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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Highlights? Latent enhancers are regulatory elements unmarked and unbound in differentiated cells ? Stimulus-dependent TFs co-opt lineage-determining TFs to activate latent enhancers ? Latent enhancers may confer short-term memory of environmental exposure ? Environmental stimulation qualitatively alters the pre-existing enhancer repertoire  相似文献   

Highlights? The VAP proteins sustain the ER-plasma membrane attachment in fission yeast ? Footprint of the ER on the cortex is functionally insulated from the cytosol ? Division-site placement requires a patchwork of cortical sites accessible to cytosol  相似文献   

Highlights? High-throughput analyses identify potential targets of Sirt3 ? Sirt3 deacetylates and stimulates ornithine transcarbamoylase ? Caloric restriction induces Sirt3 expression and stimulation of the urea cycle ? Sirt3 regulates amino acid catabolism and β-oxidation during caloric restriction  相似文献   

Highlights? iPSCs generated from T cells specific for the MART-1 melanoma epitope ? Differentiation of iPSCs into T cells with a MART-1 specific T cell receptor ? MART-1-based stimulation of T cells demonstrates retained antigen specificity  相似文献   

Highlights? Understanding cognition requires knowledge of temporal dynamics of neural behavior ? SSVEP may be used to reconstruct orientation response profiles at a subsecond scale ? Provides a metric that can rapidly track information processing in human cortex  相似文献   

Highlights? Mouse ESCs, TSCs, and XEN cells have different capacities to suppress retroviral activity ? RNAi screens identified epigenetic factors that mediate silencing of retroviruses ? Candidates modulate integrated, as well as endogenous, retroviral element silencing ? An Argonaute protein binds integrated provirus and may mediate retroviral extinction  相似文献   

Highlights? Adnectins interact with targets using multiple binding modes ? Residues outside of the diversified loops can interact with ligand ? Some fixed scaffold residues contribute to the binding energy ? Adnectins can interact with epitopes that may be inaccessible to antibodies  相似文献   

Highlights? The folding pathway of a β-barrel protein protects it from aggregation ? The rate-determining transition state of CRABP1 is polarized and malleable ? Regions constituting the aggregate core of CRABP1 are protected early in folding ? Early barrel closure in iLBPs may offer a general strategy for productive folding  相似文献   

Highlights? In vitro refolding intermediates are aptly targeted to specific chaperones ? Substrate-chaperone pairing depends on their relative affinity ? Structure of the intermediates play crucial role in precise chaperone targeting ? Substrates may be mistargeted due to large alterations in chaperone molar ratios  相似文献   

Highlights? The AF9 AHD is intrinsically disordered ? The AHD recruits AF4, BCoR, Dot1L, and hPC3 by coupled folding and binding ? AF9 binding partners compete for binding to a common site ? Dynamics of the AF4-AF9 complex may facilitate exchange between partners  相似文献   

Highlights? Human telomeres are protected from the DDR by a higher-order structure. ? Intermediate-state telomeres are susceptible to a DDR and regulate senescence. ? Uncapped-state telomeres are susceptible to fusions and induce crisis. ? Intermediate-state telomeres regulate the prolonged mitosis checkpoint. ? Telomeres may serve as epigenetic sensors of cellular stress.  相似文献   

Highlights? Mechanical un- and refolding studies of single large transmembrane β-barrel proteins ? FhuA unfolds via highly reproducible steps formed by single β-hairpins ? Once unfolded, FhuA folds into highly irreproducible structures ? To assist folding into the membrane, FhuA may require cofactors  相似文献   

Highlights? Cnn2 is expressed in NCCs and required for their migration in frogs and chicks ? Cnn2 is inactivated by noncanonical Wnt signaling ? Loss of Cnn2 causes a switch from cortical actin to central stress fibers ? Cnn2 polarizes the actin cytoskeleton downstream of PCP  相似文献   

Highlights? TFIID has distinct conformations with different positions of the TBP-containing lobe ? A rearranged state of TFIID interacts with promoter DNA in a TFIIA-dependent manner ? TFIID induces multiple topological changes on promoter DNA around the start site ? The different conformations of TFIID may serve as targets for regulatory factors  相似文献   

Highlights? PrtP-encoded lactocepin degrades proinflammatory chemokines, notably IP-10 ? Lactocepin reduces lymphocyte infiltration in an ileitis model ? Lactocepin lowers IP-10 levels and cecal inflammation in a colitis model ? Lactocepin-based therapy may be a treatment option for chemokine-mediated diseases  相似文献   

Highlights? Supernumerary centrosomes nucleate cilia, resulting in superciliated cells (SCC) ? Ciliary proteins are reduced in concentration in SCC, compromising signaling ? Presence of extra cilia disrupts epithelial organization in 3D spheroid culture ? Extra cilia may contribute to disease phenotypes by disrupting signaling  相似文献   

Highlights? Tmem64-deficient mice show increased bone volume ? Tmem64 deficiency reduces [Ca2+]i oscillation in response to RANKL stimulation ? Tmem64 interacts with SERCA2 ? Tmem64 positively regulates osteoclast formation via SERCA2/Ca2+ signaling  相似文献   

Highlights? AtBMI1A/B proteins prevent misexpression of embryonic traits in somatic cells ? PRC2 and AtBMI1A/B proteins maintain cells in their differentiated state ? AtBMI1A/B proteins mediate H2A monoubiquitination  相似文献   

Highlights? Smad-interacting protein 1 (SIP1) regulates hESC differentiation ? SIP1 upregulation promotes neuroectodermal differentiation ? SIP1 inhibits mesendodermal and endodermal differentiation ? SMAD2/3 and NANOG/OCT4/SOX2 cooperatively regulate SIP1 expression  相似文献   

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