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Moran DT 《Tissue & cell》1971,3(3):413-422
Electron-mictoscopic observations of the blood cells (Haemocytes) in the legs of the cockroach Blaberus discoidalis reveal three 'types' of cells distinguishable on the basis of fine structure. One type of cell contains numerous membrane-limited opaque bodies which may be lysosomes. A second type contains abundant digestive vacuoles and appears phagocytic. A third type, frequently encountered in rewlymoulted untanned animals but less often observed in mature adults, contains membrane-limited tubule-containing bodies (TCB) filled with rows of 340 A tubules which are quite different from cytoplasmic microtubules. It is suggested that haemocytes containing TCB may be equivalent to the coagulocytes (cystocytes) of light microscopy which actively participate-in-the process of haemolymph coagulation in Orthoptera. No attempt whatsoever is made at classification. Since considerable overlap in fine structure exists between cell types, it seems probable that the electron-images of fixed cells observed in this study represent several morphological expressions of which an individual cell may be capable during its lifetime.  相似文献   

The bovine subcommissural organ was studied by using scanning electron microscopy. The most prominent findings was the existence of protruded and dilated endings of the ependymal cells. The majority of these cells were ciliated with two or more cilia; only a few unciliated cells were seen. Some pore-like structures were also seen on the surface. From the functional point of view, the most interesting finding was an amorphous heterogeneous material on the subcommissural ependyma. Especially in the caudal part of the organ this material accumulated in abundance. No real filamentous structures such as Reissner's fibre could be seen, however, it was assumed that the heterogeneous material corresponds to this formation. No supraependymal neurones were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summary The four main parts of the glowworm light organ are the cuticle, the hypodermis, the photocyte layer and the reflector cell layer. The hypodermis is one cell thick and it contains hypodermic glands. These glandular cells have a lumen that opens to the outside of the cuticle. Projecting into the lumen are numerous microvilli. Between the hypodermis and photocytes are typical insect tunicated nerve fibres. They pass down between the photocyte and reflector layer cells. They do not appear to innervate the photocytes and they are thought to innervate adjacent muscle fibres or to be sensory. Tracheoles are commonly present between the photocytes but no tracheolar end organs are found. The photocytes contain amorphous granules, mitochondria, photocyte granules and a vesiculated reticulum. All, except the mitochondria, are absent from the reflector layer and so probably have some connection with light production. The reflector layer contains glycogen granules, clear spaces thought to be the sites of urate crystals, and membranous granules. The latter granules are sometimes found in photocytes adjacent to the reflector layer whilst amorphous granules are sometimes absent from these adjacent cells. So a cell layer with some features of the photocyte and reflector layer cells is present. These morphological findings are discussed with regard to the unknown function of the reflector layer and the control of light emission. Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Professor J. Z. Young and Dr. E. G. Gray for their advice and encouragement, Mrs. Jane, Astafiev for drawing fig. 1, Mr. S. Waterman for photographic assistance, Miss Cheryl Martin for secretarial assistance, and many colleagues for help in collecting specimens of glowworms.  相似文献   

In a recent study on the honeybee (Apis mellifera), the subgenual organ was observed moving inside the leg during sinusoidal vibrations of the leg (Kilpinen and Storm 1997). The subgenual organ of the honeybee is suspended in a haemolymph channel in the tibia of each leg. When the leg accelerates, the inertia causes the haemolymph and the subgenual organ to lag behind the movement of the rest of the leg. To elucidate the biophysics of the subgenual organ system of the honeybee, two mathematical models to simulate the experimentally observed mechanical response are considered. The models are a classical mass-spring model and a newly developed tube model consisting of an open-ended, fluid-filled tube occluded by an elastic structure midway. Both models suggest that the subgenual organ included in the haemolymph channel resembles that of an overdamped system. In resembling the biophysics of the subgenual organ system in the honeybee, we consider the tube model to be the better of the two because it simulates a mechanical response which complies best with the experimental data, and the physical parameters in the model can be related to the␣constituent parts of the subgenual organ included in the haemolymph channel. Received: 25 July 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 8 December 1997  相似文献   

Functional morphology of the subgenual organ of the carpenter ant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Menzel JG  Tautz J 《Tissue & cell》1994,26(5):735-746
Using light microscopy, confocal microscopy, electron microscopy and histochemistry, the subgenual organ (SGO) of an ant, Camponutas ligniperda, is investigated. Sensory units and attachment cells together enclose a large extracellular cavity, which is filled by acid mucopolysaccharides, as revealed by staining with ruthenium red. Due to this cavity, the whole SGO has the shape of a deformed sphere and the scolopidia exhibit a distribution of angles between 0 degrees and 60 degrees with the tibial long axis (as is shown by phalloidin-rhodamin staining of the actin filaments of the scolopale, viewed in situ by laser scanning confocal microscopy). The subgenual organ is innervated by a branch of the tibial nerve, which splits within or shortly distal to the femur-tibia joint. The other features of the SGO of Camponotus ligniperda are similar as in other insects: the SGO of Camponotus ligniperda contains about 35 scolopidial sensilla; it is fixed to the subgenual nerve on its proximal end, by its attachment cells to the opposite part of the cuticle; the fixation by the attachment cells is accomplished by a vast quantity of cytoplasmic microtubules; the construction of the sensory units is the same as in other mononematic scolopidial organs. The role of the extracellular lumen inside the organ and the special shape of the SGO of Camponotus ligniperda in mechanical transmission is discussed.  相似文献   

东亚飞蝗膝下器的具橛感器主要由三类细胞组成.即:感觉细胞、感橛细胞和冠细胞。感觉细胞为具橛感器的主要结构和功能细胞,其超微结构已在其他的文章中描述。感橛细胞是具橛感器的主要支持细胞,从近端到远端依次与神经胶质细胞、感觉细胞的远端树突部分和感觉纤毛部以及顶端细胞外结构——冠、冠细胞直接接触.感橛细胞内最明显的结构为感概,另外,感橛细胞质被高度“空化”。冠细胞紧密包围着感橛细胞和冠,冠细胞中含有大量的纵行微管.并将整个具橛感器连接到体壁上。  相似文献   

The subgenual organ of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) is suspended in a haemolymph channel in the tibia of each leg. When the leg is accelerated, inertia causes the haemolymph (and the subgenual organ) to lag behind the movement of the rest of the leg. The magnitude of this phase lag determines the displacement of the subgenual organ relative to the leg and to the proximal end of the organ, which is connected to the cuticle. Oscillations of the subgenual organ are visualised during vibration stimulation of the leg, by means of stroboscopic light. Video analysis provides fairly accurate values of the amplitude and phase of the oscillations, which are compared with the predictions of a model.   The model comparison shows that the haemolymph channel can be described as an oscillating fluid-filled tube occluded by an elastic structure (probably the subgenual organ). The mechanical properties of the subgenual organ and haemolymph channel resemble those of an overdamped mass-spring system. A comparison of the threshold curve of the subgenual organ determined using electrophysiology with that predicted by the oscillating tube model suggests that the sensory cells respond to displacements of the organ relative to the leg. Accepted: 10 May 1997  相似文献   

Detailed procedures are presented for denervation of the American cockroach heart, Periplaneta americana L., by removal of the lateral cardiac nerve cords. Results of bioassay with the innervated heart are also presented and compared to responses obtained from identical assay conditions with the denervated heart.The response of the innervated heart to 10-3 M sodium azide, slight changes in the concentration of sodium ion, reduced glutathione, saline dilutions, and low amounts of ethanol and acetone was characterized by the immediate appearance of irregularities in the heartbeat. In contrast, the responses of the denervated heart to the first three of these compounds were always characterized by a smooth even heartbeat changing gradually in amplitude and/or rate and/or contractile state of the alary muscles. All assay conditions examined caused qualitatively less response in the beat of the denervated heart.Irregularities in the beat of the innervated heart which were induced in bioassay were found to be due to extreme sensitivity of the spontaneously active cardiac neurons.
Zusammenfassung Das isolierte abdominale Herz von Periplaneta americana L. reagiert auf Durchspülung mit 10-3 Mol Natriumazid in physiologischer Kochsalzlösung mit einem unmittelbaren Anstieg des Tonus bis zu fast systolischer Hemmung. Danach verringert das Herz den Tonus allmählich, schlägt unregelmäßig und tritt in eine kurze Periode diastolischer Pause ein, bevor es in Diastole stehen bleibt. Die Herzschlagaktivität wurde wieder aufgenommen, wenn das Natriumazid durch Spülung mit physiologischer Kochsalzlösung ersetzt wird.Nach Entfernung beider Paare der Herzseitennerven gab das Herz von P. americana auf Bespülung mit 10-3 Mol Natriumazid in physiologischer Kochsalzlösung keine Initialreaktion. Statt dessen stieg der Herzschlag nach 2 min allmählich leicht an und die Herzschlagamplitude nahm im Verlaufe von 6 min sehr allmählich ab. Nach 6 min blieb das Herz in Diastole stehen.Die Herzreaktionen der amerikanischen Küchenschabe waren bei Auftropf-Tests mit anormaler Natriumchloridkonzentration, herabgesetztem Glutathion und Lösungsmitteln ähnlich den für Natriumazid beschriebenen. Die Reaktion des denervierten Herzens ist durch das Fehlen von Unregelmäßigkeiten im Herzschlagmuster gekennzeichnet.Sowohl das denervierte wie das innervierte Herz reagieren auf Testtropfen von nur etwas anormalen Calciumchloridkonzentrationen.

Supported by USPHS Training grant PHS GM 1076.  相似文献   

Light organ fine structure in certain Asiatic fireflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Devetak D  Pabst MA 《Tissue & cell》1994,26(2):249-257
REM and TEM studies of the subgenual organ in Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) show that it is composed of three scolopidia, each with one sensory, one scolopale and one cap cell. The distal part of the dendrite shows a cilium with a '9 + 0' structure. The cross-handing pattern of the ciliary root has a periodicity of bands of about 61 nm. The scolopale material in a certain part of the scolopale cell is organized into five rods. The cell bodies of all three cap cells form a lens-like structure. the velum, which is fixed to the leg wall and the trachea with an extracellular material. The importance of the velum is discussed. Four types of intercellular junction are found; spot desmosomes. belt desmosomes, septate junctions and gap junctions.  相似文献   

D G Emery 《Tissue & cell》1975,7(2):357-367
The olfactory organ of the squid has a thick, pseudostratified epithelium containing five morphological types of ciliated receptors. In the simplest receptors the cilia originate separately in the distal pole of the cell. All other receptors have some type of cilia filled cavity, varying from a simple pocket of cilia at the surface to a completely closed vesicle filled with cilia in cells deep in the epithelium. The receptors are compared to cells in the rhinophore of Nautilus and the olfactory organs of coleoid cephalopods. Possible functions of the olfactory organ, based on its morphology, are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A formation of specialized ependymal cells in the posterior mesencephalon of the domestic fowl, designated as the subtrochlear organ, was examined with light-,scanning-and transmission electron microscopy. This organ possessing the form of the letter V is located in the ventricular wall of the posterior mesencephalon. Its apex marks the median sulcus, while the arms of the V are directed rostrolaterally. Ependymal cells lining the subtrochlear organ usually project an extremely elongated process into the subependymal region and are classified into three types according to their surface features: (1) cells with a bulbshaped protrusion that projects into the ventricle, (2) single cilium-bearing cells, and (3) cells with a tuft of cilia. The first type of cell is restricted to the median portion of the subtrochlear organ; its bulb-shaped protrusion contains numerous ribosomes. The second type of cell predominates in the arm (rostrolateral) area; in its apical cytoplasm such ciliary structures as basal body are rarely seen. The third type of cell is usually assembled into several small islands on the arm area; it has many basal bodies and other ciliary structures in the apical cytoplasm.  相似文献   

东亚飞蝗滕下器由具橛感器组成,每一具橛感器主要由三类细胞组成,即:感觉细胞、感橛细胞和冠细胞。感觉细胞位于最近端.细胞核圆且大,细胞质内含有丰富的线粒体、高尔基体、多泡小体等细胞器。感觉细胞向近端发出轴突进入中枢神经系统,向远端发出树突。树突内古有大量的线粒体、纵行微管,树突内最复杂的结构当属纤毛根,从近端到远端依次由远端基体、近端基体、主纤毛根和纤毛小报组成。树突顶端,由远端基体发出一条感觉纤毛,纤毛具有典型的“9 0”结构。主纤毛根和纤毛小根具有明暗相间横纹结构,两横纹间的间隔距离约为65nm。感觉纤毛穿过由感橛细胞形成的感橛空隙,末端进入一高电于密度的顶端细胞外结构——帽。感橛细胞内最明显的特征为具有感橛,感橛细胞围绕着远端树突和感觉纤毛部分,冠细胞紧密地包围着感橛细胞和帽。东亚飞蝗膝下器中同时古有一或两个感觉细胞的具橛感器,这在以往研究报道中是较为少见的。本研究的主要目的在于为以后对此器官的生理功能研究提供形态学的基础材料。  相似文献   

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