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Resume Les expériences ont porté sur des lapins repartis en deux groupes parallèles — un groupe étant traité avec des aéroions négatifs en concentrations moderées (n = 10 – 40.000; n+ = 1.000) et l'autre sans aéroionothérapie (témoins). Par rapport aux animaux témoins (pas exposés aux aéroions),on a enregistré,sous l'influence de l'aéroionothérapie, que: (1)il y a une tendence de normalisation de la motilité spontanée, deprimée par une alimentation contenant un excès de cholestérol(0,3 g/kg/jour); (2) la lipémie et la cholestérolémie sont restées à un niveau plus bas chez les animaux alimentés au cholestérol; (3) la lipémie et la cholestérolémie, de même que l'iode thyroïdien, sont restées aux valeurs voisines de celles normales,chez les animaux nourris avec un excès (20 mg/kg/jour), de substances antithyroïdiennes naturelles (provenant du chou).
Groups of rabbits were exposed to negative air ions of moderate concentrations (n = 10 – 40,000; n+ = 1,000) while others served as controls. (1) When rabbits were fed a cholesterol-rich diet (0.3 g/kg/day)causing reduction of motility in the control animals, their motility was normalized under air ion treatment. (2) The blood cholesterol and lipid levels of rabbits on a cholesterol-rich diet were lower with air ion treatment than in controls.(3) When rabbits were fed a diet with thyroid blocking agents from cabbage the blood cholesterol and lipid levels and the thyroid iodine content remained unchanged with air ion treatment.

Zusammenfassung Gruppen Kaninchen wurden mit negativen Luftionen in mässigen Konzentrationen (n = 100 000 – 40 000; n+ = 1 000) behandelt, während andere als Kontrollen dienten. (1) Die durch Fütterung von cholesterinreicher Diät (0,3 g/kg/Tag) verminderte Motilität der Tiere wurde unter der Luftionenbehandlung normalisiert. (2) Der durch Fütterung von cholesterinreicher Diät erhöhte Blutcholesterin- und-fettspiegel fiel durch Luftionenbehandlung ab. (3) Der durch Fütterung von strumipriven Substanzen aus Kohl erhöhte Cholesterin- und Fettspiegel im Blut und verminderte Jodgehalt der Schilddrüse wurde durch Luftionenbehandlung nicht beeinflusst.

Résumé Le virus de la densonucléose est thermorésistant. Il n'est pas inactivé après traitement avec des solvants de lipides. Aucun pouvoir hémagglutinant n'a été mis en évidence avec des érythrocytes d'espèces variées. Ces propriétés sont comparées à celles desParvovirus.
Summary The densonucleosis virus is thermoresistant. It is not inactivated after treatment with lipid solvents. Attempts to demonstrate hemagglutination of DNV, using different erythrocytes, were unsuccessful. These properties are compared to those of Parvoviruses.

The most frequent cause of testicular injuries is blunt trauma (following sports injuries or road accidents). Penetrating injuries are rare. Increased scrotal volume and a painful testis are the main symptoms and require scrotal ultrasonography. Scrotal ultrasonography is very sensitive and specific for testicular rupture or intratesticular haematoma. Two out of three patients with testicular injuries require surgical exploration. Secondary complications due to delayed management of trauma are testicular atrophy, sterility or impotence. Penile fracture (rupture of corpus cavernosum) is due to direct trauma by an excessive force applied to an erect penis. Swelling, penile ecchymosis, penile curvature and pain are the usual symptoms of rupture of the tunica albuginea. Urethral injury must be ruled out. Cavernosography, ultrasonography or MRI are not considered mandatory to establish a diagnosis but can be prescribed in the absence of typical signs or symptoms. Early surgical exploration and repair ensure a better outcome. Secondary complications are penile curvature, chronic pain and impotence.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography (US) is presently routine part of the investigation of infertile men with low volume ejaculate. It provides excellent depiction of the congenital or acquired obstructive lesions of the reproductive system, particulary in its distal part. For 10 years, we performed a US examination of the kidneys, the scrotum contents and transrectal US (TRUS) in every case a excretory cause of male hypofertility could be suspected. In selected patients, MR imaging (with endorectal coil) appears usefull. We describe the normal and abnormal anatomy of the epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle (SV) and ejaculatory ducts in male infertility with US and MRI. Dilatation of the small ducts in the epididymis and sometimes in the testis at scrotal US is suggestive of a downstream obstacle. Sometimes these dilatation could appear as small hypoechoic areas in the epididymis. In contrast, post-inflammatory changes are hyperechoic but often associated with dilatations. TRUS permits to confirm the absence of the vas deferens in congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVD): it shows the absence of the ampullae and severe abnormalities of the SV. In case of unilateral absence of the vas deferens, the association with a homolateral kidney agenesis does not lead to the screening for mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene, but suggests a wolffian duct abnormality. MRI (with endorectal coil) is indicated when TRUS is unconclusive. Scrotal US permits to guide semen aspiration and TRUS is indicated to eliminate a distal obstruction when a surgical anastomosis is planed. TRUS (as well as scrotal US) can suggest an obstacle when dilatation of one or several segments of the seminal tract is observed. Sometimes the cause is obvious with imaging: CBAVD, prostatic cyst, inflammatory and post-infectious changes, lithiasis etc. However, it remains many cases where US is only one component of the therapeutic decision, besides clinical examination, sperm count, FSH level and biochemical sperm markers.  相似文献   

Résumé 1. Les travaux deSarà (1953) et deBurton (1963) ont remis en question la valeur systématique des caractères morphologiques dans la classification des Eponges Calcaires, et ont proposé de considérer de nombreuses formes connues comme des variétés individuelles et régionales d'espèces très plastiques et variables. Nous avons essayé de préciser, par l'observation directe en plongée libre, la distribution et les préférences écologiques des Calcaires, de définir ainsi les limites naturelles de leurs populations, et d'étudier ensuite la variabilité des caractères morphologiques à l'intérieur de ces populations.2. Nous exposons ici l'exemple des espèces des genresClathrina etAscandra, étudiées en Adriatique, dans les régions de Marseille et de Roscoff. Leur distribution est en rapport direct et très précis avec l'exposition aux vagues et à la lumière, à tel point que sur une surface réduite plusieurs espèces se succèdent et se remplacent en fonction de l'exposition de l'endroit. Dans la règion de Roscoff cette distribution est plus large ce qui est dû aux effets des marées, mais les zones écologique préférentielles pour les espèces deClathrina ont pu être établies en fonction de l'importance de l'apport des sédiments par les eaux côtières.3. La possibilité de définir des populations dont la distribution est très précisemment délimitée malgré une coexistence dans un espace réduit, et qui ne sont pas réliées par les formes transitoires, permet d'éliminer l'hypothèse de la cospécificité de ces populations. Elle permet également d'établir les variations morphologiques possibles au sein d'une espèce, de retenir les caractères significatifs pour la classification, et finalement de distinguer les espèces qui se ressemblent morphologiquement. Dans le cas d'animaux qui, commeClathrina, possèdent très peu de caractères utilisables en systématique, c'est la seule façon de résoudre les problèmes de leur taxonomie.
The importance of research on the ecological distribution for the taxonomy of calcareous sponges
The particular difficulties of the taxonomy of calcareous sponges are due to their great plasticity and their capacity for adaptation which obscure the natural limits of species. An attempt was made to define the natural populations of the Mediterranean species of the generaClathrina andAscandra through a study of their ecological distributions. The populations not connected by the transitory forms were defined by their ecological preferences, and, as they are found in a close cohabitation, were treated as having the specific values. The variability of different morphological features is discussed, the features significant for taxonomy are pointed out and the morphologically close species are defined.

Scolecodonts, isolated pieces of jaw apparatuses of Annelida Polychaetia Errantida are rares after the Primary Era because a chemical modification which inferring is a bad preservation of the group. The meso-cenozoic pieces are different from the paleozoic ones. So, terminology and writing of the dental formula are inappropriate for secondary and tertiary teeth. This paper reminds, states precisely and proposes a terminology for paleozoic annelid teeth as well as modern forms. The dental formula coined by Taugourdeau is modified in the sense of a simplification. An english version of terms is given.  相似文献   

E. Deniau  D. Cohen 《PSN》2007,5(2):109-116
European and US drug regulatory authorities have recently warned against the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in childhood and adolescent depression. Through an extensive literature review on the use of SSRIs to treat depression in children and adolescents — including psychiatric clinical trials, pharmacology, and drug safety data — we will: i) describe the main arguments justifying various regulatory decisions; ii) present published data and subsequent meta-analyses; iii) discuss how to integrate the recommendations into daily clinical practice, freeing professionals from a Manichean approach. We reach the limits of evidence-based medicine, which provide the basis of the scientific work of the regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

Summary This study considers the earlier growth stages of Coccidium Coelotropha durchoni in its host, Nereis diversicolor. Before evolving into free trophozoites and gamontes in coeliac fluid, the parasites remain in muscular and coeliac cells in microscopic intracellular form. Electron microscope reveals that these stages show an intermediary fine structure between that of a sporozoite — from which they keep some typical characteristics such as the conoid, the fibers and the involuted tubuli — and that of the future free trophozoites. The wall consisting in two clear membrans is provided with one or several micropores. The classical cytoplasmic organites clearly stand out: dictyosomes show constant relationship with ergastoplasm, the mitochondria contain short inner tubuli. Besides the paraglycogen granules and lipoid vacuoles, at least three types of vacuoles may be observed. Peculiar topographic relationship connects mitochondria and paraglycogen granules probably in formation. In the nucleus with classical membrane and heterogeneous structure, a rather voluminous nucleolus may be seen.  相似文献   

Two computation methods are explained; theirobject is the estimation of the velocity of animals which are known by their footprints, and in the case of the first method, by their skeletons as well.The first method is based on the compound pendulum theory, because during the slow walking gait, the motion of the leg is similar to the oscillation of a pendulum, for the computation of the velocity (v), are considered: moment of inertia (I), radius of gyration (P) and period (T), time in seconds to cover one stride (E) in the case the maximum angle of divarication (δ) of the leg with the vertical is ≤20°. A comparison with the formula of Alexander (1976) is discussed.The second method concerns saltator animals. It is based on the fondamental laws of dynamics. With the length of the jump (E) it is possible to estimate the velocity of the trackmaker (v) and the height of the jump (K). For the vertebrates the angle of the trajectory with the horizontal plan (α) is between 20 and 45°. Thus, the result of this method is an interval of estimation in which the velocity is included.These methods do not give precise results. But these approximations supply valid informations on the velocity of extinct or living animals and can lead to the estimation of their maximum speed if the parameters E, T, vary. The problem of the errors is also discussed. It is shown that the errors in estimating the parameters have a no significant influence on the results.  相似文献   

C. Mathieu  H. Lucas 《Andrologie》1999,9(2):286-296
There are many procedures to select spermatozoa but those procedures are often specific of each andrology centre. This review that is not an exhaustive review of the numerous methods published is rather devoided to focus on the main techniques, the sperm washing, the filtration methods («SpermPrep»), the swim-up, and the discontinuous density gradients with colloïdal solutions («Percoll», PureSperm” and «Isolate») including iodinated organic molecule as ‘OptiPrep». The first part presents a synthesis of literature in order to bring out standardized procedures, and a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each step of these procedures. Some specific anomalies of sperm need particular treatments. There is a consensus on the validated techniques to prepare semen samples in the presence of antisperm antibodies, leukocytes, bacterial contaminants, and also semen samples exhibiting hyperviscosity or in case of retrograde ejaculation. Cryopreserved sperm preparation is also described with references to experimental results in freezing-thawing human spermatozoa. The second part proposes guidelines for the therapeutic choice of the appropriate assisted reproductive technologies (i.e.: intra uterine artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection) according to semen parameters, and to the outcome of sperm selection and survival.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(5):317-324
Application of the fuzzy set theory to the biometric evaluation of the species Nummulites millecaput in the western part of the Tethys. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the ability of the fuzzy-set theory to contribute to the evaluation of paleontological problems. As an example, the species Nummulites millecaput, Boubée has been chosen. One hundred specimens of this species, collected from four localities (Arrimblar, Adelholzen, Dudar, and Mount-Kotuc) have been prepared (equatorial sections) for the biometric measurement of the external and internal characteristics. First a traditional statistical evaluation was performed, followed by the construction of membership functions, the latter ones expressing in the best way the transitions from one locality to the other. The results of this evaluation confirmed that from Aquitaine (France) to Armenia, the same species – Nummulites millecaput – was distributed during the Eocene. To cite this article: G. Bárdossy et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

B. Salle 《Andrologie》1994,4(3):312-321
Auto immune infertility represents about 15% of all sterilities. The most commun mechanisms of autoimmunity in males are genitals infections (epidymitis) and traumatisms (vasectomies, testiculat biopsies). Mixt agglutination reaction test and immunobead test are the most commun tests used for detection of antibodies. Since 1981, researchs tried to characterize spermatozoa antigens by using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. More than 30 antigens had been found during this last decade. Naz and coll had identified an antigen called FA 1 antigen. FA 1 Ag is a 23 Kd glycoprotein. Anti FA1 antibodies inhibit binding and penetration of sperm to zona intact mice oocytes and also zona free hamster oocytes. They do so without causing agglutination or immobilization of sperm and by the way they cannot be detected by usual tests.  相似文献   

Summary In chick embryos, observations were made on serial semithin transverse sections of the wing level. In addition homo- or heterotopic replacements of the wing or leg somitic mesoderm by labelled somitic or nonsomitic mesoderm were made in 2-to 2.5-day embryos. The nuclear label used was either natural (quail donor embryos in heterotopic transplantations) or isotopic (chick donors labelled with tritiated thymidine).Histological examination revealed that the first somitic cells to leave somite 15 apparently did so at the 20 to 22 somite stage, while the last ones to leave somite 20 apparently did so shortly before the 36 somite stage.Transplantation experiments with labelled donor cells revealed the routes of migratory somitic cells and the time-course of their invasion into the outgrowing limb bud (non-somitic graft cells did not noticeably invade the limb anlage). They showed furthermore that the somitic mesoderm is not regionalized with respect to its limb myogenic properties.These results are compared with those obtained in other classes of vertebrates.
Ce travail a été subventionné en partie par la D.G.R.S.T. et le C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

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