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The “mitochondrial cascade hypothesis” could explain many of the biochemical, genetic and pathological features of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Somatic mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) could cause energy failure, increased oxidative stress and accumulation of amyloid β, which in a vicious cycle reinforces mtDNA damage and oxidative stress. Despite the evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in AD, and despite the cognitive impairment frequently reported in patients with mtDNA mutation, no causative mutation in the mtDNA have been linked to AD. Indeed, results of studies on the role of mtDNA polymorphisms or haplogroups in AD are controversial. In this minireview, we summarize the actual knowledge about the involvement of mtDNA in AD pathology.  相似文献   


This paper expands upon some of Goldberg’s initial reflections regarding the new type of ‘subject’ that is at the heart of post-raciality. A particular attention is paid to the connection with religion, as many of the current conflicts in Europe have been articulated through the grammar of secularism and religion, especially in relationship to Islam. This observation invites us to consider how this ‘racialization of religion’ figures as a reminder of the central role of this politico-theological question in the demarcation of who counts as a proper (political) subject, and how the current debates about Islam figure as a reminder of that.  相似文献   

We determined the synthesis and secretion of glycosaminoglycans by three distinct preparations of mouse cultured thymic epithelial cells. These comprised primary cultures of thymic nurse cells (TNCs), which are normally located within the cortex of the thymic lobules, as well as two murine thymic epithelial cells, bearing a mixed, yet distinct, cortico-medullary phenotype. We first identified and measured the relative proportions of the various glycosaminoglycans in the three epithelial cells. Non-sulfated glycosaminoglycans are preponderantly secreted by the TNCs, while the sulfated glycans (particularly heparan sulfate) are relatively more abundant on the cell surface. The three types of epithelial cells differ markedly in their heparan sulfate composition, mainly due to different patterns of N- and O-sulfation. In addition, the cells differ in the synthesis and secretion of other glycosaminoglycans. Thus, TNCs secrete high amounts of dermatan sulfate + chondroitin sulfate to the culture medium. IT-76M1 cells secrete high proportions of heparan sulfate while 2BH4 cells show a more equilibrated proportion of dermatan sulfate/chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate. The three epithelial cells also differ in their capacity to produce hyaluronic acid and 2BH4 cells are distinguished by their high rate of synthesis of this glycosaminoglycan. In conclusion, our results show that distinct thymic epithelial cells can synthesize different types of glycosaminoglycans. Although it remains to be definitely determined whether these differences reflect the in vivo situation, our data provide new clues for further understanding of how glycosaminoglycan-mediated interactions behave in the thymus.  相似文献   

One approach to gauge the complexity of the computational problem underlying haptic perception is to determine the number of dimensions needed to describe it. In vision, the number of dimensions can be estimated to be seven. This observation raises the question of what is the number of dimensions needed to describe touch. Only with certain simplified representations of mechanical interactions can this number be estimated, because it is in general infinite. Organisms must be sensitive to considerably reduced subsets of all possible measurements. These reductions are discussed by considering the sensing apparatuses of some animals and the underlying mechanisms of two haptic illusions.  相似文献   

Matsuno K  Paton RC 《Bio Systems》2000,55(1-3):39-46
This paper briefly considers the notion of a biology of quantum information from a number of complementary points of view. We begin with a very brief look at some of the biomolecular systems that are thought to exploit quantum mechanical effects and then turn to the issue of measurement in these systems and the concomitant generation of information. This leads us to look at the internalist stance and the exchange interaction of quantum particles. We suggest that exchange interaction can also be viewed using ecological ideas related to apparatus-object. This can also help develop the important notion of complementarity in biosystems in relation to the nature and generation of information at the microphysical scale.  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of the inhibitor of fatty acid oxidation (+)-octanoylcarnitine on the perfused liver of the 48–51 days fetal guinea pig indicate that the oxidation of endogenous fatty acids is a major source of carbon for the citric acid cycle and for synthesis of hexose. Consistent with this the liver can convert isocitrate to glyoxylate and glyoxylate to malate and may therefore operate a glyoxylate cycle allowing the net production of sugars from acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   

Daytime activity is largely regulated by the day/night pattern. Various physiological and cognitive functions display a variation during the diurnal period, where individuals manage their balance, spatial orientation and consequently their perception of the vertical. However, findings concerning daytime changes of postural control quality remain contradictory, mainly due to methodogical considerations. The aim of our study is to evaluate the effect of time of day on postural control and perception of the vertical.

Fifteen male subjects underwent six test sessions over a 24-hour period. Each session involved a postural balance test (static/dynamic; eyes open/closed) and a subjective evaluation of sleepiness, fatigue and subjective visual vertical (SVV) (light stick tilted from 10 to 40°; eight trials). No time-of-day effect was observed on postural balance. However, perception of the vertical fluctuates during the day and is better at 10 a.m. than at 10 p.m. Despite the gradual perception of the vertical deterioration over the day, postural balance does not show any fluctuation. This postural balance consistency throughout the day may be the result of compensation mechanisms.  相似文献   

The preventive orientation that has been gaining ground in Sweden is indicative of ways in which our society is organized to sustain values like a healthy life, a healthy body, and a healthy society. Search for health dangers and risks shows how medical technology has been integrated with our thinking about health. Preventive language, like all language of medicine, besides describing a pre-existing biological reality, creates in the process its own objects of analysis. This also has an impact and influences how lay people experience their bodies. The study presented focuses on one form of prevention in an attempt to describe how the ambition to secure a healthy society, through the detection of early disease, may have the opposite effect. Medical health-care ambitions in screening for cholesterolaemia will be related to implications for a group of men in whom cholesterol was found to be elevated. The men feel healthy yet are in some sense diseased. This raises the issue of visualizing the invisible in health care and the implications of such a process for the patients concermed.  相似文献   

A report on the 3rd International Legume Genetics and Genomics Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 9-13 April 2006.  相似文献   

Schub T 《Lab animal》2001,30(6):39-42
There is evidence of a shortage of qualified laboratory animal veterinarians. Based on conversations with directors of animal care programs and heads of laboratory animal medicine training program, the author explores the problem of attracting veterinary school graduates to the field.  相似文献   

Brewer’s yeast appears to flocculate or disperse reversibly in response to the environmental conditions. The yeast and its solubilized cell surface substance show flocculation-dispersion changes according to pH, sugar concentration and flocculation inducing substances. Top fermentative yeasts do not show such a response to the surrounding conditions. Cell surfaces of bottom fermentative yeasts increase in hydrophobicity during a shift from fermentation starting conditions (dispersion of yeast) (high sugar concentration, pH 5.5) to ending conditions ( flocculation) (no sugar, pH 4.2), but this hydrophobicity increase was not seen in the case of top fermentative yeast cells. The contributions of hydrophobic interaction and ionic bonds to flocculence of the yeast were discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Early diplotene oocytes from Necturus maculosus ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mm in diameter were examined by electron microscopy. In the smallest oocytes of this range, the cytoplasm is largely devoid of membranes, but contains primarily ribosomes and mitochondria. In slightly larger oocytes, smooth-surfaced cytomembranes first appear in the perinuclear cytoplasm. At this time, the outer layer of the germinal vesicle nuclear envelope (GVNE) shows frequent connections with long membranous lamellae that extend for considerable, but variable distances into the juxtanuclear ooplasm. The number of smooth membranous lamellae increases tremendously as the oocytes increase in diameter. In such oocytes as well, frequent continuities are observed between the outer membrane of the GVNE and many of the cytoplasmic membranes. Eventually, as the ooplasm becomes populated with extensive numbers of membranous lamellae, instances of continuity between the membranous lamellae and nuclear envelope now become sparse and eventually non-existent. The frequent connections observed between membranous lamellae and the outer membrane of the GVNE during a circumscribed interval of diplotene strongly implicate the GVNE in the generation of extensive amounts of cytoplasmic membrane. The ooplasm of larger oocytes in the size range indicated contain numerous Golgi complexes and large quantities of annulate lamellae most of which are positioned in the peripheral or subcortical ooplasm, as well as extensive quantities of smooth membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets.  相似文献   

The lack of species inventory data for most marine habitats currently hampers the objective management of marine biodiversity. There is thus a clear need to find reliable indicator taxa that can be targeted in marine conservation studies, providing cost-effective data for planning and monitoring. Using the rocky shores of the Solitary Islands Marine Park, NSW, Australia, as a model, I evaluated macroinvertebrates and determined which taxa (i) best reflected ecological patterns of the broader intertidal community; and (ii) were able to accurately predict species richness of assemblages at the headland scale. Both molluscs and crustaceans showed high levels of correlation with overall species richness. However, molluscs, and in particular prosobranchs, most closely reflected patterns in the community data and provided the most accurate predictions of species richness at the scale of the headland. The potential time savings of using molluscs in rapid assessments are considerable and relate to reductions in field time (by up to 40%) as well as the reduced need to invest time developing extensive taxonomic knowledge of other invertebrate groups. Molluscs are widespread and easily sampled, with stable taxonomy and well-known ecology relative to other marine invertebrate taxa. Their use as surrogates of biodiversity shows great potential for future marine conservation studies.  相似文献   

Animal experiments and observations in human brains have convincingly shown that sexual differentiation not only concerns the genitalia but also the brain. This has been investigated also in the light of a possible explanation of a presumed biological aetiology of transsexuality. The volume of the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, a brain area that is essential for sexual behaviour, has been reported to be larger in men than in women. Additionally, the number of somatostatin expressing neurons in this region was shown to be higher in men than in women. As neuronal production of somatostatin is involved the idea is striking whether somatostatin-receptor density in the cortex of cerebral hemispheres might be related to gender identity. We investigated in vivo the density of somatostatin-receptors in selected regions of the human brain in both sexes by means of receptor scintigraphy. Basal ganglia tracer uptake of 111-In-Pentreotide was equally low in both genders at 0,80% +/ 0,26 (related to tracer uptake of the whole brain layer). Temporal cortex accumulated at 2,9% +/ 1,1 in men and at 2,3% +/ 0,76 in women. Frontal brain region had an uptake of 3,0% +/ 1,4 in male and of 2,5% +/ 1,3 in female. This shows a tendency in males for relatively augmented uptake indicating higher somatostatin receptor density in temporal and frontal cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Summary In gills of the shore crab Carcinus maenas an ATPase activity was found which was stimulated by bicarbonate and inhibited by low concentration of oligomycin and thiocyanate. This ATPase was activated by small hydrated alkali cations, i.e., activation was absent in the presence of Li+, small in the presence of Na+, and highest in the presence of K+ (K m=4 mM). Inhibitor studies using ouabain, NEM, and vanadate suggest that this ATPase is different from (Na++K+)-ATPase, the H+-ATPase of organelles, or an E 1 E 2-type ATPase represented by the H+/K+-ATPase in gastric mucosa. Results obtained by differential and density gradient centrifugation indicate that this ATPase is located in crab gill mitochondria, a location ruling out its direct participation in transepithelial ion transport. Since the ATPase lacked specific Cl--activation it is not considered to be a Cl- pump but a mitochondrial F 1 F 0-ATPase. Specific activities of mitochondrial ATPase and (Na++K+)-ATPase were of comparable magnitude. Both ATPases were greatly increased in gills of crabs acclimated to brackish water (salinity 10) compared to crabs maintained in sea water (30). These results imply that low salinity-induced modifications in branchial tissues include mechanisms for active ion uptake as well as the elements for provision of cellular energy.Abbreviations ATPase adenosine triphosphatase - HEPES N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine-N(2-ethanesulfonic acid) - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - NADH reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NEM Niethylmaleimide - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - PK pyruvate kinase - TRIS TRIS (hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - S salinity  相似文献   

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