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冠斑犀鸟(Anthracoceros albirostris albirostris)属于国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物,并且是亚洲热带地区重要的种子传播者.冠斑犀鸟在20世纪70年代以前曾广布广西西南部中越边境地区,但其分布范围持续萎缩,2000年以后只残存于3个孤立的分布点,而西大明山林区一直是冠斑犀鸟的主要分布点.为了解此物种在广西的最新分布状况,我们于2009年在广西西大明山自然保护区首次进行了冠斑犀鸟的同步调查,同时调查了当地犀鸟可利用的植物资源.结果显示至少有50只冠斑犀鸟在当地栖息,是广西目前最大的种群,但数量明显呈下降趋势.本文记录了124种犀鸟可潜在利用的植物,探讨了广西犀鸟面临的威胁,并呼吁国家有关部门和科学界加强对中国犀鸟保育研究的关注.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic variability of blood proteins coding for up to 32 genetic loci was analyzed in 108 squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus, Saimiri boliviensis, hybrids) from two captive colonies. Twelve polymorphic loci with 31 alleles are reported. The biallelic Ada* locus, G-statistics and Hardy-Weinberg genotype equilibria are useful for recognizing hybrids between S. sciureus and S. boliviensis. Backcrosses in hybrid stocks and gene flow in a natural hybrid belt, however, complicate the taxonomic diagnosis of captive specimens: S. sciureus phenotypes imported from Peru possessed the allele Ada*132, which generally characterizes S. boliviensis (or species hybrids). The complex taxonomy of Saimiri spp. Requires careful planning of captive breeding. We suggest a genetic analysis of the founder individuals before their inclusion in the European studbook population and to breed S. sciureus from Guyana separately from Peruvian imports, because the latter bear a greater risk of being taxonomically heterogeneous. Zoo Biol 17:95–109, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reillo PR  Durand S  Burton M 《Zoo biology》2011,30(3):328-341
We describe the rearing and development of the first imperial parrot (Amazona imperialis) hatched and raised in captivity. A single egg was hen-incubated for 28 days, and the chick was parent-fed for ~14 days, after which it was removed for hand-rearing. Similar to wild, parent-reared imperial nestlings, the chick developed fully within 12 weeks, weaning at 540 g body weight. Endangered and endemic to Dominica, the imperial is a vital flagship for oceanic rainforest conservation. Chronicling the neonatal development of A. imperialis helps illuminate the natural history of this enigmatic species, whose secretive nesting habits and low population density have frustrated a detailed understanding of its ecology and reproduction.  相似文献   

An important component of the restoration strategy for the critically endangered kaki or black stilt (Himantopus novaezelandiae) is captive breeding for release. Since 1981 1,879 eggs were collected from wild and captive pairs, with birds laying up to four clutches. Eggs were incubated artificially and most chicks reared by hand until released as juveniles (about 60 days) or sub‐adults (9–10 months). Because survival in captivity is a significant determinant of the number of birds available for release, we wished to identify sources of variation in mortality to assess potential impacts of management on productivity. Hatchability was 78% for captive‐laid eggs and 91% for wild‐laid eggs. Survival of hatched eggs was 82% by 10 months of age for both wild and captive birds. Most egg mortality occurred early in incubation and around hatching: the timing of mortality was unaffected by whether birds were captive or wild, hybrid or pure kaki, or when eggs were laid. Heavier hatchlings showed higher initial survival, as did chicks from wild parents. Hatchlings from fourth‐laid eggs showed lowest survival, even though hatchling mass tended to increase with hatch order. Survival of chicks subjected to major health interventions was 69% after 4 months. No differences in survival were found between different genders, hybrids and pure kaki, hand‐reared or parent‐reared birds, chicks hatching early or late in the season, different seasons, different‐sized groups of chicks, chicks reared in different brooders, juveniles kept in different aviaries, and chicks from subsequent clutches. Birds subjected to minor health interventions were equally likely to survive as healthy chicks (82%). Survival was high despite aggressive management (quadruple clutching and collecting late in the season). Differences between captive and wild birds suggest further improvements could be made to captive diet. Wide variation in hatchability between parent pairs substantiates the practice of breaking up poorly performing pairs. Zoo Biol 0:1–16, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pangolins are unique placental mammals with eight species existing in the world, which have adapted to a highly specialized diet of ants and termites, and are of significance in the control of forest termite disaster. Besides their ecological value, pangolins are extremely important economic animals with the value as medicine and food. At present, illegal hunting and habitat destruction have drastically decreased the wild population of pangolins, pushing them to the edge of extinction. Captive breeding is an important way to protect these species, but because of pangolin’s specialized behaviors and high dependence on natural ecosystem, there still exist many technical barriers to successful captive breeding programs. In this paper, based on the literatures and our practical experience, we reviewed the status and existing problems in captive breeding of pangolins, including four aspects, the naturalistic habitat, dietary husbandry, reproduction and disease control. Some recommendations are presented for effective captive breeding and protection of pangolins.  相似文献   

In this study, the growth rates of a group of Galapagos giant tortoises raised in their natural habitat at the Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS; Galapagos Islands, Ecuador) and a group of captive‐bred specimens (Zoo Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland) were compared for the first time. A great discrepancy in growth rates was observed after the first year. When the animals were 4 years old, the carapace in the Zurich specimens was approximately twice as long as that in the CDRS tortoises, and the Zurich animals weighed approximately 10 times more than the CDRS animals. The zoo diet was modified by a reduction in nutrients and an increase in fiber to produce a more natural growth rate. Zoo Biol 23:177‐183, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of ex situ conservation work for Orthoptera is demonstrated by examples of two captive-breeding programmes at the Zoological Society of London. The field cricket Gryllus campestris and wart-biter bush cricket Decticus verrucivorus are both species that have been bred in captivity and reintroduced to field sites in attempts to strengthen dwindling wild populations. Despite a similar approach to both programmes, we have encountered significant differences in the practical applications of the captive management process for the two species. By reviewing these breeding programmes, we examine some of the practical considerations associated with ex situ orthopteran programmes and compare some of the different elements that can influence programme success.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, Paradise Park Wildlife Sanctuary in Cornwall, United Kingdom, has built up a captive flock of red‐billed choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and over 30 years has developed successful methods of keeping, breeding, and appropriately socializing them in captivity. A total of 77 nests reached the egg stage with 27 nests producing at least one young and 48 young fledging in total. Several components are important in achieving successful breeding and socialization. Provision of live food, especially ant's eggs and small mealworms and crickets, in the first days after hatching is essential, improving the condition of adults and survival of nestlings. Situating aviaries in quiet areas, away from public view, is important. Socialization in family groups during the winter months and allowing choughs to choose partners induces better compatibility. Introduction of nest cameras greatly improved young survival through early identification of health problems enabling treatment of young between hatching and 10‐days old, when mortality is otherwise highest, and enabling precautionary medication shortly after hatching. We show that clutch size increases significantly with female age and that direct intervention such as artificial egg incubation and hand rearing can be successful and worthwhile, but its requirement is reduced by closer monitoring. Red‐billed choughs provide a good model species to further develop captive management and release techniques that can then be applied to critically endangered species that show similar social and long‐learning behaviors. Captive breeding programs can play an important role in such work through provision of suitable birds and supporting avicultural expertise. Zoo Biol. 31:725‐735, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The fecundity, embryonic development, growth and viability of captive Chiloscyllium punctatum were investigated over two breeding and laying seasons. Chiloscyllium punctatum is an oviparous species, which lays rectangular eggs from late July to February. The six adult female C. punctatum in the open ocean display tank at UnderWater World, Mooloolaba, Australia laid a total of 692 eggs between July 2004 and February 2006, with 228 of those being viable. This equates to each female laying 115·3 eggs over the two seasons, with 38 viable. The embryos are first visible to the naked eye at c . 18 days post deposition (dpd), while pre-hatching is first seen c . 35 dpd, and the embryos hatch at an average of 153 dpd (temperature 21–25° C). Embryonic growth is most rapid from 99 dpd until hatching. An average of 21·4% of the eggs hatched over the two seasons.  相似文献   

The Key Largo woodrat is an endangered rodent endemic to the island of Key Largo in the Florida Keys. After several reports documented a steep decline in the population, the US Fish and Wildlife Service developed a recovery plan, including captive breeding and reintroduction. Captive breeding efforts were to be focused on providing animals for future reintroduction to protected areas on Key Largo. However, little was known about the husbandry needs or reproductive behavior of this elusive nocturnal species. In 2005, Disney's Animal Kingdom® received 11 animals and began to systematically investigate methods of breeding Key Largo woodrats. Since the program's inception, 30 pups have been born and successfully parent reared. In this report, we describe some of the husbandry techniques that have contributed to the success of the Key Largo woodrat captive breeding program at Disney's Animal Kingdom®. The results obtained may be of use to other facilities maintaining woodrats and other rodent species. Zoo Biol 30:318–327, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

  1. Increases in total suspended solids (TSS) reduce feeding and reproductive success of unionid mussels, but mussels in turbid rivers are less affected than those in clear rivers, probably due to differences in gill and palp morphology. This study was designed to determine whether the differences observed between adult mussels in populations from turbid versus clear rivers are due to phenotypic plasticity.
  2. Parasitic larvae (glochidia) of Lampsilis siliquoidea (Fatmucket) obtained from a low turbidity river (TSS < 5 mg/L) were transformed on Ambloplites rupestris (Rock Bass) in the laboratory to obtain juvenile mussels for rearing under clear and turbid conditions in the laboratory (i.e. nominally 0 versus 50 mg/L suspended river sediment). Juveniles obtained were reared under these contrasting conditions until age 3–4 weeks, when they were examined in a feeding experiment under a range of TSS concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 mg/L).
  3. The clearance rate (volume cleared of particles per unit time) of algae by juveniles from both rearing conditions was similar for the no-TSS control and declined with increased TSS. The rate of decline was, however, lower in the group reared under turbid conditions, which is consistent with reports for adult mussels.
  4. Our results indicate that differences in the clearance rate response to high TSS observed in mussels in clear and turbid rivers are probably driven in part by phenotypic plasticity. This finding provides a mechanism to explain how freshwater mussels thrive under turbid conditions as well as informs conservation efforts involving reintroduction of mussels in this highly imperilled taxon.

The Amargosa vole (Microtus californicus scirpensis) is a highlyendangered rodent endemic to a small stretch of the California portion of the Amargosa River basin in Inyo County's Mojave Desert. Although the Amargosa vole has survived in this naturally fragmented ecosystem for thousands of years, recent habitat degradation due to land development, water drainage, and marsh exploitation has further isolated the species and reduced its available habitat. As part of a conservation effort to preserve the species, a captive breeding population was established in 2014 to serve as an insurance colony and as a source of individuals to release into the wild as restored habitat becomes available. As this is the only captive colony for this species, there is little published information about appropriate care and husbandry for the Amargosa vole. Here we provide information about behavior, diet, reproduction, drug sensitivities, and diseases that affect successful captive care. We also provide recommendations for housing and disease management to preserve natural behaviors and defenses in captive‐born animals.  相似文献   

The breeding season diet and nesting characteristics of the Silvery-cheeked Hornbill Bycanistes brevis are poorly known. To further understand these aspects of the breeding biology of this hornbill species, 14 nests were studied in and around Amani Nature Reserve located in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Nesting tree species were identified and the diet composition of nesting hornbills was evaluated between July and November 2001. The ejecta from each nest were collected, inventoried, identified (as completely as possible) and enumerated. Food items were categorised as plant, vertebrate or invertebrate. Plants, represented largely by fruits, were the dominant food type (n = 861), followed by invertebrates (n = 306; mainly millipedes and beetles), and vertebrates (n = 15; mainly smaller birds and chameleons). A comparison of results from the current study to other nesting observations made approximately seven decades earlier in the same area suggest that (1) the invasive tree species Maesopsis eminii, which was the most common food type consumed (n = 4 539 seeds), has become a favoured new food source in the breeding season, and (2) the breeding season appears to have shifted to an earlier period, potentially due to the fruiting phenology and abundance of Maesopsis eminii.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined cannibalistic behavior, growth, metamorphosis, and survival in larval and post‐metamorph endangered yellow spotted mountain newts Neurergus microspilotus hatched and reared in a captive breeding facility. We designed a 2 × 2 factorial experiment, crossing two levels of food with two levels of density including high food/high density, high food/low density, low food/high density, and low food/low density. The level of cannibalistic behavior (including the loss of fore and hind limbs, missing toes, tail, gills, body damage, and whole body consumption) changed as the larvae grew, from a low level during the first 4 weeks, peaking from weeks 7 to 12, and then dropped during weeks 14–52. Both food level and density had a significant effect on cannibalism. The highest frequency of cannibalism was recorded for larvae reared in the low food/high density and lowest in high food/low density treatments. Growth, percent of larval metamorphosed, and survival were all highest in the high food/low density and lowest in low food/high density treatment. Food level had a significant effect on growth, metamorphosis, and survival. However, the two levels of density did not influence growth and metamorphosis but showed a significant effect on survival. Similarly, combined effects of food level and density showed significant effects on growth, metamorphosis, and survival over time. Information obtained from current experiment could improve productivity of captive breeding facilities to ensure the release of adequate numbers of individuals for reintroduction programs. Zoo Biol. 35:513–521, 2016. © 2016 The Authors. Zoo Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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