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Summary A novel nuclear magnetic resonance method is proposed for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients affected by branched chain ketoaciduria. The method allows quantitation of the branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) such as leucine, isoleucine and valine and of related keto- and hydroxy acids by means of a single spectrum. The method implies short time of analysis, as opposed to the very long time required by the techniques currently in use (amino acid analyzer combined with gaschromatography/mass spectrometry of keto- and hydroxyacids), it is easy and suitable for adjustements of the dietary treatment even on a daily basis. The case of a 15 days old newborn child, presenting muscular hypertonicity was unambiguously diagnosed in few minutes by means of one single NMR spectrum of urine. More interestingly, NMR spectra of serum in the following days were suitable for quantitating amino-, and keto acids as well as other metabolites of relevance in the follow up of the dietary treatment of the disease. After a diet lacking of BCAA's, to eliminate keto acids, a low BCAA diet was introduced, that succeeded in keeping the serum levels of the three amino acids within the normal range, while dropping the related keto acids.  相似文献   

Brain cortex slices from diabetic rats incubated in Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate (KRB)-glucose medium show, compared to the normals, a 75% higher glutamine content. Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) added, at 0.5mM each, to this medium increase (53%) the glutamine content in the normal slices but have no effect on the glutamine content in the slices from diabetic rats. When the incubation medium is KRB-pyruvate, glutamine and glutamate contents are lower than in the KRB-glucose medium. The addition of BCAA in the KRB-pyruvate medium partially restores the contents of glutamine in the normal and of glutamine plus glutamate in the diabetic. Keto acids or BCAA added to the incubation medium of normal slices decrease the pool of most of the neutral and acidic amino acids but they do not affect this pool in slices from the diabetic rats. In addition keto acids increase the ratio glutamate in the tissue: glutamate in the medium.Abbreviations used BCAA branched chain amino acids - 3-OHB d,l-3-hydroxybutyrate - AcAc acetoacetate - KRB Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate  相似文献   

Many microbial pathogens deliver effector proteins via the type III secretion system into infected host cells. Elucidating the function of these effectors is essential for our understanding of pathogenesis. Here, we describe biochemical and structural characterization of an effector protein (NleL) from Escherichia coli O157:H7, a widespread pathogen causing severe foodborne diseases. We show that NleL functionally and structurally mimics eukaryotic HECT E3 ligases and catalyzes formation of unanchored polyubiquitin chains using Lys(6) and Lys(48) linkage. The catalytic cysteine residue forms a thioester intermediate with ubiquitin. The structure of NleL contains two domains, a β-helix domain formed by pentapeptide repeats and a bilobed catalytic domain reminiscent of the N- and C-lobe architecture of HECT E3s. Six structures of NleL observed in two crystal forms revealed a large range of different positions of the C-lobe relative to the N-lobe, indicating that the helix linking the two lobes is extremely flexible. Comparing the structure of NleL with that of the Salmonella homolog SopA showed that the orientation of the C-lobes differ by as much as 108°, suggesting that large movements of the C-lobe may be required to facilitate the transfer of ubiquitin from E2 to the substrate. These results provide critical knowledge toward understanding the molecular mechanism by which pathogens utilize the host ubiquitination system during infection.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome possesses two distinct deubiquitinating activities. The ubiquitin (Ub) chain amputation activity removes the entire polyUb chain from the substrates. The Ub chain trimming activity progressively cleaves a polyUb chain from the distal end. The Ub chain amputation activity mediates degradation-coupled deubiquitination. The Ub chain trimming activity can play a supportive or an inhibitory role in degradation, likely depending on features of the substrates. How Ub chain trimming assists degradation is not clear. We find that inhibition of the chain trimming activity of the 26 S proteasome with Ub aldehyde significantly inhibits degradation of Ub4 (Lys-48)-UbcH10 and causes accumulation of free Ub4 (generated from chain amputation) that can be retained on the proteasome. Also, a non-trimmable Lys-48-mimic Ub4 efficiently targets UbcH10 to the 26 S proteasome, but it cannot support efficient degradation of UbcH10 compared with regular Lys-48 Ub4. These results indicate that polyUb chain trimming promotes proteasomal degradation of Lys-48-linked substrates. Mechanistically, we propose that Ub chain trimming cleaves the proteasome-bound Lys-48-linked polyUb chains, which vacates the Ub binding sites of the 26 S proteasome, thus allowing continuous substrate loading.  相似文献   

In plant, unusual fatty acids are produced by a limited number of species. The industrial benefits of these unusual structures have led several groups to study their production in transgenic plants. Their research results led to very modest accumulation in seeds which was largely due to a limited knowledge of the lipid metabolism and fatty acid transfer in plants. More specifically we need to better understand the substrate specificity and selectivity of acyltransferases which are required for the incorporation of these unusual fatty acids into storage triacylglycerols. In our studies we have compared the incorporation of [14C] Oleoyl-CoA and Branched Chain Acyls-CoA into [3H] LPA-C18:1 by the Lysophosphatidic acid Acyltransferase (LPAAT) from developing seeds of agronomic plants (flax (Linum usitatissimum) and rape (Brassica napus)) and from a plant capable of producing high amounts of hydroxy fatty acids (castor bean (Ricinus communis)). Our assays demonstrate that LPAATs of the three studied species (1) incorporated preferentially oleyl-CoA, (2) could incorporate cyclopropane acyl-CoA when added alone as a substrate, however very weakly for rapeseed and castor bean seeds, (3) presented a low capacity to incorporate methyl branched acyl-CoA when added alone as a substrate (4) weakly incorporated cyclopropane acyl-CoA and was unable to incorporate methyl branched acyl-CoA when presented with an equimolar mix of oleyl-CoA and branched chain acyl-CoA. In all cases, the LPAAT had a low affinity for branched chain acyl-CoAs. The results show that LPAAT activity from agronomic plants constitutes a bottleneck for the incorporation of branched Chain acyl-CoA into PA.  相似文献   

Summary A novel unnatural amino acid, L-3-(3-N-ethylcarbazolyl)alanine, was synthesized and used for synthesis of a chiral dialkylammonium-type amphiphile. The synthetic amphiphile formed a vesicular assembly in aqueous dispersion showing gel-liquid crystalline phase transition around 25 °C. The bilayer membrane composed of the amphiphile was nearly free from excimer as evidenced by fluorescence spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) catabolism follows sequential reactions and their metabolites intersect with other metabolic pathways. The initial enzymes in BCAA metabolism, the mitochondrial branched-chain aminotransferase (BCATm), which deaminates the BCAAs to branched-chain α-keto acids (BCKAs); and the branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase enzyme complex (BCKDC), which oxidatively decarboxylates the BCKAs, are organized in a supramolecular complex termed metabolon. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH1) is found in the metabolon in rat tissues. Bovine GDH1 binds to the pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate (PMP)-form of human BCATm (PMP-BCATm) but not to pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-BCATm in vitro. This protein interaction facilitates reamination of the α-ketoglutarate (αKG) product of the GDH1 oxidative deamination reaction. Human GDH1 appears to act like bovine GDH1 but human GDH2 does not show the same enhancement of BCKDC enzyme activities. Another metabolic enzyme is also found in the metabolon is pyruvate carboxylase (PC). Kinetic results suggest that PC binds to the E1 decarboxylase of BCKDC but does not effect BCAA catabolism. The protein interaction of BCATm and GDH1 promotes regeneration of PLP-BCATm which then binds to BCKDC resulting in channeling of the BCKA products from BCATm first half reaction to E1 and promoting BCAA oxidation and net nitrogen transfer from BCAAs. The cycling of nitrogen through glutamate via the actions of BCATm and GDH1 releases free ammonia. Formation of ammonia may be important for astrocyte glutamine synthesis in the central nervous system. In peripheral tissue association of BCATm and GDH1 would promote BCAA oxidation at physiologically relevant BCAA concentrations.  相似文献   

Glycosyl dialkyl- and diacyl-glycerols bearing saturated, unsaturated or chiral methyl branched chains in the tail and disaccharide and trisaccharide carbohydrate headgroups were synthesised. Standard procedures were used for the preparation of the educts and the glyco lipids: trichloracetimidate procedure for the preparation of long-chained compounds, glycosylation using the beta-peracetate and boron trifluoride etherate was successful for the preparation of lipids with a medium-alkyl chain length. Preparation of the ester was afforded in a multi-step synthesis according to published procedures. Thus, several lipids were synthesised in a few synthetic steps in good yields. The introduction of unsaturated or methyl branched chains lead to liquid crystallinity at ambient temperature, because these compounds will be used as model compounds for biological systems. The biophysical properties of these compounds will be reported in a following paper.  相似文献   

Here we present a method to purify large amounts of highly pure and stably arrested ribosome-nascent chain complexes (RNCs) from Escherichia coli cells. It relies on the combined use of translation-arrest sequences to generate nascent polypeptides of specified length and subsequent tag purification of the RNCs. Moreover, we adapted this method for the in vivo production of RNCs with specific isotope labeling of the nascent chains for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies. This method opens therefore possibilities for a wide range of biochemical and structural studies exploring conformations of nascent chains during the early steps of protein folding and targeting.  相似文献   

Attachment of ubiquitin (Ub) as monoUb and polyUb chains of different lengths and linkages to proteins plays a dominant role in very different regulatory mechanisms. Therefore, the study of polyUb chains has assumed a central interest in biochemistry and structural biology. An essential step necessary to allow in vitro biochemical and structural studies of polyUbs is the production of their chains in high quantities and purity. This is not always an easy task and can be achieved both enzymatically and chemically. Previous reviews have covered chemical cross-linking exhaustively. In this review, we concentrate on the different approaches developed so far for the enzymatic production of different Ub chains. These strategies permit a certain flexibility in the production of chains with various linkages and lengths. We critically describe the available methods and comment on advantages and limitations. It is clear that the field is mature to study most of the possible links, but some more work needs to be done to complete the picture and to exploit the current methodologies for understanding in full the Ub code.  相似文献   

蛋白质是生命的物质基础,在生物体中行驶着极为重要的功能,各种细胞活动和生命过程的发生都需要蛋白质的参与。例如,DNA复制转录,RNA翻译,以及信号传导等过程中发挥关键作用的聚合酶、翻译复合物、信号传导受体等都是蛋白质。正常细胞体内的所有蛋白质都由20种天然存在的氨基酸组成,它们通过立体构象变化及翻译后修饰等来控制其功能的发挥。而在实际应用中,学者们为了实现不同的研究目的,发展了很多在蛋白质中引入20种自然氨基酸之外的非自然氨基酸(unnatural amino acid,UAA)的方法,如化学修饰合成、体外翻译、遗传密码扩展等,从而将蛋白质的性质根据研究和应用的需要进行拓展。本文综述了各类化学与生物中引入非自然氨基酸的方法,并介绍了非自然氨基酸在化学生物学研究中的最新应用。  相似文献   

The unnatural amino acids (UAAs) are members of a class of molecules with relevant impacts in the life sciences. Due to the role of these molecules in the modulation of the chemical and physical properties of biological and inorganic materials, UAAs have attracted increasing interest in recent years. The aim of this review is to highlight (i) the most recent and innovative synthetic routes for the preparation of UAAs, (ii) the recently marketed UAA-based drugs, and (iii) the most promising technological applications involving novel UAA-containing molecular entities.  相似文献   

Sanceda NG  Suzuki E  Kurata T 《Amino acids》2003,24(1-2):81-87
Summary.  The source of the formation of branched chain volatile fatty acids (VFA) in fish sauce was investigated. Certain branched VFA were derived from the degradation of specific amino acids as iso-butyric acid from valine and iso-valeric acid from leucine. Short and long straight chain VFA were significantly higher in the linoleic acid added sample than in the control but did not significantly bring changes to the branched chain VFA. It is suggested that straight chain VFA developed from fish fats. Alanine and isoleucine did not have a clear influence on the production of volatile fatty acids. Received November 23, 2001 Accepted June 20, 2002 Published online December 18, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" Part of this paper was presented in the 7th International Congress on Amino Acids and Proteins in Vienna, Austria from August 6–10, 2001. Authors' address: Norlita G. Sanceda, Ph.D., Institute of Environmental Science for Human Life, 2-1-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112, Japan, Fax: + 81-3-5978-5805, E-mail: lita@cc.ocha.ac.jp  相似文献   

In the present study, some new analogues of VV-hemorphin-5, modified at position 1 and 7 by the non-proteinogenic and/or natural amino acids followed the structures Xxx-Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln-NH2 and Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Yyy-NH2, where Xxx is Ile or Aib and Yyy is Lys/Orn/Dap/Dab were synthesized to investigate their potential antinociceptive activities. We report also the redox potentials and the acid/base properties as pKa values of these peptide analogues which were compared toward electrochemical behaviour of tryptophan containing peptides. All analogues showed a short lasting initial antinociceptive effect, however H2 hemorphin analogue is characterized with prolong and strong antinociceptive effect, while the other peptide analogues exerted more variable effects on the visceral nociception depending on the dose or time after the intracerebral injection.  相似文献   

Yehui Xiong  Lirong Zeng  Wende Liu 《Proteomics》2016,16(14):1949-1951
Similar to substrate‐conjugated polyubiquitin, unanchored polyubiquitin chains are emerging as important regulators for diverse biological processes. The affinity purification of unanchored polyubiquitin from various organisms has been reported, however, tools able to distinguish unanchored polyubiquitin chains with different isopeptide linkages have not yet been described. Toward the goal of selectively identifying and purifying unanchored polyubiquitin chains linked through different Lysines, Scott et al. developed a novel strategy in their study [Proteomics 2016, 16, 1961–1969]. They designed a linker‐optimized ubiquitin‐binding domain hybrid (t‐UBD) containing two UBDs, a ZnFCUBP domain, and a linkage‐selective UBA domain, to specifically recognize unanchored Lys48‐linked polyubiquitin chains. Subsequently, a series of assays has proved the feasibility of this novel strategy for the purification of endogenous substrate‐free Lys48‐linked polyubiquitin chains from mammalian cell extracts. Their research not only provides a tool for purifying unanchored polyubiquitin with different isopeptide linkages, but also paves the way for generating reagents to study the function of unanchored polyubiquitin chains of different linkages in the future. The design of UBD hybrids for defined unanchored polyubiquitin (Lys48‐polyubiquitin) in this study also set an excellent example for future methodology studies regarding monitoring in vivo dynamic changes in the patterns of ubiquitination.  相似文献   

The sulfinic acid analog of aspartic acid, cysteine sulfinic acid, introduces a sulfur atom that perturbs the acidity and oxidation properties of aspartic acid. Cysteine sulfinic acids are often introduced in peptides and proteins by oxidation of cysteine, but this method is limited as all cysteine residues are oxidized and cysteine residues are often oxidized to sulfonic acids. To provide the foundation for the specific incorporation of cysteine sulfinic acids in peptides and proteins, we synthesized a 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl (Fmoc) benzothiazole sulfone analog. Oxidation conditions to generate the sulfone were examined and oxidation of the Fmoc-protected sulfide (3) with NbC in hydrogen peroxide provided the corresponding sulfone (4) in the highest yield and purity. Reduction with sodium borohydride generated the cysteine sulfinic acid (5) suggesting this approach may be an efficient method to incorporate a cysteine sulfinic acid in biomolecules. A model tripeptide bearing a cysteine sulfinic acid was synthesized using this approach. Future studies are aimed at using this method to incorporate cysteine sulfinic acids in peptide hormones and proteins for use in the study of biological function.  相似文献   

Many biophysical techniques that are available to study the structure, function and dynamics of cellular constituents require modification of the target molecules. Site-specific labelling of a protein is of particular interest for fluorescence-based single-molecule measurements including single-molecule FRET or super-resolution microscopy. The labelling procedure should be highly specific but minimally invasive to preserve sensitive biomolecules. The modern molecular engineering toolkit provides elegant solutions to achieve the site-specific modification of a protein of interest often necessitating the incorporation of an unnatural amino acid to introduce a unique reactive moiety. The Amber suppression strategy allows the site-specific incorporation of unnatural amino acids into a protein of interest. Recently, this approach has been transferred to the mammalian expression system. Here, we demonstrate how the combination of unnatural amino acid incorporation paired with current bioorthogonal labelling strategies allow the site-specific engineering of fluorescent dyes into proteins produced in the cellular environment of a human cell. We describe in detail which parameters are important to ensure efficient incorporation of unnatural amino acids into a target protein in human expression systems. We furthermore outline purification and bioorthogonal labelling strategies that allow fast protein preparation and labelling of the modified protein. This way, the complete eukaryotic proteome becomes available for single-molecule fluorescence assays.  相似文献   

As the upstream component of the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) machinery, the ESCRT-0 complex is responsible for directing ubiquitinated membrane proteins to the multivesicular body pathway. ESCRT-0 is formed by two subunits known as Hrs (hepatocyte growth factor-regulated substrate) and STAM (signal transducing adaptor molecule), both of which harbor multiple ubiquitin-binding domains (UBDs). In particular, STAM2 possesses two UBDs, the VHS (Vps27/Hrs/Stam) and UIM (ubiquitin interacting motif) domains, connected by a 20-amino acid flexible linker. In the present study, we report the interactions of the UIM domain and VHS-UIM construct of STAM2 with monoubiquitin (Ub), Lys(48)- and Lys(63)-linked diubiquitins. Our results demonstrate that the UIM domain alone binds monoubiquitin, Lys(48)- and Lys(63)-linked diubiquitins with the same affinity and in the same binding mode. Interestingly, binding of VHS-UIM to Lys(63)-linked diubiquitin is not only avid, but also cooperative. We also show that the distal domain of Lys(63)-linked diubiquitin stabilizes the helical structure of the UIM domain and that the corresponding complex adopts a specific structural organization responsible for its greater affinity. In contrast, binding of VHS-UIM to Lys(48)-linked diubiquitin and monoubiquitin is not cooperative and does not show any avidity. These results may explain the better sorting efficiency of some cargoes polyubiquitinated with Lys(63)-linked chains over monoubiquitinated cargoes or those tagged with Lys(48)-linked chains.  相似文献   



The effect of BCAA (branched chain amino acid) administration on muscle atrophy during growth phases is not well known. We investigated whether BCAA administration can prevent the muscle atrophy induced by hindlimb suspension in growing male rats.


Male Wistar rats were assigned to 1 of 2 groups (n = 7/group): hindlimb suspension and hindlimb suspension with oral BCAA administration (600 mg·kg−1·day−1, valine 1: leucine 2: isoleucine 1). After 14 days of hindlimb suspension, the weight and mRNA levels of the soleus muscle were measured.


BCAA administration prevented a decrease in soleus muscle weight. BCAA administration attenuated atrogin-1 and MuRF1 mRNA expression, which has been reported to play a pivotal role in muscle atrophy.


BCAA could serve as an effective supplement for the prevention or treatment of muscle atrophy, especially atrophy caused by weightlessness.  相似文献   

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