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The conformational change observed upon ligand binding and phosphorylation for the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A-PKA) is of high importance for the regulation of its activity. We calculate pKa values and net charges for 18 3D structures of PKA in various conformations and liganded states to examine the role of electrostatics in ligand binding and activation. We find that the conformational change of PKA takes place without any significant net proton uptake/release at all pH values, thus indicating that PKA has evolved to reduce any pH-dependent barriers to the conformational motion. We furthermore find that the binding of ligands induces large changes in the net charge of PKA at most pH values, but significantly, we find that the net charge difference at physiological pH is close to zero, thus indicating that the active-site pKa values have been preorganized for substrate binding. We are unable to unequivocally resolve the identity of the groups responsible for determining the pH-activity profile of PKA but speculate that the titration of Lys 168 or the titration of ATP itself could be responsible for the loss of activity at high pH values. Finally, we examine the effect of point mutations on the pKa values of the PKA catalytic residues and find these to be relatively insensitive to both noncharge-altering and charge-altering mutations.  相似文献   

Cysteine residues ubiquitously stabilize tertiary and quaternary protein structure by formation of disulfide bridges. Here we investigate another linking interaction that involves sulfhydryl groups of cysteines, namely intra‐ and intermolecular methylene‐bridges between cysteine and lysine residues. A number of crystal structures possessing such a linkage were identified in the Protein Data Bank. Inspection of the electron density maps and re‐refinement of the nominated structures unequivocally confirmed the presence of Lys‐CH2‐Cys bonds in several cases.  相似文献   

Dehydroalanine residues in peptides and proteins react with 4-pyridoethanethiol in alkaline solution to form 4-pyridoethyl cysteine residues, which after acid hydrolysis, give the corresponding amino acid. An experimental protocol has been developed, and with simple dehydroalanine derivatives, conversions of 96–99% are achieved. Tests with peptides and proteins show that serine and cysteine/cystine residues do not interfere with this analytical procedure. A sample of wool keratin contained 57 µmol dehydroalanine/g.  相似文献   

Electrostatic interactions in proteins can be dissected experimentally by determining the pKa values of their constituent ionizable amino acids. To complement previous studies of the glutamic acid and histidine residues in Bacillus circulans xylanase (BCX), we have used NMR methods to measure the pKa s of the seven aspartic acids and the C-terminus of this protein. The pKa s of these carboxyls are all less than the corresponding values observed with random coil polypeptides, indicating that their ionization contributes favorably to the stability of the folded enzyme. In general, the aspartic acids with the most reduced pKa s are those with limited exposure to the solvent and a high degree of conservation among homologous xylanases. Most dramatically, Asp 83 and Asp 101 have pKa s < 2 and thus remain deprotonated in native BCX under all conditions examined. Asp 83 is completely buried, forming a strong salt bridge with Arg 136. In contrast, Asp 101 is located on the surface of the protein, stabilized in the deprotonated form by an extensive network of hydrogen bonds involving an internal water molecule and the neutral side-chain and main-chain atoms of Ser 100 and Thr 145. These data provide a complete experimental database for theoretical studies of the ionization behavior of BCX under acidic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions are described for the reduction and alkylation of cysteines in peptides and proteins with volatile reagents by use of triethylphosphine as reductant, bromopropane as alkylating reagent and triethylamine as base. Alkylated samples need only be vacuum dried prior to subsequent analysis steps. Alkylated samples have been acid hydrolyzed and analyzed on an amino acid analyzer with recoveries of cysteine within 10% of the expected value. Alkylated samples have been directly applied to a sequencer membrane, dried on the surface and cysteines identified by sequence analysis without additional wash steps. In addition proteins blotted onto PVDF have been alkylatedin situ and sequenced with identification of cysteines. On the analyzer and sequencer the S-propylcysteine derivative elutes at a unique position allowing for the unambiguous identification of cysteine. Cysteine residues are quantitativly alkylated under the conditions developed. The ease of this procedure allows the routine analysis of cysteine in peptides and proteins without additional, time consuming repurification or dialysis steps.Abbreviations dptu diphenylthiourea - dmptu dimethylphenylthiourea - prop-cys S-propylcysteine  相似文献   

The acid unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) is very cooperative (Whitten and García-Moreno, Biochemistry 2000;39:14292-14304). As many as seven hydrogen ions (H+) are bound preferentially by the acid-unfolded state relative to the native (N) state in the pH range 3.2-3.9. To investigate the mechanism of acid unfolding, structure-based pKa calculations were performed with a variety of continuum electrostatic methods. The calculations reproduced successfully the H+ binding properties of the N state between pH 5 and 9, but they systematically overestimated the number of H+ bound upon acid unfolding. The calculated pKa values of all carboxylic residues in the N state were more depressed than they should be. The discrepancy between the observed and the calculated H+ uptake upon acid unfolding was not improved by using high protein dielectric constants, structures relaxed with molecular dynamics, or other empirical modifications implemented previously by others to maximize agreement between measured and calculated pKa values. This suggests an important role for conformational fluctuations of the backbone as important determinants of pKa values of carboxylic groups. Because no global or subglobal conformational changes have been observed previously for SNase under acidic conditions above the acid-unfolding region, these fluctuations must be local. The acid unfolding of SNase does not seem to involve the disruption of the N state by accruement of intramolecular repulsive interactions, nor the protonation of key ion paired carboxylic residues. It is more consistent with modest contributions from many H+ binding groups, with an important role for local conformational fluctuations in the coupling between H+ binding and the global structural transition.  相似文献   

Much computational research aimed at understanding ionizable group interactions in proteins has focused on numerical solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation, incorporating protein exclusion zones for solvent and counterions in a continuum model. Poor agreement with measured pKas and pH-dependent stabilities for a (protein, solvent) relative dielectric boundary of (4,80) has lead to the adoption of an intermediate (20,80) boundary. It is now shown that a simple Debye-Huckel (DH) calculation, removing both the low dielectric and counterion exclusion regions associated with protein, is equally effective in general pKa calculations. However, a broad-based discrepancy to measured pH-dependent stabilities is maintained in the absence of ionizable group interactions in the unfolded state. A simple model is introduced for these interactions, with a significantly improved match to experiment that suggests a potential utility in predicting and analyzing the acid pH-dependence of protein stability. The methods are applied to the relative pH-dependent stabilities of the pore-forming domains of colicins A and N. The results relate generally to the well-known preponderance of surface ionizable groups with solvent-mediated interactions. Although numerical PB solutions do not currently have a significant advantage for overall pKa estimations, development based on consideration of microscopic solvation energetics in tandem with the continuum model could combine the large deltapKas of a subset of ionizable groups with the overall robustness of the DH model.  相似文献   

Lin Wang  Lin Li  Emil Alexov 《Proteins》2015,83(12):2186-2197
We developed a Poisson‐Boltzmann based approach to calculate the values of protein ionizable residues (Glu, Asp, His, Lys and Arg), nucleotides of RNA and single stranded DNA. Two novel features were utilized: the dielectric properties of the macromolecules and water phase were modeled via the smooth Gaussian‐based dielectric function in DelPhi and the corresponding electrostatic energies were calculated without defining the molecular surface. We tested the algorithm by calculating values for more than 300 residues from 32 proteins from the PPD dataset and achieved an overall RMSD of 0.77. Particularly, the RMSD of 0.55 was achieved for surface residues, while the RMSD of 1.1 for buried residues. The approach was also found capable of capturing the large shifts of various single point mutations in staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) from ‐cooperative dataset, resulting in an overall RMSD of 1.6 for this set of pKa's. Investigations showed that predictions for most of buried mutant residues of SNase could be improved by using higher dielectric constant values. Furthermore, an option to generate different hydrogen positions also improves predictions for buried carboxyl residues. Finally, the calculations on two RNAs demonstrated the capability of this approach for other types of biomolecules. Proteins 2015; 83:2186–2197. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The calculation of the physical properties of a protein from its X-ray structure is of importance in virtually every aspect of modern biology. Although computational algorithms have been developed for calculating everything from the dynamics of a protein to its binding specificity, only limited information is available on the ability of these methods to give accurate results when used with a particular X-ray structure. We examine the ability of a pKa calculation algorithm to predict the proton-donating residue in the catalytic mechanism of hen egg white lysozyme. We examine the correlation between the ability of the pKa calculation method to obtain the correct result and the overall characteristics of 41 X-ray structures such as crystallization conditions, resolution, and the output of structure validation software. We furthermore examine the ability of energy minimizations (EM), molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and structure-perturbation methods to optimize the X-ray structures such that these give correct results with the pKa calculation algorithm. We propose a set of criteria for identifying the proton donor in a catalytic mechanism, and demonstrate that the application of these criteria give highly accurate prediction results when using unmodified X-ray structures. More specifically, we are able to successfully identify the proton donor in 85% of the X-ray structures when excluding structures with crystal contacts near the active site. Neither the use of the overall characteristics of the X-ray structures nor the optimization of the structure by EM, MD, or other methods improves the results of the pKa calculation algorithm. We discuss these results and their implications for the design of structure-based energy calculation algorithms in general.  相似文献   

A new graph–theoretical approach called thermodynamic sampling of amino acid residues (TSAR) has been elaborated to explicitly account for the protein side chain flexibility in modeling conformation‐dependent protein properties. In TSAR, a protein is viewed as a graph whose nodes correspond to structurally independent groups and whose edges connect the interacting groups. Each node has its set of states describing conformation and ionization of the group, and each edge is assigned an array of pairwise interaction potentials between the adjacent groups. By treating the obtained graph as a belief‐network—a well‐established mathematical abstraction—the partition function of each node is found. In the current work we used TSAR to calculate partition functions of the ionized forms of protein residues. A simplified version of a semi‐empirical molecular mechanical scoring function, borrowed from our Lead Finder docking software, was used for energy calculations. The accuracy of the resulting model was validated on a set of 486 experimentally determined pKa values of protein residues. The average correlation coefficient (R) between calculated and experimental pKa values was 0.80, ranging from 0.95 (for Tyr) to 0.61 (for Lys). It appeared that the hydrogen bond interactions and the exhaustiveness of side chain sampling made the most significant contribution to the accuracy of pKa calculations. Proteins 2011; © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Witham S  Takano K  Schwartz C  Alexov E 《Proteins》2011,79(8):2444-2454
Large-scale next generation resequencing of X chromosome genes identified a missense mutation in the CLIC2 gene on Xq28 in a male with X-linked intellectual disability (XLID) and not found in healthy individuals. At the same time, numerous nsSNPs (nonsynonomous SNP) have been reported in the CLIC2 gene in healthy individuals indicating that the CLIC2 protein can tolerate amino acid substitutions and be fully functional. To test the possibility that p.H101Q is a disease-causing mutation, we performed in silico simulations to calculate the effects of the p.H101Q mutation on CLIC2 stability, dynamics, and ionization states while comparing the effects obtained for presumably harmless nsSNPs. It was found that p.H101Q, in contrast with other nsSNPs, (a) lessens the flexibility of the joint loop which is important for the normal function of CLIC2, (b) makes the overall 3D structure of CLIC2 more stable and thus reduces the possibility of the large conformational change expected to occur when CLIC2 moves from a soluble to membrane form, and (c) removes the positively charged residue, H101, which may be important for the membrane association of CLIC2. The results of in silico modeling, in conjunction with the polymorphism analysis, suggest that p.H101Q may be a disease-causing mutation, the first one suggested in the CLIC family.  相似文献   

【目的】研究环酰亚胺水解酶(Imidase,CIH)中的两个半胱氨酸残基的反应性及功能。【方法】设计了3个半胱氨酸突变酶:CIH7,108、CIH7、CIH108。将天然酶以及突变酶基因分别与麦芽糖结合蛋白(MBP)基因在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中进行融合表达,融合蛋白经纯化后得到了电泳纯的样品。使用5,5’-二硫代双(2-硝基苯甲酸)(DTNB)对天然酶CIH的巯基基团进行修饰,并分析了DTT对分子状态的影响。进一步研究了经H2O2处理后CIH及其突变酶的锌离子结合能力及分子状态。【结果】酶活测定表明CIH7,108和CIH7的活力基本丧失,而CIH108仍保持了72%的酶活性。CIH中的两个半胱氨酸残基以游离形式存在,不形成链内或链间二硫键。CIH与CIH108为四聚体结构且具有一定的锌离子结合能力,CIH7,108为多聚体,CIH7为单体及多体的混合物且都不具备锌离子结合能力,随着H2O2浓度的增加,CIH中的链内二硫键及CIH108中的链间二硫键逐渐增加。【结论】说明Cys7是结合锌离子和稳定CIH分子结构的必要残基。  相似文献   

NrdH‐redoxins shuffle electrons from the NADPH pool in the cell to Class Ib ribonucleotide reductases, which in turn provide the precursors for DNA replication and repair. NrdH‐redoxins have a CVQC active site motif and belong to the thioredoxin‐fold protein family. As for other thioredoxin‐fold proteins, the pKa of the nucleophilic cysteine of NrdH‐redoxins is of particular interest since it affects the catalytic reaction rate of the enzymes. Recently, the pKa value of this cysteine in Corynebacterium glutamicum and Mycobacterium tuberculosis NrdH‐redoxins were determined, but structural insights explaining the relatively low pKa remained elusive. We subjected C. glutamicum NrdH‐redoxin to an extensive molecular dynamics simulation to expose the factors regulating the pKa of the nucleophilic cysteine. We found that the nucleophilic cysteine receives three hydrogen bonds from residues within the CVQC active site motif. Additionally, a fourth hydrogen bond with a lysine located N‐terminal of the active site further lowers the cysteine pKa. However, site‐directed mutagenesis data show that the major contribution to the lowering of the cysteine pKa comes from the positive charge of the lysine and not from the additional Lys‐Cys hydrogen bond. In 12% of the NrdH‐redoxin family, this lysine is replaced by an arginine that also lowers the cysteine pKa. All together, the four hydrogen bonds and the electrostatic effect of a lysine or an arginine located N‐terminally of the active site dynamically regulate the pKa of the nucleophilic cysteine in NrdH‐redoxins.  相似文献   

For routine pK(a) calculations of protein-ligand complexes in drug design, the PEOE method to compute partial charges was modified. The new method is applicable to a large scope of proteins and ligands. The adapted charges were parameterized using experimental free energies of solvation of amino acids and small organic ligands. For a data set of 80 small organic molecules, a correlation coefficient of r(2) = 0.78 between calculated and experimental solvation free energies was obtained. Continuum electrostatics pK(a) calculations based on the Poisson-Boltzmann equation were carried out on a validation set of nine proteins for which 132 experimental pK(a) values are known. In total, an overall RMSD of 0.88 log units between calculated and experimentally determined data is achieved. In particular, the predictions of significantly shifted pK(a) values are satisfactory, and reasonable estimates of protonation states in the active sites of lysozyme and xylanase could be obtained. Application of the charge-assignment and pK(a)-calculation procedure to protein-ligand complexes provides clear structural interpretations of experimentally observed changes of protonation states of functional groups upon complex formation. This information is essential for the interpretation of thermodynamic data of protein-ligand complex formation and provides the basis for the reliable factorization of the free energy of binding in enthalpic and entropic contributions. The modified charge-assignment procedure forms the basis for future automated pK(a) calculations of protein-ligand complexes.  相似文献   

The active-site cysteines (Cys 32 and Cys 35) of Escherichia coli thioredoxin are oxidized to a disulfide bridge when the protein mediates substrate reduction. In reduced thioredoxin, Cys 32 and Cys 35 are characterized by abnormally low pKa values. A conserved side chain, Asp 26, which is sterically accessible to the active site, is also essential to oxidoreductase activity. pKa values governing cysteine thiol-thiolate equilibria in the mutant thioredoxin, D26A, have been determined by direct Raman spectrophotometric measurement of sulfhydryl ionizations. The results indicate that, in D26A thioredoxin, both sulfhydryls titrate with apparent pKa values of 7.5+/-0.2, close to values measured previously for wild-type thioredoxin. Sulfhydryl Raman markers of D26A and wild-type thioredoxin also exhibit similar band shapes, consistent with minimal differences in respective cysteine side-chain conformations and sulfhydryl interactions. The results imply that neither the Cys 32 nor Cys 35 SH donor is hydrogen bonded directly to Asp 26 in the wild-type protein. Additionally, the thioredoxin main-chain conformation is largely conserved with D26A mutation. Conversely, the mutation perturbs Raman bands diagnostic of tryptophan (Trp 28 and Trp 31) orientations and leads to differences in their pH dependencies, implying local conformational differences near the active site. We conclude that, although the carboxyl side chain of Asp 26 neither interacts directly with active-site cysteines nor is responsible for their abnormally low pKa values, the aspartate side chain may play a role in determining the conformation of the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

An improved RP-HPLC method was developed for the determination of the configuration and stereochemical purity of cysteine residues in peptides. The method consists of oxidation of cysteine and cystine residues to cysteic acid, followed by hydrolysis and pre-column chiral derivatization with Val-Marfey's reagent.  相似文献   

We reported the regulation of protein function by oxidative modification of the specific cysteine residue(s) by diallyl trisulfide (DATS). In this study, we examined if DATS modifies the cysteine residue of thioredoxin (Trx) by urea-polyacryl amide gel electrophoresis. DATS modified two specific cysteine residues in Trx and this oxidative modification of cysteine residues would be sole causative of the apoptosis induced by DATS in leukemic cells.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the process of acidification of yolk granules during embryogenesis. In oocytes of mature Bombyx mori silkmoth, yolk proteins and a cysteine protease (pro-form BCP) were found in yolk granules. BCP was localized in small sized yolk granules (SYG, 3-6 microm in diameter) and yolk proteins in large sized granules (LYG, 6-11 microm in diameter), which might result in a spatial separation of protease and its substrates to avoid unnecessary hydrolysis. The granules were isolated on Percoll density gradient centrifugation. Although separation of LYG and SYG was incomplete, the granules sedimented in different fractions when using unfertilized egg extract, in which LYG was recovered from heavier fractions and BCP from lighter fractions. Acid phosphatase, as well as other lysosomal marker enzymes tested, was recovered from LYG-containing fractions. When extracts were prepared from developing eggs (day 3), some BCP-containing granules co-sedimented with LYG. The inactive pro-form BCP was activated in vivo, in parallel with yolk protein degradation, and as demonstrated previously in vitro under acidic conditions (). These results suggest that acidification occurs in yolk granules during embryogenesis. This was also confirmed using acridine orange fluorescent dye. In early development, most yolk granules were neutral, but became acidic during embryonic development. SYG were progressively recovered in heavier density fractions, displaying acidic interior. In this fraction, BCP-containing granules seem to be associated with larger granules (6-11 microm in size). In addition, SYG (BCP containing granules) were likely to be acidified earlier than LYG. Our results suggest that acidification initiates yolk degradation through activation of pro-form BCP.  相似文献   

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