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14C-Amino acid incorporating activity in the absence of exogenousmRNA was found in a cell-free system from embryos of light-germinatedPinus thunbergii seeds, but not in that from dark-imbibed seedembryos. Template activity in the cell-free system from thelight-germinated seed embryos was observed in the ribosome fraction,especially the polyribosome fraction, but not in the 100,000?gsupernatant fraction (s100). These facts suggest that the natureof the block in protein synthesis during the imbibition of seedsin the dark is due to the lack or inactivity of mRNA. The s100from light-germinated seed embryos was found to be less activein amino acid incorporation than that from dark-imbibed seedembryos. (Received November 29, 1976; )  相似文献   

Ribosome patterns in embryos of light-requiring pine seeds duringprolonged dark imbibition and after red light irradiation werestudied. Ribosomes isolated from dry embryos were essentiallyhomogeneous monomer particles. During a dark imbibition periodas long as 42 days, no appreciable changes in ribosomal patternswere observed. However, a decrease in monomer ribosomes anddistinct polysome formation were detected within 24 hr aftera brief red light had been given at any point in the dark imbibitionperiod. (Received May 11, 1974; )  相似文献   

Dissociability of the monomer ribosomes prepared from dry and imbibed pine (Pinus thunbergii) seed embryos was analyzed in sucrose density gradient containing a high salt buffer. Abnormal dissociation into the subunits was observed with the ribosome preparation from dry seed embryos when compared with that from imbibed seed embryos, i.e. each subunit peak was broader and localized at a lower site in sucrose density gradient. This indicates some change(s) in ribosomes during imbibition of seeds. These ribosomal changes also progressedin vitro. That is, after incubation of ribosome preparation from dry seed embryos in a high salt buffer for 5 min at 30 C or in a low salt buffer for 15 hr at 0 C, complete dissociation into the normal subunits was observed. No difference was found between polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis patterns of ribosomal RNA from dry and imbibed seed embryos. These results suggest some alteration in the protein components of ribosome during imbibition of pine seeds. This paper is dedicated to Prof. Shyogo Sawamura, Utsunomiya University on his retirement in March, 1979.  相似文献   

The regulation of nucleic acid and protein synthesis in dormant, thermodormant, and after-ripened embryos of Vaccaria pyramidata (Caryophyllaceae) has been studied. Germination of after-ripened V. pyramidata seeds is prevented by inhibitors of protein, RNA, and DNA synthesis. The synthesis of both protein and RNA is activated at the beginning of imbibition, whereas [3H]thymidine incorporation does not start until the second period of the imbibition phase. [3H]Thymidine incorporation is greatly reduced in embryos treated with cycloheximide or 6-methylpurine. There is no correlation between the level of [3H]uracil and l-[14C]leucine incorporation into macromolecules and the physiological state of the seeds: tRNA, ribosomal RNA, and poly(A)-containing RNA (probably mRNA) as well as proteins are synthesized at the same rate in both dormant and thermodormant embryos as in after-ripened embryos. The protein patterns of dormant and after-ripened embryos are similar, as shown by electrophoresis and electrofocusing of double-labeled proteins. The level of DNA synthesis, measured as [3H]thymidine incorporation, may, on the other hand, indicate the physiological activity of the seeds: [3H]Thymidine is incorporated at a high rate in after-ripened embryos only and remains at a low level in dormant or thermodormant embryos. This correlation is, however, observed only in the axes. DNA synthesis in the cotyledons does not show any relation to the developmental stage of the seeds. These results are discussed in relation to the regulation of dormancy and after-ripening of seeds.  相似文献   

Rate of photosynthesis and activities of photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle enzymes were determined in pods (siliqua), whereas rate of dark CO2 fixation, oil content and activities of enzymes involved in dark CO2 metabolism were measured in seeds ofBrassica campestris L. cv. Toria at different stages of pod/seed development. The period between 14 and 35 days after anthesis corresponded to active phase of seed development during which period, seed dry weight and oil content increased sharply. Rate of pod photosynthesis and activities of photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle enzymes were maximum in younger pods but sufficiently high levels were retained up to 40 days after anthesis. The rate of dark14CO2 fixation in seeds increased up to 21 days after anthesis and declined thereafter but maintaining sufficiently high rates till 35 days after anthesis. Similarly various enzymes viz., phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, NAD+-malate dehydrogenase and NADP+-malic enzyme, involved in dark CO2 metabolism retained sufficient activities during the above period. These enzyme activities were more than adequate to maintain the desired supply of malate which mainly arises from dark CO2 fixation in seeds and further translocated to leucoplasts for onward synthesis of fatty acids. Enzyme localization experiments revealed phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and enzymes of sucrose metabolism to be present only in cytosol, whereas enzymes of glycolysis were present both in cytosolic and leucoplastic fractions. These results indicated that oil synthesis in developingBrassica seeds is supported by pod photosynthesis and dark CO2 fixation in seeds as the former serves as the source of sucrose and the latter as a source of malate  相似文献   

Polypeptides synthesized by imbibing wheat embryos have been compared with those made by cell-free extracts programmed with bulk poly(A)-rich RNA from dry wheat embryos. Newly synthesized polypeptides, labeled with [35S]methionine, were resolved by one-dimensional and two-dimensional electrophoresis and then records of the separations were prepared by fluorography. When programmed by bulk poly(A)-rich RNA from dry wheat embryos, a nuclease-treated rabbit reticulocyte lysate synthesizes an array of polypeptides which is broadly similar to that formed when a wheat germ extract is programmed with the same RNA. Polypeptides made in both homologous and heterologous cell-free systems, under the direction of bulk poly(A)-rich RNA from dry wheat embryos, are broadly similar to those formed during early (0--40 min) imbibition of dry wheat embryos. As imbibition progresses beyond 40 min, there are profound changes in the one-dimensional and two-dimensional electrophoretic distributions of newly made polypeptides present in the 23 000 x g supernatant fraction of cell-free homogenates; characteristically, low-molecular-weight and basic polypeptides comprise a diminishing proportion of the total polypeptides as imbibition progresses beyond 40 min. Ribosomal proteins are conspicuous among the proteins formed during early imbibition and especially prominent among the products formed when homologous cell-free polypeptide synthesis is programmed by bulk poly(A)-rich RNA from dry wheat embryos.  相似文献   

Pinus radiata is one of the most important forestry species in the southern hemisphere. This work describes the regeneration of this plant via somatic embryogenesis from immature zygotic embryos. To improve this process, somatic embryogenic cell suspensions were established in liquid media for the generation of material for embryo maturation. Each developmental stage of these suspensions was characterized by microscopy and their growth phases quantified. An alginate-containing medium was used as an encapsulation method for the somatic embryos that were then germinated as artificial seeds in vitro. The protocols described in this work are both useful and reliable for industrial purposes.  相似文献   

The mature embryos of rice seeds contain translatable mRNAs required for the initial phase of germination. To clarify the relationship between seed longevity and RNA integrity in embryos, germinability and stability of embryonic RNAs were analyzed using the seeds of japonica rice cultivars subjected to controlled deterioration treatment (CDT) or long periods of storage. Degradation of RNA from embryos of a japonica rice cultivar “Nipponbare” was induced by CDT before the decline of the germination rate and we observed a positive relationship between seed germinability and integrity of embryonic RNAs. Moreover, this relationship was confirmed in the experiments using aged seeds from the “Nipponbare”, “Sasanishiki” and “Koshihikari” rice cultivars. In addition, the RNA integrity number (RIN) values, calculated using electrophoresis data and Agilent Bioanalyzer software, had a positive correlation with germinability (R2=0.75). Therefore, the stability of embryonic RNAs required for germination is involved in maintaining seed longevity over time and RIN values can serve as a quantitative indicator to evaluate germinability in rice.  相似文献   

The results of long-term work on the induction of somatic embryogenesis in Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) growing in a natural stand of trees and in clone grafting plantation located in the Western Sayan are shown. Controlled pollination of the clones of Siberian pine had a positive influence on the state of callus cultures. The cytological analysis of embryonal-suspensor mass made it possible to identify embryological structures morphologically close to zygotic embryos at early developmental stages; as a result, the callus tissue was recognized embryogenic. We revealed donor plants (clones), whose zygotic embryos in vitro can serve as a source of embryogenic callus tissue.  相似文献   

Accelerated ageing is an accurate test indicator of seed vigor and storability that helps to understand the mechanisms of cellular and biochemical deterioration that occur during seed ageing. This study was carried out to elucidate the mechanisms of ageing in macaw palm embryos. Seeds were artificially aged during 4, 8 and 12 days at 45 °C and 100% relative humidity. After ageing, seeds were tested for viability (tetrazolium), electrical conductivity, lipid peroxidation (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content. Part of the aged seeds was imbibed for 8 days and then determined the hydrogen peroxide content and the activity of antioxidant system enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione reductase). Ageing reduced the embryo viability from 8 days of treatment and increased malondialdehyde content (MDA) and solute leakage. Hence, membrane permeability correlated with both loss of viability and lipid peroxidation. Imbibition after ageing significantly increased H2O2 content along with superoxide dismutase activity. Catalase activity was significantly higher than control in embryos aged from 8 days and imbibed, and glutathione reductase activity did not change. Our results suggest that macaw palm seed deterioration during accelerated ageing is closely related to lipid peroxidation, and that enzymatic antioxidant system is not completely efficient in reducing reactive oxygen species after imbibition, a critical phase to germination. Moreover, accelerated ageing test can be used as a reliable model to understand the mechanisms involved in palm seeds deterioration.  相似文献   

Citrus exhibits polyembryonic seed development, an apomictic process in which many maternally derived embryos arise from the nucellus surrounding the developing zygotic embryo. Citrus seed storage proteins were used as markers to compare embryogenesis in developing seeds and somatic embryogenesis in vitro. The salt-soluble, globulin protein fraction (designated citrin) was purified from Citrus sinensis cv Valencia seeds. Citrins separated into two subunits averaging 22 and 33 kD under denaturing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A cDNA clone was isolated representing a citrin gene expressed in seeds when the majority of embryos were at the early globular stage of embryo development. The predicted protein sequence was most related to the globulin seed storage proteins of pumpkin and cotton. Accumulation of 33-kD polypeptides was first detected in polyembryonic Valencia seeds when the majority of embryos were at the globular stage of development. Somatic Citrus embryos cultured in vivo were observed to initiate 33-kD polypeptide accumulation later in embryo development but accumulated these peptides at only 10 to 20% of the level observed in polyembryonic seeds. Therefore, factors within the seed environment must influence the higher quantitative levels of citrin accumulation in nucellar embryos developing in vivo, even though nucellar embryos, like somatic embryos, are not derived from fertilization events.  相似文献   

Seeds frequently face a hostile environment during early germination. In order to determine whether seeds have evolved unique mechanisms to deal with such environments, a survey of the heat shock response in isolated embryos of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was undertaken. Embryos simultaneously heat shocked and labeled following several different periods of prior imbibition up to 12 hours synthesized many groups of heat shock proteins (hsps) typical of other plant and animal systems. Also, five developmentally dependent hsps, present only in treatments imbibed less than 6 hours prior to heat shock, were detected. These proteins have relative molecular masses of 14, 40, 46, 58, and 60 kilodaltons. One of the developmentally dependent hsps is among the most highly labeled hsps found in early imbibed embryos. The possibility that this protein is the Em protein is discussed. The hypothesis that the capacity for hsp synthesis is affected by seed vigor was also tested. The heat shock responses of embryos from two high and two low vigor seed lots were compared using one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis of labelled protein extracts. The results indicate that both of the low vigor lots tested had weaker heat shock responses than their high vigor counterparts overall. Not all hsps were relatively less abundant in low vigor embryos. The developmentally dependent hsps showed little relationship to vigor. Some of the developmentally dependent hsps were actually made in greater amounts, relative to other proteins, in the low vigor seed lots. The results presented here demonstrate that imbibing embryos are capable of expressing an enhanced heat shock response, and that this response is related to seed vigor.  相似文献   

(3H) leucine was injected into unfertilized eggs, fertilized eggs, and Stage 2-12 embryos of X. laevis. Incorporation of the leucine into protein by blastomeres containing germ plasm was studied autoradiographically. Eggs, both fertilized and unfertilized, actively synthesized protein, ad did embryos from Stage 2 onwards. Probably all blastomerers containing germ plasm were labelled. In embryos from Stages 4-12, the germ plasm itself was also labelled, and this result suggests that the germ plasm is metabolically active during cleavage.  相似文献   

Summary The incorporation pattern of [14C] amino-acid into protein during the first 8 h of germination in isolated barley embryos (Hordeum vulgare) is described. Two maxima were recognised. The first, at 4 h, was entirely accounted for by scutellum activity and the second, at 8 h, coincided with active radicle elongation. An intervening minimum was situated at 5.5 h. The first peak was insensitive to actinomycin-D but the second showed a partial inhibition by this compound. Only slight changes in enzyme activity were associated with these periods of increased synthesis. Incorporation of [17-14C] kaurenoic acid into compounds co-chromatographing with gibberellins was followed over the same period in both embryos and scutella and high activity was found after only 2–4 h. It is concluded that, on the basis of protein synthetic activity, the scutellum is the most probable source of the initial gibberellin stimulus.  相似文献   

The microsporogenesis in Pinus thunbergii occurs in early to middle March, and the development of pollen in late March to early April. A mature pollen grain consists of four cells. The starch grains aggregate in the equators during meiosis Ⅰ to Ⅱ. The callose materials appear first in inner side of the wall of meiocyte and then in the equator. Sometimes the 3-or 4-sac- cate pollen grains have been found. In the ontogeny of pollen in Pinus thunbergii following events are noteworthy. (1) During meiosis the equatorial aggregation of starch grains in me iocyte becomes conspicuous. (2) During formation of tetrad the callose wall appears in regular activity. It is noteworthy that there is itself feature for the accumulation of callose in Pinus thunbergii. After formation of prothallial cells the callose appears mainly in the area between body and saccus. So the prominent symmetry of distribution of callose occurs in the pollen grains. But almost no callose accumulation takes place i,n tenuity in distal face of pollen grain. On the contrary, there are certain callose accumulation around the prothallial cells in the proximal face, forming the polar distribution of callose in pollen grains.  相似文献   

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