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Field IV and adjacent areas of fields VI, VI op, VI p of the human brain cortex were examined. Frontal, sagittal, tangential sections stained after the techniques of Nissle, Brachet, Klüver--Barer, Cajal and Peters demonstrated the motor cortex to contain a great number of local, with rare overlapping, groups of cellular columns, each of them being surrounded with a peculiar vessel-fibrillar capsule. A morphological unit resulted from topographic interdependens of neurons, vessels and fibres is considered as a neuronal assembly which occupies in the cortical space a figure of truncated upset cone or cylinder. Neuronal assemblies are distributed along radiate fibres and radial vessels, do not form regularly alternated raws, central axis of every assembly is perpendicular to the tangent line drawn in the given point of the cortical surface.  相似文献   

Recent advances in functional imaging and neuronal recording techniques demonstrate that the spatial spread and amplitude of whisker functional representation in the somatosensory cortex of the adult rodent is extensive, but subject to modulations. One of the strongest modulators is naturalistic whisker use. In the cortices of rodents that have been transferred from their home cage to live for an extensive period in a naturalistic habitat, there is suppression of evoked neuronal responses accompanied by contraction and sharpening of receptive fields, and contraction and weakening of whisker functional representations. These unexpected characteristics also describe modulations of whisker functional representations in the cortex of a freely exploring rodent during short whisker-based explorations. These and related findings suggest that cortical modulations and plasticity could follow a 'less is more' strategy and, therefore, highlight how different cortical strategies could be utilized for different behavioral demands.  相似文献   

We investigated the functional organization of the human auditory cortex using a novel electrophysiological recording technique combined with an advanced brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique. Tonotopic mapping data were obtained during single unit recording along the Heschl’s gyrus. Most of the units studied (73%) demonstrated sharply tuned excitatory responses. A tonotopic pattern was observed with the best frequencies systematically increasing as more medial-caudal recording sites were sampled. Additionally, a new auditory field along the posterior aspect of the superior temporal gyrus has been identified using a high spatial resolution direct recording technique. Results obtained during electrical stimulation demonstrate functional connectivity between the primary auditory cortex and the auditory field in the posterior superior temporal gyrus.  相似文献   

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and adjacent areas of the medial frontal cortex (MFC) have been implicated in monitoring behaviour and in detecting errors. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the ACC not only registers the occurrence of errors but also represents other aspects of the reinforcement history that are crucial for guiding behaviour. Other studies raise the possibility that dorsal MFC areas not only monitor behaviour but also actually control response selection, particularly when the task in hand is changing. Many decisions are made in social contexts and their chances of success depend on what other individuals are doing. Evaluation of other individuals is therefore crucial for effective action selection, and some ACC regions are implicated in this process.  相似文献   

Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough is a Gram-negative sulfate-reducing bacterium (SRB), and the physiology of SRBs can impact many anaerobic environments including radionuclide waste sites, oil reservoirs and metal pipelines. In an attempt to understand D. vulgaris as a population that can adhere to surfaces, D. vulgaris cultures were grown in a defined medium and analysed for carbohydrate production, motility and biofilm formation. Desulfovibrio vulgaris wild-type cells had increasing amounts of carbohydrate into stationary phase and approximately half of the carbohydrate remained internal. In comparison, a mutant that lacked the 200 kb megaplasmid, strain DeltaMP, produced less carbohydrate and the majority of carbohydrate remained internal of the cell proper. To assess the possibility of carbohydrate re-allocation, biofilm formation was investigated. Wild-type cells produced approximately threefold more biofilm on glass slides compared with DeltaMP; however, wild-type biofilm did not contain significant levels of exopolysaccharide. In addition, stains specific for extracellular carbohydrate did not reveal polysaccharide material within the biofilm. Desulfovibrio vulgaris wild-type biofilms contained long filaments as observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the biofilm-deficient DeltaMP strain was also deficient in motility. Biofilms grown directly on silica oxide transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids did not contain significant levels of an exopolysaccharide matrix when viewed with TEM and SEM, and samples stained with ammonium molybdate also showed long filaments that resembled flagella. Biofilms subjected to protease treatments were degraded, and different proteases that were added at the time of inoculation inhibited biofilm formation. The data indicated that D. vulgaris did not produce an extensive exopolysaccharide matrix, used protein filaments to form biofilm between cells and silica oxide surfaces, and the filaments appeared to be flagella. It is likely that D. vulgaris used flagella for more than a means of locomotion to a surface, but also used flagella, or modified flagella, to establish and/or maintain biofilm structure.  相似文献   

Changes in somatosensory input can remodel human cortical motor organization, yet the input characteristics that promote reorganization and their functional significance have not been explored. Here we show with transcranial magnetic stimulation that sensory-driven reorganization of human motor cortex is highly dependent upon the frequency, intensity, and duration of stimulus applied. Those patterns of input associated with enhanced excitability (5 Hz, 75% maximal tolerated intensity for 10 min) induce stronger cortical activation to fMRI. When applied to acutely dysphagic stroke patients, swallowing corticobulbar excitability is increased mainly in the undamaged hemisphere, being strongly correlated with an improvement in swallowing function. Thus, input to the human adult brain can be programmed to promote beneficial changes in neuroplasticity and function after cerebral injury.  相似文献   

Depletion of proline from insulin, hydrocortisone, and prolactin-containing medium prior to incubating virgin mouse mammary explants prevents both DNA synthesis and functional differentiation in the mammary epithelial cells; however, DNA synthesis in the mammary stroma and total incorporation of radioactive amino acids into total protein appears to continue without hindrance. Removal of glycine instead of proline had no deleterious effect on either DNA replication in the hormone-stimulated epithelium or in its functional differentiation. Functional differentiation was determined by the induction of casein and alpha-lactalbumin synthesis in the insulin, hydrocortisone, and prolactin (IFPrl)-treated explant cultures. As a control, the induction of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) gene expression, a corticosteroid-regulated function, was also measured. Neither the absence of proline or glycine prevented the glucocorticoid stimulation of MMTV gene expression. In contrast to mammary tissue from virgin mice, explants from nonpregnant primiparous mice responded fully to IFPrl stimulation with respect to DNA, casein, and alpha-lactalbumin synthesis in medium depleted of proline. These data suggest that the uncommitted epithelium of virgin mouse mammary glands requires the presence of exogenous proline in order to respond to lactogenic hormonal signals. We have demonstrated earlier that DNA synthesis is a prerequisite of functional differentiation in virgin mouse mammary explants (Smith and Vonderhaar, 1981, Dev. Biol., 88:167-179; Vonderhaar and Smith, 1982, J. Cell Sci, 53:97-114), although cytological differentiation proceeded unencumbered in explants prevented from synthesizing DNA. Here, without proline, neither cytological nor functional differentiation can be induced; this suggests that proline provides an essential metabolic interlock in the acquisition of lactogenic hormone responsiveness in uncommitted mouse mammary tissue.  相似文献   

Bacterial infection induces apoptotic cell death in human monoblastic U937 cells that have been pretreated with interferon gamma (U937IFN). Apoptosis occurs in a manner that is independent of bacterial virulence proteins. In the present study, we show that lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a membrane constituent of gram-negative bacteria, also induces apoptosis in U937IFN cells. LPS treatment led to the appearance of characteristic markers of apoptosis such as nuclear fragmentation and activation of caspases. While the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk prevented LPS-induced apoptosis as judged by its inhibition of nuclear fragmentation, it failed to inhibit cytochrome c release and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Transfection of peptides containing the BH4 (Bcl-2 homology 4) domain derived from the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-XL blocked LPS-induced nuclear fragmentation and the limited digestion of PARP. These results suggest that LPS does not require caspase activation to induce mitochondrial dysfunction and that mitochondria play a crucial role in the regulation of LPS-mediated apoptosis in U937IFN cells.  相似文献   

Recent studies have led to a better understanding of several aspects of the organization and physiological mechanisms involved in the processing of information in the auditory cortex. A wide range of approaches have revealed new information regarding the histochemistry, cortico-cortical connections, single-unit physiology, and functional spatial organization, as well as mechanisms and effects of representational and learning-induced cortical plasticity.  相似文献   

Insertional mutations in the spo0A and spoIIAC genes of Bacillus sphaericus 2362 were prepared by conjugation with Escherichia coli using a suicide plasmid containing cloned portions of the target genes. The mutants resembled their Bacillus subtilis counterparts phenotypically and were devoid of crystal proteins as determined by electron microscopy, SDS-PAGE and Western blots. The mutants had greatly reduced toxicity to anopheline mosquito larvae compared to the parental strain. We conclude that crystal protein synthesis in this bacterium is dependent on expression of early sporulation genes.  相似文献   

Functional connectivity (fcMRI) was analyzed in individuals with spastic diplegia and age-matched controls. Pearson correlations (r-values) were computed between resting state spontaneous activity in selected seed regions (sROI) and each voxel throughout the brain. Seed ROI were centered on foci activated by tactile stimulation of the second fingertip in somatosensory and parietal dorsal attention regions. The group with diplegia showed significantly expanded networks for the somatomotor but not dorsal attention areas. These expanded networks overran nearly all topological representations in somatosensory and motor areas despite a sROI in a fingertip focus. A possible underlying cause for altered fcMRI in the group with dipegia, and generally sensorimotor deficits in spastic diplegia, is that prenatal third trimester white-matter injury leads to localized damage to subplate neurons. We hypothesize that intracortical connections become dominant in spastic diplegia through successful competition with diminished or absent thalamocortical inputs. Similar to the effects of subplate ablations on ocular dominance columns (Kanold and Shatz, Neuron 2006;51:627–638), a spike timing-dependent plasticity model is proposed to explain a shift towards intracortical inputs.  相似文献   

Responses of cortical neurons in the posterior sigmoid gyrus to stimulation of two points of the ventro-posterolateral nucleus were investigated in cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine. Some neurons responding to stimulation of one point of this nucleus with a latent period of 2.5–4 msec, were activated by stimulation of the other point after 10 msec or longer. Conditioning stimulation of one point facilitated or inhibited the response to test stimulation of the other point. The facilitatory effect was usually exhibited if the response latency exceeded 5 msec. It is concluded that a cortical input neuron for some afferent fibers is activated by other similar afferent fibers only after intracortical relay. The system of "input" cortical neurons is thus not only a structural, but also to some extent a functional, concept; under certain conditions an incoming afferent volley activates them only polysynaptically.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(14):3121-3136.e6
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In the chemically transformed mouse fibroblasts (BP-A31) placed in a serum-free medium, the cdc2 mRNA content decreases in parallel with the cessation of [3H]thymidine incorporation. Extinction of the cdc2 gene expression is also observed in BP-A31 cells overexpressing the human c-myc oncogene. At quies-cence, the cdc2 gene expression can be reinduced with serum or with other mitogens such as insulin or 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA). The kinetics of induction is characterized by a lag period which differs according to the mitogen used and reflects the length of the G1 phase (4–6 h with insulin or serum, 9–12 h with TPA). The cdc2 mRNA accumulation is prevented when protein synthesis is blocked with cycloheximide, also if the drug is added at a time when the synthesis of cdc2 mRNA is already under way. Similarly, removal of the mitogen leads to a cessation of the cdc2 mRNA accumulation. These results suggest that the increased expression of the cdc2 gene is mediated by (a) short-lived, growth factor-regulated protein(s). © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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