration leads to complete loss of enzymatic activity. Control experiments show that reversible protection of the reactive SH groups as S-sulfonates followed by reduction results in nearly quantitative recovery of enzyme activity. The presence of a 410 nm absorption maximum and the decrease in fluorescence of the modified enzyme indicate the modification of tryptophan residues. At the same time, SH determinations after reduction of the modified enzyme show that the reagent has not affected the protected SH groups. Quantitative treatment of the data (Tsou, C.-L. (1962) Sci. Sin. 11, 1535 1558) shows that among the tryptophan residues modified, one is essential for its catalytic activity. The presence of substrates partially protects the modification of tryptophan residues as well as the inactivation, suggesting that the essential tryptophan residue is situated at the active site of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Crystallization is the primary rate-limiting step in protein structure determination. It has been our experience over approximately 10 years that crystals are obtained in about 20% of the proteins attempted and that only about 10% of these crystals are sufficiently well ordered to permit atomic resolution structure analysis. In attempts to overcome this limitation, we have investigated the effect on crystallization of microheterogeneity in a protein regarded as pure by conventional criteria. Creatine kinase was purified from rabbit skeletal muscle and crystallized from methylpentanediol. The protein appeared to be nearly pure judging by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and high specific activity. The crystals that were obtained were of poor quality, and an extensive survey of precipitants, crystallization conditions, and additives failed to discover conditions from which usable crystals could be obtained. The enzyme was then subjected to a series of further purification steps. After each purification step, the quality of the crystals obtained under almost identical conditions improved. The final purification step was flat-bed isoelectric focusing. Crystals grown from focused creatine kinase are well ordered and diffract to approximately 3-A resolution.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (CK; E.C. is an important enzyme that catalyzes the reversible transfer of a phosphoryl group from ATP to creatine in energy homeostasis. The brain-type cytosolic isoform of creatine kinase (BB-CK), which is found mainly in the brain and retina, is a key enzyme in brain energy metabolism, because high-energy phosphates are transferred through the creatine kinase/phosphocreatine shuttle system. The recombinant human BB-CK protein was overexpressed as a soluble form in Escherichia coli and crystallized at 22 degrees C using PEG 4000 as a precipitant. Native X-ray diffraction data were collected to 2.2 A resolution using synchrotron radiation. The crystals belonged to the tetragonal space group P43212, with cell parameters of a=b=97.963, c= 164.312 A, and alpha=beta=gamma=90 degrees. The asymmetric unit contained two molecules of CK, giving a crystal volume per protein mass (Vm) of 1.80 A3 Da-1 and a solvent content of 31.6%.  相似文献   

Rabbit muscle creatine kinase (CK) was modified by 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) accompanied by 3 M guanidine hydrochloride denaturation to produce a partially folded state with modified thiol groups. The partially folded CK was in a monomeric state detected by size exclusion chromatography, native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism, and intrinsic fluorescence studies. After dithiothreitol (DTT) treatment, about 70% CK activity was regained with a two-phase kinetic course. Rate constants calculated for regaining of activity and refolding were compared with those for CK modified with various treatments to show that refolding and recovery of activity were synchronized. To further characterize the partially folded CK state and its folding pathway, the molecular chaperone GroEL was used to evaluate whether it can bind with partly folded CK during refolding, and 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate was used to detect the hydrophobic surface of the monomeric state of CK. The monomeric state of CK did not bind with GroEL, although it had a larger area of hydrophobic surface relative to the native state. These results may provide different evidence for the structural requirement of GroEL recognition to the substrate protein compared with previously reported results that GroEL bound with substrate proteins mainly through hydrophobic surface. The present study provides data for a monomeric intermediate trapped by the modification of the SH groups during the refolding of CK. Schemes are given for explaining both the partial folding CK pathway and the refolding pathway.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (ATP:creatine N-phosphotransferase, EC is a good model for studying dissociation and reassociation during unfolding and refolding. This study compares self-reassociated CK dimers and CK dimers that contain hybrid dimers under proper conditions. Creatine kinase forms a monomer when denatured in 6 M urea for 1 h which will very quickly form a dimer when the denaturant is diluted under suitable conditions. After modification by DTNB, CK was denatured in 6 M urea to form a modified CK monomer. Dimerization of this modified subunit of CK occurred upon dilution into a suitable buffer containing DTT. Therefore, three different types of reassociated CK dimers including a hybrid dimer can be made from two different CK monomers in the proper conditions. The CK monomers are from a urea-denatured monomer of DTNB-modified CK and from an unmodified urea dissociated monomer. Equal enzyme concentration ratios of these two monomers were mixed in the presence of urea, then diluted into the proper buffer to form the three types of reassociated CK dimers including the hybrid dimer. Reassociated CK dimers including all three different types recover about 75% activity following a two-phase course (k 1 = 4.88 × 10–3 s–1, k 2 = 0.68 × 10–3 s–1). Intrinsic fluorescence spectra of the three different CK monomers which were dissociated in 6 M urea, dissociated in 6 M urea after DTNB modification, and a mixture of the first two dissociated enzymes were studied in the presence of the denaturant urea. The three monomers had different fluorescence intensities and emission maxima. The intrinsic fluorescence maximum intensity changes of the reassociated CK dimers were also studied. The refolding processes also follow biphasic kinetics (k 1 = 3.28 × 10–3 s–1, k 2 = 0.11 × 10–3 s –1) after dilution in the proper solutions. Tsou's method [Tsou (1988), Adv. Enzymol. Rel. Areas Mol. Biol. 61, 381–436] was also used to measure the kinetic reactivation rate constants for the different three types of reassociated CK dimers, with different kinetic reactivation rate constants observed for each type. CK dissociation and reassociation schemes are suggested based on the results.  相似文献   

The reaction of rabbit muscle creatine kinase with diethyl pyrocarbonate was studied. It was found that up to five of the sixteen histidine groups per enzyme subunit could be modified, and under the conditions employed, there was no evidence for formation of the disubstituted derivative of histidine. Evidence was obtained for small but significant amounts of modification of lysine and cysteine groups; tyrosine groups were not modified. Modification of the enzyme led to inactivation; this could be protected against by inclusion of substrates or, more effectively, by inclusion of the combination MgADP plus creatine plus nitrate, which is thought to produce a 'transition-stage-analogue' complex. Analysis of data on the rates of inactivation and the stoicheiometry of modification suggested that there was one essential histidine group per enzyme subunit, modification of which led to inactivation.  相似文献   

Two fused proteins of dimeric arginine kinase (AK) from sea cucumber and dimeric creatine kinase (CK) from rabbit muscle, named AK-CK and CK-AK, were obtained through the expression of fused AK and CK genes. Both AK-CK and CK-AK had about 50% AK activity and about 2-fold K m values for arginine of native AK, as well as about 50% CK activity and about 2-fold K m values for creatine of native CK. This indicated that both AK and CK moieties are fully active in the two fused proteins. The structures of AK, CK, AK-CK, and CK-AK were compared by collecting data of far-UV circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence, 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate binding fluorescence, and size-exclusion chromatography. The results indicated that dimeric AK and CK differed in the maximum emission wavelength, the exposure extent of hydrophobic surfaces, and molecular size, though they have a close evolutionary relationship. The structure and thermodynamic stability of AK, CK, AK-CK, and CK-AK were compared by guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) titration. Dimeric AK was more dependent on the cooperation of two subunits than CK according to the analysis of residual AK or CK activity with GdnHCl concentration increase. Additionally, AK and CK had different denaturation curves induced by GdnHCl, but almost the same thermodynamic stability. The two fused proteins, AK-CK and CK-AK, had similar secondary structure, tertiary structure, molecular size, structure, and thermodynamic stability, which indicated that the expression order of AK and CK genes might have little effect on the characteristics of the fused proteins and might further verify the close relationship of dimeric AK and CK. Published in Russion in Biokhimiya, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 9, pp. 1208–1214.  相似文献   

The effect of limited proteolysis on rabbit muscle creatine kinase.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We report a novel assay method for enterokinase capable of detecting approx. 1 fmol of enzyme. The method depends on quantification of the release of specifically radiolabelled activation peptides from bovine trypsinogen and is unaffected by trypsin inhibitors. The assay is applicable to biological fluids such as serum. The substrate was produced by selective epsilon-amidination of bovine trypsinogen followed by acetylation with [3H]acetic anhydride and deprotection. The assay has been used to study the effects of pH, Ca2+, ionic strength abd glycodeoxycholate on enterokinase activity.  相似文献   

A comparison of specific structural features of creatine kinase from rabbit muscle and brain was undertaken to determine if the observed isozyme specific differences in catalytic cooperativity are related to conformational differences, particularly differences in packing density. The intrinsic fluorescence of the brain isozyme is 2-fold higher than the muscle isozyme. In the denatured state, both proteins display the characteristic red shift in emission maximum; however, the emission intensity of the brain isozyme increases only 5% upon denaturation compared to nearly 100% increase for the muscle protein. The fluorescence lifetimes are 2.65 ns (67%) and 0.48 ns for native muscle enzyme and 4.38 ns (65%) and 0.80 ns for brain enzyme. Upon denaturation, the lifetimes are 3.98 ns (77%) and 0.99 ns for muscle protein and 3.82 ns (79%) and 0.86 ns for brain protein. Stern-Volmer plots of quenching by acrylamide are essentially the same for both native isozymes indicating that the differences of the intrinsic fluorescence of the native proteins are not due to differences in solvent accessibility. The spectral and lifetime differences in the isozymes in the native state and changes accompanying denaturation are consistent with the occurrence of energy transfer in native muscle isozyme. The rotational correlation times of 5-[2-(iodoacetyl)aminoethyl]aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonate conjugated proteins, derivatized at the active site reactive thiol, are best described by two term decay laws. The slower rotations, 45.1 ns (75%) and 40.6 ns (71%) reflect overall macromolecular rotation for the muscle and brain isozymes, respectively. The faster motions, 2.4 ns for muscle isozyme and 0.4 ns for the brain isozyme, are attributed to the probe or probe associated segmental motions and indicate these motions are more restricted in the muscle protein. Reactivity of creatine kinase (2.5-10 microM) with the amino-specific reagent trinitrobenzene sulfonate (0.4-2 mM) was analyzed by pseudo-first-order and second order models, neither of which was adequate for the entire range of data. However, in every case, the rate constants were faster for brain creatine kinase but the extent of reaction was greater for muscle creatine kinase. The faster initial reactivity of the brain isozyme is consistent with greater accessibility for lysine derivatization.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The dimeric enzyme creatine kinase from rabbit muscle was treated with three derivatives of iodoacetamide that are capable of introducing fluorescent groups into the enzyme. All the three reagents (4-iodoacetamidosalicylate (IAS), 5-[N-(iodoacetamidoethyl)amino]-naphthalene-1-sulphonate (IAEDANS) and 6-(4-iodoacetamidophenyl)aminonaphthalene-2-sulphonate (IAANS)) were shown to react at the same single thiol group on each enzyme subunit, leading to complete inactivation of the enzyme. The reaction with IAS was extremely rapid by comparison with the reaction with iodoacetamide or iodoacetate, but various lines of evidence suggest that IAS is not a true affinity label. However, kinetic and binding studies indicate that salicylate itself probably binds at the nucleotide-binding site on the enzyme. As the size of the modifying reagent increased, the first thiol group reacted more rapidly than the second; this trend was more pronounced at 0 degree C than at 25 degree C. With the largest modifying reagent used (IAANS), the pronounced biphasic nature of the modification reaction permitted the preparation of a hybrid enzyme in which only one subunit was modified, but a study of the thiol-group reactivity showed that this hybrid enzyme preparation underwent subunit rearrangement.  相似文献   

The first 20 amino acids from the N-terminus of skeletal muscle (MM) creatine kinase from both rabbit and rhesus monkey have been identified and these sequences show considerable homology. Contrary to an earlier report, the N-terminus was not found to be blocked. Both of these sequences show much less homology with the N-terminal sequence of heart muscle (MM) creatine kinase and no homology with that of the heart muscle mitochondrial (MiMi) isozyme. No homology was found between the N-terminal sequence of the mitochondrial isozyme and the URF (unidentified reading frame) proteins of the human mitochondrial genome, indicating that the mitochondrial enzyme is encoded by nuclear genes. This suggests the possibility that an N-terminal peptide may be cleaved from the mitochondrial isozyme on its translocation across the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

By using sodium dodecyl sulphage/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis it was shown that rabbit muscle creatine kinase, both in a homogenate and purified, appears to be composed of a mixture of two peptides (mol.wts. 42100 and 40300) differing in length by about 15 amino acids. It is found that low concentrations of proteinase K from the fungus Tritirachium album can cleave about 38 amino acids from each chain of creatine kinase, leaving two large fragments (mol.wts 37700 and 35500). Scission of the whole enzyme was found to be concomitant with complete loss of enzyme activity. MgADP in the presence of absence of creatine slowed the rate of proteolysis by about 50%, but the transition-state analogue complex creatine-NO3--MgADP appeared to protect completely. The time course for the proteolytic inactivation in the presence of this complex, but not in its absence, was biphasic.  相似文献   

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