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INGOLD  C. T.; OSO  B. A. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(3):463-471
Spore discharge in Ascobolus crenulatus occurs both in the lightand in the dark. In a 12 h light: 12 h dark daily regime discharge-ratehas peaks in the dark periods, due apparently to light stimulationwith about half a day's interval between stimulus and response. Using a ‘spore clock’ the course of discharge hasbeen followed for a single apothecium on changing from darknessto light. Exposure to light (500 lux) of wave-lengths around400, 440 and 460 mµ immediately causes ’puffing‘,whilst light of longer wave-length (504 and 580 mµ) hasno effect. Change from darkness to white light has no immediateeffect, but there is a delayed stimulation with a marked increasein discharge-rate 10–14 h later. Simultaneous illuminationof an apothecium, which has been in darkness, by blue light(420 mµ, or 440 mµ, 500lux) and yellow light (580mµ, 500 lux) does not result in puffing. The yellow appearsto prevent the blue light from exerting its effects.  相似文献   

1) The wavelength effects on 14CO2-fixation by Chlorella cellswere studied, using monochromatic light of different light intensities. 2) Blue light (453 mµ) stimulated the incorporation of14C into aspartate, glutamate and malate. Red light (679 mµ),on the other hand, stimulated its incorporation into P-esters,free sugars and insoluble material. 3) The blue light effect was observed in the presence of CMUat concentrations completely suppressing ordinary photosyntheticCO2-fixation. 4) The blue light effect in the presence of CMU was inducedat very low intensities. At 453 mµ, 300 erg cm–2sec–1 was sufficient for complete saturation. 5) Time courses of 14C-incorporation into individual compoundswere investigated. Irrespective of the wavelength of the illuminatinglight, the first stable CO2-fixation product formed under weaklight (400–500 erg cm–2 sec–1) was citrulline.At higher light intensities (4,000–7,000 erg cm–2sec–1), PGA was the first stable CO2-fixation product.The incorporation of 14C into citrulline was not inhibited byCMU. 6) Experimental results indicate that both blue light-inducedincorporation of 14C into amino and organic acids and the incorporationof 14C into citrulline induced by low intensity light are operatedby a mechanism(s) independent of ordinary photosynthetic CO2-fixation.Possible effects of light regulating the carbon metabolism inalgal cells are discussed. (Received July 24, 1969; )  相似文献   

ALASOADURA  S. O. 《Annals of botany》1963,27(1):123-145
Sphaerobolus grows and, provided there is sufficient illumination,fruits readily on oatmeal agar or on malt agar. No effect oflight on vegetative growth can be demonstrated. On the maltmedium, increased fruiting occurs with increase of nutrientup to 4 per cent, malt, but at higher concentrations fruitingis not increased and may be retarded. A chemically defined mediumwith starch as the carbon source allows fruiting, but at a lowlevel. Temperature has a profound effect on basidiocarp development;above 25 C. no fruit-bodies are normally formed although vegetativegrowth is approximately optimal at that temperature. For overallfruit-body production at 20 C, light above 100 lux is necessaryand light remains a limiting factor up to about 1, 000 lux.Under continuous light of suitable intensity, fruit-bodies continueto develop and discharge glebal-masses for many weeks. Thereis a distinct periodicity of discharge with (at 20 C.) about12 days between peaks of activity. This corresponds with thetime taken for basidiocarp initiation and development. A number of developmental stages of the basidiocarp are recognized.The final stage, glebal-mass discharge from stellately openedfruit-bodies, is indifferent to light, but all other stagesare stimulated by light. The light intensity for effective stimulationfalls during development and for the penultimate stage an intensityas low as 1 lux is effective. Only light of wave-length below500 mµ is active in overall basidiocarp development. Inthe sensitive region between 400 mµ and 500 mµ,there appear to be peaks of sensitivity around 440 mµand 480 mµ. In alternating light and darkness, simulating natural conditions,glebal-mass discharge occurs in the light periods. With a regimenof 24 hours light and 24 hours of darkness discharge is mainlyin the dark periods.  相似文献   

INGOLD  C. T. 《Annals of botany》1958,22(2):129-135
A rough action-spectrum curve (in the range 400–600 mµ)for light-stimulated spore discharge in Sordaria fimicola iscompared with the absorption-spectrum curve of an ethyl-alcoholextract of the fungus. The two curves show some agreement. Amutant lacking black pigment (probably melanin) is shown torespond to light in its spore discharge as does the normal,but evidence is given that it is more sensitive to light. Itseems that the melanin in the perithecial wall of the normalstrain acts as a neutral filter reducing the effectiveness ofthe incident light.  相似文献   

The spawning rate of laboratory-reared Centropages typicus fedHymenomonas elongala increases with food concentration, up toa value of {small tilde}2800 µg C (16 500 cells) ml–1.An alternation of a low food (1000 cells ml–1) and highfood concentration (16 500 cells ml–1) is not favourableto egg release when its periodicity is 1 or 2 days, whereasit may be of advantage if it is longer (3–6 days). Inthe latter case, Centropages typicus will benefit best fromthe rich food diet if this coincides with (or just follows)the last moult.  相似文献   

Pith callus tissues were grown under continuous blue (450 mµ),green (545 mµ), red (650 mµ), and ‘white’(full-spectrum) light, and in the dark for 22 days at 27±2°C at energy levels of 15,000 ergs cm–2 sec–1. Mean increases in fresh weight of tissues grown under ‘white’and blue light were significantly greater than those of tissuesgrown in green and red light and in the dark. Tissues grownin the dark yielded mean fresh weight increases significantlylower than tissues grown under blue, red, and ‘white’light. No significant differences were shown between blue and‘white’, red and green, and green and dark treatmentsrespectively. Cell differentiation occurred in all treatmentsonly to the extent of vessel element formation. There were nodifferences in degree of differentiation between treatments. It was proposed that the high-energy reaction of photomorphogenesiswas in operation in the Pelargonium callus tissue. The resultsindicated the presence in the tissue of high-energy photoreceptor(s).The use of high-intensity, incandescent illumination for experimentalprocedures approximating natural conditions of irradiation wasindicated as desirable for pith callus tissues of Pelargoniumzonale var. Enchantress Fiat.  相似文献   

When young tomato plants grown in high light (400 µmolquanta m–2s–1 PAR) were transferred to low light(100 µmol quanta m–2s–1 PAR), non-cyclic electrontransport capacity was decreased and the rate of dark re-oxidationof Q, the first quinone electron acceptor of photosystemII, was decreased within 1–2 d. In contrast, the amountof coupling factor CF1, assayed by its ATPase activity, decreasedmore gradually over several days. The total chlorophyll contentper unit leaf area remained relatively constant, although thechlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio declined. When young tomato plants grown in low light were transferredto high light, the ATPase activity of isolated thylakoids increasedmarkedly within 1 d of transfer. This increase occurred morerapidly than changes in chlorophyll content per leaf area. Inaddition, in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence induction curvesindicate that forward electron transfer from Q occurredmore readily. The functional implications of these changes arediscussed. Key words: Tomato, leaves, light intensity, thylakoid membrane  相似文献   

At low light intensities (less than 50 µmol m–2s–1) illumination evokes transient depolarization of membranepotential in mesophyll cells of the leaf-trap of Dionaea muscipulaEllis. Darkening causes hyperpolarization approximately symmetricto the response to illumination. The amplitude as well as therate of potential changes depend on light intensity. After exceedinga definite threshold (usually between 50 and 80 µmol m–2s–1)the depolarization plays the role of a generator potential andan all-or-none action potential (AP) is released. Switchinglight off in a depolarization phase of an AP does not changeits shape and the amplitude. When the light intensity is increasedto 80–150 µmol m–2 s–1 a single lightstimulus triggers two successive APs. The time interval betweenthe two APs decreases with increasing stimulus strength andreaches the minimum between 300 and 400 µmol m–2s–1. At higher light intensities the interval increasesagain, and finally only a single AP is triggered. It was shownthat the effect was evoked by light but not by temperature changeaccompanying illumination. An inhibitor of the photosyn-theticelectron transport chain, DCMU, blocked the generator potentialsmediating between light absorption and APs. Residual responsesto light stimuli in plants treated with DCMU had reverse polarityand strongly reduced the amplitudes. (Received September 16, 1997; Accepted January 16, 1998)  相似文献   

In 5-d-old etiolated seedlings of Sorghum bicolor, 12 h of darknessafter 5 min in red light eliminated a lag before the accumulationof chlorophylls in subsequent continuous white light. Increasingthe dark period to 24 h and 36 h, increased the rate of chlorophyllaccumulation in the later stages of greening. Exogenous -aminolevulinicacid neither completely removed the lag, nor increased the rateof chlorophyll accumulation. Cycloheximide (25 µg ml–1)and 6-methyl purine (5.0 µg ml–1), given continuouslyor only until the 12 h dark period following the red light irradiation,restored the lag and decreased the rate of chlorophyll accumulation.D-threo-chloramphenicol (400µg ml–1) also decreasedthe rate of chlorophyll accumulation but did not restore thelag. Addition of these inhibitors even 12 h after red lightirradiation decreased the rate of chlorophyll accumulation.Rifampicin (Rifamycin SV, 400 µg ml–1) did not havesuch effects. Key words: Chlorophylls, Phytochrome, -Aminolevulinic acid, Sorghum bicolor  相似文献   

When a dark grown colony of Trichoderma viride is exposed towhite light for a short time, sporulation occurs only in thenarrow region of mycelia produced just prior to illumination.The action spectrum of this light effect was obtained for wavelengthsbelow 520 mµ using monochromatic irradiation of knownintensity having a band width of 10 mµ. The action spectrumshows 4 distinct peaks at 320, 380, 430 and 480 mµ. Thewavelengths at 320 and 380 mµ are most effective in photoinducedsporulation. The longer wavelengths, 430 and 480 mµ, areconsiderably less effective. The possibility that a carotenoid or a flavin compound may bea photoreceptor in this photoinduced sporulation is discussed. (Received January 4, 1969; )  相似文献   

Effect of blue light on the epinastic reaction of rice plantleaves (Oryza saliva L.) was studied. The inclination angleof intact leaves, when the plants were grown either in the lightor in the dark, was greatly increased by blue light irradiationbut not much increased by green, yellow, orange, red or whitelight. The effect of blue light on the epinastic reaction was,however, obscure in excised leaves, especially when they wereplaced on the horizontal. The photonastic reaction requireda prolonged irradiation of high intensity. The photosensitivesite localized at the leaf-nodal part. Response spectra forthe photonastic reaction were characterized by 2 distinct peaksat 420–440 mµ and 460–480 mµ and a fairlystrong response in the near ultra-violet region. (Received April 17, 1969; )  相似文献   

A device counting fixed amount of parcels of radiant energyefficient in photosynthesis (wavelength region 400 to 720 and recording their total as a digital reading on a counteris described. Radiant energy is transformed by means of a phototubeto electrical current which becomes divided into individualparcels by cycles of charging .and discharge of a condenserbetween two fixed values of potential, and the number of thesecycles is counted. From instruments of similar design published earlier the onepresented here is distinguished mainly (1) by improved linearityof response in the integrating circuit down to slow countingrates and (2) by the design of a nonselective detector (in thelimited range of wavelengths indicated) based on a vacuum emissionphototube, which may be combined with the simple integratingcircuit used. Thus totals of irradiance (throughout the rangeof intensities of solar radiation) may be obtained directlyin units of energy or in the number of quanta. A very reliable and stable receiver with energy proportionalresponse in the region of wavelength 400–720 (with possible extension up to 1,000 ) was realizedusing a vacuum emission photocell with photosensitive surfaceof the double-peak emission type (covering the range from nearUV to near IR) and precisely counterbalancing its spectral sensitivitycurve by selective absorption glass filters. The RENTSCHLER's type integrating circuit with a cold cathodedischarge tube was improved by increasing the maximum countingrate on one side (damping germanium diodes across the coilsof relay and counter) and by minimization of leakage in parallelto spare condenser (the contact which shortcircuits the condensersimultaneously with ignition of the discharge tube). 1 Dedicated to Prof. H. TAMIYA on his 60th birthday. (Received November 24, 1962; )  相似文献   

Irradiation of spores of the fern Mohria caffrorum Sw. witheither red light (67.4 µW cm–2) or far-red light(63.2 µW cm–2) for a period of 24 h induced maximumlevels of germination. Brief irradiations with blue light (127.6µW cm–2) administered before or after photoinductioncompletely nullified the effects of red or far-red light; however,with prolonged exposure to blue light, germination levels roseto near maximum. The similar effects of red and far-red lightin promoting spore germination makes the involvement of phytochromein this process questionable. Based on energy requirements,the promotive and inhibitory phases of blue light appear toinvolve independent modes of action. Mohria caffrorum, ferns, spore germination, photoinduction, phytochrome  相似文献   

The photosynthetic response to CO2 concentration, light intensityand temperature was investigated in water hyacinth plants (Eichhorniacrassipes (Mart.) Solms) grown in summer at ambient CO2 or at10000 µmol(CO2) mol–1 and in winter at 6000 µmol(CO2)mol–1 Plants grown and measured at ambient CO2 had highphotosynthetic rate (35 µmo1(CO2) m–2 s–1),high saturating photon flux density (1500–2000) µmolm–2 s–1 and low sensitivity to temperature in therange 20–40 °C. Maximum photosynthetic rate (63 µmol(CO2)m–2 s–1) was reached at an internal CO2 concentrationof 800 µmol mol–1. Plants grown at high CO2 in summerhad photosynthetic capacities at ambient CO2 which were 15%less than for plants grown at ambient CO2, but maximum photosyntheticrates were similar. Photosynthesis by plants grown at high CO2and high light intensity had typical response curves to internalCO2 concentration with saturation at high CO2, but for plantsgrown under high CO2 and low light and plants grown under lowCO2 and high light intensity photosynthetic rates decreasedsharply at internal CO2 concentrations above 1000 µmol–1. Key words: Photosynthesis, CO2, enrichment, Eichhornia crassipes  相似文献   

We grew water hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms]for 60 days in a greenhouse under natural light and in a controlledenvironment room at 31/25?C day/night temperatures and 90, 320and 750/µEm–2sec–1. We then determined maximumphotosynthetic rates in 21% and 1% oxygen, stomatal diffusionresistances, contents of chlorophyll and soluble protein, andthe size and density of the photosynthetic units (PSU) in representativeleaves from the four treatments. In air containing 21% oxygen,maximum photosynthetic rates were 14, 27 and 29 mg CO2 dm–2hr–1for plants grown in artificial light at 90, 320 and 750µEm–2sec–1,respectively. Plants grown in natural light (maximum of 2000µEm–2sec–1) had maximum photosynthetic ratesof 34 mg CO2 dm–2hr–1. In all treatments, photosyntheticrates in 1% oxygen were about 50% greater than rates in normalair, indicating the presence of photorespiration in water hyacinth.There was no apparent relationship between maximum photosyntheticrate per unit leaf area and stomatal conductance, chlorophyllcontent per unit area, or PSU density per unit area. However,the higher maximum photosynthetic rates were associated withgreater mesophyll conductances, specific leaf weights and proteincontents per unit area. When plants grown at 90µEm–2sec–1for 120 days were transferred to 750µEm–2sec–1for 5 days, only young leaves that were just beginning to expandat the time of transfer exhibited adaptation to the higher irradiance.The 40% increase in light-saturated photosynthetic rate in theseyoung leaves was associated with increases in mesophyll conductance,soluble protein content per unit area, and specific leaf weight. 1 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station cooperating. (Received July 19, 1978; )  相似文献   

Laminar pulvini of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) contain numerouschloroplasts in cells of their motor tissue. The quantitativerelationships of the chloroplast pigments, chlorophyll a andb, ß-carotene, lutein, neoxanthin as well as the xanthophyllcycle carotenoids (violaxanthin, antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin)were similar to those of mesophyll chloroplasts from leafletlaminae. Exposure of pulvinules to light caused deepoxidationof violaxanthin to zeaxanthin, showing that the xanthophyllcycle is functioning. Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis of pulvinulesconfirmed that their chloroplasts are capable of both photosyntheticelectron transport and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching,showing that they build up a considerable transthylakoid protongradient in the light. Application of DCMU to excised pulvinulesand laminar discs, as well as to pulvinules of intact, attachedterminal leaflets blocked electron transport and fluorescencequenching. Application of the uncoupler CCCP to intact pulvinulesalso prevented non-photochemical fluorescence quenching. Therate of movement of the low-light-adapted terminal leaflet inresponse to exposure of its pulvinule to overhead red light(500 µmol m–2 s–1) was reduced when the pulvinulewas pretreated with DCMU. The pulvinar response to overheadblue light (50 µmol –2 s–1), which is morepronounced than to red light, was not affected by similar pretreatmentwith DCMU. Pretreatment with CCCP caused a short lag in theresponse to red light, but did not affect its subsequent rate.The results suggest that the pulvinar response to red, but notto blue light, requires non-cyclic electron transport and theresulting generation of ATP Key words: Leaf movements, light, non-cyclic electron transport, Phaseolus, pulvinar chloroplasts  相似文献   

Hormonal Control of Elongation of Tobacco Cells Derived from Protoplasts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Spherical protoplasts (30–40 µm in diameter), isolatedfrom cultured tobacco cells, elongated rapidly during a cultureperiod of 3 to 8 days and finally assumed a long cylindricalform (300–400 µm in length). The optimum concentrationof a-naphthaleneacetic acid and benzyladenine for the elongationwas 0.1 mg/liter and 1 mg/liter respectively. (Received August 10, 1982; Accepted November 12, 1982)  相似文献   

The response of phytoplankton to variations in the light regimewas studied during the VULCAN and ACDA cruises in the Antarctic.Unenriched batch cultures of 12–19 days' duration reachedchl concentrations of 10–50 µg–1 and exhibitedexponential growth rates, with the maximal rate being 0.41 doubl,day–1. Ice edge algae exhibited maximum growth rates atphoton flux densities (PFD) of 30–100 µE m–2S–1and the growth rate was reduced by about 30% at 500–1000µE m–2S–1 The chl/C ratio ranged between 0.004and 0.018, with the lowest ratios at PFDs above 500 µEm–2S–1 chl/C ratios were also below maximum at PFDsbelow 40–50 µE m–2S–1 The C:N:P ratioswere close to the Redfield ratios; the Si/C ratio averaged 0.16(atoms), and the ATP/C ratio averaged from 0.0024 to 0.0050in different culture senes. When thawed after having been frozenfor 10 days, shade-adapted cultures were in a much better conditionthan sun-adapted ones. P versus I data showed that the maximumassimilation number varied from 0.75 to 4.4 µg C (µgchl)–1h–1. It varied inversely with the chl/C ratio;therefore the maximum carbon turnover rate varied little betweensamples (0.024/0.035 h–1). Low biomass communities exhibitedrelatively high values for (the initial slope of P versus Icurves), low values for 1sat (160–330 µE m–2S–1),and they were susceptible to photoinhibition. In contrast, communitiesdominated by Odontella weissflogii exhibited low values for, a high value for Isat (560 µE m–2S–1 andthey tolerated high PFDs. The photo-adaptational status of thephytoplankton in natural water samples is discussed relativeto the profile of water column stability and mixing processes.  相似文献   

HEUER  BRURIA; PLAUT  Z. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(3):261-268
The influence of salinity in the growing media on ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase and on CO2 fixation by intactsugar beet (Beta vulgaris) leaves was investigated. RuBP carboxylase activity was mostly stimulated in young leavesafter exposure of plants for 1 week to 180 mM NaCl in the nutrientsolution. This stimulation was more effective at the higherNaHCO2 concentrations in the reaction medium. Salinity also enhanced CO2 fixation in intact leaves mostlyat rate-limiting light intensities. A 60 per cent stimulationin CO2 fixation rate was obtained by salinity under 450 µEm–2 s–1. At quantum flux densities of 150 µEm–2 s–1 (400–700 nm) this stimulation was280 per cent. Under high light intensities no stimulation bysalinity was found. In contrast, water stress achieved by directleaf desiccation or by polyethylene glycol inhibited enzymeactivity up to fourfold at –1.2 MPa. Beta vulgaris, sugar beet, ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase, salt stress, water stress, carbon dixoide fixation, salinity  相似文献   

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