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Establishing genotype-phenotype relationship is the key to understand the molecular mechanism of phenotypic adaptation. This initial step may be untangled by analyzing appropriate ancestral molecules, but it is a daunting task to recapitulate the evolution of non-additive (epistatic) interactions of amino acids and function of a protein separately. To adapt to the ultraviolet (UV)-free retinal environment, the short wavelength-sensitive (SWS1) visual pigment in human (human S1) switched from detecting UV to absorbing blue light during the last 90 million years. Mutagenesis experiments of the UV-sensitive pigment in the Boreoeutherian ancestor show that the blue-sensitivity was achieved by seven mutations. The experimental and quantum chemical analyses show that 4,008 of all 5,040 possible evolutionary trajectories are terminated prematurely by containing a dehydrated nonfunctional pigment. Phylogenetic analysis further suggests that human ancestors achieved the blue-sensitivity gradually and almost exclusively by epistasis. When the final stage of spectral tuning of human S1 was underway 45–30 million years ago, the middle and long wavelength-sensitive (MWS/LWS) pigments appeared and so-called trichromatic color vision was established by interprotein epistasis. The adaptive evolution of human S1 differs dramatically from orthologous pigments with a major mutational effect used in achieving blue-sensitivity in a fish and several mammalian species and in regaining UV vision in birds. These observations imply that the mechanisms of epistatic interactions must be understood by studying various orthologues in different species that have adapted to various ecological and physiological environments.  相似文献   

Infants are known to possess two different cognitive systems to encode numerical information. The first system encodes approximate numerosities, has no known upper limit and is functional from birth on. The second system relies on infants’ ability to track up to 3 objects in parallel, and enables them to represent exact numerosity for such small sets. It is unclear, however, whether infants may be able to represent numerosities from all ranges in a common format. In various studies, infants failed to discriminate a small vs. a large numerosity (e.g., 2 vs. 4, 3 vs. 6), although more recent studies presented evidence that infants can succeed at these discriminations in some situations. Here, we used a transfer paradigm between the tactile and visual modalities in 5-month-olds, assuming that such cross-modal paradigm may promote access to abstract representations of numerosities, continuous across the small and large ranges. Infants were first familiarized with 2 to 4 objects in the tactile modality, and subsequently tested for their preference between 2 vs. 4, or 3 vs. 6 visual objects. Results were mixed, with only partial evidence that infants may have transferred numerical information across modalities. Implications on 5-month-old infants’ ability to represent small and large numerosities in a single or in separate formats are discussed.  相似文献   

Cell transplantation is a potential therapeutic strategy for retinal degenerative diseases involving the loss of photoreceptors. However, it faces challenges to clinical translation due to safety concerns and a limited supply of cells. Human retinal progenitor cells (hRPCs) from fetal neural retina are expandable in vitro and maintain an undifferentiated state. This study aimed to investigate the therapeutic potential of hRPCs transplanted into a Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rat model of retinal degeneration. At 12 weeks, optokinetic response showed that hRPC-grafted eyes had significantly superior visual acuity compared with vehicle-treated eyes. Histological evaluation of outer nuclear layer (ONL) characteristics such as ONL thickness, spread distance, and cell count demonstrated a significantly greater preservation of the ONL in hRPC-treated eyes compared with both vehicle-treated and control eyes. The transplanted hRPCs arrested visual decline over time in the RCS rat and rescued retinal morphology, demonstrating their potential as a therapy for retinal diseases. We suggest that the preservation of visual acuity was likely achieved through host photoreceptor rescue. We found that hRPC transplantation into the subretinal space of RCS rats was well tolerated, with no adverse effects such as tumor formation noted at 12 weeks after treatment.  相似文献   

Human and monkey performance on discriminating tactile gratings revealed comparable cross-species Weber functions. Neural data obtained while monkeys performed discriminations revealed some matching of neural and psychometric functions. Nearly constant firing rate differences occurred at discrimination threshold for unequal groove widths. Firing rate differences of some cells decreased on trials preceding discrimination errors, and thus predicted performance.  相似文献   

We studied conspecific host discrimination and oviposition behavior of Diaschasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), in third instar Anastrepha ludens (Loew) under laboratory conditions. The complete process of oviposition in D. longicaudata required an average of 29±11.7 s (Mean±SE), during which time the female remained completely immobile. This contrasts with attempts to oviposit for lesser durations (2-4 s), during which the female constantly moved her antennae and abdomen. In order to determine the host discrimination ability of this species (i.e., the capacity to distinguish between parasitized and non-parasitized hosts), third-instar A. ludens non-parasitized or parasitized 24 h earlier, were exposed simultaneously to individual female wasps with or without previous oviposition experience. An identical test was performed using larvae parasitized 48 h earlier. Both types of females showed a similar behavioral pattern of oviposition, but with significant differences in the number of eggs laid in parasitized and non-parasitized larvae. Experienced females showed reduced incidence of oviposition in parasitized larvae as well as a greater number of probes that did not lead to parasitism (rejection), although this difference was only significant in the 24-h test. This suggests that the host discrimination capacity of this parasitoid is innate and that previous oviposition experience increases the discrimination ability of females.  相似文献   

The efficiency of the human visual system during the observation of motionless test objects with additive dynamic Gaussian quasi-white noise was studied. It was found that the relationship between the duration of presentation of the object and the efficiency in presence of dynamic noise has a maximum at 20 ms. The presence of this maximum is explained by the simultaneous effects of two factors: (1) the limited duration of accumulation of visual memory and (2) the time necessary to develop decision-making thresholds during recognition. It was also shown that absence of prior information about the position of the target object reduces the efficiency more than absence of prior information about the time of its appearance.  相似文献   

The well-known Q coefficient of association defined by YULE (1900) for two attributes is generalized from first-order association Q to second-order association Q for three attributes and to higher-order Q's for more than three attributes (or binary variables). Q analysis of t binary variables is shown to be a suitable means for describing simple (quasi-parametric) or complex (multi-nonparametric) relationships in a t-dimensional contingency cube. A biometrical example is given using clinical data.  相似文献   

影响人眼视觉质量的光学因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人眼作为一种光学器官,存在着一些光学缺陷,从物理学的角度分析了小瞳孔的衍射效应、眼球光学系统的像差、瞳孔尺寸、照明度和光学散射等对人眼视觉质量的影响。重点分析了由眼球的屈光介质引入的光学像差对人眼视觉质量的影响。  相似文献   

The cognitive and neural mechanisms for recognizing and categorizing behavior are not well understood in non-human animals. In the current experiments, pigeons and humans learned to categorize two non-repeating, complex human behaviors (“martial arts” vs. “Indian dance”). Using multiple video exemplars of a digital human model, pigeons discriminated these behaviors in a go/no-go task and humans in a choice task. Experiment 1 found that pigeons already experienced with discriminating the locomotive actions of digital animals acquired the discrimination more rapidly when action information was available than when only pose information was available. Experiments 2 and 3 found this same dynamic superiority effect with naïve pigeons and human participants. Both species used the same combination of immediately available static pose information and more slowly perceived dynamic action cues to discriminate the behavioral categories. Theories based on generalized visual mechanisms, as opposed to embodied, species-specific action networks, offer a parsimonious account of how these different animals recognize behavior across and within species.  相似文献   

We studied five chemically distinct but related 1,3,5-triazine antifolates with regard to their effects on growth of a set of mutants in dihydrofolate reductase. The mutants comprise a combinatorially complete data set of all 16 possible combinations of four amino acid replacements associated with resistance to pyrimethamine in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Pyrimethamine was a mainstay medication for malaria for many years, and it is still in use in intermittent treatment during pregnancy or as a partner drug in artemisinin combination therapy. Our goal was to investigate the extent to which the alleles yield similar adaptive topographies and patterns of epistasis across chemically related drugs. We find that the adaptive topographies are indeed similar with the same or closely related alleles being fixed in computer simulations of stepwise evolution. For all but one of the drugs the topography features at least one suboptimal fitness peak. Our data are consistent with earlier results indicating that third order and higher epistatic interactions appear to contribute only modestly to the overall adaptive topography, and they are largely conserved. In regard to drug development, our data suggest that higher-order interactions are likely to be of little value as an advisory tool in the choice of lead compounds.  相似文献   

Detection of athletes who use synthetic human growth hormone (hGH; or somatotropin) to enhance physical strength and obtain an advantage in competitive sports is a formidable problem, as rhGH is virtually identical to the natural pituitary hormone. However, some post-translational and other modifications have been documented by chromatographic separation and mass spectrometry (MS) in a small percentage of rhGH. In the present work, development of DNA aptamers against research-grade rhGH and natural hGH with adsorption of the rhGH aptamers against natural hGH was shown to produce a small family of aptamer sequences that bound consistently with greater affinity to rhGH over a low nanogram-to-microgram range in ELISA-like microplate assays. This collection of rhGH discriminatory aptamer sequences shared some short sequence segments and secondary structural features. The top rhGH discriminatory aptamers also appeared to cross-react with human myoglobin and BSA but not with bone collagen peptides and an unrelated viral envelope peptide. The cross-reactivity results suggested several strings of up to five consecutive amino acids that might serve as common epitopes for aptamer binding. SDS-PAGE revealed that the rhGH existed largely as a 45-kDa dimer, and the natural hGH was almost exclusively monomeric. The existence of the rhGH dimer suggests that a discontinuous “bridge” epitope may exist on the rhGH, which spans the subunits, thereby accounting somewhat for the difference in detection. Overall, these results suggest that aptamers might be useful for routine, presumptive laboratory screening to identify athletes who are potentially cheating by administration of rhGH.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying olfactory predator identification may be relatively experience‐independent, or it may rely on specific experience with predators. A mechanism by which prey might identify novel predators relies on the inevitable creation of sulfurous metabolites that are then excreted in the urine of carnivorous mammals. We tested whether free‐living, yellow‐bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) and mid‐sized herbivores that fall prey to a variety of carnivorous mammals could discriminate herbivore (elk—Cervus elephas) urine from predator (red fox—Vulpes vulpes, coyote—Canis latrans, mountain lion—Felis concolor, wolf—Canis lupus) urine, a novel herbivore (moose—Alces alces), and a distilled water control. We further asked how specific this assessment was by testing whether marmots responded differently to predators representing different levels of risk and to familiar vs. unfamiliar predators. We found that marmots responded more to urine from coyotes (a familiar predator on adults), mountain lions (a potentially unfamiliar predator that could kill adults) and wolves (a locally extinct predator that could kill adults) than to elk urine (a non‐predator). Red fox (a predator that poses a risk only to recently emerged marmot pups) urine elicited a less substantial (but not significantly so) response than coyote urine. Marmots can identify predators, even novel ones, using olfactory cues, suggesting that experience with a specific predator is not required to identify potential threats.  相似文献   

The human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (pol γ) is nuclearly encoded and is solely responsible for the replication and repair of the mitochondrial genome. The progressive accumulation of mutations within the mitochondrial genome is thought to be related to aging, and mutations in the pol γ gene are responsible for numerous heritable disorders including progressive external opthalmoplegia, Alpers syndrome, and parkinsonism. Here we investigate the kinetic effect of H932Y, a mutation associated with opthalmoplegia. Mutations H932Y and H932A reduce the specificity constant governing correct nucleotide incorporation 150- and 70-fold, respectively, without significantly affecting fidelity of incorporation or the maximum rate of incorporation. However, this leads to only a 2-fold reduction in rate of incorporation at a physiological nucleotide concentration (∼100 μm). Surprisingly, incorporation of T:T or C:T mismatches catalyzed by either H932Y or H932A mutants was followed by slow pyrophosphate release (or fast pyrophosphate rebinding). Also, H932Y readily catalyzed incorporation of multiple mismatches, which may have a profound physiological impact over time. His-932 is thought to contact the β-phosphate of the incoming nucleotide, so it is perhaps surprising that H932Y appears to slow rather than accelerate pyrophosphate release.  相似文献   

The eye changes gaze continuously from one visual stimulus to another. Using a high speed camera to record eye and lens movements we demonstrate how the crystalline lens sustains an inertial oscillatory decay movement immediately after every change of gaze. This behavior fit precisely with the movement of a classical damped harmonic oscillator. The time course of the oscillations range from 50 to 60 msec with an oscillation frequency of around 20 Hz. That has dramatic implications on the image quality at the retina on the very short times (∼50 msec) that follow the movement. However, it is well known that our vision is nearly suppressed on those periods (post-saccadic suppression). Both phenomenon follow similar time courses and therefore might be synchronized to avoid the visual impairment.  相似文献   

α-Bungarotoxin Binding in House Fly Heads and Torpedo Electroplax   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Abstract: House fly heads contain a site that binds α-bungarotoxin with high affinity. It is present at about 23 pmol/g of heads and binds α-bungarotoxin (labeled with [3H]pyridoxamine phosphate) reversibly with a K d of 6 nM. The effects of 48 drugs have been compared on the α-bungarotoxin binding sites of house fly and Torpedo. The pharmacology of the house fly site is similar to that previously reported for neuronal α-bungarotoxin binding sites in both vertebrates and invertebrates and is distinguishable from that of the classic nicotinic neuromuscular acetylcholine receptor, as exemplified by that of Torpedo electroplax. Differences between the house fly site and Torpedo include higher affinities of the Torpedo receptor for decamethonium, hexamethonium, carbamylcholine, and acetyl-β-methylcholine, but lower affinities for nicotine, atropine, and dihydro-β-erythroidine.  相似文献   

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