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Fate of blood meal iron in mosquitoes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Iron is an essential element of living cells and organisms as a component of numerous metabolic pathways. Hemoglobin and ferric-transferrin in vertebrate host blood are the two major iron sources for female mosquitoes. We used inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and radioisotope labeling to quantify the fate of iron supplied from hemoglobin or as transferrin in Aedes aegypti. At the end of the first gonotrophic cycle, approximately 87% of the ingested total meal heme iron was excreted, while 7% was distributed into the eggs and 6% was stored in different tissues. In contrast, approximately 8% of the iron provided as transferrin was excreted and of that absorbed, 77% was allocated to the eggs and 15% distributed in the tissues. Further analyses indicate that of the iron supplied in a blood meal, approximately 7% appears in the eggs and of this iron 98% is from hemoglobin and 2% from ferric-transferrin. Whereas, of iron from a blood meal retained in body of the female, approximately 97% is from heme and <1% is from transferrin. Evaluation of iron-binding proteins in hemolymph and egg following intake of (59)Fe-transferrin revealed that ferritin is iron loaded in these animals, and indicate that this protein plays a critical role in meal iron transport and iron storage in eggs in A. aegypti.  相似文献   

Digestive cells in the midgut of male and femaleDermacentor variabilis (Say) took up the blood meal in coated vesicles and smooth flask-shaped vesicles, and deposited it in endosomes which were digested via heterophagy. Iron was concentrated in residual bodies.Digestion occurred in three distinct phases in mated females: (1) continuous digestion (initiated by feeding) occurred during slow engorgement; (2) reduced digestion (initiated by mating) occurred in mated females during the period of rapid engorgement; (3) a second continuous digestion phase (initiated by detachment from the host) occurred throughout the post-feeding periods of preoviposition and oviposition.It is proposed that the stem cells in the midguts of unfed females were progenitors of digestive, replacement, and presumed vitellogenic cells in midguts of mated feeding females. Digestive cells were present in all three digestion phases. Only during the first continuous digestion phase did digestive cells fill up with residual bodies, rupture and slough into the lumen, or did whole cells slough into the lumen. During the other two digestion phases no sloughing of digestive cells was observed. At the end of oviposition the digestive cells were filled with residual bodies. Replacement cells were present only during the first continuous-digestion phase. Presumed vitellogenic cells were present only during the reduced-digestion phase and during the second continuous-digestion phase. Stem cells in unfed males developed only into digestive cells in feeding males. Fed males and fed unmated females had only the first continuous-digestion phase. After being hand-detached from the host, unmated 13-day-fed females went through cellular changes associated with the reduced-digestion phase and second continuous-digestion phase of fed mated females, then began ovipositing. Maximum development of the basal labyrinth system and lateral spaces matched the known time of maximum water and ion movement across the midgut epithelia.Spectrophotometric analyses of lumen contents and midgut cells, sampled after detachment from the host, showed that concentrations of protein and hemoglobin at day 1 post-detachment decreased by one-half at the beginning of oviposition, while hematin increased about twofold by the end of oviposition. This supported the idea of the presence of a second continuous-digestion phase.  相似文献   

In the midgut of the mosquito Aedes aegypti, a vector of dengue and yellow fever, an intense release of heme and iron takes place during the digestion of a blood meal. Here, we demonstrated via chromatography, light absorption and mass spectrometry that xanthurenic acid (XA), a product of the oxidative metabolism of tryptophan, is produced in the digestive apparatus after the ingestion of a blood meal and reaches milimolar levels after 24 h, the period of maximal digestive activity. XA formation does not occur in the White Eye (WE) strain, which lacks kynurenine hydroxylase and accumulates kynurenic acid. The formation of XA can be diminished by feeding the insect with 3,4-dimethoxy-N-[4-(3-nitrophenyl)thiazol-2-yl] benzenesulfonamide (Ro-61-8048), an inhibitor of XA biosynthesis. Moreover, XA inhibits the phospholipid oxidation induced by heme or iron. A major fraction of this antioxidant activity is due to the capacity of XA to bind both heme and iron, which occurs at a slightly alkaline pH (7.5-8.0), a condition found in the insect midgut. The midgut epithelial cells of the WE mosquito has a marked increase in occurrence of cell death, which is reversed to levels similar to the wild type mosquitoes by feeding the insects with blood supplemented with XA, confirming the protective role of this molecule. Collectively, these results suggest a new role for XA as a heme and iron chelator that provides protection as an antioxidant and may help these animals adapt to a blood feeding habit.  相似文献   

The changes in the midgut epithelia of two ixodid tick species,Boophilus microplus andRhipicephalus appendiculatus, have been studied using several histochemical techniques. It was revealed that there is an accumulation of RNA at the time of tick attachment to the host and prior to the arrival of the blood meal, indicating that the midgut digest cell is furnished with the machinery characteristic of a synthetic cell. There appears to be a synchrony in the appearance of granules with peroxidase activity and the uptake of haemoglobin into the midgut digest cells. Alkaline phosphatase activity was observed in the midgut epithelia of all ticks except in a few of the long-starved ticks, and was concentrated in the apical plasma membrane regions of those digest cells involved in absorption and the intracellular digestion of haemoglobin. The presence of these enzymes suggests that the midgut digest cell is a multifunctional cell capable of both secretory and digestive activities. The colloidal material in the midgut lumen was found to result from the accretion of several products both secreted and excreted by the midgut epithelial cells and exhibited different staining reactions depending on which component dominated. The nature of the material suggests that in addition to its digestive function it may serve as a sink to bind all the by-products of digestion and thereby facilitate their excretion.  相似文献   

Dietary carbohydrates provide an important source of energy for flight, and contribute to longevity and fecundity of mosquitoes. The most common sugar mosquitoes ingest is sucrose, and digestion of this substance is carried out mainly by alpha-glucosidases. In the current work, we tested the efficiency of sucrose on Anopheles aquasalis female diet. The best longevity (days) was reached when sugar was available in the diet, whereas most only blood fed females were dead 6 days after emergence. Three alpha-glucosidase isoforms were detected in the adult female midgut, named alphaGlu1, alphaGlu2 and alphaGlu3. These are acidic alpha-glucosidases with optima pH around pH 5.5. alphaGlu1 and alphaGlu2 are present in both secreted and membrane-bound forms, whereas alpha-Glu3 only in anchored to membranes. The alpha-glucosidase activity is concentrated mainly in the posterior midgut (70%), both in non-fed or 10% sucrose fed females. The single form of these alpha-glucosidases seemed to be approximately 70 kDa polypeptides, although alphaGlu2 is presented in >or=600 kDa self-aggregates. Km values of alphaGlu1, alphaGlu2 and alphaGlu3 differed significantly from each other, supporting the statement that three alpha-glucosidases are produced in the female midgut. Together, all data suggest that sugar is an essential component of A. aquasalis female diet. In addition, alpha-glucosidases are synthesized in the same place where sucrose is digested and absorbed, the midgut.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins expressed on the surface of midgut (MG) epithelium and the peritrophic matrix (PM) of vector mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are candidate molecules for interacting with pathogens. Antisera produced against Anopheles tessellatus Theobald female MG lectin-binding proteins (concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin) were used in Western blots to investigate MG/PM antigenic relationships between adult and larval An. tessellatus and with the MG glycoproteins of other vector mosquitoes: Anopheles culicifacies Giles, An. subpictus Grassi, An. varuna Iyengar, Aedes aegypti (L.) and Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Within An. tessellatus, strong antigenic cross-reactions were observed between adult and larval MG proteins, and between adult MG and PM proteins. Anopheles tessellatus adult MG antisera reacted with MG antigens from adult females of the other five mosquito species, with interspecific contrasts of relative molecular mass (Mr) of nearly all reacting antigens, except the strong 36 kDa band shared by An. tessellatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus. Cross-reactivity within female An. tessellatus may be due to the MG containing precursors to the PM glycoproteins and/or some common fully processed proteins, or perhaps carbohydrate epitopes that are shared between related or unrelated MG and PM glycoproteins. Cross-reactions between adult MG proteins from different mosquito species, mostly with differential Mr, reflect the presence of homologous proteins that may be relevant to specific vector competence.  相似文献   

The midgut of adult female Anopheles darlingi is comprised of narrow anterior and dilated posterior regions, with a single layered epithelium composed by cuboidal digestive cells. Densely packed apical microvilli and an intricate basal labyrinth characterize each cell pole. Before blood feeding, apical cytoplasm contains numerous round granules and whorled profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Engorgement causes a great distension of midgut. This provokes the flattening of digestive cells and their nuclei. Simultaneously, apical granules disappear, the whorls of endoplasmic reticulum disassemble and 3h post bloodmeal (PBM), nucleoli enlarge manyfold. An intense absorptive process takes place during the first 24 h PBM, with the formation of large glycogen inclusions, which persist after the end of the digestive process. Endoproteases activities are induced after bloodmeal and attain their maximum values between 10 and 36 h PBM. At least two different aminopeptidases seem to participate in the digestive process, with their maximum activity values at 36 and 48 h PBM, respectively. Coarse electrondense aggregates, possibly debris from digested erythrocytes, begin to appear on the luminal face of the peritrophic membrane from 18 h PBM and persist during all the digestive process, and are excreted at its end. We suggest that these aggregates could contain some kind of insoluble form of haem, in order of neutralize its toxicity.  相似文献   

We assessed the post-blood meal flight distance of four mosquito species in a unique environment using blood meal analysis. Mosquitoes were trapped at the Rio Grande Zoo in Albuquerque, NM, and the blood source of blood-engorged mosquitoes was identified. The distance from the enclosure of the animal serving as a blood source to the trap site was then determined. We found that mosquitoes captured at the zoo flew no more than 170 m with an average distance of 106.7 m after taking a blood meal. This is the first study in which the flight distance of wild mosquitoes has been assessed using blood meal analysis and the first in which zoo animals have served as the exclusive source of blood meals.  相似文献   

The effects of post-ingestion and physical conditions under which killed mosquitoes are stored on the success of detecting blood meal DNA of Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasiatus were investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification at the human mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (cytB) gene. Host DNA extracted from the blood meal up to 33 h post-ingestion in both species acts as an efficient template for PCR amplification. However, more DNA concentration is needed for meals digested for a longer time, and successful PCR amplification from meals digested for 36 h,dropped to a faint band. There were no differences between PCR success rate for samples stored at +4 or -20 degrees C, but less successful products were observed in samples kept at 4 degrees C for the periods longer than 30 h digestion. The results of this study are important for conducting malaria epidemiological studies that provide information about the degree of contact between human hosts and mosquito vectors, impact of vector controls such as bed nets and repellents, and the transmission dynamics of human malaria and other vector-borne diseases.  相似文献   

Although the mosquito midgut is the primary site of bloodmeal storage and the first line of defence against pathogenic infection, little is known about its proteic composition at a time when an increasing number of proteins are reported to impair viral infection. Aedes albopictus Skuse (Diptera: Culicidae) is an important vector of the dengue virus. We compared 2-dimensional protein profiles of the adult midgut in this species, taking into account bloodmeal status. The comparison of profiles from sugar-fed and blood-fed females showed that a considerable number of proteins were present in both midguts. In addition, one set of proteins was present only after sugar intake and another set only after blood intake. The comparison of profiles of blood-fed midguts and dengue virus-2 infected blood-fed midguts revealed that at least six proteins were present only in the infected midguts. These results are discussed in the context of the identification of midgut proteins involved in the dengue virus infection process.  相似文献   

Abstract. Bloodmeal digestion in midguts of the sandflies Phlebotomus papatasi and Phlebotomus langeroni (Diptera: Psychodidae) was investigated in optimized assays to detect general protease, trypsin and aminopeptidase activities using synthetic substrates. Optimal activity occurred at pH 8-9 for all enzymes examined in both species. Protease activity peaked at 24-34h post human bloodmeal in midguts of P.papatasi and 34-48h in P'.langeroni; all endo- and exoprotease activities were completed by 50 h in P.papatasi compared to 72 h in P. langeroni. Hydrolysis of two chymotrypsin substrates was <2% of trypsin activity in both species. Aminopeptidase activity was associated mainly with the midgut wall, whereas trypsin activity was confined to the midgut lumen. A feature of digestion in P.langeroni was the high level of aminopeptidase recorded within 10h of the bloodmeal.  相似文献   

Blood feeding in Aedes aegypti is essential for reproduction, but also permits the mosquito to act as a vector for key human pathogens such as the Zika and dengue viruses. Wolbachia pipientis is an endosymbiotic bacterium that can manipulate the biology of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, making them less competent hosts for many pathogens. Yet while Wolbachia affects other aspects of host physiology, it is unclear whether it influences physiological processes associated with blood meal digestion. To that end, we examined the effects of wMel Wolbachia infection in Ae. aegypti, on survival post-blood feeding, blood meal excretion, rate of oviposition, expression levels of key genes involved in oogenesis, and activity levels of trypsin blood digestion enzymes. We observed that wMel infection altered the rate and duration of blood meal excretion, delayed the onset of oviposition and was associated with a greater number of eggs being laid later. wMel-infected Ae. aegypti also had lower levels of key yolk protein precursor genes necessary for oogenesis. However, all of these effects occurred without a change in trypsin activity. These results suggest that Wolbachia infection may disrupt normal metabolic processes associated with blood feeding and reproduction in Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fat and haematin levels of mature male Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood were estimated at different times after feeding at temperatures between 15 and 30°C. Flies were kept (largely inactive) in 7.5 × 2.5 cm tubes, or in actograph cages, where flight activity increased with time after feeding. Haematin excretion was modelled as a series of three first order reactions, all with the same rate parameter. The model accounted for > 98% of the variance in mean haematin in each of seven experiments; the rate parameter increased linearly with temperature and activity level. A similar approach was adopted for modelling fat metabolism. The rate coefficients of lipogenesis increased with temperature, and that for lipolysis with temperature, activity level and their interaction. All experiments were analysed simultaneously to provide equations predicting haematin or fat levels for all times, for active or inactive flies, and for temperatures between 15 and 30°C. Haematin exhibited large variations between individuals, but for active flies the expected haematin content at a given time varied little between flies kept at 25 and at 30°C. In inactive flies kept at 25°C, lipogenesis peaked at ≈ 24 h and lipolysis at ≈ 48 h. For active flies the times were 12 and 24 h, respectively; both rates were about twice as high as in inactive flies. Active flies produced (up to 1 mg) more fat out of a given size of blood meal than inactive flies. Curves of fat content against logarithm of haematin content differed little with temperature, and can therefore be useful for comparative studies of field populations of tsetse.  相似文献   

Injection of partially purified oostatic hormone (0.7 μg) into female Aedes aegypti inhibited egg development, proteolytic enzyme activity, and blood digestion in the midgut, whereas control injections of saline or insulin chain A (0.7 μg) did not affect these processes. Oostatic hormone given by enema, on the other hand, did not inhibit proteolytic enzyme activity, indicating that the hormone acts outside the midgut. A single injection of oostatic hormone (0.7 μg) caused a 1.7–1.5-fold reduction in activity of trypsinlike enzymes during blood digestion, with a 10-h delay in peak activity. Using [1,3-3H]diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) in the presence of 8 mM tosylamide-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone, the synthesis of trypsinlike derivatives was followed in the midgut of female A. aegypti. A 4-fold reduction in [1,3-3H]diisopropylphosphoryl-trypsinlike derivatives was noted after oostatic hormone treatment. Several isozymes that are normally synthesized were absent in the presence of DFP, as assessed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Injection of oostatic hormone into decapitated and ovariectomized females that did not synthesize ecdysteroids inhibited trypsinlike enzyme synthesis and blood digestion in the midgut, indicating that oostatic hormone inhibits the midgut cells and not the ovary or the brain's endocrine system. Comparison between oostatic hormone and soybean trypsin inhibitor indicated that the former inhibited trypsin synthesis whereas the latter inhibited trypsin activity. A. aegypti oostatic hormone is not species specific and injections of the hormone into Culex quinquefasciatus, Culex nigripalpus, and Anopheles albimanus caused inhibition of egg development, blood digestion, and synthesis of trypsinlike enzymes. A direct relation between oostatic hormone synthesis and the regulation of trypsinlike activity in the midgut is proposed.  相似文献   

These studies focus on the pupal Aedes aegypti midgut muscularis for the first 26 h following larval-pupal transition. The midgut muscularis of Ae. aegypti pupae during this first half of the pupal stadium is a grid of both circularly and longitudinally oriented muscle bands, arranged in a manner resembling that of the larvae. While many muscle bands exhibit signs of degeneration during the time period studied, not all bands degrade, nor is this degradation simultaneous. Band deterioration involves destruction of internal elements while the muscle fiber plasma membrane remains intact. Deterioration of contractile elements may involve proteosome-like structures and associated enzymes. Many features of the larval muscularis including cruciform cells, bifurcating circular bands, and bifurcating longitudinal bands of muscle are retained during the time period investigated. Neuromuscular junctions along some muscle bands are retained through at least 16 h into the pupal stadium. The selective nature of muscle fiber degradation, coupled with the retention of larval features and neural input, may allow for limited functionality of the muscularis during metamorphosis. Evidence of sexual dimorphism in the midgut muscularis of male and female Ae. aegypti pupae was not observed during the time period studied.  相似文献   

A recombinant Anopheles gambiae defensin peptide was used to define the antimicrobial activity spectrum against bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeast. Results showed that most of the Gram-positive bacterial species tested were sensitive to the recombinant peptide in a range of concentrations from 0.1 to 0.75 microM. No activity was detected against Gram-negative bacteria, with the exception of some E. coli strains. Growth inhibitory activity was detected against some species of filamentous fungi. Defensin was not active against yeast. The kinetics of bactericidal and fungicidal effects were determined for Micrococcus luteus and Neurospora crassa, respectively. Differential mass spectrometry analysis was used to demonstrate induction of defensin in the hemolymph of bacteria-infected adult female mosquitoes. Native peptide levels were quantitated in both hemolymph and midgut tissues. The polytene chromosome position of the defensin locus was mapped by in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

We have developed loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method to detect Wuchereria bancrofti DNA. The sensitivity and specificity of LAMP method were equivalent to those of PCR method which detects SspI repeat sequence in W. bancrofti genomic DNA: both methods detected one thousandth of W. bancrofti DNA from one microfilaria (Mf), and did not cross-react with DNAs of Brugia malayi, B. pahangi, Dirofilaria immitis, human and Culex quinquefasciatus. We also examined the sensitivity of LAMP using the mimic samples of patient's blood or blood-fed mosquitoes containing one W. bancrofti Mf per sample. The LAMP method was able to detect W. bancrofti DNA in 1000 μl of blood or in a pool of 60 mosquitoes, indicating its usefulness in detecting/monitoring W. bancrofti infection in humans and vector mosquitoes in endemic areas.  相似文献   

When malaria parasites enter to mosquitoes, they fertilize and differentiate to zygotes and ookinetes. The motile ookinetes cross the midgut cells and arrive to the basement membranes where they differentiate into oocysts. The midgut epithelium is thus a barrier for ookinetes to complete their life cycle in the mosquitoes. The ookinetes develop gliding motility to invade midgut cells successfully, but the molecular mechanisms behind are poorly understood. Here, we identified a single molecule with guanylate cyclase domain and N-terminal P-type ATPase like domain in the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei and named it PbGCbeta. We demonstrated that transgenic parasites in which the PbGCbeta gene was disrupted formed normal ookinetes but failed to produce oocyst. Confocal microscopic analysis showed that the disruptant ookinetes remained on the surface of the microvilli. The disruptant ookinetes showed severe defect in motility, resulting in failure of parasite invasion of the midgut epithelium. When the disruptant ookinetes were cultured in vitro, they transformed into oocysts and sporozoites. These results demonstrate that PbGCbeta is essential for ookinete motility when passing through the midgut cells, but not for further development of the parasites.  相似文献   

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