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Relative growth and the reproductive cycle of the date mussel Lithophaga lithophaga were studied from September 2002 to October 2003 in the Bizerte Bay (Northern Tunisia). Relationships between shell length and shell width, shell height as well as volume-related variables (shell dry weight, soft tissues dry weight and total wet weight) showed negative allometries in both sexes except for shell width in males (isometry) and shell height in both sexes (positive allometry). The sex ratio was unbalanced, within the length range of 6–48 mm, 49.43 % of the animals were males, 24.39 % females and 26.17 % sexually undifferentiated; within the length range of 49–92 mm, the respective values were 41.19, 52.7 and 6.1 %. Histological investigations as well as analyses of the condition index and the gonadosomatic index (CI and GSI) revealed the presence of a single reproductive cycle per year. Spawning occurred at the end of August and early September and was associated with a decrease in seawater temperature and salinity. A resting phase occurred in winter, coinciding with the lowest water temperatures. Histological examinations of the gonads of a total of 130 specimens revealed only two cases of hermaphroditism. The present study constitutes a useful baseline for a sustainable management of local wild stocks of L. lithophaga.  相似文献   

The secretion of the pallial glands is generally held responsible for rock boring in Lithophaga lithophaga (L.). The glands do not secrete acid; the pH of the secretion was found to be about 6.5. Histochemical tests showed that the secretion is a neutral mucoprotein with calcium-binding ability. This finding indicates, that complexing of calcium by the secretion of the pallial glands is the mechanism of chemical boring into calcareous rock in L. lithophaga.  相似文献   

Food availability and feeding responses of the green mussel Perna viridis were investigated for two complete tidal cycles during both spring and neap tides. Temporal changes in total particulate matter (TPM), particulate inorganic matter (PIM) and particulate organic matter (POM), were smaller during neap than spring tides. Seston characteristics at different times of a tidal cycle were compared for both spring and neap tides. Only during spring tides were TPM and PIM significantly higher at high tides while POM remained relatively constant (P>0.05). The clearance rate of the mussels underwent temporal variations with tides, and was a negative power function of TPM and a positive linear function of f (organic content), during both spring and neap tides. f was the key factor influencing filtration rate, organic ingestion rate, absorption rate and absorption efficiency. All feeding rates increased linearly with increases in organic content. Pseudofaeces were produced only during spring but not neap tides. Feeding rates and absorption efficiency were highest at low and lowest at high tides (P<0.01). There was no significant temporal change in the wet weight and protein content of the crystalline style with the tidal regime. For the digestive gland, alpha-amylase activity was higher at spring than at neap tides, and higher during high tides in a tidal cycle. The digestive gland cellulase activity did not change significantly with the tides. For the crystalline style, both the activity of cellulase and alpha-amylase were not significantly different (P>0.05) between spring and neap tides. Tidal rhythms in feeding and digestion in this species were likely controlled by temporal variations in food availability in the seawater. By adjusting feeding rates and enzymatic activities, absorption in Perna viridis remained constant, irrespective of the changes in food availability.  相似文献   


The South American charru mussel, Mytella strigata, was recently recorded in Singapore waters, possibly introduced into Southeast Asia through shipping. The mussels have rapidly spread across estuarine coastal mudflats. Adult mussels were collected, spawned in aquaria and larvae were successfully cultured to the juvenile stage in the laboratory. The larval morphology and development of M. strigata is described in this paper. D-shaped veligers were produced within 20 h of fertilization and were approximately 75 µm in shell length. These larvae were capable of settlement two weeks post fertilization. Given an adequate amount of food, they were able to grow up to 1 mm in shell length within 30 days. The larval shell of M. strigata possesses anterodorsal G2 hinge teeth as distinct wavy ledges, with a pitted resilial ridge clearly evident in the juvenile shell.  相似文献   

At Isla del Caño, Costa Rica, the main reef bioeroders are species of the boring bivalve, Lithophaga. These mussels are abundant in virtually all colonies of the main framework builder, Porites lobata. The bivalves have a significant effect on the strength of the colonies which, at a maximum compressive and bending strength of 20 and 5 MN/m2, respectively, are already the lowest ever measured for corals. Presence of bivalve boreholes is inversely logarithmically associated with coral strength, with the greatest decrease in strength occurring with the first boreholes.  相似文献   

Cardiac activity in the subtropical mytilid mussel Perna viridis was monitored to assess the influence of various endogenous and exogenous parameters. Temperature had a positive, significant, effect on heart rate; the Q10 ranged from 2.5 to 2.6. Salinity, over a wide range (15-35‰), had no significant influence on heart rate reflecting the species' euryhalinity. Reduced oxygen tensions, either induced by emersion or seawater hypoxia, elicited rapid, significant, bradycardia. Positive inotropisms (indicative of greater heart output) were evident during seawater hypoxia and may represent an energetically advantageous mechanism of reducing heart rate while increasing stroke volume to maintain haemolymph circulation to organs associated with digestion and basal metabolism. Malnourishment for 14 days did not affect heart rate. The heart rate of larger mussels was slower than those of smaller individuals. Gender-based differences in P. viridis' heart rate were not present. No diurnal (24 h) variation in cardiac activity was evident while mussels were exposed to relatively stable, immersed conditions. Heart rate plasticity often reflected the ambient environmental conditions and such a flexible physiological response may partly explain the species' dominance in transitional, polluted harbours.  相似文献   

European Journal of Wildlife Research - Die Seren von Reh, Rothirsch und Gams zeigen bei der Kurzzeitelektrophorese auf CAF artspezifisch typische Elektrophorese-Kurven. Die bei den Kollektiven...  相似文献   

The chromosomes of the invasive black-pigmy mussel (Xenostrobus securis (Lmk. 1819)) were analyzed by means of 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) / propidium iodide (PI) and chromomycin A3 (CMA) / DAPI fluorescence staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization using major rDNA, 5S rDNA, core histone genes, linker histone genes, and telomeric sequences as probes. The diploid chromosome number in this species is 2n = 30. The karyotype is composed of seven metacentric, one meta/submetacentric, and seven submetacentric chromosome pairs. Telomeric sequences appear at both ends of every single chromosome. Major rDNA clusters appear near the centromeres on chromosome pairs 1 and 3 and are associated with bright CMA fluorescence and dull DAPI fluorescence. This species shows five 5S rDNA clusters close to the centromeres on four chromosome pairs (2, 5, 6, and 8). Three of the four core histone gene clusters map to centromeric positions on chromosome pairs 7, 10, and 13. The fourth core histone gene cluster occupies a terminal position on chromosome pair 8, also bearing a 5S rDNA cluster. The two linker histone gene clusters are close to the centromeres on chromosome pairs 12 and 14. Therefore, the use of these probes allows the unequivocal identification of 11 of the 15 chromosome pairs that compose the karyotype of X. securis.  相似文献   

Electron microprobe step-scan analyses across the inner nacreous layer of a sectionedMytilus edulis shell revealed no long-term periodic (e.g., seasonal) variation in the concentration of strontium. Similarly, no significant difference was found between a specimen sampled in February (water temperature = 1.3 °C) and one sampled in August (water temperature = 18.0 °C) with regard to the concentration of strontium within the most recently deposited aragonite. Correlation of the amount of strontium within various nacreous regions of the shells of living or fossil mytilids with water temperatures (present or past) is probably not possible through the use of an electron probe, at least to the extent that strontium variation within the nacre ofMytilus edulis is representative of that in nacreous layers of all mytilids.  相似文献   

We examined the spat availability the oyster Pteria colymbus at 6-8 and 19-21 m depths for 15 months (March 1993-June 1994) in Turpialito, Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela. Spats were trapped using artificial collectors (plastic filaments in bags, 30 x 60 mm), suspended from a long line. Each collector was replaced by a replica monthly to analyse abundance, shell dimension and mass of P. colymbus. Intraweekly, the temperature, salinity, oxygen and food availability (Chlorophyll a, total seston, organic and inorganic seston) were determinated. There is juvenile recruitment all year, suggesting continuous reproduction. Spat counts were higher at 6-8 m (generally 50-230 juveniles per collector) with peaks in August and December 1993 (April and June 93 at 19-21 m). The length-weigh mass relation was higher at 19-21 m, suggesting greater food availability because of lower organism density (including P. colymbus) and a greater water flux. Phytoplanktonic abundance and temperature were correlated (r2=0.38) with juvenile abundanc; this relationship and the association of juvenile abundance with higher temperature and Chlorophyll a levels, suggest that spat abundance was higher at the beginning of the water stratification period, when phytoplankton biomass is high.  相似文献   

A protein, designated pernin, found in the New Zealand green-lipped mussel, comprises almost all of the protein in cell-free haemolymph. It occurs as large, aggregate structures of several hundred units resembling small virus-like particles. Pernin is a non-pigmented, glycosylated protein, composed of 497 amino acids, which has an estimated molecular mass of 60 kDa. It is exceptionally rich in histidine (13.7%) and aspartic acid (12.3%), amino acids both known to participate in the binding of divalent metal cations. In addition, pernin has serine protease inhibitor activity, likely due to a sequence of eight N-terminal amino acid residues, separated from the remainder of the protein via a histidine–aspartate spacer. The pernin monomer comprises three regions of obvious sequence duplication. These make up approximately 95% of the pernin molecule and have sequences clearly homologous to the active-site domain of Cu–Zn SODs (superoxide dismutases). Despite several of the metal ion co-ordinating histidine residues being retained, pernin contains no Cu or Zn. It is, however, associated with Fe with an apparent stoichiometry of 1 atom of Fe to 6 molecules of pernin. Since pernin has no demonstrable SOD activity, these SOD-derived sequences presumably have been modified for another function.  相似文献   

The green mussel, Perna viridis, became widespread in the northern coast of Sucre State since its arrival to Venezuela in 1993. RNA/DNA and Protein/DNA ratios were used to study the effect of starvation on its instantaneous growth. The mussels were collected in La Esmeralda and Chacopata, acclimatized in the laboratory for four weeks and maintained for another six weeks in two groups: one fed ad libitum and another without food (this later group was later fed for two additional weeks). Protein (colorimetric method), and nucleic acid concentrations (RNA and DNA, fluorometric method with ethidium bromide) were measured in adductor muscle, digestive gland and gills. The instantaneous growth was assessed using RNA/DNA and Protein/DNA rations. These indexes were always higher in the fed organisms. Animals from Chacopata were in better physiological condition that those from La Esmeralda during the abstinence time (six weeks). Muscle was the best tissue to determine instantaneous growth. The RNA/DNA ratio is a reliable index to determine the physiological condition and instantaneous growth of this species.  相似文献   

Underwater observations of the three common fish species Alburnus alburnus (L., 1758), Rutilus rutilus (L., 1758) and Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L., 1758) in a small part of the Danube flood area near Vienna have been made from June to October 1985 and 1986. Particular emphasis has been laid on the partitioning of feeding resources and habitat. It has been established that these species prefer different water zones. Alburnus a. and Scardinius e. are “obligate” schoolers (BREDER, 1967) whereas Rutilus r. is a facultative schooler. While feeding Rutilus r. and Scardinius e. form “aggregations” (BREDER, 1959) and both adopt equivalent feeding techniques. Furthermore Alburnus a. is a quick moving species living near the surface and chasing mostly in schools. While inter- and intraspecific aggression is rarely observed for Rutilus r. and Scardinius e., Alburnus a. often show interspecific actions.  相似文献   

The American brackish-water mussel Mytella strigata is reported from Singapore for the first time. In 2016 a survey of intertidal hard structures in the Johor Straits revealed its almost ubiquitous presence in high mean densities, up to 124?±?32 individuals 25?cm?2 along the shoreline. Subtidal nets employed by floating fish farms were also fouled with this species. Densities exceeding 10,000 individuals 100?cm?2 were observed, to the exclusion of its relative Perna viridis, the Asian green mussel. Size-frequency analyses of shells indicated the presence of both juveniles and adults. Juveniles have an extremely variable shell surface pigmentation. The adults, reaching 5?cm in shell length, generally have a thick dark greenish brown to almost black periostracum, but bright green and olive green individuals, some with distinctive brown streaks, have also been observed. However, sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene were consistent with mussels from Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, where they are natively distributed, while shells were reconcilable with type material. The species may have been transported in ballast water and/or with fouling directly from its native provinces, or spread from the Philippines where there are already established populations of M. strigata, possibly since the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Brian  Morton 《Journal of Zoology》1993,229(4):609-621
The calcareous substratum borer, Lithopaga aristata Dillwyn, 1817, secretes posterior incrustations that take the form of interlocking 'forceps'. These are secreted, initially, as asymmetrical ridges by similarly asymmetrical dorsal and ventral glands in the left and right middle folds of the posterior mantle lobes. In the adult, the secretions are more uniformly spread over the posterior shell margins, concealing the juvenile ridges.
Opening and closing of the valves smooths the outer surfaces of the 'forceps' against the burrow wall, which also comes to be lined with calcium carbonate that is reciprocally smoothed, so that they occlude the borehole more effectively. Extension and retraction of the siphons probably smooths the inner surfaces of the 'forceps' which are sharpened by abrasion, one against the other, during valve opening and closing. The pair of inequilateral spikes so produced, project from the burrow aperture, occluding it, but probably, more importantly, distancing aperturally attacking predators from the true posterior shell margin. Interlocking of the 'forceps' and their sharpness may further deter would-be predators.  相似文献   

We investigated the origins of the fallow deer (Dama dama dama) of Rhodes by both morphological and molecular means. Our results show that these deer have homogeneous phenotypic patterns. All specimens fell within the common colour coat variety typical of the wild form. The Rhodian deer appear to be rather small, especially when compared with specimens from central and northern Europe. We then sequenced the HVR-I of 13 deer from Rhodes and compared these sequences with other 31 samples obtained from different European and Anatolian populations of fallow deer. Out of 44 sequences, 23 haploypes were found. When compared to the Turkish and Italian populations, the population of Rhodes revealed lower values of within population genetic diversity. The fallow deer from Rhodes are characterized by an 80-bp mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) insertion not found elsewhere. As a consequence, all the deer from Rhodes form a tight cluster, distinct from all other fallow deer populations. This uniqueness makes the conservation and management of the Rhodian population particularly urgent.  相似文献   

The mussel genus Xenostrobus comprises eight named extant species from the Indo-West Pacific, including Xenostrobus inconstans, Xenostrobus pulex and Xenostrobus securis from Australia, the latter two also occurring in New Zealand. Xenostrobus species are predominantly restricted to estuaries or sheltered marine habitats although X. pulex inhabits the rocky intertidal on open coasts. Xenostrobus has recently been suggested to be congeneric with the freshwater invasive species Limnoperna fortunei. Xenostrobus securis is itself invasive in the Far East and Europe. This study employed DNA sequences from cytochrome c oxidase (COI), the D1 expansion region of 28S rRNA and the internal transcribed spacers of the ribosomal cistrons to investigate species relationships and habitat transitions in Australasian Xenostrobus. It is unlikely that Xenostrobus and Limnoperna are congeneric as their COI sequences are very different. There was unexpected complexity in defining Xenostrobus species. Xenostrobus pulex from New Zealand is probably a distinct species to the Australian taxon of that name with the name X. neozelanicus available for that taxon. Xenostrobus inconstans and Australian X. pulex were not reciprocally monophyletic in COI analyses. The phylogeography of the COI haplotypes of X. securis suggests that it may be a cryptic species complex, although this possibility could not be confirmed by sequences of the other genes.  相似文献   

The respiratory responses to increasing temperature and progressive hypoxia were examined relative to temperature acclimation in the nonindigenous, brown mussel, Perna perna (Mytilidae) from the Gulf of Mexico. When oxygen uptake rate (V?O2) was recorded at near full air O2 saturation, rate-temperature curves for Texas specimens of P. perna were sigmoidal, V?O2 generally increasing with increasing temperature but becoming suppressed as temperatures approached 10 and 30 °C, corresponding closely to this species' incipient thermal limits. At each tested temperature, V?O2 did not differ among individuals acclimated to 15, 20, or 25 °C. Lack of thermal acclimation was also reflected in acclimatory Q10 values>1.0 (range=1.34-2.14) recorded across acclimation groups at test temperatures equivalent to acclimation temperature. Low acute respiratory Q10 values in all acclimation groups across 15-20 °C indicated a limited capacity for thermal regulation of V?O2 within this temperature range. The ability of P. perna to regulate O2 uptake with progressive hypoxia was temperature-dependent, increasing from poor O2 regulation at 10 °C to good regulation at 30 °C. The O2 regulatory ability of P. perna and other open-water mytilids in declining O2 concentrations does not greatly differ from that of estuarine heterodont bivalves, suggesting that it is not a major factor preventing open-water species, such as P. perna, from invading estuarine environments. However, P. perna's inability to regulate O2 uptake at temperatures>25 °C combined with its relatively low upper thermal limit of 30 °C will likely prevent it from establishing permanent estuarine populations on Gulf of Mexico shores.  相似文献   

  1. Post‐maturation growth leading to indeterminate growth patterns is widespread in nature. However, its adaptive value is unclear. Life history theory suggests this allocation strategy may be favored by temporal pulses in the intensity of mortality and/or the capacity to produce new tissues.
  2. Addressing the origin of indeterminate growth and the variability of growth patterns, we studied the growth of duck mussels, Anodonta anatina, a pan‐European unionid, in 18 Polish lakes. For each population, the sex, size, and age of collected mussels were measured to estimate Bertalanffy''s growth curve parameters. We integrated information on A. anatina mortality rates, lake trophy, biofouling by zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, and the prevalence of parasitic trematode larvae to identify selective conditions in lakes.
  3. We found two sources of mortality in A. anatina populations, pertaining to adverse effects of zebra mussel biofouling and trophy state on mussel survival. Additionally, populations with heavier biofouling presented a smaller abundance of parasites, indicative of a relationship between filtering intensity and contraction of water‐borne trematode larvae by filtering A. anatina.
  4. Consistently for each sex, populations with a greater trophy‐related mortality were characterized in A. anatina by a smaller asymptotic size Lmax, indicative of a life history response to mortality risk involving early maturation at a smaller body size. In all populations, females featured higher mortality and larger asymptotic size versus males.
  5. Our findings support a theoretical view that adaptive responses to selection involve adjustments in the lifetime resource allocation patterns. These adjustments should be considered drivers of the origin of indeterminate growth strategy in species taking parental care by offspring brooding in body cavities.

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