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In the rat, differentiation and cell proliferation both affect DNA methylation. We studied 5-methylcytosine at the inner cytosine of the sequence C-C-G-G, a common methylation site, using endonuclease MspI (which cleaves C-C-G-G- and C-mC-G-G), and its isoschizomer HpaII (which cleaves only C-C-G-G). DNA from all tissues and cell lines studied was methylated at C-C-G-G, at levels ranging from 45 to 80%, but the methylation sites were not distributed uniformly. Our analysis suggests a model in which cells contain variable amounts of three DNA methylation states, averaging 30–40, 70–80 and 95–100% methylation, respectively. One biological parameter that alters methylation is the prolferative state of the cell. We observed that NRK, a non-transformed cell line, increased its DNA methylation from 45 to 67% when monolayer cultures became confluent and non-dividing. We also observed that a class of repetitive DNA was completely methylated in DNA from all sources except a transformed cell line.  相似文献   

Pervasive migration of organellar DNA to the nucleus in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A surprisingly large number of plant nuclear DNA sequences inferred to be remnants of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA migration events were detected through computer-assisted database searches. Nineteen independent organellar DNA insertions, with a median size of 117 by (range of 38 to >785 bp), occur in the proximity of 15 nuclear genes. One fragment appears to have been passed through a RNA intermediate, based on the presence of an edited version of the mitochondrial gene in the nucleus. Tandemly arranged fragments from disparate regions of organellar genomes and from different organellar genomes indicate that the fragments joined together from an intracellular pool of RNA and/or DNA before they integrated into the nuclear genome. Comparisons of integrated sequences to genes lacking the insertions, as well as the occurrence of coligated fragments, support a model of random integration by end joining. All transferred sequences were found in noncoding regions, but the positioning of organellar-derived DNA in introns, as well as regions 5 and 3 to nuclear genes, suggests that the random integration of organellar DNA has the potential to influence gene expression patterns. A semiquantitative estimate was performed on the amount of organellar DNA being transferred and assimilated into the nucleus. Based on this database survey, we estimate that 3–7% of the plant nuclear genomic sequence files contain organellar-derived DNA. The timing and the magnitude of genetic flux to the nuclear genome suggest that random integration is a substantial and ongoing process for creating sequence variation.Correspondence to: J.L. Blanchard  相似文献   

A viewpoint now emerging is that a critical factor in lipid-mediated transfection (lipofection) is the structural evolution of lipoplexes upon interacting and mixing with cellular lipids. Here we report our finding that lipid mixtures mimicking biomembrane lipid compositions are superior to pure anionic liposomes in their ability to release DNA from lipoplexes (cationic lipid/DNA complexes), even though they have a much lower negative charge density (and thus lower capacity to neutralize the positive charge of the lipoplex lipids). Flow fluorometry revealed that the portion of DNA released after a 30-min incubation of the cationic O-ethylphosphatidylcholine lipoplexes with the anionic phosphatidylserine or phosphatidylglycerol was 19% and 37%, respectively, whereas a mixture mimicking biomembranes (MM: phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidylserine /cholesterol 45:20:20:15 w/w) and polar lipid extract from bovine liver released 62% and 74%, respectively, of the DNA content. A possible reason for this superior power in releasing DNA by the natural lipid mixtures was suggested by structural experiments: while pure anionic lipids typically form lamellae, the natural lipid mixtures exhibited a surprising predilection to form nonlamellar phases. Thus, the MM mixture arranged into lamellar arrays at physiological temperature, but began to convert to the hexagonal phase at a slightly higher temperature, ∼ 40-45 °C. A propensity to form nonlamellar phases (hexagonal, cubic, micellar) at close to physiological temperatures was also found with the lipid extracts from natural tissues (from bovine liver, brain, and heart). This result reveals that electrostatic interactions are only one of the factors involved in lipid-mediated DNA delivery. The tendency of lipid bilayers to form nonlamellar phases has been described in terms of bilayer “frustration” which imposes a nonzero intrinsic curvature of the two opposing monolayers. Because the stored curvature elastic energy in a “frustrated” bilayer seems to be comparable to the binding energy between cationic lipid and DNA, the balance between these two energies could play a significant role in the lipoplex-membrane interactions and DNA release energetics.  相似文献   

Plants have various defense mechanisms against environmental stresses that induce DNA damage. Genetic and biochemical analyses have revealed the sensing and signaling of DNA damage, but little is known about subnuclear dynamics in response to DNA damage in living plant cells. Here, we observed that the chromatin remodeling factor RAD54, which is involved in DNA repair via the homologous recombination pathway, formed subnuclear foci (termed RAD54 foci) in Arabidopsis thaliana after induction of DNA double‐strand breaks. The appearance of RAD54 foci was dependent on the ATAXIA‐TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED–SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1 pathway, and RAD54 foci were co‐localized with γH2AX signals. Laser irradiation of a subnuclear area demonstrated that in living cells RAD54 was specifically accumulated at the damaged site. In addition, the formation of RAD54 foci showed specificity for cell type and region. We conclude that RAD54 foci correspond to DNA repair foci in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Summary Two strains of meat-type chickens which had been derived from the same genetic base, but were selected for high or low abdominal fat content, respectively, were analyzed for polymorphisms in the growth hormone gene (GH). A total of four DNA polymorphisms were identified, one at a SacI restriction site and three at MspI restriction sites. Restriction mapping indicated that all polymorphisms were in exons and/or introns and not in flanking regions of the gene. The incidence of GH polymorphisms was determined in 20 chickens from each strain and significant differences were observed for two of the four polymorphisms. Analysis by DNA fingerprinting using (CAC)5 as a probe indicated that the inbreeding coefficient was 0.1 in both strains and that random genetic drift was minimal. Thus, the selection for abdominal fat appears to have affected the frequency of alleles of the growth hormone gene. Whether this is the direct consequence of an altered growth hormone gene on fat metabolism or reflects linkage to an allele of a neighbouring gene remains to be determined.  相似文献   

A novel fluorescent DNA probe containing pyrene-labeled C8 alkylamino-substituted 2′-deoxyguanosine was designed in order to discriminate single stranded and double stranded regions in DNA. This fluorescent sensor was used for the design of practically useful 3′- and 5′-ends free self-quenched molecular beacon (MB). Unique MB detectable by pyrene excimer fluorescence was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA-targeted anticancer agents is an active area of investigation of both fundamental and clinical interest. However, most studies have focused on a small number of compounds limiting our understanding of both DNA repair and the DNA damage response. S23906 is an acronycine derivative that shows strong activity toward solid tumors in experimental models. S23906 forms bulky monofunctional DNA adducts in the minor groove which leads to destabilization of the double-stranded helix. We now report that S23906 induces formation of DNA double strand breaks that are processed through homologous recombination (HR) but not Non-Homologous End-Joining (NHEJ) repair. Interestingly, S23906 exposure was accompanied by a higher sensitivity of BRCA2-deficient cells compared to other HR deficient cell lines and by an S-phase accumulation in wild-type (wt), but not in BRCA2-deficient cells. Recently, we have shown that S23906-induced S phase arrest was mediated by the checkpoint kinase Chk1. However, its activated phosphorylated form is equally induced by S23906 in wt and BRCA2-deficient cells, likely indicating a role for BRCA2 downstream of Chk1. Accordingly, override of the S phase arrest by either 7-hydroxystaurosporine (UCN-01) or AZD7762 potentiates the cytotoxic activity of S23906 in wt, but not in BRCA2-deficient cells. Together, our findings suggest that the pronounced sensitivity of BRCA2-deficient cells to S23906 is due to both a defective S-phase arrest and the absence of HR repair. Tumors with deficiencies for proteins involved in HR, and BRCA2 in particular, may thus show increased sensitivity to S23906, thereby providing a rationale for patient selection in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Illegitimate recombination is the dominant mechanism of recombination in mammalian somatic cells. It is responsible for most genome rearrangements such as translocations, deletions and integrations. Little is known as yet about the mechanism of illegitimate recombination and the enzymes involved. Recently, it has been shown that intrinsically bent DNA, also known as curved DNA, is present at chromosomal sites of illegitimate recombination events. Here we report that KIN17, a new mouse nuclear protein, binds to the curved DNA fragments found at illegitimate recombination sites.  相似文献   

Acute (2 h) exposure of rats to a 60 Hz magnetic field (flux densities 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 mT) caused a dose-dependent increase in DNA strand breaks in brain cells of the animals (assayed by a microgel electrophoresis method at 4 h postexposure). An increase in single-strand DNA breaks was observed after exposure to magnetic fields of 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 mT, whereas an increase in double-strand DNA breaks was observed at 0.25 and 0.5 mT. Because DNA strand breaks may affect cellular functions, lead to carcinogenesis and cell death, and be related to onset of neurodegenerative diseases, our data may have important implications for the possible health effects of exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 18:156–165, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cancer is one of the most important causes of death worldwide. The onset of cancer may be initiated due to a variety of factors such as environment, genetics or even due to personal lifestyle choices. To counteract this tremendous increase, the demand for a new technology has risen. By this means, the use of digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) has been shown to be a promising methodology in the early detection of many types of cancers. Furthermore, several researchers confirmed that the use of tumor cell‐free DNA (cfDNA) and circulating tumor cells (CTC) in peripheral blood is essential in revealing an early prognosis of such diseases. Besides this, it was established that dPCR might be used in a much more efficient, accurate, and reliable manner to amplify a variety of genetic material up to the identification of mutations in hematological diseases. Therefore, this article demonstrates the differences between conventional PCR and dPCR as a molecular technique to detect the early onset of cancer. Furthermore, CTC and cfDNA were officially approved by the Food and Drug Administration as new biological biomarkers in cancer development and monitoring.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(4):697-705
Jiangxienone is a novel compound recently purified from the traditional Chinese medicinal mushroom Cordyceps jiangxiensis and was reported to show potent cytotoxicity against cancer cells. However, its mechanism of action remains unclear. In this work, the underlying mechanism of jiangxienone against human gastric cancer cells HGC-27 was investigated using whole-genome microarray. The results demonstrated that jiangxienone significantly decreased cell population of various human cancer cell lines, while slightly inhibited the colony formation of stromal cells from murine marrow even at a high concentration. Differential gene expression profiling indicated that the cytotoxic action of jiangxienone against HGC-27 is closely related to the DNA damage response pathway, which was evident by the identification of 23 DNA damage response-associated genes, such as XRCC4/5/6, NBS1, RAD51, and BRCA1/2. By using gel retardation assays, UV absorption spectrometry and single-cell gel electrophoresis, it was found that jiangxienone could bind to DNA and inhibit cancer cell growth. The above results indicated that the cytotoxic mechanism of jiangxienone against cancer cells was involved in the DNA damage response pathway. The findings will be helpful to the development of useful cancer chemopreventive compounds from C. jiangxiensis.  相似文献   

With the emergence of new CRISPR/dCas9 tools that enable site specific modulation of DNA methylation and histone modifications, more detailed investigations of the contribution of epigenetic regulation to the precise phenotype of cells in culture, including recombinant production subclones, is now possible. These also allow a wide range of applications in metabolic engineering once the impact of such epigenetic modifications on the chromatin state is available.In this study, enhanced DNA methylation tools were targeted to a recombinant viral promoter (CMV), an endogenous promoter that is silenced in its native state in CHO cells, but had been reactivated previously (β-galactoside α-2,6-sialyltransferase 1) and an active endogenous promoter (α-1,6-fucosyltransferase), respectively. Comparative ChIP-analysis of histone modifications revealed a general loss of active promoter histone marks and the acquisition of distinct repressive heterochromatin marks after targeted methylation. On the other hand, targeted demethylation resulted in autologous acquisition of active promoter histone marks and loss of repressive heterochromatin marks. These data suggest that DNA methylation directs the removal or deposition of specific histone marks associated with either active, poised or silenced chromatin. Moreover, we show that de novo methylation of the CMV promoter results in reduced transgene expression in CHO cells. Although targeted DNA methylation is not efficient, the transgene is repressed, thus offering an explanation for seemingly conflicting reports about the source of CMV promoter instability in CHO cells.Importantly, modulation of epigenetic marks enables to nudge the cell into a specific gene expression pattern or phenotype, which is stabilized in the cell by autologous addition of further epigenetic marks. Such engineering strategies have the added advantage of being reversible and potentially tunable to not only turn on or off a targeted gene, but also to achieve the setting of a desirable expression level.  相似文献   

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