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Gelatin-specific protease activity from hamster lung fibroblasts and their culture media is described. The fibroblasts were derived from hamster lung explant cultures. The gelatin-specific protease activity is latent and seen only after dialysis of either cells or media. The enzyme activity shares many properties of previously reported gelatinases. The activity is inhibited by EDTA, cysteine, and dithioerythritol, whereas it is not inhibited by p-chloromecuribenzoate, N-ethyl maleimide, or phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. Of all substrates tested, activity was observed only against gelatin and not against other substrates tested. It was inactive toward collagen, elastin, and methemoglobin. This enzyme may have a role in the digestion of collagen that has been previously cleaved by mammalian collagenase.  相似文献   

Summary Earlier studies showed that guinea pig lung fibroblasts in cell culture could be “activated” by naturally occurring peptides with a resultant increase in glycolysis and glycosaminoglycan formation. Such connective tissue activation (CTA) in human cell systems (synovial, cartilage, dermal) has proved a useful tool for studying the mechanisms of inflammation and dissecting the efficacy and actions of anti-inflammatory drugs. The present study examined the consequences of treating basal and activated guinea pig lung fibroblasts with glucocorticoids. The data indicate that glucocorticoids minimally suppress glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis in nonactivated cultures. Further, CTA was inhibited to only a minor degree in activated lung fibroblast cultures by steroids, and even markedly supraphysiologic concentrations of glucocorticoids were not notably inhibitory. It was of interest that thiols enhanced suppression of incremental GAG synthesis by some glucocorticoids in activated lung fibroblast cultures. This study was supported by USPHS Grant HL-19685.  相似文献   

Summary Cells that possess the morphology and collagen synthetic capacity of fibroblasts were recovered by bronchofiberscopic subsegmental pulmonary lavage from patients with pulmonary fibrosis, from patients with miscellaneous nonfibrotic lung diseases and from healthy volunteers. Lavage cells were placed in tissue culture, observed for 2 to 6 weeks, and compared with human lavage pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAM), WI-38 and IMR-90 human fetal lung fibroblasts, and adult lung tissue fibroblasts (CLAC-76). Lavage fibroblasts (LF) were identified as proliferating clones in monolayers of nonproliferating PAM and could be subcultured repeatedly. Fibroblasts were propagated from 28 of the 92 lavage specimens cultured. Time-lapse cinematography showed similar distributions of interdivision times for LF, CLAC-76 and WI-38, but the LF and CLAC-76 lines had slower mean migration rates than the fetal line. Light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy of LF showed attenuated spindle-shaped cells with interdigitating filopodia, flat surfaces with few microvilli, and containing numerous cytoplasmic polyribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Extracellular fibrils with the appearance of collagen were seen. Collagen synthesis by LF was measured as 3.9% to 4.9% of the cell-associated protein sensitive to bacterial collagenase. This protein was rich in hydroxyproline, and had an electrophoretic migration pattern identical to known collagen. LF did not contain lysozyme although this enzyme was abundant in fresh and 1-week cultured PAM. Thus LF were similar to human fetal and adult lung tissue fibroblasts in their morphology, tissue culture characteristics, constitutive enzymes and collagen synthetic properties but were distinctly different from PAM. This work was supported by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Grant HL-14212 (Pulmonary SCOR), Training Grant HL-05990, Contract No. 1HD-2-2755, and Grant RR-109 from the General Clinical Research Centers Program of the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Organ cultures of newborn rat lungs synthesize and accumulate DNA, RNA, collagen and noncollagenous proteins almost at a linear rate for at least 5 days. During this period the synthesis of collagen consistently exceeds the synthesis of noncollagenous proteins in a pattern similar to neonatal lung growth in vivo. Although some morphological characteristics of lung architecture are distorted after culture, fundamental structural similarities to lungs growing in intact animals are retained. When these cultures are maintained in atmospheres rich in oxygen, increased collagen synthesis is observed, a response similar to that of lungs in intact animals exposed to high oxygen concentrations in vivo. Our studies suggest that lung organ cultures may be a suitable system for investigating the biochemical aspects of lung tissue-environmental interaction. These studies were supported in parts by NIH Grant HL-19668, a contract (68-03-2005) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and grants from the California Lung Association.  相似文献   

The capacity of lung explant cultures to synthesize collagen can be estimated by determining the content of [3H]hydroxyproline in protein following incubation with [3H]proline. The technique requires acid hydrolysis followed by quantitative separation of hydroxyproline from proline for scintillation counting and is often restricted to methods that can accommodate large samples because of relatively low specific radioactivity. A method which is useful for such samples, providing rapid separation of nonderivatized amino acids by ion-exchange HPLC, is described here. The HPLC system employs an HPX-87C cation-exchange column in 10 mm calcium acetate, pH 5.5, at 85°C. Under isocratic conditions hydroxyproline is completely resolved from proline with quantitative recovery of the 3H cpm applied to the column. Large amounts of material, equivalent to at least 150 mg wet wt of lung, can be applied without affecting resolution or recovery, and samples can be injected at intervals as short as 40 min. This method was used to study collagen biosynthesis in a model of pulmonary fibrosis induced in rabbits by the tumor-promoting agent, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), and provides information concerning total protein synthesis as well as production of collagen. The data show a doubling in the rate of collagen production in lung explants prepared from animals treated with PMA compared with explants from control animals.  相似文献   

A novel method to quantify cell migration through potential tissue engineering 3-d scaffolds is described. The migration assay uses a dot-blotting apparatus into which the tissue engineering matrix is placed on top of a nitrocellulose membrane. This assay was used to evaluate human dermal fibroblast migration through four porcine collagen matrices with varying pore diameters and pitch lengths. Fibroblasts were placed on the matrix surface, at between 1 ×103–3 × 103 cells mm–2, and left for 18 h to allow migration. The nitrocellulose membrane was stained with haematoxylin, the membrane digitised and the pixel intensity of the stained cells quantified. We showed that for all matrix variants, migration was more effective with a higher initial seeding density. The application of varying initial cell densities resulted in the greatest extent of cell migration through the matrix variant with pores of 30 m diameter and 400 m pitch length (i.e. 10.3% migration at 1 ×103 cells mm–2). This method was coupled with confocal microscopy to evaluate the depth of cell migration within the matrix. At a depth of 20 m cell numbers were similar to those on the matrix surface: at a depth of 100 m only a few cells were observed.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a procedure to explant fibroblasts from the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the rabbit knee, and have optimized conditions for maintaining them in culture. Maximal growth for both ACL and MCL cells was obtained with Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum and 250 μM ascorbate. ACL and MCL fibroblasts displayed intrinsic differences in their responses to changes in culture parameters. Specifically, they displayed different growth responses when plated at different densities and responded to RPMI 1640 medium in very different ways. There were also biochemical differences between the cell types. Both cell types produced similar amounts of collagen in culture, but the ratio of type I to type III, the major collagen subtypes produced by these cells, were different. ACL fibroblasts produced 86.7% type I and 13.3% type III, and MCL fibroblasts produced 71.1% type I and 28.9% type III. In addition, total protein produced by ACL fibroblasts was higher than that produced by MCL cells. This confirms the suggestions of previous researchers that such differences might exist. This work was funded by a grant-in-aid from Medtronic of Canada, by an R&D Grant from the Alberta Ministry of Technology, Research and Telecommunications, and by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.  相似文献   

Summary Cultured fibroblasts derived from normal human dermis show a consistent 62% inhibition of collagen synthesis by hydrocortisone, whereas cultures derived from keloids average only 30% inhibition and show a much larger strain to strain variation ranging from 75% inhibition to 49% stimulation. Examination of fibroblast clones indicates that this high variation among keloid strains is not due to differences in the proportion of normal and keloid cells in the mass culture populations. Small but significant differences in the effect of hydrocortisone on collagen deposition are also seen among these clonal populations, but are not related to the type of tissue from which cultures were derived. Two to three-fold differences among clones derived from a single individual were observed, possibly suggesting functional heterogeneity of dermal fibroblasts with regard to collagen metabolism under control conditions and in response to hydrocortisone. However, this variation among clones may simply reflect differences in clonal growth, inasmuch as both collagen synthesis and deposition, and the effect of hydrocortisone on these processes, are strongly affected by population density. This work was supported in part by PHS grants, CA-17229 from the National Cancer Institute and AG-02046 from the National Institute on Aging, DHHS; and by Grant RIM 78-17313 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a disease characterized by progressive, unrelenting lung scarring, with death from respiratory failure within 2–4 years unless lung transplantation is performed. New effective therapies are clearly needed. Fibroblast activation protein (FAP) is a cell surface-associated serine protease up-regulated in the lungs of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as well as in wound healing and cancer. We postulate that FAP is not only a marker of disease but influences the development of pulmonary fibrosis after lung injury. In two different models of pulmonary fibrosis, intratracheal bleomycin instillation and thoracic irradiation, we find increased mortality and increased lung fibrosis in FAP-deficient mice compared with wild-type mice. Lung extracellular matrix analysis reveals accumulation of intermediate-sized collagen fragments in FAP-deficient mouse lungs, consistent with in vitro studies showing that FAP mediates ordered proteolytic processing of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-derived collagen cleavage products. FAP-mediated collagen processing leads to increased collagen internalization without altering expression of the endocytic collagen receptor, Endo180. Pharmacologic FAP inhibition decreases collagen internalization as expected. Conversely, restoration of FAP expression in the lungs of FAP-deficient mice decreases lung hydroxyproline content after intratracheal bleomycin to levels comparable with that of wild-type controls. Our findings indicate that FAP participates directly, in concert with MMPs, in collagen catabolism and clearance and is an important factor in resolving scar after injury and restoring lung homeostasis. Our study identifies FAP as a novel endogenous regulator of fibrosis and is the first to show FAP''s protective effects in the lung.  相似文献   

目的:研究低氧(2%氧)对成年Wistar大鼠心脏成纤维细胞DNA合成及Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原前a肽链表达的影响.方法:分离培养成年Wistar大鼠心脏成纤维细胞,采用液体闪烁计数方法检测心脏成纤维细胞的DNA合成速率,采用原位杂交技术检测Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原前α肽链mRNA的表达.结果:成年Wistar大鼠心脏成纤维细胞在低氧第6h、12 h时3H-TdR掺入量较常氧组显著增加,分别增加34%(P<0.05)和36%(P<0.01);低氧第4 h、8 h、12 h Ⅰ型胶原前α肽链mRNA表达显著高于常氧培养的细胞;低氧第2 h,Ⅲ型胶原前α肽链mRNA表达显著高于常氧培养的细胞.结论:低氧能够直接促进体外培养的成年Wistar大鼠心脏成纤维细胞DNA合成和Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原前α肽链表达,提示低氧对心脏成纤维细胞生长和胶原表达的直接调节可能是低氧性心肌纤维化的重要机制.  相似文献   

Summary Parenchymal hepatocytes isolated from adult rats were cultured on three types of collagen-containing substrata: collagen-coated plates, collagen membranes and confluent diploid human fibroblasts. Hepatocytes on the latter two substrata maintained characteristic morphology for at least 10 days in culture, whereas degenerative changes (cell death and formation of multinucleated hepatocytes) and growth of nonparenchymal elements were seen after 5 days in cultures on collagen-coated plates. Parallel findings were seen on basal and induced levels of cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-cytochrome C reductase. The basal levels of cytochrome P-450 were not measurable after day 3 in hepatocytes cultured on collagen-coated plates, whereas measurable levels were maintained in the hepatocytes cultured on the other two substrata. Addition of phenobarbital or methylcholanthrene at day 5 in culture caused an increase in cytochromes P-450 and P-448, respectively, only in hepatocytes cultured on collagen membranes and confluent fibroblasts. Analogous results were seen for the enzyme NADPH-cytochrome C reductase. The similarities in performance between hepatocytes on collagen membranes and on human fibroblasts show that a continuous collagen-containing substratum is important for optimal performance of hepatocytes in primary culture. The possible importance of cultures of hepatocytes on human fibroblasts for carcinogenesis studies is discussed.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that dermis from subjects with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen contains approximately 5% of normal levels of hydroxylysine and sonicates of skin fibroblasts contain less than 15% of normal levels of collagen lysyl hydroxylase activity. However, cultures of dermal fibroblasts from two siblings with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VI) compared to fibroblasts from normal subjects synthesize collagen containing approximately 50% of normal amounts of hydroxylysine. The lysyl hydroxylase deficient cultures synthesize both Type I and Type III collagen in the same proportion as control cultures. Both α1(I) and α2 chains are similarly reduced in hydroxylysine content. Collagen prolyl hydroxylation by normal and mutant cells is severely depressed without ascorbate but in all cultures collagen lysyl hydroxylation is the same with or without ascorbate supplementation. In mutant cells the rate of prolyl hydroxylation measured after release of inhibition by α,α′-dipyridyl is the same as in control cells. The rate of lysyl hydroxylation is reduced in mutant cells but only to approximately 50% of normal.  相似文献   

Normal human dermal fibroblasts have a limited life-span in vitro and stop proliferation after a fixed number of cell divisions. This process by which cells stop proliferation is called senescence. Senescence is also characterized by a decrease in the total cell number. In this study, we characterized an increase in cell death in normal human dermal fibroblasts in vitro as a function of increasing cell passage. With increasing passage, human fibroblasts showed an increase in the number of dead cells and increased DNA fragmentation as determined by flow cytometry. Serial passage of human fibroblasts also resulted in mitochondrial dysfunction, represented by a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. The apoptotic markers caspase-3 and cytochrome c were both found to increase in senescent cells. These results suggest the activation of an apoptotic pathway within a population of human fibroblasts as a function of cell passage.  相似文献   

Summary Cultures of adult human skin fibroblasts were grown in the presence of the recommended antifungal dose (3 μg per ml) of amphotericin B-deoxycholate. A reduction in cell culture growth, measured as DNA content and protein content per culture, was observed. However, radioisotope incorporation into noncollagen protein and, to a lesser extent, collagen protein was enhanced. These effects were due to amphotericin B, not to deoxycholate. These observations were made under several growth conditions and indicate that cell proliferation or isotope-labeling studies in fibroblasts in the presence of amphotericin B-deoxycholate are susceptible to errors in interpretation. Supported by PHS Grants AM-02456, AM-15312 and AM-17047, by the Kroc Foundation, and by the American Diabetes Association, Washington Affiliate. Recipient of Research Career Development Award AM-47142 from NIAMDD, and to whom requests for reprints should be addressed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effects of submicron‐grooved topography and surface cell affinity on the attachment, proliferation and collagen synthesis of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) cells. Two grooved polystyrene (PS) surfaces (equal groove/ridge width of 800 nm) with a groove depth of 100 or 700 nm were fabricated and modified by oxygen plasma treatment, dopamine deposition and conjugation of RGD‐containing peptides to enhance cell affinity. The elongation and alignment of ACL cells was enhanced by grooved structures with increasing groove depths regardless of surface chemistry. On the other hand, cell spreading and proliferation mainly depended on surface chemistry, in accordance with surface cell affinity: O2 plasma < dopamine deposition < RGD conjugation. The synthesis of type I collagen was the highest by the ACL cells cultured on the 700 nm grooved surface conjugated with RGD peptides, indicating that both surface grooved topography and chemistry play a role in modulating collagen production of ACL cells. Furthermore, the type I collagen deposited on the 700 nm PS surface was aligned with grooves/ridges. Our results indicated that both ligand presentation and cell alignment are important in the physiological activities of ACL fibroblasts. Such information is critical for design of biomaterials for ACL tissue engineering. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 327–337. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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