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Deprez  Tim  Wooldridge  Tris  Mees  Jan 《Hydrobiologia》2000,441(1):141-148
The effect of temperature on growth rate, shell size and shell shape in Krithe praetexta praetexta (Sars) was studied in four thermocultures. From July 1995 to June 1996, the cultures were kept in a continuously flowing open system pumping water from the intermediate watermass of the Gullmarn fjord, west coast of Sweden. Three cultures were kept at constant temperatures of 5, 10 and 14 °C, respectively. The fourth (reference) culture largely followed the natural variation in temperature. At the termination of the experiment, all living ostracods from a 125 m sieve were sampled from the cultures. Population age structures were analysed for the various thermocultures of K. praetexta praetexta. These were more shifted towards later ontogenetic stages with higher temperature, i.e. the ontogenetic development was more rapid in the warmer cultures. An alternative explanation is due to diapause causing cohorts to accumulate in some ontogenetic stages only when the temperature is constant. The differences in shell size of K. praetexta praetexta among the thermoconstant cultures were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Wooldridge  Tris  Mees  Jan  Webb  Paul 《Hydrobiologia》1997,354(1-3):119-126
Gastrosaccus madagascariensis sp.nov. is common in thesurfzone of sandy beaches along the east and south coasts ofMadagascar. Morphologically, it is characterised by having sevenlateral spines along each side of the telson; with spines 2–4 andthe penultimate spine being dorso-lateral in origin. One or twospinules are interspersed between the fifth and terminal spines.The fourth exopod segment of pleopod 3 in the male is bulbous, bearing twoterminal barbed unequal spines. A robust and naked seta is alsopresent on the same segment in the male.  相似文献   

Doxomysis algoaensis sp.nov. is described from Algoa Bay, South Africa where it is common in nearshore marine waters just beyond the breaker line. D. algoaensis sp.nov. is morphologically similar to D. australiensis, but can readily be distinguished by the shape and armature of the telson and the length of the exopod of the fourth male pleopod. The apical cleft is one fifth the telson length in the former species and one third the length in D. australiensis. The telson apex on each side of the cleft is also armed with five and four stout spines in the two species, respectively. In D. australiensis, the exopod of the fourth male pleopod is almost three times the length of the endopod; in D. algoaensis sp.nov., the exopod is only slightly longer than the endopod. Other distinctive features of D. algoaensis sp.nov. include the maxillary palp, which is only slightly broader than long and the greater number of spines on the endopod of the uropod.  相似文献   


From the shelf and upper slope off the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand, the following new taxa of Isopoda Anthuridea (Crustacea) are described: Kupellonura proberti n. sp. (Hyssuridae); Quantanthura pacifica n. sp., Haliophasma platytelson n. sp. and H. novaezelandiae n. sp. (Anthuridae) Albanthura stenodactyla n. gen. et sp., A. rotunduropus n. sp., Bullowanthura crebrui n. sp., Leptanthura tmncatitelson n. sp., L. exilis n. sp., L. profundicola n. sp., Paranthura longa n. sp., and Psittanthura egregia n. gen. et sp. (Paranthuridae). Most of these are blind, unpigmented species, adapted to life in deep water. Albanthura n. gen. is blind, has a single telsonic statocyst, short flagella of the antennae, a maxilliped with 3 palpal articles, and a triangular carpus on pereopods 4 to 7. Psittanthura n. gen. is also blind, with very unusual, enlarged subchelae of pereopods 1 and 2, a large, rectangular telson with a single statocyst; the maxillipedal palp is composed of 1 large and 1 small, distal article; a mandibular palp is absent.  相似文献   

Five new species, Haplostylus flagelliforma sp. nov., H.similissp. nov., H.multispinosus sp. nov., H.uthupus sp. nov. and H.disparsp. nov., are described from the south-west coast of Australia.These new species are distinguishable from each other and fromthe other allied species by the structure of the pleopods ofthe male, and by the armature of the telson and the uropods.  相似文献   

Rhinobranchipus martensi gen. et sp. nov. (Anostraca: Branchipodidae) was collected from a shallow temporary pool in the surroundings of Grahamstown (Cape Province, South Africa) (33o18'S, 26o32'E). Rhinobranchipus shares partial fusion of the chitinized basal parts of the male antennae, the so-called clypeus, with other Branchipodidae. The new genus is distinguished from confamilial genera by the morphology of the basal part of the penes. The new species, known from its type locality only, should be considered endangered, if it has not already become extinct as a result of recent modifications of its habitat.  相似文献   

Acetes orientalis, a new species of sergestid shrimp belonging to the genus Acetes H. Milne-Edwards collected from the Mandovi estuary, Goa, Central West Coast of India has affinities to most of the Indo-Pacific species. The petasma of the male has resemblance in shape to. A. sibogae, A. vulgaris, A. sibogalis, A. australis, A. erythraeus and Acetes sp. and very much alike in structure to that of A. sibogae. The female genital area has a pair of protuberance as in A. vulgaris and A. indicus. These combinations in characters along with several other important features which justify the creation of this new species are discussed in comparison with those of the other Indo-Pacific species having closet affinities.  相似文献   

Four species of mysids collected from the Minicoy lagoon are reported. Anisomysis minicoyensis sp. nov. is distinguished from the related species by the shape of the rostrum, the relative length of the antennal scale and the short protuberances on the second segment of the mandibular palp. The other three species recorded are Siriella australiensis, Anisomysis truncata and unidentified species of subfamily Gastrosaccinae.  相似文献   

A list of the species now included in the genus is given with notes of their geographical distribution and (where possible) details of their ecology and a key for their identification. An amended diagnosis of the genus is given to include two new species, hitherto unnamed and known only from damaged and inadequate material, which are now named and fully described and figured.  相似文献   

Most of the exceptional morphological features of the genusMesopodopsis are shared withNanomysis, Diamysis, andLimnomysis in a mosaic-like pattern. This group, comprising euryhaline species from fresh-to metahaline waters, has its centre of recent species richness in the Mediterranean to Ponto-Caspian region. Within the genus one may distinguish two morphogeographic groups, Euro-African species with a spine below the statocyst, and Indo-Australasian species without this spine. Detailed study from the entire distribution range indicates thatM. slabberi (van Beneden) should be split into 4 species: the nominal form from the NE-Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Black Sea, with 5–8 segments on the tarsus of the fourth thoracic endopod;M. aegyptia n.sp., widely distributed in the Mediterranean, with 7–9 segments on this tarsus as well as dimorphic setation patterns on the eighth tarsus;M. tropicalis n.sp. from equatorial W-Africa with 5–6 segments and dimorphic setation patterns on the mandibular palp; andM. wooldridgei n.sp. from South African waters with 9–12 segments on the tarsal joint of the fourth thoracic appendage, respectively. A key to the seven known species of the genus is given.  相似文献   

A new species of Conchostraca, Eocyzicus mesopotamiensis sp. nov., from a small pond in Iraq is described and illustrated. The account includes structural details and means of recognition. Information on the habitat is also given.  相似文献   

A new species of mysis, Surinamysis robertsonae , is described from the plankton of the Lago Calado, a whitewater lake in the Amazon Basin. This is only the second freshwater mysid to be described from the Amazon. Surinamysis Bowman, 1977, comprising S. robertsonae, S. americana and S. merista , is raised to full generic rank on the grounds of telson morphology (compared to the other species of the Antromysis group) and the flagelliform process of the male antennule.  相似文献   

Sampling for mysid shrimps in shallow coastal waters of Mozambique provided new distribution records for Siriella brevicaudata Paulson, 1875, Gastrosaccus bispinosa Wooldridge, 1978, Gastrosaccus longifissura Wooldridge, 1978, Dioptromysis proxima Nouvel, 1964 and Anisomysis maris rubri Bãcescu, 1973. Rhopalophthalmus tropicalis sp. nov. and Gastrosaccus mozambicus sp. nov. are described for the first time. The former species is distinguished from its closest relative R. terranatalis O. Tattersall, 1957 by its much smaller size, the lack of serrations on the lateral spines of the telson, the structure and arrangement of the spines on the antennal sympod and the number of subdivisions of the propodus of the thoracic endopod. Adult males of G. mozambicus sp. nov. show affinity to G. bispinosa, but the two species are separated by the form of the two distal exopod segments on the 3rd pleopod.  相似文献   

A new species of pelagic amphipod, Lestrigonus ducrayi sp. nov.,from eastern Australia, is described and illustrated. It isvery similar to Lestrigonus bengalensis Giles, 1887, but isreadily distinguished by a relatively shorter telson (aboutone-third peduncle uropod 3) and, in mature males, pereonites1–5 are fused as in females. The two species often occurtogether in the same plankton sample; the new species beingmore abundant inshore, although both species seem to preferinshore waters. A key to the species of Lestrigonus is provided.  相似文献   

A new caprellid amphipod, Caprella tavolarensis n. sp., is described based on specimens collected from a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow at the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area (Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea). The species is close to Caprella liparotensis, but can be clearly distinguished by smaller size, presence of a short rostrum, body elongate and dorsally smooth, absence of serrate carina on the basis of gnathopod 2 and pereopods, mouthparts scarcely setose, absence of fine setae on peduncle of antenna 1 and absence of swimming setae on antenna 2. The number of caprellid species reported from the Mediterranean Sea has increased from 23 (1993) to 41 (2010), consequently, further taxonomical studies should be addressed to properly estimate the total amphipod diversity in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

This paper deals with three species of the genus Anisomysiscollected from the South West coast of Australia of which A.gracilis and A. robustispina are new to science and A. bipanocularais reported for the first time from the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

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