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Spike-frequency adaptation is the reduction of a neuron’s firing rate to a stimulus of constant intensity. In the locust, the Lobula Giant Movement Detector (LGMD) is a visual interneuron that exhibits rapid adaptation to both current injection and visual stimuli. Here, a reduced compartmental model of the LGMD is employed to explore adaptation’s role in selectivity for stimuli whose intensity changes with time. We show that supralinearly increasing current injection stimuli are best at driving a high spike count in the response, while linearly increasing current injection stimuli (i.e., ramps) are best at attaining large firing rate changes in an adapting neuron. This result is extended with in vivo experiments showing that the LGMD’s response to translating stimuli having a supralinear velocity profile is larger than the response to constant or linearly increasing velocity translation. Furthermore, we show that the LGMD’s preference for approaching versus receding stimuli can partly be accounted for by adaptation. Finally, we show that the LGMD’s adaptation mechanism appears well tuned to minimize sensitivity for the level of basal input. This article is part of a special issue on Neuronal Dynamics of Sensory Coding.  相似文献   

There is sparse literature on the profile of action potential firing rate (spike-frequency) adaptation of vertebrate spinal motoneurons, with most of the work undertaken on cells of the adult cat and young rat. Here, we provide such information on adult turtle motoneurons and spinal ventral-horn interneurons. We compared adaptation in response to intracellular injection of 30-s, constant-current stimuli into high-threshold versus low-threshold motoneurons and spontaneously firing versus non-spontaneously-firing interneurons. The latter were shown to possess some adaptive properties that differed from those of motoneurons, including a delayed initial adaptation and more predominant reversal of adaptation attributable to plateau potentials. Issues were raised concerning the interpretation of changes in the action potentials afterhyperpolarization shape parameters throughout spike-frequency adaptation. No important differences were demonstrated in the adaptation of the two motoneuron and two interneuron groups. Each of these groups, however, was modeled by its own unique combination of action potential shape parameters for the simulation of its 30-s duration of spike-frequency adaptation. Also, for a small sample of the very highest-threshold versus lowest-threshold motoneurons, the former group had significantly more adaptation than the latter. This finding was like that shown previously for cat motoneurons supplying fast- versus slow twitch motor units.  相似文献   

The response of repetitively firing human motoneurons to a composite excitatory input was evaluated. It was clearly shown that the response of the motoneurons to the transient input decreased with an increase in the background firing rate of the cell. The current model of repetitively firing human motoneurons could not account for this experimental result. Therefore, a compartmental modelling approach was used to simulate the repetitive firing properties of anaesthetised cat motoneurons under current clamp conditions. The modelled motoneurons were used in simulations similar to the experimental paradigms where the response to a composite excitatory input was evaluated at different background firing rates. The motoneuron models also showed a decrease in response to the excitatory input at faster background firing rates. The results suggest that human motoneurons are more comparable to motoneurons in the anaesthetised cat preparation than formerly thought. The results also demonstrate that the apparent efficacy of a synaptic input may be modulated by changes in background firing rate of the postsynaptic neuron.  相似文献   

There are two prominent features for place cells in rat hippocampus. The firing rate remarkably increases when rat enters the cell’s place field and reaches a maximum around the center of place field, and it decreases when the animal approaches the end of the place field. Simultaneously the spikes gradually and monotonically advance to earlier phase relative to hippocampal theta rhythm as the rat traverses along the cell’s place field, known as temporal coding. In this paper, we investigate whether two main characteristics of place cell firing are independent or not by mainly focusing on the generation mechanism of the unimodal tuning of firing rate by using a reduced CA1 two-compartment neuron model. Based on recent evidences, we hypothesize that the coupling of dendritic with the somatic compartment is not constant but dynamically regulated as the animal moves further along the place field, in contrast to previous two-compartment modeling. Simulations show that the regulable coupling is critically responsible for the generation of unimodal firing rate profile in place cells, independent of phase precession. Predictions of our model accord well with recent observations like occurrence of phase precession with very low as well as high firing rate (Huxter et al. Nature 425:828–832, 2003) and persistency of phase precession after transient silence of hippocampus activity (Zugaro et al. Nat Neurosci 8:67–71, 2005.  相似文献   

Cuticular strain associated with support of the shell of the hermit crab, Pagurus pollicarus, by its abdomen activates mechanoreceptors that evoke a stereotyped reflex in postural motoneurons. This reflex consists of three phases: a brief high-frequency burst of motoneuron spikes, a pause, and a much longer duration but lower frequency period of spiking. These phases are correlated with a rapid increase in muscle force followed by a slight decline to a level of tone that is greater than that at rest but less than maximal. The present experiments address the mechanisms underlying the transition from the first to second phase of the reflex and their role in force generation. Although centrally generated inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (IPSPS) are present during the pause period of the reflex, intracellular current injection of motoneurons reveals a spike frequency adaptation that rapidly and substantially reduces motoneuron firing frequency and is unchanged in saline that reduces synaptic transmission. The adaptation is voltage sensitive and persists for several hundred milliseconds upon repolarization. Hyperpolarization partially restores the initial response of the motoneuron to depolarizing current. Spike frequency adaptation and synaptic inhibition are important mechanisms in the generation of force that maintains abdominal stiffness at a constant, submaximal level.  相似文献   

The linear-nonlinear cascade model (LN model) has proven very useful in representing a neural system’s encoding properties, but has proven less successful in reproducing the firing patterns of individual neurons whose behavior is strongly dependent on prior firing history. While the cell’s behavior can still usefully be considered as feature detection acting on a fluctuating input, some of the coding capacity of the cell is taken up by the increased firing rate due to a constant “driving” direct current (DC) stimulus. Furthermore, both the DC input and the post-spike refractory period generate regular firing, reducing the spike-timing entropy available for encoding time-varying fluctuations. In this paper, we address these issues, focusing on the example of motoneurons in which an afterhyperpolarization (AHP) current plays a dominant role regularizing firing behavior. We explore the accuracy and generalizability of several alternative models for single neurons under changes in DC and variance of the stimulus input. We use a motoneuron simulation to compare coding models in neurons with and without the AHP current. Finally, we quantify the tradeoff between instantaneously encoding information about fluctuations and about the DC.  相似文献   

Road, J. D., and A. M. Cairns. Phrenic motoneuronfiring rates before, during, and after prolonged inspiratory resistive loading. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3):776-783, 1997.Phrenic motoneuron firing rates during briefinspiratory resistive loading (IRL) are high, and nearly all themotoneurons are recruited. Diaphragmatic fatigue has been difficult todemonstrate during IRL. Furthermore, evidence from studies in limbmuscles has shown variable motoneuron responses to prolongedhigh-intensity loads. We studied phrenic motoneuron firing ratesbefore, during, and after prolonged IRL in anesthetized rabbits. Of 117 phrenic axons, only 2 axons were not recruited; 41 axons were silentduring unloaded breathing but were recruited at higher loads. Silentaxons showed a more rapid increase in firing rate as the loadincreased. Phrenic motoneuron firing rates increased throughout theperiod of loading, whereas airway pressure swings did not. Afterprolonged IRL, higher motoneuron firing rates were needed during briefloads to produce the same airway pressure. No evidence of a decline inmotoneuron firing rates was seen at any point. We conclude that therespiratory muscles can be shown to demonstrate physiological responsesconsistent with fatigue during prolonged IRL, and activation rates arehigh and remain so throughout this prolonged loading.


Light and electron microscopic structures of Renshaw elements as the morphological basis of the recurrent inhibition were studied by means of the histochemical localization of AChE. Renshaw elements were identified as periodically repeating bulbous dendritic dilatations of AChE-negative interneurons, equipped with numerous AChE-positive motoneuronal axon collaterals. Cumulative patterns obtained by analyzing consecutive sections from segment L5 of the cat spinal cord show that the area of the most frequent occurrence of Renshaw elements nearly coincides with the dendritic arborization of the 3. type interneuron described by MATSUSHITA. The role of the Renshaw elements in recurrent inhibition is supported by the fact that they occur in largest number in those areas of the ventral horn where the Renshaw inhibition can be elicited electrophysiologically.  相似文献   

Interactions of peripheral inputs to the motoneuron of the kitten fetus as young as 3 weeks prenatal were studied by reflex discharge from the ventral root as well as by recording from single motoneurons. Facilitation was found between two synergists in fetuses 1 to 2 weeks before birth. Intracellular recording showed that the facilitation could be explained by summation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Inhibition was found between antagonists in the fetuses 2 to 3 weeks before birth and was accompanied by inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. Recurrent inhibition was very powerful in the fetal spinal cord as shown by large motoneuron hyperpolarization by antidromic stimulation. Cells presumed to be "Renshaw cells" and which responded to both ortho- and antidromic stimulation with repetitive firing were shown in the 2 weeks prenatal fetus. These results lead to the conclusion that there is considerable effective synaptic connection of afferent collaterals already established by the later stage of intrauterine life and that this may be achieved independently of external stimuli.  相似文献   

All theories related to the evolution of Deinococcus radiodurans have a common denominator: the strong positive correlation between ionizing-radiation resistance and desiccation tolerance. Currently, the widespread hypothesis is that D. radiodurans’ ionizing-radiation resistance is a consequence of this organism’s adaptation to desiccation (desiccation adaptation hypothesis). Here, we draw attention to major discrepancy that has emerged between the “desiccation adaptation hypothesis” and recent findings in computational biology, experimental research, and terrestrial subsurface surveys. We explain why the alternative hypothesis, suggesting that D. radiodurans’ desiccation tolerance could be a consequence of this organism’s adaptation to ionizing radiation (radiation adaptation hypothesis), should be considered on equal basis with the “desiccation adaptation hypothesis”.  相似文献   

The spinal motoneurone-Renshaw cell circuitry, which constitutes an intricate negative feedback system, was investigated with respect to its significance for the shaping of motoneurone firing patterns excited by strong phasic inputs. Discharge patterns of single motoneurones were compared before and after opening of the recurrent inhibitory pathways by Renshaw cell blocking agents. Serial correlograms computed from motoneurone interspike intervals which were modulated by sinusoidal muscle stretch replicated the input periodicity, but were not changed in any consistent manner after Renshaw cell blockage. Longterm regularity and periodicity of motoneurone firing, i.e. the overall response characteristics, do not appear to be significantly determined by Renshaw cells under these conditions. The modulation of motoneurone interspike intervals was assessed by computing power spectra for corresponding instantaneous frequencies. The harmonic contents (2nd and 3rd harmonic of the driving frequency) of these spectra tended to decrease after Renshaw cell depression. The distortion of signal transmission in a single motoneurone channel is thus stronger with, than without, the recurrent inhibitory feedback. The implication of these findings for signal transmission from the spinal cord to the muscle is discussed.  相似文献   

The “Law of the Minimum” states that growth is controlled by the scarcest resource (limiting factor). This concept was originally applied to plant or crop growth (Justus von Liebig, 1840, Salisbury, Plant physiology, 4th edn., Wadsworth, Belmont, 1992) and quantitatively supported by many experiments. Some generalizations based on more complicated “dose-response” curves were proposed. Violations of this law in natural and experimental ecosystems were also reported. We study models of adaptation in ensembles of similar organisms under load of environmental factors and prove that violation of Liebig’s law follows from adaptation effects. If the fitness of an organism in a fixed environment satisfies the Law of the Minimum then adaptation equalizes the pressure of essential factors and, therefore, acts against the Liebig’s law. This is the the Law of the Minimum paradox: if for a randomly chosen pair “organism–environment” the Law of the Minimum typically holds, then in a well-adapted system, we have to expect violations of this law.  相似文献   

A study was made of motoneuron firing rates and mechanical contractile parameters during maximum voluntary contraction of human hand muscles. A comparison of muscles that had been fatigued after a 60-s maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) with muscles that were cooled by approximately 5 degrees C showed that the contractile properties, in particular the rates of contraction and relaxation, were similarly affected in both conditions. In contrast, the motoneuron firing rate was affected differently by the two treatments. In the case of the fatigued muscles the motoneuron firing rate was reduced by 36%, as was expected from previous studies, but in the case of the cooled muscles, there was no significant change in the motoneuron firing rate. We conclude that the reflex reduction in the motoneuron firing rate seen in the fatigued muscle is not triggered directly by a change in the mechanical properties of the muscle.  相似文献   

The physiological function of spinal recurrent inhibition is still a matter of debate because of the experimental difficulty or impossibility of observing recurrent inhibition at work in normally behaving animals. The purpose of this study was to investigate, by computer simulation, the role of recurrent inhibition in shaping the input-output (I/O) relationships between descending command signals (DCS) as inputs and motoneuron (MN) and Renshaw cell (RC) firing rates and muscle force as outputs. Changing the spatial (topographical) distribution of recurrent inhibition from nonhomogeneous (as in the standard model) to homogeneous did not alter the I/O relationships significantly, while changing the functional distribution related to MN types did. Altering the global gain of recurrent inhibition, as happens naturally in various motor acts, changes the slopes and positions (at high inputs) of the I/O relationships, making recurrent inhibition a suitable means of gain control. Coupling a decrease in recurrent inhibitory gain with an increase in DCS input, as could occur during slow dynamic contractions, would increase the MN and force gains during the act. Short dynamic ramp-and-hold DCS inputs generate MN firing patterns, to which recurrent inhibition contributes interspike-interval variability and damped oscillations, which are related to issues of tremor and its control.  相似文献   

Experimental physiological studies were made in 10–11-year-old boys and girls, students of a gymnasium and an education-upbringing complex. The functional parameters recorded in children momentarily included: the heart rate, systolic and diastolic arterial pressure, Roufier index, and the adaptation potential (AP) of the cardiovascular system as an integral index of the adaptivity level of human organism on the whole, measured according to special formulas, and the index of the risk of disease development. Apart from it, the height, body mass, vital lung capacity, and strength of hand grip were measured, the puberty stage and deviations in the functioning of organs and systems were revealed. The AP levels used to evaluate adults’ adaptation did not agree with 10–11-year-old children’s physical development degree, puberty stages, and health condition (belonging to different health groups). No agreement was found between the levels of these parameters and the degrees of AP of the cardiovascular system in 10–11-year-old children based on their individual values and sigmal deviations of this index. Therefore, a conclusion on the adaptation capacities of a child’s organism and the risk of disease development in it based on the AP values may be erroneous. The authors suggest an age scale of the AP levels for 10–11-year-old children.  相似文献   

The influence of common oscillatory inputs to the motoneuron pool on correlated patterns of motor unit discharge was examined using model simulations. Motor unit synchronization, in-phase fluctuations in mean firing rates known as ‘common drive’, and the coefficient of variation of the muscle force were examined as the frequency and amplitude of common oscillatory inputs to the motoneuron pool were varied. The amount of synchronization, the peak correlation between mean firing rates and the coefficient of variation of the force varied with both the frequency and amplitude of the common input signal. Values for ‘common drive’ and the force coefficient of variation were highest for oscillatory inputs at frequencies less than 5 Hz, while synchronization reached a maximum when the frequency of the common input was close to the average motor unit firing rate. The frequency of the common input signal for which the highest levels of synchronization were observed increased as motoneuron firing rates increased in response to higher target force levels. The simulation results suggest that common low-frequency oscillations in motor unit firing rates and short-term synchronization result from oscillatory activity in different bands of the frequency spectrum of shared motoneuron inputs. The results also indicate that the amount of synchronization between motor unit discharges depends not only on the amplitude of the shared input signal, but also on its frequency in relation to the present firing rates of the individual motor units.  相似文献   

Summary The metathoracic femoral chordotonal organ is a receptor of the locust,Schistocerca, hindleg that encodes the angle of the femoro-tibial joint. However, the discharge of the organ shows considerable hysteresis, in that there is a substantial decline in the level of afferent firing when the tibia is moved and then returned to its initial position. Similar hysteresis is also seen in some joint receptors and interneurons of other invertebrates and vertebrates. When the chordotonal organ is stimulated in freely moving locusts, mimicking sudden changes in joint angle, reflex discharges can be elicited in the tibial extensor muscle that resist apparent joint movement and also show similar hysteresis. This pattern of motoneuron activity is demonstrated to potentially function to eliminate residual, catch muscle tensions that result from increases in motoneuron firing frequency. This adaptation could also serve to produce accurate load compensation.  相似文献   

The relationship between the surface electromyogram (SEMG) and force was examined during maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Isometric MVC of elbow flexors were studied in 18 subjects who performed 27 trials, each consisting of six MVCs lasting 45 s at intervals of 30 s. There was a decrease in the median frequency (Fm) of the SEMG and of the compound action potentials (CAP) during MVC. The CAPs demonstrated that the fall in Fm was associated with a proportional increase in signal power, whereas CAP amplitude did not decrease, indicating intact neuromuscular transmission. The SEMG root-mean-square amplitude remained fairly constant, progressively deviating from force with time of contraction (r = 0.40). When SEMG amplitude was corrected for the Fm change, it tracked force more closely (r = 0.68), indicating a fall in motoneuron drive during MVC. The corrected SEMG was used to calculate the change in the generalized firing rate of motoneurons. The firing rate decreased 60% in the first and sixth contractions, tracked force closely, and corresponded to the firing rate fall seen in late adaptation of motoneurons (r = 0.90, P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

1. Activity of Renshaw cells monosynaptically excited by ventral root stimulation and disynaptically excited by electric stimulation of the group Ia afferents in the gastrocnemius-soleus (GS) nerve, was recorded in precollicular decerebrate cats. The response of these units to prolonged vibration applied longitudinally to the deefferented GS muscle was then compared with that elicited by static stretch of the homonymous muscle, for comparable frequencies of discharge of the group Ia afferents. 2. Small-amplitude vibration of the GS muscle at 200/sec for one second produced a sudden increase in the discharge rate of Renshaw cells, which gradually decreased within the first 100 msec of vibration to reach steady albeit lower level than that obtained during the first part of vibration. The response of the Renshaw cells during the first 100 msec of vibration (phasic response) and that elicited during the last 500 msec of vibration (tonic response) were evaluated for different frequencies of sinusoidal stretch. The mean increase in the firing frequency per imp./sec in the Ia afferents was also calculated using the total one-second period. 3. The response of Renshaw cells to muscle vibration increased with the frequency of vibration and, over the value of 10/sec, appeared to be linearly related to the frequency of the input, at least up to the frequency of 150/sec. Since vibration was of sufficient amplitude to produce driving of all the primary endings of muscle spindles, the responses were expressed as mean increases in the discharge rate of Renshaw cells per average impulse/sec in the Ia afferents. The discharge of the Renshaw cell increased on the average by 2.90 and 1.08 imp./sec per each imp./sec in the Ia afferents during the phasic and the tonic component of the response respectively, while the response calculated during the whole period of vibration corresponded on the average to 1.45 imp./sec per each imp./sec in the Ia afferents. 4. The Renshaw cells tested above responded also with increasing frequencies of discharge to increasing levels of static extension of the GS muscle. In particular the discharge frequency of Renshaw cells was on the average linearly related to muscle extension, at least for values ranging from 0 to 8 mm. The mean increase in discharge rate as a function of the static extension corresponded on the average to 0.89 imp./sec/mm. Since the discharge rate of the primary endings of muscle spindles recorded from the deefferented GS muscle increased by 2.62 imp./sec/mm, it appears that the mean increase in the discharge rate of Renshaw cells as a function of static extension corresponded to 0.34 imp./sec per each imp./sec in the Ia afferents.  相似文献   

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