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Quenching of singlet molecular oxygen (1ΔgO2) by α-tocopherol (I) involves the hydroxy function of the chromanol ring of I. In phosphatidylcholine (PC) uni- and multilamellar vesicles this structural element of I is localized at the interface polar headgroup/hydrophobic core. A dielectric constant of ? ~ 25 was determined for this special region of the PC bilayer. The ratio kQ/kR of rate constants of quenching processes (kQ) and irreversible reactions (kR) of I with 1ΔgO2 increases with decreasing polarity of the solvent. In ethanolic solutions where ? = 25.5, kQ/kR is about 40. Extrapolation of these results to phospholipid bilayers suggests that at the nearness of the ester carbonyl oxygen of the PC fatty acid moieties, α-tocopherol can deactivate approximately 40 1ΔgO2 molecules before being destroyed. It is concluded that in vivo, one may expect to find a higher kQ/kR ratio if the chromanol ring of I hides within the more hydrophobic interiors of the membrane surface peptides.  相似文献   

Temperature is an important environmental factor that influences key traits like body size, growth rate and maturity. Ectotherms reared under high temperatures usually show faster growth, but reach a smaller final size, a phenomenon known as the temperature-size rule (TSR). Oxygen may become a limiting resource at high temperatures, when demand for oxygen is high, especially in water as oxygen uptake is far more challenging under water than in air. Therefore, in aquatic ectotherms, the TSR might very well be mediated by temperature effects on oxygen availability and oxygen demand. To distinguish between the direct effects of temperature and oxygen mediated effects, growth rate and final size were measured in the aquatic ectotherm Asellus aquaticus (Linnaeus, 1758) reared under different temperature and oxygen conditions in a factorial design. Growth could be best described by a modified Von Bertalanffy growth function. Both temperature and oxygen affected age at maturity and growth. Growth responses to temperature were dependent on oxygen conditions (interactive effect of temperature and oxygen). Only under hypoxic conditions, when oxygen was most limiting, did we find a classic TSR. Moreover, when comparing treatments differing in temperature, but where the balance between oxygen demand and supply was similar, high temperature increased both growth rate and final size. Thus effects of oxygen may resolve the life-history puzzle of the TSR in aquatic ectotherms.  相似文献   

HeLa cells exposed to 10mM leucine in medium for 30 mins at 37 °C showed greatly increased uptake of tritiated leucine when returned to medium containing 0.1mM levels of labelled amino acid. Further analysis of the phenomenon demonstrates that the steepness of the gradient is essential for rapid uptake to be observed, that no stereo-specificity is involved, and that the peak of uptake is followed by discharge with first order kinetics back to equilibrium. The effect of 14 different amino acids examined individually as 10mM supplements to the labelling medium ranged from slight reduction (lysine, proline) to complete suppression of the ‘stimulated uptake’ (phenylalanine, isoleucine).  相似文献   

In the present study, we have performed comparative analysis of different prenyllipids in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultures during high light stress under variety of conditions (presence of inhibitors, an uncoupler, heavy water). The obtained results indicate that plastoquinol is more active than α-tocopherol in scavenging of singlet oxygen generated in photosystem II. Besides plastoquinol, also its oxidized form, plastoquinone shows antioxidant action during the stress conditions, resulting in formation of plastoquinone-C, whose level can be regarded as an indicator of singlet oxygen oxidative stress in vivo. The pronounced stimulation of α-tocopherol consumption and α-tocopherolquinone formation by an uncoupler, FCCP, together with the results of additional model system studies, led to the suggestion that α-tocopherol can be recycled in thylakoid membranes under high light conditions from 8a-hydroperoxy-α-tocopherone, the primary oxidation product of α-tocopherol by singlet oxygen.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid structure and dynamics are known to be closely coupled to local environmental conditions and, in particular, to the ionic character of the solvent. Here we consider what role the discrete properties of water and ions play in the collapse and folding of small nucleic acids. We study the folding of an experimentally well-characterized RNA hairpin-loop motif (sequence 5'-GGGC[GCAA]GCCU-3') via ensemble molecular dynamics simulation and, with nearly 500 micros of aggregate simulation time using an explicit representation of the ionic solvent, report successful ensemble folding simulations with a predicted folding time of 8.8(+/-2.0) micros, in agreement with experimental measurements of approximately 10 micros. Comparing our results to previous folding simulations using the GB/SA continuum solvent model shows that accounting for water-mediated interactions is necessary to accurately characterize the free energy surface and stochastic nature of folding. The formation of the secondary structure appears to be more rapid than the fastest ionic degrees of freedom, and counterions do not participate discretely in observed folding events. We find that hydrophobic collapse follows a predominantly expulsive mechanism in which a diffusion-search of early structural compaction is followed by the final formation of native structure that occurs in tandem with solvent evacuation.  相似文献   

Chloroplast movement in response to light has been known more than 100 years. Chloroplasts move towards weak light and move away from strong light. Dark-induced relocation, called dark positioning, has also been shown. However, the effects of other stimuli on chloroplast movement have not been well characterized. Here we studied low temperature-induced chloroplast relocation (termed cold positioning) in prothallial cells of the gametophytes of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris. Under weak light chloroplasts in prothallial cells accumulated along the periclinal wall at 25 degrees C, but they moved towards anticlinal walls when the prothalli were subsequently transferred to 4 degrees C. A temperature shift from 25 degrees to 10 degrees C or lower was enough to induce cold positioning, and high-intensity light enhanced the response. Nuclei also relocated from the periclinal position (a position along periclinal walls) to the anticlinal position (a position along anticlinal walls) under cold temperature, whereas mitochondria did not. Cold positioning was not observed in mutant fern gametophytes defective of the blue light photoreceptor, phototropin 2.  相似文献   

This 2-part article reviews methods of oligonucleotides functionalization with thiol tethers and their consecutive use in conjugation with other (macro)molecules via a disulfide bridge. This relatively inexpensive, robust and reversible method of conjugation of DNAs, RNAs and their analogs holds a prominent position in a modern biochemistry toolbox and therefore there is a wealth of literature on the subject. In part I methods of thiol/disulfide groups introduction into oligonucleotide strands have been systematized and discussed. A digest of conjugation methods is presented as well.  相似文献   

Living organisms on the Earth almost exclusively use l-amino acids for the molecular architecture of proteins. The biological occurrence of d-amino acids is rare, although their functions in various organisms are being gradually understood. A possible explanation for the origin of biomolecular homochirality is the delivery of enantioenriched molecules via extraterrestrial bodies, such as asteroids and comets on early Earth. For the asymmetric formation of amino acids and their precursor molecules in interstellar environments, the interaction with circularly polarized photons is considered to have played a potential role in causing chiral asymmetry. In this review, we summarize recent progress in the investigation of chirality transfer from chiral photons to amino acids involving the two major processes of asymmetric photolysis and asymmetric synthesis. We will discuss analytical data on cometary and meteoritic amino acids and their potential impact delivery to the early Earth. The ongoing and future ambitious space missions, Hayabusa2, OSIRIS-REx, ExoMars 2020, and MMX, are scheduled to provide new insights into the chirality of extraterrestrial organic molecules and their potential relation to the terrestrial homochirality. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: d-Amino acids: biology in the mirror, edited by Dr. Loredano Pollegioni, Dr. Jean-Pierre Mothet and Dr. Molla Gianluca.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid oxidase (AAO) is a plant blue-copper protein catalyzing dioxygen reduction to water using ascorbic acid as the electron donor. In spite of extensive molecular characterization the physiological role of AAO is still uncertain. Abundant mRNA, protein and activity of AAO were observed in illuminated leaves of Cucurbita pepo. AAO activity was found to be proportional to light intensity. The light effect was rapidly reversed in dark and activity remained low throughout the dark period. Activity was elicited in dark by increased oxygen concentration. AAO activity increased in the facultative CAM Kalancho? blossfeldiana upon induction of the CAM cycle and decreased during germination of C. pepo and Zea mays under hypoxic conditions. These results strongly suggest that AAO activity could be part of a dynamic system for oxygen management in plants.  相似文献   

The reaction of O2?? with H2O2 in the presence of 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran was studied. o-Dibenzoylbenzene was obtained in 82 % yield, which decreased to 52 % when dimethoxyethane was presence. Additions of β-carotene or 1,4-diazabicyclo-[2,2,2]-octane also inhibited the production of o-dibenzoylbenezene. These results show that singlet oxygen may be a considerable species generated by the Haber-Weiss reaction.  相似文献   

Summary This study aimed at isolating filamentous bacteria from full-scale activated sludge processes and studying them in pure culture. Three cultures were isolated using conventional microbiological techniques. The isolates were positively identified as Gordonia amarae, Thiothrix nivea and Type 1863/Acinetobacter spp., using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. However, a ‘morphological shift’ from filamentous to single-cell form was observed in pure culture. The application of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) showed filamentous bacteria to be much more diverse in their ability to adapt to their changing enviroments. Pure culture studies of filamentous bacteria form the basis for application in full-scale activated sludge plants. It therefore remains important that the taxonomic status of filamentous bacteria be determined.  相似文献   

Summary Nerve terminals forming typical synapses with adrenal chromaffin tissues have been examined in the goldfish, frog (Rana pipiens), hamster and rat. Presumptive secretory inclusions present in the terminals are of two distinct types. Electron-lucent synaptic vesicles 30–50 nm in diameter are densely clustered adjacent to membrane thickenings and presumably discharge their contents into the synaptic clefts. Secretory granules (i.e. large dense-cored vesicles) 60–100 nm in diameter are more abundant in other parts of the terminals. Sites of granule exocytosis have been observed in each of the animals investigated. They are usually encountered within apparently undifferentiated areas of plasmalemma and only rarely occur within synaptic thickenings. Granule exocytosis from within synaptic terminals and chromaffin gland cells is most readily observed in specimens exposed, prior to fixation, to saline solutions containing both tannic acid, and 4-aminopyridine and/or elevated levels of K+. These findings show that the pattern of secretory discharge, involving both synaptic and non-synaptic release, which is widespread in invertebrate central nervous systems, is also characteristic of vertebrate, peripheral cholinergic terminals.  相似文献   

Heterokont algae such as diatoms and the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo and peridinin-containing dinoflagellates such as Heterocapsa triquetra originally acquired their chloroplasts via secondary endosymbiosis involving a red algal endosymbiont and a eukaryote host, resulting in complex chloroplasts surrounded by four and three membranes, respectively. The precursors of both heterokont and dinoflagellate chloroplast-targeted proteins are first inserted into the ER with removal of an N-terminal signal peptide, but how they traverse the remaining membranes is unclear. Using a nuclear-encoded thylakoid lumen protein, PsbO, from the heterokont alga Heterosigma akashiwo, the dinoflagellate Heterocapsa triquetra and the red alga Porphyra yezoensis we show that precursors without the ER signal peptide can be imported into pea chloroplasts. In the case of the H. triquetra and Porphyra PsbO, the precursors were processed to their predicted mature size and localized within the thylakoid lumen, using the Sec-dependent pathway. We report for the first time a stromal processing peptidase (SPP) activity from an alga of the red lineage. The enzyme processes the Heterosigma PsbO precursor at a single site and appears to have different substrate and reaction specificities from the plant SPP. In spite of the fact that we could not find convincing homologs of the plant chloroplast import machinery in heterokont (diatom) and red algal genomes, it is clear that these three very different lines of algae use similar mechanisms to import chloroplast precursors.  相似文献   

It is known that siRNAs are capable of reducing expression of non-target genes due to the interaction of the siRNA guide strand with a partially complementary site on the ‘off-target’ mRNA. In the current study, we show that reduction of cellular Ago2 levels has no effect on off-target reduction of endogenous genes and that off-target degradation of mRNA can occur even in an Ago2 knockout cell line. Using antisense mediated reduction of Ago proteins and chemically modified cleavage- and binding-deficient siRNAs, we demonstrate that siRNA mediated off-target reduction is Ago2 cleavage independent, but does require siRNA interaction with either Ago1 or Ago2 and the RISC-loading complex. We also show that depletion of P-body associated proteins results in a reduction of off-target siRNA-mediated degradation of mRNA. Finally, we present data suggesting that a significant portion of on-target siRNA activity is also Ago2 cleavage independent, however, this activity does not appear to be P-body associated.  相似文献   

The adoption of unrelated orphaned infants is something chimpanzees and humans have in common. Providing parental care has fitness implications for both the adopter and orphan, and cases of adoption have thus been cited as evidence for a shared origin of an altruistic behaviour. We provide new data on adoptions in the free-living Sonso chimpanzee community in Uganda, together with an analysis of published data from other long-term field sites. As a default pattern, we find that orphan chimpanzees do not become adopted by adult group members but wherever possible associate with each other, usually as maternal sibling pairs. This occurs even if both partners are still immature, with older individuals effectively becoming ‘child household heads’. Adoption of orphans by unrelated individuals does occur but usually only if no maternal siblings or other relatives are present and only after significant delays. In conclusion, following the loss of their mother, orphaned chimpanzees preferentially associate along pre-existing social bonds, which are typically strongest amongst maternal siblings.  相似文献   

Abnormal levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inflammatory cytokines have been observed in the skeletal muscle during muscle wasting including sarcopenia. However, the mechanisms that signal ROS production and prolonged maintenance of ROS levels during muscle wasting are not fully understood. Here, we show that myostatin (Mstn) is a pro-oxidant and signals the generation of ROS in muscle cells. Myostatin, a transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family member, has been shown to play an important role in skeletal muscle wasting by increasing protein degradation. Our results here show that Mstn induces oxidative stress by producing ROS in skeletal muscle cells through tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) signaling via NF-κB and NADPH oxidase. Aged Mstn null (Mstn(-/-) ) muscles, which display reduced sarcopenia, also show an increased basal antioxidant enzyme (AOE) levels and lower NF-κB levels indicating efficient scavenging of excess ROS. Additionally, our results indicate that both TNF-α and hydrogen peroxide (H(2) O(2) ) are potent inducers of Mstn and require NF-κB signaling for Mstn induction. These results demonstrate that Mstn and TNF-α are components of a feed forward loop in which Mstn triggers the generation of second messenger ROS, mediated by TNF-α and NADPH oxidase, and the elevated TNF-α in turn stimulates Mstn expression. Higher levels of Mstn in turn induce muscle wasting by activating proteasomal-mediated catabolism of intracellular proteins. Thus, we propose that inhibition of ROS induced by Mstn could lead to reduced muscle wasting during sarcopenia.  相似文献   

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