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In principle, ageing may be due to the interaction of several factors, including the accumulation of random changes both genomic and non-genomic, secondary changes in a tissue contingent upon the changing function of other tissues, and programmed non-random changes in the tissue-specific expression of various genes. The use of a single tissue comprising one cell type only, in which the major gene products are well defined, in which there is a well attested series of developmental and age-related changes in cell properties and gene expression and which can be studied and compared in vivo and in vitro, offers advantages for investigation of these questions. The vertebrate eye lens possesses these advantages. The crystallins (proteins expressed at super-abundant levels in the lens) are well characterised. The lens epithelial cells (LEC) grow readily and can differentiate into the lens fibre cells in vitro, and, finally, such terminally differentiated cells may also be derived, by a process of transdifferentiation, from neural retina cells (NRC) in vitro. Thus the effect on ageing changes of the tissue of origin may also be studied. This article reviews our previous studies on long-term changes in growth potential, differentiation capacity and crystallin expression of chick lens cells in ageing cultures, their overall similarity to events in vivo and the effect on ageing changes of genotypes affecting the growth rate. It presents new information on these genetic aspects, and on crystallin expression in long-term ageing cultures of transdifferentiated neural retina, and compares the behaviour of ageing chick lens cells with that reported for mammals.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in embryonic chick lens cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Culturing the dorsal iris epithelium of a newt with a pituitary gland in organ culture greatly enhances the ability of the iris epithelium to produce advanced lens regenerates in vitro. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism by which the pituitary enhances lens regeneration irido-corneal complexes from adult newts were cultured in medium to which various substances had been added either singly or in numerous combinations. Prolactin, insulin, hydrocortisone, and thyroxine failed to enhance the production of advanced lens regenerates in any of the doses or combinations tested. Similarly, addition of 50 microgram/ml of sodium or calcium ascorbate had no effect on the progress of lens regeneration in vitro. Addition of dibutyryl cyclic-AMP caused an inhibition of depigmentation and regeneration at high doses. The results of these experiments show that the effects of the pituitary cannot be duplicated by hormones which other authors have asserted to be beneficial to limb or tail regenerates in vitro. The results with cyclic AMP suggest that prolonged exposure to high doses of cyclic AMP inhibit regeneration and indicate that further studies on the fluctations in cyclic AMP levels throughout the process of lens regeneration must be done.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial sequence of nuclear disappearance during the terminal differentiation of lens fiber cells could be due to an impairment of the DNA repair pathways or to the appearance of an active DNA degradation process. The results presented here favor the second hypothesis. A single-stranded DNA nuclease activity and a double-stranded DNA nuclease activity have been found in chick embryo fiber cells. Moreover, there is a good correspondence between the variations of the nuclease activity and the stages of differentiation of the different samples analyzed.  相似文献   

The ageing process in the hypophysectiomised rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Limb bud cells of chick embryos (stages 23–24) were dissociated into single cells, reaggregated, and cultured in vitro for about a week. δ-Crystallin, generally thought to be a lens-specific protein in the chick, was detected in the aggregates by indirect immunofluorescent staining, double immunodiffusion test, and immunoelectrophoresis with specific antiserum against δ-crystallin. Cells containing δ-crystallin were distributed in epidermal cell clusters and also in mesenchymal tissues surrounding cartilage nodules in the aggregates. Those cells in mesenchymal tissues were shown to have originated from the mesoderm of the limb bud, and those in epidermal cell clusters probably originated from the ectoderm. The possible cellular origin of this appearance of δ-crystallin was discussed.  相似文献   

Human pancreatic growth hormone releasing factor (1-29)-amide [hpGRF (1-29)-NH2] and the following analogs: [D-Tyr-1]-hpGRF(1-29)-NH2, [D-Ala-2]-hpGRF(1-29)-NH2, [D-Asp-3]-hpGRF(1-29)-NH2, and [N-Ac-Tyr-1]-hpGRF (1-29)-NH2 were synthesized using solid phase methodology and tested for their ability to stimulate growth hormone (GH) secretion in the rat and the pig in vivo. [D-Ala-2]-hpGRF (1-29)-NH2 was approximately 50 times more potent than the parent molecule in eliciting GH secretion in the rat. The other analogs were less active, but all were more potent than the 1-29 amide in the rat. [D-Tyr-1]-hpGRF(1-29)-NH2 was 10 times more potent, [D-Asp-3]-hpGRF(1-29)-NH2 7 times more potent, and the acetylated molecule approximately 12 times more potent than hpGRF(1-29)-NH2.  相似文献   

Polygonal networks in cultured chick endoderm cells are ordered arrays of actin microfilaments situated just beneath the dorsal cell surface. Each strut is formed from a bundle of microfilaments and 5-7 bundles intersect at each node. Dense bodies are seen in nodes and some struts. At its periphery the network is attached to the substrate at the termini of long radial struts. Most of the network is resistant to detergent extraction. Sliding microfilaments can explain the observed behaviour of networks in live cells.  相似文献   

Chick lens epithelial cells were cultured on plastic and type IV collagen substrata, and the confluent cultures were labeled continuously with [35S]sulfate for 20 h. Intact lenses were also labeled in the same way. 35S-Proteoglycans isolated from those cultures were compared for their molecular sizes and glycosaminoglycan compositions. The results have shown that: 1) Proteoglycans synthesized by cells on type IV collagen were significantly smaller than those by cells on plastic. 2) Proteoglycans of intact lens showed a broad distribution of molecular size and contained a high proportion of chondroitin sulfate in the medium fraction compared to those of the two cell cultures. In order to explain such differences between proteoglycans from cultures, label-chase experiments with [35S]sulfate were done for proteoglycans synthesized. 35S-Proteoglycans isolated at each chase time 0, 2.5, and 17 h) were compared and the following results were found: 1) The cell layers of both "plastic" and "type IV collagen" cultures contained glycosaminoglycan species predominantly at each chase time rather than proteoglycans. 2) Changes in the glycosaminoglycan compositions of medium fractions of cell cultures were observed during the chase period; in medium of the "plastic" culture, proteoheparan sulfate increased with chase time, whereas in medium of the "type IV collagen" culture, chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan (not proteoglycan) increased with chase time. 3) In intact lens culture, lens capsule fraction at every chase time contained a proteoglycan unique in molecular size, which was not found in cell culture fractions. 4) All fractions from intact lens cultures contained a higher content of chondroitin sulfate at every chase time than the respective fractions from cell cultures. These results suggest that adhesion of the cells to type IV collagen or lens capsule influences the degradation and secretion of proteoglycans. In addition, they can account partially for the above-described differences in molecular sizes and glycosaminoglycan compositions between 35S-proteoglycans from various cultures continuously labeled with [35S]sulfate.  相似文献   

T M Rahmani 《Acta anatomica》1984,119(4):203-209
The ability of stage-4-9 chick presumptive lens ectoderm to undergo nervous tissue or lens differentiation was studied in vitro. The tissue was cultured alone or co-cultured with alcohol-killed primitive node or optic cup as inducer. Immunofluorescence was studied on paraffin-wax preparations, which were then studied histologically. An attempt was made to correlate immunological and histological differentiation. The presumptive lens ectoderm differentiated both nervous tissue and lens structures in all stages, regardless of the presence or absence of an inducer. The outcome, however, was improved when an inducer was included. The inducers were not qualitatively specific. The stage-4 ectoderm proved to be more apt than older stages to differentiate nervous tissue and form neural tube-like structures. In the former stage, lens differentiation occurred with less readiness. Older stages differentiated lens structures readily and also showed immunological signs of nervous tissue differentiation. No indication of histological differentiation, however, was apparent and no neural tube-like structures formed.  相似文献   

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