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Summary l(1)su(f)mad-ts (mad) is a new temperature-sensitive (ts) lethal mutant ofDrosophila melanogaster which produces duplicated legs after temperature pulse treatment during larval development. The ts-lethality was studied in temperature experiments and genetic mosaics. Temperature pulses given during two distinct TSPs of larval development result in two different types of leg pattern duplication. Total differ from partial duplications with respect to the affected leg compartments and the orientation of the planes of symmetry which are perpendicular to the dorso-ventral and the proximo-distal leg axes in total and partial duplications, respectively. Genetic mosaic studies indicate (i) disc autonomy of leg pattern duplication, (ii) clonal separation of the anlagen of the two pattern copies, and (iii) clonal restriction along the antero-posterior compartment border in the two pattern copies of totally duplicated legs.The results suggest thatmad leg pattern duplication is caused by a change in positional information rather than by cell death and subsequent regeneration. Our data are compatible with the assumption that during normal development the leg disc cells acquire information about their position within the disc with respect to the different leg axes independently and at different times.  相似文献   

Summary New cell lines, designated as ML-DmDl≈10, were established from dissociated imaginal discs ofDrosophila melanogaster. The culture medium was prepared by mixing in a 1:1 ratio Cross and Sang’s M3(BF) medium, supplemented with 10% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS), with the supernatant of a primary embryonic cell culture made in the M3(BF) medium and supplementing this mixture with insulin. One cell line was established in the medium containing larval hemolymph instead of the primary culture supernatan, and another was established in fresh M3(BF) medium supplemented with insulin and FBS. In these mediums, imaginal disc cells first formed aggregates and cellular vesicles within a few weeks followed by the proliferation of thin-layered cells around them after about 1 mo. Ten cell lines have so far been established from two kinds of imaginal discs and disc mixtures. The ploidy of these cell lines was predominantly diploid. Population doubling time was about 50 to 70 h at 3 to 10 mo. after initiation of the culture. When the cell aggregates formed in vitro were implanted in metamorphosing larvae, they differentiated at high frequency into adult cuticular strutures in the early phase of the primary culture. This differentiation of aggregates was also observed, though at low frequency, in a culture maintained by dilution-transfer for 6 to 15 mo. in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Pairs of eye-antennal discs, attached to the cephalic ganglia, were cultured in vitro with a concentration of -ecdysone optimal for imaginal differentiation. The eye-antennal discs fused to form a vesicle inside which the antennae were partially everted, and on the inner surface of which imaginal structures differentiated. The epithelium of the discs was continuous, and an integrated pattern of bristles and hairs differentiated in vitro. In particular, the median ocellus, a unified structure derived partially from each disc, differentiated normally.  相似文献   

Summary The transdetermination capacities of leg discs ofDrosophila melanogaster were examined by mechanically disrupting and kneading whole discs from late third instar larvae and by culturing the resulting tissue mass for 10–14 days in adult female abdomens where the cells continued to divide. The grown implants were then dissected from the abdomens and injected into third instar larvae to undergo metamorphosis.After this treatment, prothoracic leg discs ofDrosophila melanogaster transdetermined with a high frequency (59% of all implants) to wing. Mesothoracic leg discs also transdetermined to wing, but at a very low frequency (4%). Metathoracic leg discs exhibited the same low frequency of transdetermination (4%), but in this case the direction of transdetermination was to haltere (Table 1,D. melanogaster).Very similar results were obtained with leg discs ofDrosophila nigromelanica (Table 1,D. nigromelanica), showing that the peculiar behavior of the three leg discs is not unique forDrosophila melanogaster.The homeotic mutation Polycomb (Pc 3) which partially transforms meso- and metathoracic legs into prothoracic legs did not significantly increase the frequencies of transdetermination in these leg dises and had clearly no effect on the direction of transdetermination (Table 1).We dedicate this publication to the memory of our teacher and advisor, the late Professor Ernst Hadorn, whose enthusiasm and interest stimulated our work  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of the evaginating female genital disc ofDrosophila melanogaster was examined at different stages of metamorphosis. The observations show that the internal genital organs are derived from the anterior half of the disc and that their morphogenesis is mainly a protrusion of the different primordial areas of the disc epithelium. The external genital and anal derivatives originate from the posterior half of the disc, which undergoes complex rearrangements during metamorphosis. The disc opens along the posterior margin and the dorsal and ventral epithelia evert and thereby completely reverse their anteroposterior orientation. Dramatic elongation has been observed during the formation of the seminal receptacle. The cells of the repressed male genital primordium do not form any recognizable structures and are assumed to be eliminated during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Summary The regulative behavior of fragments of the imaginal discs of the wing and first leg was studied when these fragments were combined with fragments of other thoracic imaginal discs. A fragment of the wing disc which does not normally regenerate when cultured could be stimulated to regenerate by combination with certain fragments of the haltere disc. When combined with a haltere disc fragment thought to be homologous by the criteria of morphology and the pattern of homoeotic transformation, such stimulated intercalary regeneration was not observed. Combinations of first and second leg disc fragments showed that a lateral first leg fragment could be stimulated to regenerate medial structures when combined with a medial second leg disc fragment but not when combined with a lateral second leg disc fragment. Combinations of wing and second leg disc fragments showed that one fragment of the second leg disc is capable of stimulating regeneration from a wing disc fragment while another second leg disc fragment fails to stimulate such regeneration. It is suggested that absence of intercalary regeneration in combinations of fragments of different thoracic imaginal discs is a result of homology or identity of the positional information residing in the cells of the fragments. The pattern of correspondence of positional information revealed by this analysis is consistant with the pattern of homology determined by morphological observation and by analysis of the positional specificity of homoeotic transformation among serially homologous appendages. The implications of the existence of homologous positional information in wing and second leg discs which share a common cell lineage early in development are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary By X-irradiation ofM/M + embryos and larvae to induce mitotic recombination, clones ofM +/M+ genotype were obtained (Fig. 1). Since such cells grow faster than the surroundingM/M +-cells they can fill large areas within the compartments of an imaginal disc.The present studies concentrated mainly on the three leg discs. Clones were induced by doses of 1000 r at ages ranging from 3±0.5 h after oviposition to 144 h.All clones induced later than the blastoderm stage were absolutely restricted to either the anterior or the posterior compartment of a disc. The border between the anterior and posterior compartment runs as a straight line along the entire leg and at the distal end separates the two claws (Figs. 5, 6, 7). A further subdivision of the anterior compartment is indicated by clones initiated in the second larval instar (Fig. 11). A parallel subdivision could not be detected in the posterior compartment. Irradiation in the early third instar led to clones which were restricted to single longitudinal bristle rows and leg segments. But no clear-cut compartment borders could be found; in particular a proximo-distal separation appears to be absent.Among the 318 clones induced at the blastoderm stage eleven extended from the wing into the second leg (Fig. 8), or from the haltere into the third leg.With the exception of 3 clones that apparently occupied the anterior as well as the posterior compartment of a wing or a leg, all clones remained confined to either the anterior or the posterior compartment.Frequently clones overlapped left and right forelegs (Fig. 9). Intersegmental overlaps were not observed.The results show that the earliest compartment borders appear in all thoracic discs. This suggests that compartmentalization is a fundamental process common to all discs.Supported bySchweizerischer Nationalfonds Gesuch Nr. 3.480-0.75  相似文献   

Summary The fusion of the eye-antennal discs during culturein vitro has been investigated, and the complex morphogenetic movements which occur during the formation of the head capsule of the insect are described. The initial contact between the eye anlagen is by means of cell processes spanning the gap between the two discs. Subsequently the two epithelia become firmly apposed, and then the integrity of the epithelium in the region of fusion breaks down, cells appearing to move to new positions in order to form an epithelium which unites the two discs. The epithelium eventually secretes a pattern of cuticular structures which is continuous between the derivatives of the two discs. Bristles on either side of the line of fusion are perfectly aligned, and structures such as the median ocellus, which are formed jointly by the cells of the two discs, differentiate normally. This is also found when left and right eye-antennal discs of different genotypes are placed side-by-side, indicating that processes of pattern regulation can occur in culture.  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural analysis is presented of the cuticular and neural structures formed by the prothoracic leg and wing imaginal discs of maleDrosophila melanogaster larvae during culture in vitro with 0.2 g/ml of -ecdysone. A pupal cuticle, and subsequently an imaginal cuticle with a well-defined epicuticle and a laminated endocuticle is formed. The ultrastructure of the epidermis and of cuticular structures such as bristles, trichomes, apodemes, and tracheoles is very similar to that found in situ. Dendrites and nerve cell bodies are formed in vitro, and sensory axons form nerve bundles similar to those of normal appendages in situ, despite their isolation from the central nervous system. It is concluded that at the ultrastructural level, differentiation in vitro closely parallels the normal course of development.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structural changes are described which occur in wing imaginal discs taken fromDrosophila prepupae at 120–128 hours of age. The first signs of cuticle formation appear at 124 hours in the tips of microvilli which extend into the peripodial cavity of the disc. A continuous epicuticular layer is evident at 126 hours, and the beginning of laminated endocuticle at 128 hours. Electron-lucid spaces appear in the apical regions of the cells at 122 and 124 hours. These are often clearly intercellular and contain membranous material, but sometime appear to be intracellular, or vacuoles. Their frequency decreases sharply after 122 hours, and begins to rise again at 126 hours. Junctional complexes between cells are present in all ages studied, consisting predominantly of long zonulae adhaerentes in the 120 h disc, of various attachment specializations, including septate desmosomes in the 128 h disc. Inclusions interpreted as lipid are found randomly scattered in the cytoplasm at 120 hours. They change in number, size, arrangement and location in later stages.Microtubules are widely distributed in discs of all ages reported; their function is thought to be cytostructural. A method of precise staging of prepupae based on ultrastructural criteria is proposed.This research was supported by NIH Training Grant HD-139 and NSF Grant GB 7803.  相似文献   

Summary Imaginal wing discs from late third-instar larvae were gammairradiated to induce clones of rapidly growingMinute cells in a background of slowly growingMinute cells and culturedin vivo for periods up to 18 days. Clones in discs cultured for 16 to 18 days did not grow significantly larger than clones in uncultured controls, indicating that competition between populations of cells having potentially different mitotic rates does not occur in imaginal discs after their growth is completed.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the rhabdomeric pattern in the compound eye ofDrosophila has been studied using combined transplantation and electron microscope techniques. In a first series of experiments eye imaginal discs of increasing age were implanted into larvae ready to pupate, thus losing variable amounts of the normal time for development. A sequence of differentiative abilities was found in the metamorphosed test pieces. As far as the photoreceptor cells are concerned, the most prominent steps of this sequence are: ability to form groups with other similar elements, anatomical polarization of microvilli, establishment of the rhabdomeric pattern and formation of an equator line. The stability of determination of the equator line was tested in a second experimental series. Fragment of different topographical origin within the mature eye anlage were brought to metamorphosis by implantation into larvae ready to pupate. It was found that an equator line differentiates only in those pieces which according to the published anlage maps contain the prospective equator region prior to metamorphosis. The mitotic abilities of implanted eye imaginal discs were investigated by means of in vitro3H-thymidine pulse-labelling and light microscope autoradiography of the differentiated test pieces. During the third larval stage the eye anlage is traversed by two consecutive mitotic waves, each one of them producing different categories of receptor cells. The first, anterior wave predominantly produces cells oriented toward the poles of the eye within the ommatidia, while the second, posterior wave gives rise to elements exclusively in an equatorial position. The dynamics of this proliferation are discussed in relation to the findings in the implantation experiments. Silver-grain counts support the possibility that at least two successive cell divisions occur in the eye anlage between labeling with tritiated thymidine and beginning of morphological differentiation. The relevance of this finding for the understanding of the concept of acquisition of competence is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Wild type cells of imaginal wing discs or embryos were dissociated and mixed in different proportions with cells of genetically marked wing and/or leg discs. These latter were X-irradiated to such an extent that their rate of proliferation was drastically lowered. They served as a feeding layer in which the interspersed wild type cells could be cultured. The reaggregates were allowed to grow in vivo, and fragments of them were tested for recovery of imaginal structures formed by wild-type cells.The experimental conditions for maximal dilution and maximal recovery of wildtype cells were first analysed. Under these conditions the progeny of cells deriving from different fragments of mature wing discs are capable of forming large territories of cuticle. These consisted preferentially of structures located in the region from which their ancestral cells were derived. The proliferating cells remained confined to either the anterior or the posterior wing compartments, but were apparently able to transgress the dorsalventral compartment border. Cells with qualities for distinct imaginal discs and possibly regions could also be recovered from dissociated embryos of 7 h age. The efficiency with which imaginal structures could be recovered as well at the types or qualities of these structures did not depend on the histotype of the feeding layer.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of suboptimal levels of -ecdysone on the differentiation in vitro ofDrosophila melanogaster wing discs was enhanced by the addition of larval fat body to the cultures. However, similar experiments with -ecdysome showed no enhancement. It is suggested that a partial conversion of -ecdysone to -ecdysone by the fat body may well account for these results.  相似文献   

The effect of ecdysterone and juvenile hormone on protein synthesis and development of imaginal wing discs ofDrosophila melanogaster has been studied. It is found that juvenile hormone apparently does not inhibit the synthesis of the ecdysterone-inducible proteins, although wing disc development is inhibited to various extent by different juvenile hormones. It is suggested that the ecdysterone-inducible proteins are not involved directly in the initiation of wing disc evagination, it is possible that some of these proteins are involved in the maintenance of chromatin activities or they are involved in gene activation.  相似文献   

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