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Summary Oogenesis has been followed with the electron microscope in 2 strains of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae, from the emergence of the adult (oocytes at leptonema) till shortly before the oocytes are ready for oviposition. After pachynema the chromosomes form a karyosphere and a fibrous capsule develops around it. Work on other mosquitoes suggests that the capsule may be related to the synaptonemal complexes. Both Anopheles strains contain at some time an extrachromosomal (not DNA-containing) body comparable to the karyosphere in size. Clusters of granules are present at the surface of the nucleolus and free in the nucleoplasm. Tentative results indicate that they may contain DNA. During oogenesis the nucleolus becomes very large, mainly because of proliferation of the nucleolonema. Towards the end of oocyte development the nucleus assumes the large canoe-shape also seen in Aedes and Culex. Nucleolonema traverse the entire nucleus, and modified granular clusters are found throughout.  相似文献   

Kun Yan Zhu 《Insect Science》2013,20(2):158-166
Abstract Chitin synthase (CHS) is an important enzyme catalyzing the formation of chitin polymers in all chitin containing organisms and a potential target site for insect pest control. However, our understanding of biochemical properties of insect CHSs has been very limited. We here report enzymatic and inhibitory properties of CHS prepared from the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Our study, which represents the first time to use a nonradioactive method to assay CHS activity in an insect species, determined the optimal conditions for measuring the enzyme activity, including pH, temperature, and concentrations of the substrate uridine diphosphate N‐acetyl‐d ‐glucosamine (UDP‐GlcNAc) and Mg++. The optimal pH was about 6.5–7.0, and the highest activity was detected at temperatures between 37°C and 44°C. Dithithreitol is required to prevent melanization of the enzyme extract. CHS activity was enhanced at low concentration of GlcNAc, but inhibited at high concentrations. Proteolytic activation of the activity is significant both in the 500 ×g supernatant and the 40 000 ×g pellet. Our study revealed only slight in vitro inhibition of A. gambiae CHS activity by diflubenzuron and nikkomycin Z at the highest concentration (2.5 μmol/L) examined. There was no in vitro inhibition by polyoxin D at any concentration examined. Furthermore, we did not observe any in vivo inhibition of CHS activity by any of these chemicals at any concentration examined. Our results suggest that the inhibition of chitin synthesis by these chemicals is not due to direct inhibition of CHS in A. gambiae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Swarming behaviour in the Anopheles gambiae complex was observed in the field, in the Gambia, West Africa, and in the laboratory. Naturally occurring swarms of A.melas were seen in a clearing at the edge of mangrove swamps close to their breeding sites. Males could be induced to swarm over artificial 'markers' within this 'arena' but not outside it. Females were observed entering the swarm and mating. In the laboratory, in an artificial 'dusk', male A.gambiae s.str. swarmed over a black marker on the floor of their 1.2-m cube cage. In contrast to the males, females made only short flights over the marker, performing brief turning movements at its edge. It is proposed that swarming brings about the aggregation necessary before short-range attraction can take place, and that, in nature, anopheline mosquitoes orientate visually first to an arena and then to a marker within the arena. Female behaviour can be interpreted as a process of scanning possible swarm sites until mating is achieved.  相似文献   

The circadian control of adult emergence was studied in Anopheles gambiae. In contrast to the situation reported for other mosquitoes, the timing of adult eclosion can be modified by the light regime. Comparison of the timing of pupal—adult ecdysis in groups of individuals pupating at the same time and then kept either in 12 h light alternating with 12 h dark (LD 12:12) or constant light, at temperatures from 22 to 34·5°C, showed that the timing can be modified by the light regime. In LD, eclosion due to take place during the middle and later part of the light phase was delayed, giving a peak near light-off; the maximum delay was of the order of 4–5 h at both 22 and 34·5°C. This effect appears to be mediated by a temperature-compensated timing mechanism. Experiments with different light regimes indicated that the time cue is a previous change from light to dark. When this was given to late fourth stage larvae it affected the timing of adult eclosion without affecting the time of pupation.  相似文献   

The dorsal-ventral patterning of the Drosophila embryo is controlled by a well-defined gene regulation network. We wish to understand how changes in this network produce evolutionary diversity in insect gastrulation. The present study focuses on the dorsal ectoderm in two highly divergent dipterans, the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster and the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. In D. melanogaster, the dorsal midline of the dorsal ectoderm forms a single extra-embryonic membrane, the amnioserosa. In A. gambiae, an expanded domain forms two distinct extra-embryonic tissues, the amnion and serosa. The analysis of approximately 20 different dorsal-ventral patterning genes suggests that the initial specification of the mesoderm and ventral neurogenic ectoderm is highly conserved in flies and mosquitoes. By contrast, there are numerous differences in the expression profiles of genes active in the dorsal ectoderm. Most notably, the subdivision of the extra-embryonic domain into separate amnion and serosa lineages in A. gambiae correlates with novel patterns of gene expression for several segmentation repressors. Moreover, the expanded amnion and serosa anlage correlates with a broader domain of Dpp signaling as compared with the D. melanogaster embryo. Evidence is presented that this expanded signaling is due to altered expression of the sog gene.  相似文献   

疟蚊主要依靠嗅觉发现寄主。非洲疟蚊冈比亚按蚊Anopheles gambiae是一种嗜吸人血的疟疾传播媒介昆虫。该文作者基于其全基因组序列,采用RT-PCR和标准分子克隆技术获得2个嗅觉结合蛋白候选基因agLZ3788agLZ9988。测序分析结果表明,它们具有嗅觉结合蛋白的标志性结构域。进一步采用半定量RT-PCR技术研究了它们的空间表达型,结果发现它们不但在雌蚊触角中表达,也在其他部位(尤其是蚊虫足部)有强的表达。这一发现说明疟蚊嗅觉结合蛋白可能具有更广的功能,也为进一步重组表达和功能研究提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Mating behaviour in the Anopheles gambiae complex was studied in the laboratory, using an infra-red TV system to make observations in the 'dark'. Maximum fertilization occurred when both sexes were at least 2 days old. In LD 12:12 most mating took place in the first hour of the dark phase. At this time, the males had erect fibrillae on the antennae and showed the maximum response to an artificial female flight tone, approaching, landing-on and attempting to clasp the sound source. The cycle of fibrillar erection and of responsiveness to sound continued in constant dark. Males did not appear to discriminate on contact, between their own and other species. Previously mated females actively resisted copulation, but, when tethered, were unable to prevent the deposition of further internal mating plugs. Free-flying, previously inseminated, females prevented the males from depositing internal plugs, but not from ejaculating and depositing external plugs. The differences between A.gambiae and the better known Stegomyia mosquitoes appear to be related to their different habits, A.gambiae males being less likely to encounter females of other species or inseminated females of their own species at the restricted time and place of mating.  相似文献   

The conservation of hox genes as well as their genomic organization across the phyla suggests that this system of anterior–posterior axis formation arose early during evolution and has come under strong selection pressure. Studies in the split Hox cluster of Drosophila have shown that proper expression of hox genes is dependent on chromatin domain boundaries that prevent inappropriate interactions among different types of cis-regulatory elements. To investigate whether boundary function and their role in regulation of hox genes is conserved in insects with intact Hox clusters, we used an algorithm to locate potential boundary elements in the Hox complex of mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Several potential boundary elements were identified that could be tested for their functional conservation. Comparative analysis revealed that like Drosophila, the bithorax region in A. gambiae contains an extensive array of boundaries and enhancers organized into domains. We analysed a subset of candidate boundary elements and show that they function as enhancer blockers in Drosophila. The functional conservation of boundary elements from mosquito in fly suggests that regulation of hox genes involving chromatin domain boundaries is an evolutionary conserved mechanism and points to an important role of such elements in key developmentally regulated loci.  相似文献   

One of the functions of telomeres is to counteract the terminal nucleotide loss associated with DNA replication. While the vast majority of eukaryotic organisms maintain their chromosome ends via telomerase, an enzyme system that generates short, tandem repeats on the ends of chromosomes, other mechanisms such as the transposition of retrotransposons or recombination can also be used in some species. Chromosome end regression and extension were studied in a medically important mosquito, the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, to determine how this dipteran insect maintains its chromosome ends. The insertion of a transgenic pUChsneo plasmid at the left end of chromosome 2 provided a unique marker for measuring the dynamics of the 2L telomere over a period of about 3 years. The terminal length was relatively uniform in the 1993 population with the chromosomes ending within the white gene sequence of the inserted transgene. Cloned terminal chromosome fragments did not end in short repeat sequences that could have been synthesized by telomerase. By late 1995, the chromosome ends had become heterogeneous: some had further shortened while other chromosomes had been elongated by regenerating part of the integrated pUChsneo plasmid. A model is presented for extension of the 2L chromosome by recombination between homologous 2L chromosome ends by using the partial plasmid duplication generated during its original integration. It is postulated that this mechanism is also important in wild-type telomere elongation.  相似文献   

The Hox genes play a central role in regulating development and are involved in the specification of cell fates along the anteroposterior axis. In insects and vertebrates, these genes are clustered and organized in an arrangement that is largely conserved across evolutionary lineages. By exploiting the sequence conservation of the homeobox, orthologues of the Hox genes Sex combs reduced (Scr), fushi tarazu (ftz), Antennapedia (Antp), Ultrabithorax (Ubx), and abdominal-A (abd-A) have been isolated from the malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. These genes were first identified in Drosophila, where they achieve a high level of functional complexity, in part, by the use of alternative promoters, polyadenylation sites, and splicing to generate different protein isoforms. Preliminary analyses of the Anopheles Hox genes suggest that they do not achieve their functional complexity in the same manner. Using a combination of in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes and chromosome walking, the Anopheles Hox genes have been localized to a single cluster in the region 19D-E on chromosome 2R, a situation distinct from that of Drosophila where the Hox complex is split into two clusters. This study, therefore, provides a framework for future comparative analyses of the structure, organization, and expression of developmental regulatory genes between the lower and higher Diptera. Moreover, the genes that have been isolated enhance the genetic and physical maps of chromosome 2R in this medically important mosquito species.  相似文献   

Transposable elements have proven to be invaluable tools for genetically manipulating a wide variety of plants, animals, and microbes. Some have suggested that they could be used to spread desirable genes, such as refractoriness to Plasmodium infection, through target populations of Anopheles gambiae, thereby disabling the mosquito's ability to transmit malaria. To achieve this, a transposon must remain mobile and intact after the initial introduction into the genome. Endogenous, active class II transposable elements from An. gambiae have not been exploited as gene vectors/drivers because none have been isolated. We report the discovery of an active class II transposable element, Herves, from the mosquito An. gambiae. Herves is a member of a distinct subfamily of hAT elements that includes the hopper-we element from Bactrocera dorsalis and B. cucurbitae. Herves was transpositionally active in mobility assays performed in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells and developing embryos and was used as a germ-line transformation vector in D. melanogaster. Herves displays an altered target-site preference from the distantly related hAT elements, Hermes and hobo. Herves is also present in An. arabiensis and An. merus with copy numbers similar to that found in An. gambiae. Preliminary data from an East African population are consistent with the element being transpositionally active in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

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