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The contributions that control of cell proliferation and cell growth make to developmental regulation of organ and body size remain poorly explored, particularly with respect to endocycles in polyploid tissues. The epithelium of the marine chordate Oikopleura dioica is composed of a fixed number of cells grouped in territories according to gene-specific expression and nuclear sizes and shapes. As the animal grows 10-fold during the life cycle, epithelial cells increase in size differentially as a function of their spatial position. We show that this cellular pattern reflected differences in ploidy levels ranging from 34 to 1,300 C. The diverse ploidy levels in defined cellular fields resulted both from different timing of entry into endocycles and from cell-specific regulation of endocycle lengths. Throughout the life cycle, differential cell size and ploidy increases were accompanied by field-specific profiles of progressive reductions in G-phase duration. Endocycles were asynchronous among cells of a given epithelial territory, but at the resolution of individual cells, both DNA replication timing and ploidy levels were bilaterally symmetric. The transparent, accessible, oikoplastic epithelium is a model of choice for the study of endoreduplication in the context of pattern formation and growth.  相似文献   

Clarke T  Bouquet JM  Fu X  Kallesøe T  Schmid M  Thompson EM 《Gene》2007,396(1):159-169
Metazoan lamins are implicated in the organization of numerous critical nuclear processes. Among chordates, the appendicularian, Oikopleura dioica, has an unusually short life cycle involving rapid growth through extensive recourse to endoreduplication, a characteristic more associated with some invertebrates. In some tissues, this is accompanied by the formation of elaborate, bilaterally symmetric nuclear morphologies associated with specific gene expression patterns. Lamin composition can mediate nuclear shape in spermiogenesis as well as during pathological and normal aging and we have analyzed the O. dioica lamin and intermediate filament (IF) complement, comparing it to that present in other deuterostomes. O. dioica has one lamin gene coding two splice variants. Both variants share with the sister class ascidians a highly reduced C-terminal tail region lacking the immunoglobulin fold, indicating this derivation occurred at the base of the urochordate lineage. The OdLamin2 variant has a unique insertion of 63 amino acids in the normally short N-terminal region and has a developmental expression profile corresponding to the occurrence of endocycling. O. dioica has 4 cytoplasmic IF proteins, IF-A, C, Dalpha, and Dbeta. No homologues to the ascidian IF-B or F proteins were identified, reinforcing the suggestion that these proteins are unique to ascidians. The degree of sequence evolution in the rod domains of O. dioica cytoplasmic IF proteins and their closest ascidian and vertebrate homologues was similar. In contrast, whereas the rate of lamin B rod domain sequence evolution has also been similar in vertebrates, cephalochordates and the sea urchin, faster rates have occurred among the urochordates, with the O. dioica lamin displaying a far greater rate than any other lamin.  相似文献   

In non-vertebrate chordates, central nervous system (CNS) development has been studied in only two taxa, the Cephalochordata and a single Class (Ascidiacea) of the morphologically diverse Urochordata. To understand development and molecular regionalization of the brain in a different deeply diverging chordate clade, we isolated and determined the expression patterns of orthologs of vertebrate CNS markers (otxa, otxb, otxc, pax6, pax2/5/8a, pax2/5/8b, engrailed, and hox1) in Oikopleura dioica (Subphylum Urochordata, Class Larvacea). The three Oikopleura otx genes are expressed similarly to vertebrate Otx paralogs, demonstrating that trans-homologs converged on similar evolutionary outcomes by independent neo- or subfunctionalization processes during the evolution of the two taxa. This work revealed that the Oikopleura CNS possesses homologs of the vertebrate forebrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord, but not the midbrain. Comparing larvacean gene expression patterns to published results in ascidians disclosed important developmental differences and similarities that suggest mechanisms of development likely present in their last common ancestor. In contrast to ascidians, the lack of a radical reorganization of the CNS as larvaceans become adults allows us to relate embryonic gene expression patterns to three subdivisions of the adult anterior brain. Our study of the Oikopleura brain provides new insights into chordate CNS evolution: first, the absence of midbrain is a urochordate synapomorphy and not a peculiarity of ascidians, perhaps resulting from their drastic CNS metamorphosis; second, there is no convincing evidence for a homolog of a midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB) organizer in urochordates; and third, the expression pattern of "MHB-genes" in the urochordate hindbrain suggests that they function in the development of specific neurons rather than in an MHB organizer.  相似文献   

Retrotransposable elements have played an important role in shaping eukaryotic DNA, and their activity and turnover rate directly influence the size of genomes. With approximately 15,000 genes within 65-75 megabases, the marine tunicate Oikopleura dioica, a nonvertebrate chordate, has the smallest and most compact genome ever found in animals. Consistent with a massive elimination of retroelements, only one apparently novel clade of non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons was detected within 41 megabases of nonredundant genomic sequences. In contrast, at least six clades of non-LTR elements were identified in the less compact genome of the tunicate Ciona intestinalis. Unexpectedly, Ty3/gypsy-related Tor LTR retrotransposons presented an astonishing level of diversity in O. dioica. They were generally poorly or apparently not corrupted, indicating recent activity. Both Tor3 and Tor4b families bore an envelope-like open reading frame, suggesting possible horizontal acquisition through infection. The Tor4b envelope-like gene might have been obtained from a paramyxovirus (RNA virus). Tor3 and Tor4b are phylogenetically clearly distinct from vertebrate retroviruses (Retroviridae) and are more reminiscent of certain insect and plant sequences. Tor elements potentially represent a so far unknown, ancient type of infectious retroelement in chordates. Their distribution and transmission dynamics in tunicates and other chordates deserve further study.  相似文献   

Incorporation of the thymidine analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was used to assess cytogenesis in the central nervous system (CNS) of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica. A series of timed cumulative labelings carried out from 45 minutes (min) to 8 hours (h) after fertilization provided labeling patterns that showed when neurons and support cells residing at specific sites within the 9 h CNS became postmitotic. Throughout the CNS, which includes the cerebral ganglion, caudal ganglion and caudal nerve cord, neurogenesis occurs during an earlier time window than the genesis of support cells. Neurons are first generated at about 45 min to 1 h after fertilization in all 3 CNS regions, starting in the cerebral ganglion. Support cells are generated starting at about 2 h after fertilization. In both the cerebral ganglion and the caudal ganglion, neurons born during different time epochs settle in a specific spatial pattern, following a caudal to rostral gradient in the caudal ganglion and a more complex pattern in the cerebral ganglion. No such regional pattern was seen in the caudal nerve cord, where neurons born during different epochs were evenly distributed along the length of the cord. In the cerebral ganglion a small subpopulation of cells continued to incorporate BrdU from 8 h to at least 15 h and may represent a reserve of stem cells or progenitor cells that generate additional cells seen in the adult. The results show that this simple urochordate exhibits several vertebrate features of CNS cytogenesis, including a different timing of neurogenesis and gliogenesis (support cells being the likely candidates for glial cells in Oikopleura), gradients of neuron position according to birthdate, and a maintenance of neural cell precursors beyond embryonic and larval stages.  相似文献   

Summary In the pelagic larvacean Oikopleura dioica, the epithelium lining the alimentary tract consists of ciliated and unciliated cell types. The ciliated cells also exhibit an apical border of long microvilli. Between the microvilli, the cellular membrane often projects deeply down into the cytoplasm; the membranes of these invaginations and those of apicolateral interdigitations may be associated with one another by tight junctions. Some of these junctions may be autocellular. The tight junctions are seen by freeze-fracture to be very simple in construction, composed of a single row of intramembranous particles, which may be fused into a P-face ridge. There is a dense cytoplasmic fuzz associated with these tight junctions which may extend into adjoining zonula adhaerens-like regions. The invaginations of the apical membranes are, in addition, associated by gap junctions which may also be autocellular. More conventional homocellular and heterocellular tight and gap junctions occur along the lateral borders of ciliated cells and between ciliated and unciliated cells. These gap junctions possess a reduced intercellular cleft and typical P-face connexons arranged in macular plaques, with complementary E-face pits. Both cell types exhibit extensive stacks of basal and lateral interdigitations. The tight junctions found here are unusual in that they are associated with a dense cytoplasmic fuzz which is normally more characteristic of zonulae adhaerentes.  相似文献   

Summary The spermatozoon of Oikopleura dioica is about 30 m long, with a spherical head, about 1 m wide, a 3 m long and 1 m wide midpiece, and a 25 m long tail with a tapered end piece. The head contains a nucleus with the chromatin volume limited to about 0.1 m3. A small acrosome is found in an anterior inpocketing, and a flagellar basal body in a posterior inpocketing of the nucleus. The midpiece contains a single mitochondrion with the flagellar axoneme embedded in a groove along its medial surface. The flagellar axoneme has the typical 9 + 2 substructure, and the basal body the typical 9+0 substructure. A second centriole and special anchoring fibres are absent.  相似文献   

The larvacean tunicate Oikopleura dioica is an attractive organism for studies of the development, evolution, and physiology of chordates, showing considerable promise for genetic approaches given its short life cycle of five days. To facilitate future genetic studies, the development of protocols for the maintenance of individual strains is essential. Here we report a simple and practical protocol for the cryopreservation of sperm using liquid nitrogen (-196°C) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a protective agent. The quality of the frozen-thawed sperm was evaluated in terms of fertilizing ability and subsequent development of the fertilized eggs. We examined several parameters to optimize the efficiency of cryopreservation, such as the concentration of DMSO, the method for acclimation of sperm to DMSO before freezing, and for placing sperm in liquid nitrogen, as well as the pH of the seawater used in resuspending the thawed sperm. We confirmed that viable sperm were recovered after preservation for more than one year. In addition, mature animals, and even a subsequent generation, were obtained from eggs fertilized by the cryopreserved sperm. The present procedure seems to be simple and sufficiently practical for maintenance of future established lines of O. dioica using frozen sperm.  相似文献   

The ventral sense organ, below the mouth, is composed of 30 primary sensory cells situated in a row perpendicular to the long axis of the animal. Each cell carries one long and slender, modified cilium which arises from an apical pocket in the cell. The sensory cells project 15 axons at each side of the pharynx to the brain, which is rostrally paired and terminates in bulb-like swellings. Each of these bulbs contains four cell bodies, which, according to their fine structure, as well as the synaptic connections with receptor and brain fibers, belong to three different types. It is suggested that the sense organ is a chemosensor and that its remarkable similarity to the vertebrate mechanisms for olfaction makes it probable that the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica possesses a ‘protochordate’ counterpart to the craniate olfactory apparatus.  相似文献   

Abstract. The appendicularians, planktonic tunicates, possess a specialized, external filtering system that captures food particles <1 μm in size. In this work the alimentary canal of Oikopleura dioica has been studied by serial sections of whole animals and ultrastructure. The gut includes a dorsal esophagus, a bilobed saccular stomach, and a curved intestine, divided into vertical, mid-, and distal intestine (or rectum). No multicellular glands or cellular proliferative centers were found. Three main cell types were recognized, ciliated microvillar cells, globular cells and gastric band cells, with specializations reflecting different physiological roles in the various regions. Ciliated microvillar cells, the most diffuse, are considered to be involved in food propulsion, fecal pellet formation, absorption, and nutrient storage. Pinocytotic features and vacuoles suggest that absorption of macromolecules and intracellular digestion occur in the globular cells of the stomach and rectum. The large gastric band cells of the left lobe have typical features of intense protein synthesis and probably produce enzymes for extracellular digestion. Diffuse interdigitations of many cells enormously increase the plasmalemma surface and may be involved in liquid/ion exchange. Despite the apparent structural simplicity of the gut epithelium, O. dioica efficiently processes food to fulfill the energy requirements of its exceptionally rapid life-cycle.  相似文献   

Appendicularians are planktonic tunicates (urochordates), and retain a swimming tadpole shape throughout their life. Together with ascidians, they are the closest relatives of the vertebrates. Oikopleura dioica is characterized by its simplified life habit and anatomical organization. It has a tiny genome, the smallest ever found in a chordate. Its life cycle is extremely short – about 5 days – and it can be maintained in the laboratory over many generations. Embryos and adults are transparent and consist of a small number of cells. The anatomy of juveniles and adults has been described in detail. Cleavage pattern, cell lineages, and morphogenetic movements during embryogenesis have also been comprehensively documented. A draft genome sequence is now available. These features make this organism a suitable experimental model animal in which genetic manipulations would be feasible, as in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans . In this review, I summarize a hundred years' knowledge on the development throughout the life cycle of this organism. Oikopleura is an attractive organism for developmental and evolutionary studies of chordates. It offers considerable promise for future genetic approaches.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy revealed varying morphology of the dorsal part of the duct indicating the occurrence of different stages of activity. In some animals the tip cavity contains an amorphous substance which, at another phase of activity, is released into the surrounding hemocel through interstices in the walls of the tip. A transitional zone separates the dorsal tip from the large ventral part of the duct, where the wall, near the transitional zone, consists of a single layer of thin cells joined by tight junctions. Ventrally, the large ciliated cells lie in two levels near the opening into the buccal cavity. They bear numerous, tightly packed cilia which beat vigorously in living animals. The organization of this part resembles that of protonephridia. An excretory function is suggested for this part of the duct.  相似文献   

We examined the generation time and the house renewal rate ofOikopleura dioica under various conditions. Animals were fedtwo flagellates, Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis sp., withconcurrent determination of the carbon contents of body andhouse to estimate house production. The generation time was6 days at 15°C, 4 days at 20°C and 3 days at 25°Cat both 25 and 30 p.s.u. with a food concentration of 4 x 104cells ml–1. The carbon content of newly secreted housesranged from 0.5 to 0.8 µg, corresponding to 15.3 ±4.8% of body carbon. The house renewal rates increased withincreasing temperature and decreasing salinity. Food concentrationsranging from 100 to 16 x 104 cells ml–1, body size andlight condition had no effect on house renewal rate. Cloggingof the inlet filter by adding the large diatom Ditylum sol causedan increase in house renewal rates. The total number and carboncontent of houses during an animal's lifetime ranged from 46to 53 houses and from 6.5 to 10.4 µg, respectively. Sincedaily house production calculated for the O. dioica populationcorresponded to 130–290% of its biomass and daily discardedhouse materials corresponded to 490–1100% of the biomass,this organism must play an important role as a producer of macroscopicaggregates.  相似文献   

Appendicularia are protochordates that rely on a complex mucous secretion, the house, to filter food particles from seawater. A monolayer of cells covering the trunk of the animal, the oikoplastic epithelium, secretes the house. This epithelium contains a fixed number of cells arranged in characteristic patterns with distinct sizes and nuclear morphologies. Certain house structures appear to be spatially related to defined, underlying groups of cells in the epithelium. We show that the house is composed of at least 20 polypeptides, a number of which are highly glycosylated, with glycosidase treatments resulting in molecular mass shifts exceeding 100 kDa. Nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometric microsequencing of house polypeptides was used to design oligonucleotides to screen an adult Oikopleura dioica cDNA library. This resulted in the isolation of cDNAs coding for three different proteins, oikosin 1, oikosin 2, and oikosin 3. The latter two are novel proteins unrelated to any known data base entries. Oikosin 1 has 13 repeats of a Cys domain, previously identified as a subunit of repeating sequences in some vertebrate mucins. We also find one repeat of this Cys domain in human cartilage intermediate layer protein but find no evidence of this domain in any invertebrate species, including those for which entire genomes have been sequenced. The three oikosins show distinct and complementary expression patterns restricted to the oikoplastic epithelium. This easily accessible epithelium, with differential gene expression patterns in readily identifiable groups of cells with distinctive nuclear morphologies, is a highly attractive model system for molecular studies of pattern formation.  相似文献   

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