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A novel method for detecting specific DNA sequences is described. The method uses a non-radioactive DNA probe, called a probe-vector, that can transform competent Escherichia coli cells at high efficiency only when it has hybridized to a specific DNA target, thus forming a circular, double-stranded, plasmid-like molecule. The probe-vector carries a plasmid origin of replication and a gene that confers antibiotic resistance on transformed E. coli. The output of the assay--colored bacterial colonies on an agar plate--is quantitative and proportional over a wide range of target concentrations. The utility of the probe-vector method for detecting hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in human serum is demonstrated. The assay can detect as little as 0.1 pg HBV DNA. The presence of an internal standard monitors DNA recovery and E. coli transformation efficiency for each sample. The assay has the potential to simultaneously measure the DNA of two or more pathogens within the same clinical sample.  相似文献   

S Levy  H Aviv 《Biochemistry》1976,15(9):1844-1847
A method is described to quantitate labeled globin mRNA by hybridization with excess cDNA which was enzymatically polymerized on oligo(dT)-cellulose. In a large excess of cDNA-cellulose the rate of RNA hybridization was dependent on DNA concentration and not on RNA concentration. Nonhybridized RNA can be digested by RNase and washed from the cDNA which is covalently bound to cellulose. This enables the detection of labeled globin mRNA even when present in a porportion as low as 0.02-0.03% of the total RNA.  相似文献   

Rabbit globin mRNA, when layered in low salt on 0.1 M-NaCl/sucrose gradients, separates into two peaks of material. Translation of these two RNA fractions in the wheat-germ cell-free system, hybridization against globin complementary DNA (cDNA) and cross-hybridization against cDNA species prepared from each fraction show that the first peak sedimenting at 10S is a alpha-globin mRNA and the second peak, sedimenting at approx. 15S, is beta-globin mRNA. The sedimentation rate of the beta-globin mRNA is concentration-dependent. By changing concentration and pH, it is indicated that in low-salt beta-globin mRNA adopts a conformation that leads to specific, but weak, self-dimerization during centrifugation in 0.1M-NaCl. This property permits rapid preparation of intact and relatively pure alpha- and beta-globin mRNA species.  相似文献   

RNA (cRNA) was synthesized in vitro on a template of rat liver DNA and its hybridization with rat liver DNA was studied by using the nitrocellulose-filter method. Sonication of the DNA diminished its apparent capacity to hybridize with RNA by about 50%. This is not due to cross-linkage of DNA molecules, because it could be shown that less than 2% of the sonicated DNA was cross-linked. The effect is due instead to the small size of the sonicated DNA molecules. Below a single-stranded molecular weight of 5×105 the DNA showed a progressive loss of capacity to hybridize with decrease in molecular weight. Evidence is presented suggesting that the apparently diminished capacity of the DNA to hybridize is due to loss of hybridized DNA from the membrane filters. When cRNA at concentrations of up to 25μg/ml is annealed with sonicated total DNA, an apparent hybridization saturation value is found at which about 2.5% of the DNA is hybridized with RNA. Increasing the cRNA concentration tenfold brought about the hybridization of a second component of the DNA approximately equal in amount to the first. The renaturation of rat liver DNA was studied by measuring the fall in the extinction at 260nm and two different components of renaturation were observed within the reiterated fraction of DNA. By hybridizing cRNA with different fractions of rat DNA the two components of the hybridization curve are shown to correspond to the two components of the renaturation curve. The conclusion is drawn that at a cRNA concentration of 250μg/ml most of the reiterated fraction of rat liver DNA is hybridized after annealing for 16h under standard conditions (0.30m-sodium chloride–30mm-sodium citrate at 65°C). Even with such a high cRNA concentration little or no hybridization of the slowly renaturing DNA fraction occurs. It is suggested that the most highly reiterated DNA component is poorly transcribed in vitro.  相似文献   

J F Catterall  S L Leary 《Biochemistry》1983,22(26):6049-6053
beta-Glucuronidase mRNA was purified from androgen-induced mouse kidney by immunoadsorption of polysomes to protein A-Sepharose. Cell-free translation of mRNA isolated from the protein A bound RNA followed by immunoprecipitation revealed that beta-glucuronidase mRNA represented approximately 2% of the purified mRNA fraction. This mRNA preparation was used to produce complementary DNA clones by recombination with pBR322. Clones containing sequences that were enriched during the purification procedure were selected by differential colony hybridization. These were further screened for homology with beta-glucuronidase mRNA by hybrid-selected translation. A beta-glucuronidase cDNA clone, designated pGUS7, was identified by these criteria. With this plasmid, the abundance of beta-glucuronidase mRNA in total poly(A) mRNA from androgen-induced mouse kidney was estimated to be less than 0.04%. The beta-glucuronidase cDNA plasmid hybridized to a mRNA of 2.6 kb in length, which was induced in an androgen receptor dependent fashion over a time course of 21 days. Treatment of female mice with a single dose of testosterone (10 mg) revealed that beta-glucuronidase mRNA concentration begins to increase between 12 and 24 h after hormone administration.  相似文献   

Active xanthine oxidase was labelled specifically with 33S in the cyanide-labile site of the molybdenum centre. The Very Rapid molybdenum (V) e.p.r. signal, generated from this, shows strong coupling of 33S to molybdenum, providing unambiguous evidence that, at least in the signal-giving species, this sulphur atom is a ligand of molybdenum. The structure of the signal-giving species is discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of gonadotropin storage in individual gonadotropes change with alterations in the physiological state. After castration in the male rat, there is a 2.5-fold increase in the percentage of gonadotropes and an increase in the proportion of gonadotropes storing both LH and FSH. In addition, there are 6- to 8-fold increases in the pituitary concentrations of LH beta subunit mRNAs. In order to determine whether these changes are due to increases in the number of gonadotropes containing subunit mRNA, or the amount of mRNA per cell or both, an in situ hybridization technique using a photobiotinylated rat LH beta cRNA probe (bio-LH beta-cRNA) was applied to detect LH beta mRNA in fixed whole rat pituitary cells from intact or castrated rats. After hybridization, the bio-LH beta-cRNA was localized with either avidin-biotin peroxidase complex or the fluorescent streptavidin phycoprobe methods. The cells containing LH beta mRNA were then counted and the amount of mRNA per cell was measured by video microdensitometry. Ten percent of the anterior pituitary cells from intact animals contained LH beta mRNA. After castration (2-4 weeks) this percentage rose to 19-24.5%. Image and microdensitometric analyses showed that castration produced a 1.9-fold increase in the amount of LH beta mRNA per cell, and a 2.2-fold increase in the area of cells containing LH beta mRNA. Hence, castration resulted in an increase in the level of LH beta mRNA per cell as well as the number of LH beta mRNA-containing cells. When in situ hybridization was followed by immunocytochemistry in cells from intact rats, 83% of gonadotropes that stained for LH beta and 80% of gonadotropes that stained for FSH beta contained LH beta mRNA whereas after castration 99% of LH-storing and 93% of FSH-storing cells contained LH beta mRNA. This new in situ hybridization protocol is rapid and allows quantification of mRNA within individual gonadotropes. In addition, since the hybridization protocol does not apparently alter the gonadotropin antigens, the hormone content of the same gonadotrope may be defined by immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   

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