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This study was carried out to determine chewing louse species of wild birds in the Ria Formosa Natural Park, located in southern Portugal. In addition, the hypothesis that bird age, avian migration and social behaviour have an impact on the louse prevalence was tested. Between September and December of 2013, 122 birds (belonging to 10 orders, 19 families, 31 genera and 35 species) captured in scientific ringing sessions and admitted to the Wildlife Rehabilitation and Investigation Centre of Ria Formosa were examined for lice. Twenty-six (21.3%) birds were found to be infested with at least one chewing louse species. The chewing lice identified include 18 species. Colonial birds (34.9%) and migratory birds (29.5%) had statistically significant higher prevalence than territorial birds (6.8%) and resident birds (13.1%), respectively. This paper records 17 louse species for the first time in southern Portugal: Laemobothrion maximum, Laemobothrion vulturis, Actornithophilus piceus lari, Actornithophilus umbrinus, Austromenopon lutescens, Colpocephalum heterosoma, Colpocephalum turbinatum, Eidmanniella pustulosa, Nosopon casteli, Pectinopygus bassani, Pseudomenopon pilosum, Trinoton femoratum, Trinoton querquedulae, Craspedorrhynchus platystomus, Degeeriella fulva, Falcolipeurus quadripustulatus, Lunaceps schismatus. Also a nymph of the genus Strigiphilus was collected from a Eurasian eagle-owl. These findings contribute to the knowledge of avian chewing lice from important birds areas in Portugal.  相似文献   

Fossil lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) reconsidered   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract.  Five papers describing fossils considered to be Phthiraptera (lice) by their authors are reviewed. We place the specimens described in three papers in the Acari (mites) and regard them as probably not fossils. A fourth paper describes what appears to be a fossil insect. However, we do not consider it to be a louse. The fifth paper describes a more recent fossil that differs little from extant lice.  相似文献   

Although most studies of codivergence rely primarily on topological comparisons of host and parasite phylogenies, temporal assessments are necessary to determine if divergence events in host and parasite trees occurred contemporaneously. A combination of cophylogenetic analyses and comparisons of branch lengths are used in this study to understand the host-parasite association between heteromyid rodents (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) and their sucking lice of the genus Fahrenholzia (Phthiraptera: Anoplura). Cophylogenetic comparisons based on nucleotide substitutions in the mitochondrial COI gene reveal a significant, but not perfect, pattern of cophylogeny between heteromyids and their sucking lice. Regression analyses show a significant functional relationship between the lengths of analogous branches in the host and parasite trees, indicating that divergence events in hosts and parasites were approximately contemporaneous. Thus, the topological similarity observed between heteromyids and their lice is the result of codivergence. These analyses also show that the COI gene in lice is evolving two to three times faster than the same gene in their hosts (similar to the results of studies of other lice and their vertebrate hosts) and that divergence events in lice occurred shortly after host divergence. We recommend that future studies of codivergence include temporal comparisons and, when possible, use the same molecular marker(s) in hosts and parasites to achieve the greatest insight into the history of the host-parasite relationship.  相似文献   

The distribution of three amblyceran (Menacanthus stramineus, Menacanthus cornutus, Menopon gallinae) and five ischnoceran species (Lipeurus lawrensis tropicalis, Lipeurus caponis. Goniocotes gallinae, Goniodes gigas, Goniodes dissimilis) on poultry was determined. The preferred sites of these species on the host body were recorded.  相似文献   

The lice, Haffneria grandis and Saemundssonia were extracted from their hosts, skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae). Lice were extracted from dead birds by combing feathers, while lice from live birds were extracted using a delousing chamber containing chloroform vapour. Lice were measured and the data analysed by canonical discriminant analysis. Lice show variation in morphology that is useful in identifying some of these hosts. This variation is presumably due to micro-environmental pressure provided by each host. Our interpretation is that these chewing lice have evolved to be adapted to each skua taxon; different sizes and morphologies of skua taxa result in different sizes and morphologies of Haffneria grandis and Saemundssonia.  相似文献   

There has been much argument about the phylogenetic relationships of the four suborders of lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera). Lyal's study of the morphology of lice indicated that chewing/biting lice (Mallophaga) are paraphyletic with respect to sucking lice (Anoplura). To test this hypothesis we inferred the phylogeny of 33 species of lice from small subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences (18S rRNA). Liposcelis sp. from the Liposcelididae (Psocoptera) was used for outgroup reference. Phylogenetic relationships among the four suborders of lice inferred from these sequences were the same as those inferred from morphology. The Amblycera is apparently the sister-group to all other lice whereas the Rhynchophthirina is apparently sister to the Anoplura; these two suborders are sister to the Ischnocera, i.e. (Amblycera (Ischnocera (Anoplura, Rhynchophthirina))). Thus, the Mallophaga (Amblycera, Ischnocera, Rhynchophthirina) is apparently paraphyletic with respect to the Anoplura. Our analyses also provide evidence that: (i) each of the three suborders of lice that are well represented in our study (the Amblycera, Ischnocera, and Anoplura) are monophyletic; (ii) the Boopiidae is monophyletic; (iii) the genera Heterodoxus and Latumcephalum (Boopiidae) are more closely related to one another than either is to the genus Boopia (also Boopiidae); (iv) the Ricinidae and Laemobothridae may be sister-taxa; (v) the Philopteridae may be paraphyletic with respect to the Trichodectidae; (vi) the genera Pediculus and Pthirus are more closely related to each other than either is to the genus Pedicinus ; and (vii) in contrast to published data for mitochondrial genes, the rates of nucleotide substitution in the SSU rRNA of lice are not higher than those of other insects, nor do substitution rates in the suborders differ substantially from one another.  相似文献   



Sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) are obligate, permanent ectoparasites of eutherian mammals, parasitizing members of 12 of the 29 recognized mammalian orders and approximately 20% of all mammalian species. These host specific, blood-sucking insects are morphologically adapted for life on mammals: they are wingless, dorso-ventrally flattened, possess tibio-tarsal claws for clinging to host hair, and have piercing mouthparts for feeding. Although there are more than 540 described species of Anoplura and despite the potential economical and medical implications of sucking louse infestations, this study represents the first attempt to examine higher-level anopluran relationships using molecular data. In this study, we use molecular data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of 65 sucking louse taxa with phylogenetic analyses and compare the results to findings based on morphological data. We also estimate divergence times among anopluran taxa and compare our results to host (mammal) relationships.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships for eleven of the twelve currently recognized species of Fahrenholzia , lice found only on rodents of the family Heteromyidae. Field collections included twenty of the thirty-three known host associations and resulted in the discovery of four new associations. Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial and nuclear datasets were in general agreement, resulting in a well-resolved Fahrenholzia phylogeny. Analyses supported the monophyly of lice parasitizing the host subfamily Heteromyinae (spiny pocket mice). Lice parasitizing the genera Chaetodipus (pocket mice) and Perognathus (silky pocket mice) each represent monophyletic lineages. Phylogenetic patterns and levels of genetic differentiation suggest that the widespread Fahrenholzia pinnata may contain several cryptic species. Cryptic species may exist also within the less widely distributed species, Fahrenholzia microcephala and Fahrenholzia reducta .  相似文献   

虱目是哺乳类和鸟类体表的专性寄生虫。在虱科、阴虱科、长角鸟虱科和兽羽虱科的某些寄生虱种中发现了线粒体基因组裂化现象, 其线粒体基因组裂化成了多个环状的线粒体染色体, 如体虱(Pediculus humanus)、头虱(pediculus capitis)和阴虱(Pthirus pubis)的线粒体基因组分别裂化形成20个、20个和14个微环染色体。微环染色体可能是基因删除和同源重组的结果, 关于线粒体基因组裂化的具体原因和机制, 目前并不清楚, 推测可能是进化选择或随机遗传漂变的结果或与线粒体单链DNA结合蛋白的缺失有关。鉴于线粒体基因组裂化研究对于深入理解线粒体的起源和进化方面具有重要意义, 文章以虱目裂化线粒体基因组为主线, 列举了动物裂化线粒体基因组和裂化特征, 阐述了虱目裂化线粒体基因组的研究现状, 分析了虱目线粒体基因组裂化的类型、原因和机制, 并对该领域未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Few estimates of relative substitution rates, and the underlying mutation rates, exist between mitochondrial and nuclear genes in insects. Previous estimates for insects indicate a 2-9 times faster substitution rate in mitochondrial genes relative to nuclear genes. Here we use novel methods for estimating relative rates of substitution, which incorporate multiple substitutions, and apply these methods to a group of insects (lice, Order: Phthiraptera). First, we use a modification of copath analysis (branch length regression) to construct independent comparisons of rates, consisting of each branch in a phylogenetic tree. The branch length comparisons use maximum likelihood models to correct for multiple substitution. In addition, we estimate codon-specific rates under maximum likelihood for the different genes and compare these values. Estimates of the relative synonymous substitution rates between a mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (EF-1alpha) gene in lice indicate a relative rate of several 100 to 1. This rapid relative mitochondrial rate (>100 times) is at least an order of magnitude faster than previous estimates for any group of organisms. Comparisons using the same methods for another group of insects (aphids) reveals that this extreme relative rate estimate is not simply attributable to the methods we used, because estimates from aphids are substantially lower. Taxon sampling affects the relative rate estimate, with comparisons involving more closely related taxa resulting in a higher estimate. Relative rate estimates also increase with model complexity, indicating that methods accounting for more multiple substitution estimate higher relative rates.  相似文献   

Avian lice occupy different habitats in the host plumage that the physical environment outside the host body may affect in several ways. Interactions between host plumage and water may be an important source of such effects. Here, we use a comparative approach to examine the effect of a host's diving behavior on the taxonomic richness of its lice. Louse genera richness was significantly lower in clades of diving birds than on their nondiving sister clades. Species richness of host and body mass did not differ significantly between these clades; thus, these factors did not bias our results. This study suggests that the hosts' diving behavior can effectively influence ectoparasite communities.  相似文献   

Philopteridae feather lice are a group of ectoparasitic insects which have intimate relationships with their avian hosts. Feather lice include an enormous number of described species; however, the relationships of major lineages have been clouded by homoplasious characters due to convergent evolution. In this study, a comprehensive phylogenomic analysis of the group is performed which includes 137 feather louse species. Several other analyses are also completed including dating analysis, cophylogenetic reconstructions, and ancestral character estimation to understand the evolution of complex morphological and ecological traits. Phylogenetic results recover high support for the placement of major feather louse lineages, but with lower support for long-branched enigmatic genera found at the base of the tree. The results of dating analyses suggest modern feather lice began to diversify approximately 49 million years ago following the adaptive radiation of their avian hosts. Cost-based cophylogenetic reconstructions recover a high frequency of host switching, while congruence-based methods indicate a significant level of congruence between host and parasite trees. Ancestral state reconstructions favour a generalist ancestor and water bird host at the root. The analyses completed provide insight into the evolution of a diverse group of ectoparasitic insects which infest a wide variety of avian hosts. The results represent the most comprehensive phylogenetic hypothesis of the group to date and provide a framework for future classification of the family into natural groupings.  相似文献   

The chewing louse genus Colpocephalum parasitizes nearly a dozen distantly related orders of birds. Such a broad host distribution is relatively unusual in lice. However, the monophyly of the genus Colpocephalum has never been tested using molecular characters. Using one nuclear and one mitochondrial gene, we inferred a phylogeny for 54 lice from the genus Colpocephalum and other morphologically similar genera. The resulting phylogeny demonstrates that Colpocephalum itself is not monophyletic. However, these data support the existence of a Colpocephalum complex within which several lineages are restricted to particular host orders. These lineages corresponded to previously described genera, some of which are morphologically distinct and currently considered subgenera. Maddison–Slatkin tests were performed on the resulting phylogeny and showed that host order, host family and biogeographic region had significant phylogenetic signal when mapped onto the Colpocephalum complex phylogeny. A PARAFIT analysis comparing the overall Colpocephalum complex phylogeny to a host phylogeny revealed significant congruence between host and parasite trees. We also compared the cophylogenetic history of Colpocephalum and their hosts to that of a second distantly related feather louse genus, Degeeriella, which also infests diurnal birds of prey. Using PARAFIT to identify individual host–parasite links that contributed to overall congruence, there was no evidence of correlated cophylogenetic patterns between these two louse groups, suggesting that their host distribution patterns have been shaped by different evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Prevalences of two phthirapteran species (an ischnoceran, Brueelia amandavae, and an amblyceran, Myrsidea amandava) on 130 Red Avadavats (Amandava amandava) were 36.2 and 20.8% in the district of Rampur, India, from September to December 2004. Sample mean abundances of the two species were 3.43 and 1.53, respectively. The frequency distribution patterns of both species were aggregated. The observed distribution conformed to the expected distribution of the negative binomial model, but only in the case of M. amandava. Adults dominated over nymphs in the overall adult-to-nymph ratio. Sex ratios of both species were skewed (female biased).  相似文献   

Compared with Europe and the Americas, the ectoparasites of African birds are poorly understood, despite the avian fauna being relatively well known. Notably, previous studies documenting the host associations and genetic diversity of parasitic chewing lice of southern African birds have been limited in geographic and taxonomic scope. Recent field expeditions exploring the avian diversity in South Africa facilitated an opportunity to obtain louse specimens from a taxonomically diverse host assemblage. This study is the first to investigate avian louse host associations and diversity across a large portion of South Africa encompassing several distinct habitat types, while incorporating molecular genetic data (from portions of the mitochondrial COI and nuclear EF‐1α genes) for ectoparasite phylogenetic analyses. From 1105 South African bird individuals and 170 species examined for lice, a total of 105 new louse–host associations were observed. Morphological and genetic examination of lice with these new host associations reveals a maximum of 66 louse species new to science. Results of this study support the observation that examining museum specimens is a useful way to investigate louse diversity and host associations.  相似文献   

The Philoceanus complex is a large assemblage of lice that parasitise procellariiform seabirds (petrels, albatrosses, and their relatives). We obtained mitochondrial 12S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase I DNA sequences from 39 species from diverse hosts and localities. Resolution of deeper relationships between genera was limited, however there is evidence for two major clades, one hosted by albatrosses, the other by petrels. Based on our results, the genera hosted by albatrosses are excellent candidates for detailed analysis of cospeciation. Our results also suggest that a previous estimate of a 5-fold difference in the relative rate of sequence evolution in lice and their avian hosts is an artefact of limited taxonomic sampling.  相似文献   

Cospeciation between hosts and parasites offers a unique opportunity to use information from parasites to infer events in host evolutionary history. Although lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) are known to cospeciate with their hosts and have frequently served as important markers to infer host evolutionary history, most molecular studies are based on only one or two markers. Resulting phylogenies may, therefore, represent gene histories (rather than species histories), and analyses of multiple molecular markers are needed to increase confidence in the results of phylogenetic analyses. Herein, we phylogenetically examine nine molecular markers in primate sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) and we use these markers to estimate divergence times among louse lineages. Individual and combined analyses of these nine markers are, for the most part, congruent, supporting relationships hypothesized in previous studies. Only one marker, the nuclear protein-coding gene Histone 3, has a significantly different tree topology compared to the other markers. The disparate evolutionary history of this marker, however, has no significant effect on topology or nodal support in the combined phylogenetic analyses. Therefore, phylogenetic results from the combined data set likely represent a solid hypothesis of species relationships. Additionally, we find that simultaneous use of multiple markers and calibration points provides the most reliable estimates of louse divergence times, in agreement with previous studies estimating divergences among species. Estimates of phylogenies and divergence times also allow us to verify the results of [Reed, D.L., Light, J.E., Allen, J.M., Kirchman, J.J., 2007. Pair of lice lost or parasites regained: the evolutionary history of anthropoid primate lice. BMC Biol. 5, 7.]; there was probable contact between gorilla and archaic hominids roughly 3 Ma resulting in a host switch of Pthirus lice from gorillas to archaic hominids. Thus, these results provide further evidence that data from cospeciating organisms can yield important information about the evolutionary history of their hosts.  相似文献   

Some species of parasites occur on a wide range of hosts while others are restricted to one or a few host species. The host specificity of a parasite species is determined, in part, by its ability to disperse between host species. Dispersal limitations can be studied by exploring the genetic structure of parasite populations both within a single species of host and across multiple host species. In this study we examined the genetic structure in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene of two genera of lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) occurring on multiple sympatric species of doves in southern North and Central America. One genus, Columbicola, is generally less host-specific than the other, Physconelloides. For both genera we identified substantial genetic differentiation between populations of conspecific lice on different host species, generally 10-20% sequence divergence. This level of divergence is in the range of that often observed between species of these two genera. We used nested clade analysis to explore fine scale genetic structure within species of these feather lice. We found that species of Physconelloides exhibited more genetic structure, both among hosts and among geographical localities, than did species of Columbicola. In many cases, single haplotypes within species of Columbicola are distributed on multiple host species. Thus, the population genetic structure of species of Physconelloides reveals evidence of geographical differentiation on top of high host species specificity. Underlying differences in dispersal biology probably explain the differences in population genetic structure that we observed between Columbicola and Physconelloides.  相似文献   

Data on the fauna, abundance and prevalence of chewing lice collected from 360 specimens of 13 sedentary species of passerine birds in Yakutia are given. A total of 3206 specimens of chewing lice belonging to 27 species of 6 genera were collected. Most of the studied bird species were infested with several chewing lice species. Exchange of parasites may take place between some bird species in the study region.  相似文献   

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