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1. Novel hosts present phytophagous insects with nutritional challenges which can cause host‐associated divergence. 2. The performance of the Bog gum‐Victorian metapopulation of Ctenarytaina bipartita Burckhardt et al. (Psylloidea:Aphalaridae), a psyllid whose range is being expanded by tree planting, on five species and genotypes of Eucalyptus endemic to south‐eastern Australia was quantified. Settling of females on two non‐hosts was also tested. 3. Female C. bipartita exhibited significant host‐associated plasticity in proctiger length (the body part used for oviposition into apical buds). Psyllids with longer wings and proctigers arose from a primary host. Fecundity varied significantly among hosts and was highest on a novel host. Hosts did not differ significantly in free amino acids (FAAs) but did differ in concentrations of essential amino acids (EAAs). However, nymphs did not differ significantly in EAAs. Surprisingly, fecundity was not related to total FAAs, availability of EAAs or concentrations of EAAs but was related to concentrations of four non‐EAAs. Mean fecundity per host was also positively related to the relative abundance of galloyl groups (associated with hydrolysable tannins). 4. Leaf age was more important to settling than eucalypt species; females settled on young leaves but this response was not related to leaf water content. 5. Planting the rare Eucalyptus kitsoniana in new habitats will expand the range of Bog gum‐Victorian C. bipartita and provide a bridge for the colonisation of novel eucalypts with buds suitable for oviposition. Host expansion by this metapopulation is not constrained by nutritional quality and may result in morphological divergence.  相似文献   

本文探讨了加拿利海枣Phoenix canariensis、 棕榈Trachycarpus fortunei、 刺葵Phoenix hanceana和蒲葵Livistona chinensis)4种寄主植物对水椰八角铁甲Octodonta nipae (Maulik)取食和产卵的影响, 并分析了寄主植物叶片中影响该虫取食量、 产卵量的主要营养成分。结果表明: 水椰八角铁甲对上述4种寄主的选择有显著差异, 偏好加拿利海枣和棕榈, 而对蒲葵的选择性最差。4种寄主植物叶片中主要营养成分含量差异显著(粗脂肪: F3,8=153.508, P=0.000; 可溶性糖: F3,8=56.922,P=0.000; 可溶性蛋白: F3,8=150.309, P=0.000; 游离氨基酸: F3,8=41.278, P=0.000), 其中加拿利海枣中可溶性糖、 可溶性蛋白和游离氨基酸含量均较高, 分别为1.13%, 1.05%和19.50%; 蒲葵中粗脂肪含量较高, 为7.04%, 其余3种营养成分含量均较低。主成分分析表明游离氨基酸、 可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白是影响水椰八角铁甲取食、 产卵的主要因素, 与取食量和产卵量均显著相关, 贡献率分别为56.1%, 26.7%和13.7%。该研究对于分析水椰八角铁甲的寄主适应性变异及其机理等均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文对甘蔗赭色鸟喙象OtidognathusrubricepsChevrolat在甘蔗、玉米、竹子和类芦上的取食、发育和繁殖作了比较研究。结果表明 :成虫趋向取食甘蔗、在甘蔗上产卵 ;每雌产卵量、产卵历期、成虫寿命和卵孵化率以甘蔗为最高、最长 ,然后依次为类芦、玉米、竹子。甘蔗最有利于该虫的取食、发育和繁殖。  相似文献   

研究斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura幼虫取食4种植物后对马尼拉侧沟茧蜂Microplitis manilae生长发育和繁殖的影响,为利用该蜂开展斜纹夜蛾的生物防治提供理论依据。在人工气候箱内(26℃±1℃、RH 65%±5%、L∶D=12∶12)研究了斜纹夜蛾取食豇豆Vigna unguiculata、芋艿Colocasia esculenta、烟草Nicotiana tabacum和芥蓝Brassica alboglabra 4种植物对马尼拉侧沟茧蜂的生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明:马尼拉侧沟茧蜂寄生取食豇豆的夜蛾幼虫,其幼虫期最短,化蛹率、羽化率和累计存活率最高,性比最低,寿命最长;寄生取食烟草的夜蛾幼虫,其幼虫期最长,化蛹率、羽化率和累计存活率最低,蛹重最轻,蛹期最长;从取食芥蓝的斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内育出的雌蜂产卵量最高,但成蜂寿命最短;斜纹夜蛾取食4种植物对雌蜂个体大小无显著影响,但取食烟草的夜蛾幼虫体内育出的雄蜂个体最小。马尼拉侧沟茧蜂寄生取食不同植物的斜纹夜蛾幼虫,马尼拉侧沟茧蜂的发育和繁殖存在显著差异。  相似文献   

不同寄主植物上马铃薯甲虫种群生长发育的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)是马铃薯Solanum tuberosum等茄科作物上的一种毁灭性害虫。为了探明寄主植物对新疆马铃薯甲虫种群生长发育的影响, 本研究通过非选择性试验测定了马铃薯、 茄子Solanum melongena和番茄Lycopersicon esculentum 3种栽培寄主及野生寄主中亚天仙子Hyoscyamus pusillus对马铃薯甲虫种群生长发育、 存活、 繁殖及生命表参数的影响。结果表明: 马铃薯甲虫幼虫虽然能够取食番茄, 但幼虫的发育历期长、 存活率低且蛹不能羽化, 表明番茄不是新疆马铃薯甲虫种群的适宜寄主。马铃薯、 茄子、 中亚天仙子3种寄主植物对该虫卵、 幼虫、 蛹的存活率和发育历期及成虫产卵前期没有显著影响, 但对蛹重和繁殖力影响显著。取食不同寄主植物后, 该虫蛹重和繁殖力从大到小的次序为: 马铃薯>茄子>中亚天仙子; 种群的净增殖率(R0)、 内禀增长率(rm)和种群趋势指数(I)从大到小依次为: 马铃薯>茄子>中亚天仙子。因此马铃薯为新疆马铃薯甲虫种群的最适宜寄主, 其次为茄子和中亚天仙子, 而番茄为不适宜寄主。  相似文献   

烟粉虱对不同寄主植物的选择性和适应性测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了明确在田间烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)对不同寄主植物选择性和适应性,本实验在室内用Y型嗅觉仪测定了烟粉虱对13种寄主植物的选择性,随后对田间随机排列种植的这13种寄主植物依照测试结果由强到弱依次拔除(拔除次序为茄子、番茄、黄瓜、辣椒、棉花、茼麻、西葫芦、油菜、花菜、小青菜、莲花白、胡萝卜和苦瓜),每次拔除间隔时间为5 d,结果显示:田间第一次调查的结果与室内选择性测试结果一致;随着最适宜寄主的拔除,烟粉虱成虫数量在与其引诱力相近的一种或几种寄主上的略有增加,而其它植物上却没有大的变化,这表明随着最适宜寄主的拔除,烟粉虱成虫会重新分布,但趋向分布于引诱力相对较强的寄主植物;随着寄主植物的拔除,烟粉虱卵、若虫和蛹在引诱力较强的植株上均有所增加;但西葫芦拔除之后其余植株上烟粉虱卵、若虫和蛹的数量没有明显变化;小青菜拔除后,其余植株上烟粉虱卵、若虫和蛹的数量又有所增加。这表明随着最佳寄主的拔除,烟粉虱会趋向选择于引诱力相对较强的寄主植物产卵,当烟粉虱从嗜好性强的植物转移到嗜好性弱的植物时,产卵适应会滞后于取食适应。但整个实验过程中苦瓜上的烟粉虱上成虫、卵、若虫和蛹的数量均变化不大,苦瓜上的成虫应属偶然分布其上,烟粉虱成虫并不取食苦瓜,苦瓜对烟粉虱有趋避作用。本实验模拟田间种植模式,因此实验结果对田间种植具有指导意义。  相似文献   

取食经历对美洲斑潜蝇雌成虫寿命及生殖力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下 ,研究了取食经历对美洲斑潜蝇雌Liriomyzasativae成虫寿命和生殖力的影响。结果表明 ,幼虫期在黄瓜取食而成虫期在四季豆上取食时 ,其雌成虫寿命、总产卵量和日平均产卵量均明显小于幼虫期在长豇豆上取食而成虫期在四季豆上取食时 (P <0 0 1 ) ;当幼虫期同在长豇豆上取食时 ,成虫在黄瓜上取食时的雌成虫寿命、总产卵量和日平均产卵量均明显小于成虫在四季豆取食时 (P<0 0 5或P <0 0 1 )。这说明美洲斑潜蝇幼虫和成虫取食经历对其成虫寿命和生殖力均有显著的影响  相似文献   

寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾的发育和繁殖及体内酯酶活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在恒温(2 8±1 )℃条件下考察了葱、苋菜、豇豆、蕹菜、菜心5种寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾SpodopteraexiguaH櫣bner的营养效应及体内羧酸酯酶、乙?铛ッ富钚缘挠跋?,结果表明,不同寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾幼虫和蛹的发育历期、存活率、蛹重、雌成虫产卵量等有显著影响,其中对雌成虫产卵量的影响最大。雌成虫产卵量最高为取食菜心的处理,其次是取食葱的处理。寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾体内羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶活性也有显著影响,但这些酶的活性与发育历期、存活率、产卵量无明显相关性。在进行预测预报、田间防治时应充分考虑寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾发育历期、产卵量、解毒酶活性的影响。  相似文献   

为明确延迟交配对马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella的影响,在室内条件下,分别对初羽化未交配的马铃薯块茎蛾雌虫、雄虫及雌雄虫同时延迟1~5 d配对饲养,研究不同延迟交配处理对该虫产卵量、卵的孵化率及雌雄成虫寿命的影响.结果表明,从产卵量来看,分别将雄虫或雌虫延迟1~3 d交配对产卵量无显著影响,而...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Female Spodoptera exempta (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) moths require access to water to achieve hydration and maturation of their oocytes if they are to achieve their potential fecundity. For moths provided with water, the main factor limiting fecundity is moth weight. There is some evidence that sucrose in the adult diet can increase fecundity, particularly in lighter moths from a suboptimal larval feeding regime. Moths fed sucrose live longer, but complete oviposition at about the same age as moths provided only with water. Dietary protein and amino acids have no effect on fecundity or longevity. Although- multiple matings are frequent in the laboratory, female S.exempta only need to mate once to complete oviposition. Differences are apparent in the relative contribution of larval and adult feeding to reproduction in Noctuidae. Some species, like S.exempta , require only water to achieve their reproductive potential, while others (e.g. Heliothis spp.) are dependent on sugars in the adult diet. Female S.exempta denied access to water or food until night 3 after eclosion and then provided with water or sucrose, commence oviposition on night 4 and have fecundities comparable with those moths fed from emergence.  相似文献   

岳梅  罗晨  郭晓军  张芝利 《昆虫学报》2006,49(4):625-629
利用刺吸电波技术(EPG)记录了B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci在甘蓝Brassica oleracea L. var. caqitata、西葫芦Cucurbita pepo L.和辣椒Capsicum annuum L.上的刺吸取食波形。结果表明,3种寄主植物的适合度为甘蓝>西葫芦>辣椒。在所观察的25头烟粉虱中,到达甘蓝、西葫芦和辣椒韧皮部的个体数分别为24、19和15,其中持续吸食头数为22、10和1。在第一阶段(从刺吸开始到第一个E(pd)1出现),烟粉虱在甘蓝、西葫芦和辣椒3种植物上非刺探时间所占比例分别为9.59%、23.55%和36.97%,三者差异显著; 在第二阶段(从第一个E(pd)1出现到第一次韧皮部持续吸食),烟粉虱在甘蓝和西葫芦上所考察的4个指标无显著差异; 在第三阶段(从第一次韧皮部持续吸食至记录结束),烟粉虱在甘蓝上第一次韧皮部持续吸食后的刺探次数(4.73)显著低于在西葫芦上的刺探次数(13.40)。在自由状态下,烟粉虱60 min内在甘蓝、西葫芦和辣椒上留存粉虱的百分比分别为100%、88%和28%,这进一步验证了上述依据EPG记录得到的结果。  相似文献   

不同寄主植物对桃小食心虫生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探索寄主植物对桃小食心虫Carposina sasakii生长发育和繁殖的影响, 在室内温度23±1℃, 相对湿度80%±7%, 光周期15L∶9D条件下, 测定了桃小食心虫在杏Armeniaca vulgaris、 李Prunus salicina、 桃Amygdalus persica、 枣Ziziphus jujuba、 苹果Malus pumila和梨Pyrus sorotina上各发育阶段的历期、 存活率和/或产卵量, 并组建了桃小食心虫在各寄主植物上的生命表。结果表明: 桃小食心虫的生长发育和繁殖在不同寄主植物间存在显著差异。幼虫的发育历期以李为最短(12.48 d), 梨为最长(19.15 d); 整个幼虫期的存活率以李为最高(50.54%), 梨为最低(17.91%); 单雌平均产卵量以枣(214.50粒/雌)和桃(197.94粒/雌)最高。生命表分析结果表明, 净生殖率R0以枣(117.49)为最大, 平均世代周期T则以梨(41.31 d)和苹果(41.51 d)最长, 内禀增长率rm以李(0.1294)为最高, 其次为枣(0.1201)和杏(0.1128)。这些结果有助于深入了解该虫在不同寄主植物上的种群动态。  相似文献   

Laboratory studies with the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), feeding on seeds or fruits of some alternate host plants, demonstrated differences in nymphal survival and development time, and body weight at adult emergence. Lowest mortalities (25%) were observed for nymphs on fruits of dakota mustard [Brassica kaber (DC.)] and siberian motherwort (Leonurus sibiricus L.). On fruits of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) nymph mortality was ca. 60%, and on mature seeds of L. sibiricus ca. 75%. Total development time from second instar to adult ranged from ca. 26 days on B. kaber to ca. 42 days on R. communis. Fresh body weight at adult emergence was greatest for nymphs on L. sibiricus and lowest on R. communis. Adult survival after 30 days and mean longevity was greater on L. sibiricus than on the remaining foods, being drastically reduced on R. communis. In general, reproductive performance on all foods was similar, except R. communis, on which no female reproduced. Female weight gain of N. viridula was generally greater on L. sibiricus On R. communis, adults lost weight during their first week and showed the lowest weight gain at the end of day 29. Field observations coupled with these laboratory studies suggest that in the Warta area (northern Paraná state, Brazil, 23° 11 S), L. sibiricus and B. kaber are important alternate food plants in the seasonal phenology of N. viridula. R. communis, however, is of poor nutritional quality, serving primarily as a refuge.
Résumé L'alimentation au laboratoire de N. viridula avec les graines et les fruits de diverses plantes a entraîné différentes mortalités larvaires, différentes vitesses de développement et des différences dans les poids des adultes à l'émergence. Les mortalités les plus faibles (25%) on été observées avec les fruits de Brassica kaber DC. et de Leonurus sibiricus L.Avec les fruits de Ricinus communis L., la mortalité larvaire était de 60%; sur graines mûres de L. sibiricus, elle était de 75%. La durée du développement du second stade à l'adulte a varié de 26 jours sur B. kaber à 42 jours sur R. communis. Le poids frais des adultes à l'émergence était le plus élevé avec L. sibiricus et le plus faible avec de R. communis. La longévité des adultes au-delà de 30 jours était la plus élevée avec L. sibiricus, et était fortement réduite avec R. communis. Dans l'ensemble, la reproduction était de même importance avec les différents aliments, à l'exception de R. communis avec lequel les femelles ne se reproduisaient pas. Le gain de poids des femelles était généralement supérieur avec L. sibiricus; avec R. communis les adultes ont perdu du poids pendant la première semaine et ont présenté le plus faible gain à la fin du 29ème jour.Des observations dans la nature, associées à ces expériences de laboratoire, laissent supposer que dans la zone de Warta (au Nord de l'état de Paraná, 23° 11 S, au Bresil), L. sibiricus et B. kaber sont des plantes hôtes alternatives importantes dans la phénologie saisonnière de N. viridula. Cependant, R. communis, de faible valeur alimentaire, sert avant tout de refuge.

There is frequently a tradeoff between fecundity and longevity, but the relationship is inconsistent across species and influenced by various exogenous and endogenous factors. Previous studies of Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae) established that egg production is promoted by insemination, at least temporarily, but little is known about the long‐term effects of mating and nonsexual interactions with conspecifics on egg production and female lifespan. To elucidate these relationships, survivorship and oviposition rate were tracked daily in females that were isolated or paired with a fertile male or another female throughout their adult lives. Mating rates were determined by postmortem examination. Results indicate that male‐specific stimuli accelerate female reproductive maturation, and that mating elevates oviposition rate. However, females paired with either a female or male companion had shortened lifespans, suggesting that social contacts exact a significant cost in this solitary species. Despite the negative impact of conspecific interactions and the finding that a singly mated female has sufficient sperm to fertilize a lifetime supply of eggs, many females were found to have mated more than once. Multiply mated females had higher sustained oviposition rates, lived longer, and had greater lifetime fecundities. Collectively, no strong evidence was found of a direct physiological link between fecundity and longevity, but environmental factors and mating were found to significantly influence both traits.  相似文献   

龙眼荔枝卷叶蛾类寄主植物种类的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周忠实  邓国荣 《昆虫知识》2005,42(6):639-642
对广西龙眼荔枝卷叶蛾类寄主植物种类的初步考查结果表明,目前所采到的卷叶蛾种类中,它们的寄主范围不尽相同。柑桔褐带卷蛾Adoxophyes cyrtosema达15科31种;柑桔长卷蛾Homona coffearia和棉褐带卷蛾A.orana的寄主分别有14科21种和13科20种;后黄卷蛾Cacoecia asiatica和柑桔黄卷蛾Archips seminubibis的寄主有10科14种和8科13种;三角新小卷蛾Olethreutes leucaspis、圆角卷蛾Ebodocellerigera和斜斑小卷蛾Andrioplecta oxystaura,目前仅发现危害龙眼及荔枝。新发现柑桔长卷蛾可危害翠蜜枣、指天椒和皱果苋,柑桔黄卷蛾危害粪箕笃、苦丁茶、指天椒,柑桔褐带卷蛾可危害黑面神(Breyniafruticosa)。  相似文献   

Abstract  The seasonal fluctuation of lepidopteran cereal stemborers on maize and wild host plants (i.e., grasses and a few sedges) was investigated in southern Benin from 1988 to 1998 by time series analysis and repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). In addition, a walk-in light trap was used to study the flight behavior of adult moths. On both cereals and grasses, the noctuid Sesamia calamistis was the predominant species, followed by the pyralid Eldana saccharina . The noctuid Busseola fusca was rare on both maize and wild host plants. In general, pest populations increased during the course of the year to reach peak densities during the second short rainy season, and then crashed to close to zero during the dry season. On wild host plants, egg masses and other immature stages were collected throughout the year but they were higher on wild grasses than maize during the off-season. Thus wild host plants can be considered as refuge for both borers and natural enemies during the off-season, when maize is not available. However, only four out of the eleven wild host species played a discernable role. S. calamistis egg densities appeared to be influenced by density-dependent factors, suggesting an effect of natural enemies. Temperature and rainfall had a negative effect on egg abundance. Larval parasitism by a Kenyan strain of the braconid Cotesia sesamiae , which was released in southern Benin in the early 1990s, and by the tachinid Sturmiopsis parasitica varied between seasons and years but there were no discernable patterns. For both parasitoids and borer host species, parasitism was positively correlated with trap catches of adult moths. The recovery of C. sesamiae during a 2-year period suggests that the parasitoid has established its population in southern Benin.  相似文献   

Oocyte development, age at first reproduction, ovipositing activity and longevity were compared among three groups of Anoplophora malasiaca (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) female adults that were grown on an artificial diet and provided with mandarin orange (MO), blueberry (BB) and willow (WI) branches after adult emergence. The female adults that were fed with MO began to lay eggs earlier, produced more eggs and lived longer than those that were fed with BB or WI. None of the female adults that were fed with BB laid eggs. The BB‐fed female adults developed the lowest number of oocytes after one and three weeks of feeding. The female adults that were fed with WI and MO for one week developed similar numbers of oocytes. However, after three weeks the MO‐fed female adults developed significantly more oocytes than WI‐fed females. When female adults were first fed with MO for one week and then supplied with BB, subsequent ovarian development was strongly suppressed and the number of immature oocytes decreased. The results suggested that some immature oocytes degenerated. From these results it was concluded that MO was the most suitable adult host‐plant, followed by WI and BB. It is possible that adults that emerge from BB trees may shift their host‐plant during the adult stage in the field.  相似文献   

Aphid species can be polyphagous, feeding on multiple host plants across genera. As host plant species can have large variation in their phloem composition, this can affect aphid fitness and honeydew composition. Previous research showed significant intraspecific genotype variation in the composition of the honeydew carbohydrates of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae, with the ant attractant trisaccharide melezitose showing especially large variation across different genotypes. In this study, we test if variation in melezitose and carbohydrate composition of aphid honeydew could be linked to the adaptation of specific aphid genotypes to particular host plants. To this end, 4 high and 5 low melezitose secreting genotypes of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae were reared on 4 common host plants: broad bean, goosefoot, beet, and poppy. The carbohydrate composition, and in particular melezitose secretion, showed important aphid genotype and host plant interactions, with some genotypes being high melezitose secreting on 1 host plant but not on another. However, the interaction effects were not paralleled in the fitness measurements, even though there were significant differences in the average fitness across the different host plants. On the whole, this study demonstrates that aphid honeydew composition is influenced by complex herbivore–plant interactions. We discuss the relevance of these findings in the context of ant–aphid mutualisms and adaptive specialization in aphids.  相似文献   

1 The fecundity, longevity and establishment of Otiorhynchus sulcatus and Otiorhynchus ovatus from the Pacific North‐west U.S.A. was studied on five selected host plants: Picea abies‘Nidiformis’, Picea glauca‘Conica’, Taxus baccata, Rhododendron catawbiense‘Boursault’ and Fragaria×ananassa‘Totem’. 2 Teneral adults were used to study adult longevity and reproductive success. Leaves of these host plants were used for sustenance for 9 months. Larval establishment was studied by infesting potted host plants with eggs. 3 Fragaria×ananassa‘Totem’ produced the longest survival, shortest preoviposition time, the greatest number of eggs, and the highest fertility for adults of both species. Picea spp. were not good adult hosts for O. sulcatus. Taxus was a good adult host for O. sulcatus, but was a nonhost for adults and larvae of O. ovatus. 4 Adult hosts did not affect preoviposition time or egg viability with O. ovatus adults. With O. sulcatus, preoviposition time was greatly increased and egg viability was < 50% on Picea spp. 5 The best larval host was F.×ananassa‘Totem’ for O. sulcatus and P. glauca‘Conica’ for O. ovatus. Rhododendron was a poor larval host for both species. 6 When all of the studies on these two pests are considered, O. sulcatus appears to have varying host preferences from among its many geographical areas of occurrence whereas O. ovatus has a more universal host selection.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the differences between sunflower and climbing hempweed leaves for development, fecundity and egg hatchability of Diacrisia casignetum Kollar. Developmental time and weight gains of sunflower-fed larvae were respectively longer and greater than those of hempweed-fed ones. The development time and weight gain, attributable to differences in host plants, were statistically heterogeneous (P<0.05-<0.10). Relative fecundity and egg hatchability of sunflower reared insects were greater than those of hempweed reared ones, and these were also statistically heterogeneous (P<0.1 and <0.05, respectively). Hempweed leaves contained relatively high titres of phenols and low ratios of proteins to phenols. Ovaries were heavier in insects reared on sunflower than on hempweed, whereas the level of phenols incorporated into the ovary was higher in insects fed on hempweed than those on sunflower. The differences in these parameters may be due to variations in nutritional quality of these hosts and incorporation of ingested phenolic materials to ovary and insect biomass.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur l'évaluation de l'influence des feuilles de tournesol (Helianthus annuus) et de Mikana cordata sur le développement, la fécondité et l'éclosion des oeufs de D. casignetum Kollaz. La durée de développement et le gain de poids sur tournesol étaient plus importants que sur M. cordata. La durée de développement était statistiquement hétérogène (P<0.05), ce qui peut être dû à des différences entre plantes. La fécondité et le taux d'éclosion chez les insectes élevés sur tournesol étaient plus élevés que ceux observés sur M. cordata, dont les résultats étaient aussi hétérogènes (P<0.1 et<0.05 respectivement). Les feuilles de M. cordata contenaient des taux relativement élevés de phénols et des rapports protéines sur phénols bas. Tout ceci suggère que les différences observées sont attribuables à des variations dans la qualité nutritive de ces hôtes et dans l'incorporation à la biomasse de l'insecte de matériaux phénologiques ingérés.

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