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We describe a mass spectrometric method for distinguishing between free and modified forms of the C‐terminal carboxyl group of peptides and proteins, in combination with chemical approaches for the isolation of C‐terminal peptides and site‐specific derivatization of the C‐terminal carboxyl group. This method could most advantageously be exploited to discriminate between peptides having C‐terminal carboxyl groups in the free (COOH) and amide (CONH2) forms by increasing their mass difference from 1 to 14 Da by selectively converting the free carboxyl group into methylamide (CONHCH3). This method has been proven to be applicable to peptides containing aspartic and glutamic acids, because all the carboxyl groups except the C‐terminal one are inert to derivatization, according to oxazolone chemistry. The efficiency of the method is illustrated by a comparison of the peaks of processed peptides obtained from a mixture of adrenomedullin, calcitonin, and BSA. Among these components of the mixture, only the C‐terminal peptide of BSA exhibited the mass shift of 13 Da upon treatment, eventually unambiguously validating the C‐terminal amide structures of adrenomedullin and calcitonin. The possibility of extending this method for the analysis of C‐terminal PTMs is also discussed.  相似文献   

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a major product of activated neutrophils and may be important in antimicrobial activities of cells by oxidation or chlorination of susceptible amino acids. Three major peaks separated using C18 reverse phase-high-performance liquid chromatography RP-HPLC after incubation of leucine enkephalin (LeuEnk) with HOCl. Electrospray mass spectrometry showed masses of m/z 556.2, 590.2, and 624.4 corresponding to unmodified LeuEnk and peptides altered by addition of one or two chlorines (Cl). Formation of stable N-alpha-chloramines was indicated because the chlorinated peptides were readily reduced with the physiological reductants glutathione and ascorbic acid to LeuEnk (m/z 556.2) within 10 min. Sequence-specific ions observed in product ion spectra of single-charged monochlorinated and dichlorinated peptides were consistent with modification of the N-terminal amine. There was no evidence for chlorination of the Tyr aromatic ring in any spectra. Similar RP-HPLC profiles were obtained after oxidation of des-Tyr1-LeuEnk (GGFL) with the masses of the major products being m/z 393.3, 427.2, and 461.1. These were identified as unmodified GGFL, N-alpha-Cl-GGFL, and N-alpha-Cl2-GGFL based on comparison of tandem mass spectra. Oxidation of Met and formation of disulfide dimers was observed after incubation of either N-alpha-Cl-LeuEnk or N-alpha-Cl2-LeuEnk with a protein, indicating that both peptide N-alpha-chloramines were able to readily modify sulfur-containing amino acids within proteins. These data indicate initial formation of stable N-alpha-chorinated peptides after incubation with HOCl and suggest that N-alpha-chlorinated peptides may exist for some hours in the absence of physiological reducing agents or sulfur-containing amino acids.  相似文献   

A novel method for isolation and de novo sequencing of N-terminal peptides from proteins is described. The method presented here combines selective chemical tagging using succinimidyloxycarbonylmethyl tris(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)phosphonium bromide (TMPP-Ac-OSu) at the Nα-amino group of peptides after digestion by metalloendopeptidase (from Grifola frondosa) and selective capture procedures using p-phenylenediisothiocyanate resin, by which the N-terminal peptide can be isolated, whether or not it is N-terminally blocked. The isolated N-terminal peptide modified N-terminally with TMPP-Ac-OSu reagent produces a simple fragmentation pattern under tandem mass spectrometric analysis to significantly facilitate sequencing.  相似文献   

MassMatrix is a program that matches tandem mass spectra with theoretical peptide sequences derived from a protein database. The program uses a mass accuracy sensitive probabilistic score model to rank peptide matches. The MS/MS search software was evaluated by use of a high mass accuracy dataset and its results compared with those from MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA. For the high mass accuracy data, MassMatrix provided better sensitivity than MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA for a given specificity and the percentage of false positives was 2%. More importantly all manually validated true positives corresponded to a unique peptide/spectrum match. The presence of decoy sequence and additional variable PTMs did not significantly affect the results from the high mass accuracy search. MassMatrix performs well when compared with MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA with regard to search time. MassMatrix was also run on a distributed memory clusters and achieved search speeds of ~100 000 spectra per hour when searching against a complete human database with eight variable modifications. The algorithm is available for public searches at http://www.massmatrix.net.  相似文献   

Protonated peptides derived from proline‐rich proteins (PRP) are often difficult to sequence by standard collision‐induced dissociation (CID) mass spectrometry (MS) due to preferential amide bond cleavage N‐terminal to proline. In connection with bovine spongiform encephalopathy regulations, proteolytic products derived from the PRP collagen have been suggested as markers for contamination of animal feedstuffs with processed animal protein (Fernandez Ocaña, M. et al., Analyst 2004, 129, 111–115). Herein, we report the identification of these marker peptides using the strategy of C‐terminal sequencing by CID MS from their sodium and lithium adducts. Upon fragmentation a new cationized peptide was produced that is one C‐terminal amino acid shorter in length. This dissociation pathway allowed for the facile identification of the C‐terminal residue by matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization tandem time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry. Each newly formed cationized peptide was further fragmented by up to seven stages of electrospray ionization ion trap MS. Proline‐rich C‐terminal sequence tags were established which permitted successful database identification of collagen alpha type I proteins.  相似文献   

Histone PTMs play a crucial role in regulating chromatin structure and function, with impact on gene expression. MS is nowadays widely applied to study histone PTMs systematically. Because histones are rich in arginine and lysine, classical shot‐gun approaches based on trypsin digestion are typically not employed for histone modifications mapping. Instead, different protocols of chemical derivatization of lysines in combination with trypsin have been implemented to obtain “Arg‐C like” digestion products that are more suitable for LC‐MS/MS analysis. Although widespread, these strategies have been recently described to cause various side reactions that result in chemical modifications prone to be misinterpreted as native histone marks. These artefacts can also interfere with the quantification process, causing errors in histone PTMs profiling. The work of Paternoster V. et al. 1 is a quantitative assessment of methyl‐esterification and other side reactions occurring on histones after chemical derivatization of lysines with propionic anhydride [Proteomics 2016, 16, 2059–2063]. The authors estimate the effect of different solvents, incubation times, and pH on the extent of these side reactions. The results collected indicate that the replacement of methanol with isopropanol or ACN not only blocks methyl‐esterification, but also significantly reduces other undesired unspecific reactions. Carefully titrating the pH after propionic anhydride addition is another way to keep methyl‐esterification under control. Overall, the authors describe a set of experimental conditions that allow reducing the generation of various artefacts during histone propionylation.  相似文献   

Top‐down proteomics have recently started to gain attention as a novel method to provide insight into the structure of proteins in their native state, specifically the number and location of disulfide bridges. However, previous techniques still relied on complex and time‐consuming protein purification and reduction reactions to yield useful information. In this issue of Proteomics, Zhao et al. (high‐throughput screening of disulfide‐containing proteins in a complex mixture, Proteomics 2013, 13, 3256–3260) devise a clever and rapid method for high‐throughput determination of disulfides in proteins via reduction by tris(2‐carboxyethyl)phosphine. Their work provides the foundation necessary to undertake more complex experiments in biological samples.  相似文献   

The core histones are the primary protein component of chromatin, which is responsible for the packaging of eukaryotic DNA. The NH(2)-terminal tail domains of the core histones are the sites of numerous post-translational modifications that have been shown to play an important role in the regulation of chromatin structure. In this study, we discuss the recent application of modern analytical techniques to the study of histone modifications. Through the use of mass spectrometry, a large number of new sites of histone modification have been identified, many of which reside outside of the NH(2)-terminal tail domains. In addition, techniques have been developed that allow mass spectrometry to be effective for the quantitation of histone post-translational modifications. Hence, the use of mass spectrometry promises to dramatically alter our view of histone post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

In a manner similar to ubiquitin, the prokaryotic ubiquitin‐like protein (Pup) has been shown to target proteins for degradation via the proteasome in mycobacteria. However, not all actinobacteria possessing the Pup protein also contain a proteasome. In this study, we set out to study pupylation in the proteasome‐lacking non‐pathogenic model organism Corynebacterium glutamicum. A defined pup deletion mutant of C. glutamicum ATCC 13032 grew aerobically as the parent strain in standard glucose minimal medium, indicating that pupylation is dispensable under these conditions. After expression of a Pup derivative carrying an aminoterminal polyhistidine tag in the Δpup mutant and Ni2+‐chelate affinity chromatography, pupylated proteins were isolated. Multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT) and MALDI‐TOF‐MS/MS of the elution fraction unraveled 55 proteins being pupylated in C. glutamicum and 66 pupylation sites. Similar to mycobacteria, the majority of pupylated proteins are involved in metabolism or translation. Our results define the first pupylome of an actinobacterial species lacking a proteasome, confirming that other fates besides proteasomal degradation are possible for pupylated proteins.  相似文献   

Post-translational protein modification by the covalent conjugation of ubiquitin, originally implicated as a signal for proteolytic degradation by 26S proteasome, has now been realised to play important roles in the regulation of almost all biological processes in eukaryotes. In order to understand these processes in greater detail there is a requirement for techniques that can purify mixtures of ubiquitin-conjugated proteins, as a prerequisite to their identification and characterisation. Here we review the methods that have been applied to the bulk purification of ubiquitinated proteins and discuss their applications in proteomic analyses of the 'ubiquitome'.  相似文献   

Biological screening of one-bead, one-compound (OBOC) combinatorial peptide libraries is routinely carried out with the peptide remaining bound to the resin bead during screening. After a hit is identified, the bead is isolated, the peptide is cleaved from the bead, and its sequence is determined. We have developed a new technique for cleavage of peptides from resin beads whereby exposure of a 4-hydroxymethyl benzoic acid (HMBA)-linked peptide to high-pressure ammonia gas led to efficient cleavage in as little as 5 min. Here we also report a new method of extracting peptide from individual library beads for its introduction into a mass spectrometer that uses nanomanipulation combined with nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry (NSI MS). Single beads analyzed by nanomanipulation/NSI MS were found to give identical MS results to those of bulk samples. Detection of 18 unique cleaved peptides 1 to 8 amino acids in length, and sequencing of 14 different peptide sequences 4 to 8 amino acids in length, was demonstrated on a combination of bulk samples and ones from individual beads of an OBOC library. The method was highly reproducible, with 100% of attempts to extract peptide resulting in high-quality MS data. This new collection of techniques allows rapid, reliable, environmentally responsible sequencing of hit beads from combinatorial peptide libraries.  相似文献   

For MALDI analysis of glycans and glycopeptides, the choice of matrix is crucial in minimizing desialylation by mass spectrometric in-source and metastable decay. Here, we evaluated the potential of 4-chloro-α-cyanocinnamic acid (Cl-CCA) for MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of labile sialylated tryptic N-glycopeptides and released N- and O-glycans. Similar to DHB, but in contrast to CHCA, the Cl-CCA matrix allowed the analysis of sialylated N-glycans and glycopeptides in negative ion mode MALDI-TOF-MS. Dried droplet preparations of Cl-CCA provided microcrystals with a homogeneous spatial distribution and high shot-to-shot repeatability similar to CHCA, which simplified the automatic measurement and improved the resolution and mass accuracy. Interestingly, reflectron-positive ion mode analysis of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP)-labeled O-glycans with Cl-CCA revealed more complete profiles than with DHB and CHCA. In conclusion, we clearly demonstrate the high potential of this rationally designed matrix for glycomics and glycoproteomics.  相似文献   

Losses of proteolytic peptides during extraction and/or purification procedures succeeding in-gel or in-solution digests of proteins frequently occur in the course of protein identification investigations. In order to overcome this disadvantage, the method of in-capillary digest was developed: native proteins were incubated in the presence of endoproteases in the electrospray capillary and the resulting peptides were analyzed by nanoelectrospray-mass spectrometry during the ongoing proteolysis. In-capillary digest of apomyglobin by use of trypsin in a molar ratio of 25:1 yielded complete degradation already after 15 min. The sequence coverage based on formation of molecular ions was 100% and peptide ions could be fragmented by collision-induced dissociation and sequenced. When myoglobin was incubated in the electrospray capillary with trypsin in a molar ratio of 500:1, a clear shift from molecular ions and miscleaved peptide ions to the expected final tryptic peptide ions was observed over a 2 h period. The peptide spectra obtained from tryptic in-capillary proteolysis of bovine serum albumin and apotransferrin, respectively, gave rise to sequence coverages of more than 40% for both proteins. The data obtained from the peptide maps as well as from collision-induced dissociation (CID) of selected peptides were more than sufficient for protein identification by database searches. An elephant milk protein preparation was used to demonstrate the application of in-capillary proteolysis on protein mixtures. Tryptic digest, simultaneous analysis of the proteolytic peptides by use of CID, and subsequent sequencing allowed the identification of lactoferrin, alphas1-casein, beta-casein, delta-casein, and kappa-casein by homology search.  相似文献   

A brief period of ischemia followed by timely reperfusion may lead to prolonged, yet reversible, contractile dysfunction (myocardial stunning). Damage to the myocardium occurs not only during ischemia, but also during reperfusion, where a massive release of oxygen-free radicals (OFR) occurs. We have previously utilized 2-DE and MS to define 57 protein spot changes during brief ischemia/reperfusion (15 min ischemia, 60 min reperfusion; 15I/60R) injury in a rabbit model (White, M. Y., Cordwell, S. J., McCarron, H. C. K., Prasan, A. M. et al., Proteomics 2005, 5, 1395-1410) and shown that the majority of these occur because of physical and/or chemical PTMs. In this study, we subjected rabbit myocardium to 15I/60R in the presence of the OFR scavenger N-(2-mercaptopropionyl) glycine (MPG). Thirty-seven of 57 protein spots altered during 15I/60R remained at control levels in the presence of MPG (15I/60R + MPG). Changes to contractile proteins, including myosin light chain 2 (MLC-2) and troponin C (TnC), were prevented by the addition of MPG. To further investigate the individual effects of ischemia and reperfusion, we generated 2-DE gels from rabbit myocardium subjected to brief ischemia alone (15I/0R), and observed alterations of 33 protein spots, including 18/20 seen in both 15I/60R-treated and 15I/60R + MPG-treated tissue. The tissue was also subjected to ischemia in the presence of MPG (15I/0R + MPG), and 21 spot changes, representing 14 protein variants, remained altered despite the presence of the OFR scavenger. These ischemia-specific proteins comprised those involved in energy metabolism (lactate dehydrogenase and ATP synthase alpha), redox regulation (NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51 kDa and GST Mu), and stress response (Hsp27 and 70, and deamidated alpha B-crystallin). We conclude that contractile dysfunction associated with myocardial stunning is predominantly caused by OFR damage at the onset of reperfusion, but that OFR-independent damage also occurs during ischemia. These ischemia-specific protein modifications may be indicative of early myocardial injury.  相似文献   

To clarify roles of an endogenous pain modulatory system of the central nervous system (CNS) in hyperalgesia, we tried to identify qualitative and quantitative protein changes by a proteomic analysis using an animal model of hyperalgesia. Specifically, we first induced functional hyperalgesia on male Wistar rats by repeated cold stress (specific alternation of rhythm in temperature, SART). We then compared proteomes of multiple regions of CNS and the dorsal root ganglion between the hyperalgetic rats and non-treated ones by 2-D PAGE in the pI range of 4.0-7.0. We found that SART changed the proteomes prominently in the mesencephalon and cerebellum. We thus analyzed the two brain regions in more detail using gels with narrower pI ranges. As a result, 29 and 23 protein spots were significantly changed in the mesencephalon and the cerebellum, respectively. We successfully identified 12 protein spots by a MALDI-TOF/TOF MS and subsequent protein database searching. They included unc-18 protein homolog 67K, collapsin response mediator protein (CRMP)-2 and CRMP-4, which were reported to be involved in neurotransmitter release or axon elongation. Interestingly, mRNA expression levels of these three proteins were not changed significantly by the induction of hyperalgesia. Instead, we found that the detected changes in the protein spots are caused by the post-translational modification (PTM) of proteolysis or phosphorylation. Taken together, development of the hyperalgesia would be linked to PTM of these three CNS proteins. PTM regulation may be one of the useful ways to treat hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

The products of nonenzymatic glycation of proteins are formed in a chemical reaction between reducing sugars and the free amino group located either at the N terminus of the polypeptide chain or in the lysine side chain. Glycated proteins and their fragments could be used as markers of the aging process as well as diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer’s disease, making them an object of interest in clinical chemistry. In this article, we propose a new method for the identification of peptide-derived Amadori products in the mixtures obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of glycated proteins. Two proteins, ubiquitin and human serum albumin (HSA), were modified with an equimolar mixture of glucose and [13C6]glucose and were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis. The obtained enzymatic digests were analyzed by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), and the peptide-derived Amadori products were identified on the basis of specific isotopic patterns resulting from 13C substitution. The number of glycated peptides in the digest of HSA detected by our procedure was in agreement with the data recently reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Isolation and sequence analysis of human bombesin-like peptides   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The decapeptide form of human gastrin releasing peptide was isolated from acid extracts of liver tissue containing a metastatic human bronchial carcinoid tumor. A larger form also was isolated and partially characterized. During gel permeation chromatography the major immunoreactive peak eluted in the same region as synthetic gastrin releasing decapeptide while a second minor immunoreactive peak eluted near gastrin releasing peptide. Bombesin-like immunoreactivity (BLI) was purified by successive applications to reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) columns. After four successive HPLC purifications a single peak of bombesin-like immunoreactivity was detected. Amino acid analysis, microsequence analysis and coelution with synthetic peptide indicated that the predominant form present in metastatic tumor tissue was identical to the decapeptide form of canine gastrin-releasing peptide. The less abundant form was purified by cation exchange chromatography followed by reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography. Partial microsequence analysis of this peptide, through the first 11 residues, was Val-Pro-Leu-Pro-Ala-Gly-Gly-Gly-Thr-Val-Leu. This sequence differed from that of hog heptacosapeptide gastrin releasing peptide at positions 1,3,4 and 5 and from the canine peptide as positions 1,3,5, and 7.  相似文献   

Small proteins called viral protein genome‐linked (VPg), attached to the 5′‐end of the viral RNA genome are found as common structure in the large family of picornaviruses. The replication of these viruses is primed by this VPg protein linked to a single uridylyl residue. We report a general procedure to obtain such nucleoproteins employing a pre‐uridylylated tyrosine building block in an on‐line solid phase‐based approach. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was used to examine both the covalent structure and solution conformation of the soybean lipoxygenases. The post-translational modifications of two lipoxgyenases were identified as N-terminal acetylations by tandem mass spectrometry of peptides generated by trypsin digestion. The N-terminal sequence suggests that the proteins were substrates for the plant homolog of the N-terminal acetyltransferase complex C in yeast. Analysis of samples of native lipoxygenase-3 produced ions corresponding within experimental error to the mass of the N-acetylated polypeptide and one iron atom. The precision of the measurements was within roughly 100 ppm for the 96,856 Da protein. This made it possible to detect the addition of a single oxygen atom to the enzyme in a chemical modification reaction with cumene hydroperoxide. The acid-induced denaturation of lipoxygenase-3, which was accompanied by nearly complete loss of catalytic activity, was observed below pH 3.5 with the appearance of ions in the mass spectrum derived from the apoprotein. There was no evidence for the loss of iron in the absence of unfolding. Solutions of lipoxygenase-3 incubated in 0.1M acetic acid produced ions with a novel charge state distribution suggesting a unique conformation. Circular dichroism measurements showed that the secondary structure features of the native protein were retained in the new conformation. Dynamic light scattering revealed that the new conformation was not a consequence of protein aggregation as the hydrodynamic radius of lipoxygenase-3 was significantly smaller in acetic acid solution than at pH 7.0. Remarkably, the enzyme incubated in acetic acid retained full catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Human immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) contains 12 domains, and each has an intrachain disulfide bond that connects the two layers of antiparallel β-sheets. These intrachain disulfide bonds are shielded from solvents under native conditions. Therefore, accessibility of the disulfide bonds to reduction under conditions that unfold antibody has the potential to be a good indicator of the thermodynamic stability of each domain. The stability of a recombinant monoclonal antibody at the domain level was investigated using a novel method involving reduction of the disulfide bonds in the presence of increasing amounts of guanidine hydrochloride and alkylation with [12C]iodoacetic acid, which was followed by reduction of the remaining disulfide bonds and alkylation with [13C]iodoacetic acid. The percentage of modification by [12C]iodoacetic acid of each cysteine residue was calculated using mass spectra of the cysteine-containing tryptic peptides and used to follow the unfolding of each domain. It demonstrated that the CH2 domain was the least stable domain of the antibody, whereas the CH3 domain was the most stable domain of the antibody. Other domains showed intermediate resistance to the denaturant concentration, similar to the overall unfolding transition monitored by the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence wavelength shift.  相似文献   

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