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The uptake of Na+ and the loss of Ca2+ and K+ by seeds of Acacia tortilis (Forsk.) Hayne (salt tolerant) and A. coriacea DC. (salt sensitive) were determined after 24 h soaking in 250 mol m-1,3 NaCl or in distilled water. Na+ uptake was higher by the seed coat than by the embryo of both species and higher by A. coriacea than by A. tortilis. The greater Na+ uptake by A. coriacea was associated with greater Ca and K+ leakage. The Na+ concentration of solution imbibed by the embryo of both species was lower than the Na+ concentration in the external solution, indicating an exclusion of Na+. When A. tortilis and A. coriacea seeds were treated with a series of NaCl concentration (0–400 mol m-1,3), the exclusion mechanism was particularly clear with A. tortilis at lower concentrations (50 and 150 mol m-1,3) of NaCl. In contrast, the seed coat of both species accumulated Na+. Thus the seed coat may play an important role in ion exchange. These results show that it is important to consider the seed coat and embryo separately rather than the whole seed when considering ion exchange in relation to salinity tolerance.  相似文献   

Excretion of minerals by the NaCl-resistant and comparatively cadmium-resistant tree Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst, was investigated. Cd2+ was excreted by plants exposed for 1–10 days to 9 or 45 μ M Cd2+ solutions. Excretion of this toxic ion increased considerably with time but was less than 5% of the quantities that had been accumulated in the shoots. Excretion of Na+ and Cl was positively correlated with NaCl concentration (1.5, 10, 50 m M ) of the medium. The Na+/Cl ratios of the excrete were positively correlated with the concentration of the treatment solution. Ca2+ excretion decreased with increasing NaCl concentrations of the solution. Excretion of K+ and Mg2+ was only little affected by NaCl. Excretion of Li+ occurred whenever this element was supplied in the uptake solution; daily excretion rates of Li+ increased with time. The ecological significance of excretion is discussed in relation to the low selectivity of the mechanism in T. aphylla .  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) fry hatched from eggs transferred from high-Na to low-Na water during the eyed stage of development had a significantly higher Vmax and lower Km (P <0.01) of the sodium uptake mechanism than fry hatched from eggs incubated entirely in low-Na or high-Na water.
Fry hatched from eggs transferred to acid, high aluminium water during the eyed stage of development had a similar Vmax and Km to fry hatched from eggs incubated entirely in high- or low-Na water. Eggs incubated continuously in acid, high aluminium (low-Na) water produced fry with significantly lower Km and Vmax values than fry hatched from eggs incubated continuously in low-Na water. Eggs and fry in acid, high aluminium water continually lost sodium and mortality was 100% at 5 5 M O degree-days (2–3 weeks after hatching).
The results are discussed with respect to the influence of perivitelline fluid ion activities in eggs in acid, high aluminium water on the kinetic characteristics of sodium uptake in yolk-sac fry. A possible mechanism for the long-term adaptation of teleosts in acidified natural waters is also proposed.  相似文献   

When 1 m M spermidine or spermine was included in an absorption solution which contained 20 m M Na+ and 1 m M Rb+, Na+ influx into excised maize roots ( Zea mays L. cv. Golden Cross Bantam) was reduced. Rb+ influx was reduced in the presence of spermidine and uneffected in the presence of spermine when compared with control solutions. When 1 m M Ca2+ replaced the polyamines, Na+ influx was strongly reduced and Rb+ influx was promoted. Rb+ influx from 1 m M Rb+ solutions which did not contain Na+ was also promoted by 1 m M Ca2+, but was inhibited by 1 m M spermidine. This Ca2+ promotion of Rb+ influx could be reversed by 10 times greater concentration of spermidine in the absorption solution. H+ efflux from excised roots was inhibited by spermidine when compared with Ca2+ or control solutions, however, the plasma membrane ATPase was not inhibited by spermidine. It is concluded that external Ca2+ plays two separate roles in membrane function, only one of which can be substituted for by polyamines. The first role, maintenance of membrane integrity, can be substituted for by spermidine or spermine. The second function, maintenance of the Rb+ transport mechanism, is Ca2+ specific and cannot be substituted for by spermidine or spermine. The results of this study are discussed in terms of electrostatic interactions between the plasma membrane and the Ca2+ or polyamines.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Na+ and K+ concentrations in isolated Torpedo marmorata synaptosomes were determined. Synaptosomes made according to the method of Israël et al. have high internal Na+ (290 MM) and low internal K+ (30 mM) concentrations. Modification of the homogenisation media permitted the isolation of synaptosomes which could maintain transmembrane ion gradients (internal Na+, 96 mM; K+, 81 mM); 0.1 mM-ouabain abolished these gradients. The trans-membrane Na+ gradient started to dissipate after 15 min at 20°C. Inclusion of ATP in the homogenisation medium enabled the synaptosomes to maintain the Na+ gradient for about 90 min. The presence of these transmembrane ion gradients stimulated choline uptake sevenfold. It is concluded that (a) by selecting the isolation media, Torpedo synaptosomes can be prepared with transmembrane ion gradients; (b) these gradients are ouabain-sensitive and stimulate choline uptake: (c) the synaptosomes require additional ATP to maintain the ion gradients.  相似文献   

The rate of nitrogen uptake by seven Sphagnum species, which from a gradient from hummock to hollow and from ombrotrophic to minerotrophic conditions, was measured as the decrease in the concentrations of NH4+ and NO3 from solutions in which capitula were grown under laboratory conditions.
The highest uptake rate was by individuals of each species with large capitula and a high number of ion exchange sites, i.e. lawn species ( S. pulchrum , S. fallax , S. papillosum and S. magellanicum ). On a dry-mass basis, the most effective species were the hummock species ( S. fuscum and S. rubellum ), even though these species have a low dry mass. Hummock species, which occur in high densities and have high potential N-uptake rates on a dry-mass basis, were the most effective species in retaining available nitrogen.  相似文献   

Four-week-old sunflower plants ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Halcón), grown in different nutrient solutions, were used to study the effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) on K+ (Rb+) uptake by roots or transport to the shoot. Gibberellic acid application to the nutrient solution did not affect the exudation process of excised roots. When GA3 was sprayed on leaves 2 to 6 days before excising the roots, the rate of exudation and the K+ flux increased. When the exudation study was done keeping the roots in a nutrient solution in which Rb+ replaced K+, the GA3 effects were evident also on Rb+ uptake and transport. In intact plants, GA3 increased the Rb+ transported to the shoot but did not affect Rb+ accumulation in the root. It is suggested that these GA3 effects can be explained if it is assumed that GA3 acts on the transport of ions to the xylem vessels.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon eggs from the Rivers Oykel and Shin were monitored in three rivers and in culture. Significant mortality, attributable to low pH, was found for both stocks in the River Oykel though it was eightfold higher for the non-native Shin eggs. Shin eggs hatched earlier at all three wild sites but hatched later in culture. The observations are consistent with genotype-environment interactions for pH sensitivity and developmental rate.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Na+ sensitivity of whole brain membrane Na+,K+-ATPase isoenzymes was studied using the differential inhibitory effect of ouabain (α1, low affinity for ouabain; α2, high affinity; and α3, very high affinity). At 100 m M Na+, we found that the proportion of isoforms with low, high, and very high ouabain affinity was 21, 38, and 41%, respectively. Using two ouabain concentrations (10−5 and 10−7 M ), we were able to discriminate Na+ sensitivity of Na+, K+-ATPase isoenzymes using nonlinear regression. The ouabain low-affinity isoform, α1, exhibited high Na+ sensitivity [ K a of 3.88 ± 0.25 m M Na+ and a Hill coefficient ( n ) of 1.98 ± 0.13]; the ouabain high-affinity isoform, α2, had two Na+ sensitivities, a high ( K a of 4.98 ± 0.2 m M Na+ and n of 1.34 ± 0.10) and a low ( K a of 28 ± 0.5 m M Na+ and an n of 1.92 ± 0.18) Na+ sensitivity activated above a thresh old (22 ± 0.3 m M Na+); and the ouabain very-high-affinity isoform, α3, was resolved by two processes and appears to have two Na+ sensitivities (apparent K a values of 3.5 and 20 m M Na+). We show that Na+ dependence in the absence of ouabain is the result of at least of five Na+ reactivities. This molecular functional characteristic of isoenzymes in membranes could explain the diversity of physiological roles attributed to isoenzymes.  相似文献   

Salt-tolerant reed plants ( Phragmites communis Trinius) and salt-sensitive rice plants ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Kinmaze) were grown in salinized nutrient solutions up to 50 m M NaCl, and growth, Na+ contents and kinetics of 22Na+ uptake and translocation were compared between the species to characterize the salt tolerance mechanisms operating in reed plants. When both plants were grown under the same salinity, Na+ contents of the shoots were lower in reed plants, although those of the roots were quite similar. The shoot base region of both species accumulated Na+ more than the leaf blades did. Sodium-22 uptake and pulse-chase experiments suggested that the lower Na+ transport rate from root to shoot could limit excessive Na+ accumulation in the reed shoot. There was a possibility that the apparently lower 22Na+ transport rate to the shoot of reed plants was due to net downward Na+ transport from shoot base to root.  相似文献   

Puccinellia tenuiflora is a useful monocotyledonous halophyte that might be used for improving salt tolerance of cereals. This current work has shown that P. tenuiflora has stronger selectivity for K+ over Na+ allowing it to maintain significantly lower tissue Na+ and higher K+ concentration than that of wheat under short- or long-term NaCl treatments. To assess the relative contribution of Na+ efflux and influx to net Na+ accumulation, unidirectional 22Na+ fluxes in roots were carried out. It was firstly found that unidirectional 22Na+ influx into root of P. tenuiflora was significantly lower (by 31–37%) than in wheat under 100 and 150 m m NaCl. P. tenuiflora had lower unidirectional Na+ efflux than wheat; the ratio of efflux to influx was similar between the two species. Leaf secretion of P. tenuiflora was also estimated, and found the loss of Na+ content from leaves to account for only 0.0006% of the whole plant Na+ content over 33 d of NaCl treatments. Therefore, it is proposed that neither unidirectional Na+ efflux of roots nor salt secretion by leaves, but restricting unidirectional Na+ influx into roots with a strong selectivity for K+ over Na+ seems likely to contribute to the salt tolerance of P. tenuiflora .  相似文献   

Abstract: Rat brain microsomes accumulate Ca2+ at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. The rate of transport is not modulated by the monovalent cations K+, Na+, or Li+. Both the Ca2+ uptake and the Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity of microsomes are inhibited by the sulfated polysaccharides heparin, fucosylated chondroitin sulfate, and dextran sulfate. Half-maximal inhibition is observed with sulfated polysaccharide concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 8.0 µg/ml. The inhibition is antagonized by KCl and NaCl but not by LiCl. As a result, Ca2+ transport by the native vesicles, which in the absence of polysaccharides is not modulated by monovalent cations, becomes highly sensitive to these ions. Trifluoperazine has a dual effect on the Ca2+ pump of brain microsomes. At low concentrations (20–80 µM) it stimulates the rate of Ca2+ influx, and at concentrations >100 µM it inhibits both the Ca2+ uptake and the ATPase activity. The activation observed at low trifluoperazine concentrations is specific for the brain Ca2+-ATPase; for the Ca2+-ATPases found in blood platelets and in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle, trifluoperazine causes only a concentration-dependent inhibition of Ca2+ uptake. Passive Ca2+ efflux from brain microsomes preloaded with Ca2+ is increased by trifluoperazine (50–150 µM), and this effect is potentiated by heparin (10 µg/ml), even in the presence of KCl. It is proposed that the Ca2+-ATPase isoform from brain microsomes is modulated differently by polysaccharides and trifluoperazine when compared with skeletal muscle and platelet isoforms.  相似文献   

Na+-dependent uptake of dicarboxylic amino acids in membrane saccules, due to exchange diffusion and independent of ion gradients, was highly sensitive to inhibition by K+. The IC50 was 1-2 mM under a variety of conditions (i.e., whole tissue or synaptic membranes, frozen/thawed or fresh, D-[3H]aspartate (10-1000 nM) or L-[3H]glutamate (100 nM), phosphate or Tris buffer, NaCl or Na acetate, presence or absence of Ca2+ and Mg2+). The degree of inhibition by K+ was also not affected on removal of ion gradients by ionophores, or by extensive washing with H2O and reloading of membrane saccules with glutamate and incubation medium in the presence or absence of K+ (3 mM, i.e., IC70). Rb+, NH4+, and, to a lesser degree Cs+, but not Li+, could substitute for K+. [K+] showed a competitive relationship to [Na+]2. Incubation with K+ before or after uptake suggested that the ion acts in part by allowing net efflux, thus reducing the internal pool of amino acid against which D-[3H]aspartate exchanges, and in part by inhibiting the interaction of Na+ and D-[3H]aspartate with the transporter. The current model of the Na+-dependent high-affinity acidic amino acid transport carrier allows the observations to be explained and reconciled with previous seemingly conflicting reports on stimulation of acidic amino acid uptake by low concentrations of K+. The findings correct the interpretation of recent reports on a K+-induced inhibition of Na+-dependent "binding" of glutamate and aspartate, and partly elucidate the mechanism of action.  相似文献   

The metabolic response of juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch to different salinities was examined, using whole-animal oxygen consumption rates and gill Na+, K+-ATPase activities as indicators of osmoregulatory energetics. Coho salmon smolts were acclimated to fresh water (FW), isosmotic salinity (ISO, 10‰) and sea water (SW, 28‰) and were sampled for up to 6 weeks for plasma levels of cortisol, glucose and ions (Na+, K+, Cl), gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity and oxygen consumption rates. Following an initial adjustment period, plasma constituents in SW fish returned to near-FW values, indicating that the fish were acclimated to SW by day 21. Gill Na+, K+-ATPase activities on days 21 and 42 were lowest in ISO, higher in FW and highest in SW. This result is consistent with the idea that less energy would be required to maintain ion balance in an isosmotic environment, where the ionic gradients between extracellular fluid and water would be minimal. Oxygen consumption rates of swimming fish (1 body length s−1), however, did not differ significantly between the three test salinities after 6 weeks. The results of this study suggest that the metabolic response of juvenile salmonids to changes in salinity is dependent on life-history stage (e.g. fry v . smolt), and that oxygen consumption rates do not necessarily reflect osmoregulatory costs.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) were measured for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and their intestinal cestode, Eubothrium crassum , sharing the same diet. Atlantic salmon muscle tissues were enriched in 15N and depleted in 13C compared to their prey (sprat Sprattus sprattus sprattus ) and their intestinal cestode. There was no significant difference in δ15N or δ13C between E. crassum and the sprat. Differences in nutrient uptake and intestine physiology between Atlantic salmon and E. crassum are discussed, as well as how these may give rise to different fractionations of stable isotopes between a host and its parasites. Furthermore, Atlantic salmon contained a significantly higher lipid content than their prey, which may partly explain differences in δ13C values between the host and its cestode. In addition, cestodes inhabiting lipid-rich hosts were also lipid rich. Larger Atlantic salmon were enriched in 15N compared to smaller fish. Cestodes inhabiting large hosts were also enriched in 15N compared to parasites living in smaller hosts. The last two results were explained by larger fish possibly feeding from a higher trophic level, or from larger and older prey, that resulted in both a higher lipid content and an enrichment in 15N.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the effect of α-latrotoxin (αLTX) on [14C]acetylcholine ([14C]ACh) release, intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), plasma membrane potential, and high-affinity choline uptake of synaptosomes isolated from guinea pig cortex. αLTX (10?10-10?8M) caused an elevation of the [Ca2+]i as detected by Fura 2 fluorescence and evoked [14C]ACh efflux. Two components in the action of the toxin were distinguished: one that required the presence of Na+ in the external medium and another that did not. Displacement of Na+ by sucrose or N-methylglucamine in the medium considerably decreased the elevation of [Ca2+]i and [14C]ACh release by αLTX. The Na+-dependent component of the αLTX action was obvious in the inhibition of the high-affinity choline uptake of synaptosomes. Some of the toxin action on both [Ca2+]i and [14C]ACh release remained in the absence of Na+. Both the Na+-dependent and the Na+-independent components of the αLTX-evoked [14C]ACh release partly required the presence of either Mg2+ or Ca2+. The nonneurotransmitter [14C]choline was released along with [14C]ACh, but this release did not depend on the presence of either Na+ or Ca2+, indicating nonspecific leakage through the plasma membrane. We conclude that there are two factors in the release of ACh from synaptosomes caused by the toxin: (1) cation-dependent ACh release, which is related to (a) Na+-dependent divalent cation entry and (b) Na+-independent divalent cation entry, and (2) nonspecific Na+- and divalent cation-independent leakage.  相似文献   

Salmon eggs were incubated at 5, 8 or 11° C from fertilization to hatching. At Gorodilov stages 25, 27, 29, 31 and 33 transverse sections of whole embryos (at somite level 10–15) were prepared for histochemistry and electron microscopy. At every stage up to hatching, cross–sectional areas of the embryos were not different between temperatures, and from stage 27 onwards there was also no difference in the ratio of white to red muscle. However, there were more muscle fibres but of smaller average diameter in both the red and white muscle for the colder temperature embryos. At hatching there were also more nuclei (per cross–section) in the colder embryos but more nuclei per muscle fibre in the warmer embryos. In all cases the 8° C embryos were intermediate between 5 and 11° C embryos in their muscle parameters. Fast and slow muscle fibres could only be distinguished in the embryos by alkali–stable ATPase reactions. Succinic dehydrogenase activity was low in embryonic fish. No differences between the temperature groups were detected in the histochemical reactions for either ATPase or succinic dehydrogenase activities.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of cytokinin (CK) and/or gibberellin (GA) treatments on shoot accumulation of Na+ and K+ was investigated in Sorghum bicolor exposed to 150 mM NaCl. These hormonal treatments modified the shoot content of Na+ and K+, but the effect varied throughout development. Comparison of ion concentration versus ion content in shoots indicates that regulation of shoot concentration of K+ is modified during a transition period of development. This change is concomitant with reorganization of the regulation network for meristem activity, an event also involving changes in sensitivity to CK and GA. This evidence suggests a strong interdependency between dynamic changes in a between-organ network of relations and control of accumulation of monovalent ions in the shoot. Moreover, a new pattern of regulation of shoot Na+ concentration emerges during the transition period. During this process GA appears progressively involved in regulation of Na retranslocation, while CK is rather controlling the root uptake of Na+. Accordingly, the spontaneous emergence of Na-includer and Na-excluder individuals observed from an initially homogeneous population is interpreted as related to variations in sensitivity to GA and CK during differentiation of this newly emerging pathway of regulation.  相似文献   

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