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The relationship between stomatal conductance and capacity for assimilation was investigated in flacca, a mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) that has abnormal stomatal behavior and low abscisic acid (ABA) content. The assimilation capacity, determined by measuring assimilation rate as a function of intercellular CO2 pressure, did not differ in leaves of flacca and its parent variety, Rheinlands Ruhm (RR). On the other hand, stomatal conductance of flacca leaves was greater than that of RR, and could be phenotypically reverted by spraying with 30 micromolar ABA. Stomatal conductance of flacca leaves was also reduced by increasing CO2 pressure, increasing leaf to air vapor pressure difference, and decreasing quantum flux, irrespective of ABA treatment.

The high conductance of flacca leaves resulted in a high intercellular CO2 pressure. This allowed greater discrimination against 13CO2, as evidenced by more negative δ 13C values for flacca as compared to RR. The δ 13C values of both flacca and RR plants as influenced by ABA treatment were consistent with predictions based on gas exchange measurements, using a recent model of discrimination.


Neill, S. J., McGaw, B. A. and Horgan, R. 1986. Ethylene and1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid production in flacca,a wilty mutant of tomato, subjected to water deficiency andpretreatment with abscisic acid —J. exp. Bot. 37: 535–541. Plants of Lycoperstcon esculentum Mill. cv. Ailsa Craig wildtype and flacca (flc) were sprayed daily with H2O or 2?10–2mol m–3 abscisic acid (ABA). ABA treatment effected apartial phenotypic reversion of flc shoots; leaf areas wereincreased and transpiration rates decreased. Leaf expansionof wild type shoots was inhibited by ABA. Indoleacetic acid (IAA), ABA and l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylicacid (ACC) concentrations were determined by combined gas chromatography-massspectrometry using deuterium-labelled internal standards ABAtreatment for 30 d resulted in greatly elevated internal ABAlevels, increasing from 1?0 to 4?3 and from 0?45 to 4?9 nmolg–1 fr. wt. in wild type and flc leaves respectively.Endogenous IAA and ACC concentrations were much lower than thoseof ABA. IAA content ranged from 0?05 to 0?1 nmol g–1 andACC content from 0?07 to 0?24 nmol g–1 Ethylene emanationrates were similar for wild type and flc shoots. Wilting of detached leaves induced a substantial increase inethylene and ACC accumulation in all plants, regardless of treatmentor type. Ethylene and ACC levels were no greater in flc leavescompared to the wild type. ABA pretreatment did not preventthe wilting-induced increase in ACC and ethylene synthesis. Key words: ABA, ACC, ethylene, wilting, wilty mutants  相似文献   

Neill, S. J. and Horgan, R. 1985. Abscisic acid production andwater relations in wilty tomato mutants subjected to water deficiency.—J.exp. BoL 36: 1222-1231. Abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations were determined in shootsof Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Ailsa Craig wild type andthe three wilty mutants notabilis (not), flacca (flc) and sitiens(sit). ABA content of unstressed wild type leaves was 1.5 nmolg–1 fr. wt.; concentrations in not, flc and sit were 49,26 and 15% of this respectively. Gradual water stress was imposed on potted plants and a morerapid stress imposed on detached leaves. Leaves of the wildtype and not responded to both stresses by increasing theirABA content but leaves of flc and sit did not produce any moreABA under stress. Transpiration rates of flc plants were three times greater thanthose of the wild type and stomatal resistances correspondinglylower. Stomata of both flc and the wild type responded to darknessand externally supplied ABA by closing. However, only wild typestomata responded to water stress by dosing; those of flc leavesremained open until the leaves were severely desiccated. Thus,there was some relationship between the lack of stomatal responseto water stress and the failure to synthesize ABA. Key words: ABA, biosynthesis, stomata, water shortage, wilty mutants  相似文献   

Analyses of abscisic acid, phaseic acid and dihydrophaseic acidby high performance liquid chromatography were carried out onto-2 tomato mutant plant, which has strong apical dominanceexpression. Significant differences in comparison to the normalplant were found only at 20 days after sowing. Of particularinterest for the to-2 phenotype trait was the high quantitiesof these substances in the roots of this mutant. (Received April 20, 1984; Accepted November 21, 1984)  相似文献   

Puri J  Tal M 《Plant physiology》1977,59(2):173-177
Plants of the wilty tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) mutant, flacca, and of the normal cultivar Rheinlands Ruhm growing under either “normal” or high humidity were used in this research. Under normal humidity, RNase activity was much higher in mutant plants in which abscisic acid (ABA) and water content were lower than in the normal plant. The mutant also contained less RNA and protein per cell and less soluble RNA relative to ribosomal RNA as compared with the normal genotype. In ABA-treated mutant plants, RNase activity decreased while RNA, protein, the ratio of soluble to ribosomal RNA and water content increased.  相似文献   

Tal M 《Plant physiology》1979,63(6):1044-1048
The wilty tomato mutant flacca, the normal cultivar Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Rheinlands Ruhm, and abscisic acid-induced phenotypic revertants were compared with respect to ethylene evolution, activity of tryptophan aminotransferase, and [1-14C]indoleacetic acid decarboxylation.  相似文献   

Tal M  Imber D 《Plant physiology》1970,46(3):373-376
The wilty tomato mutant, flacca, and the control variety, Rheinlands Ruhm, were compared with regard to the endogenous activity and concentration of auxin- and abscisic acid-like substances during ontogeny. The mutant wilts fast under water deficit because of inability to close its stomata. Symptoms characteristic of excessive auxin are evident in the developing mutant. Among these symptoms are branch and leaf epinasty, excessive rooting along the stem, and increased apical dominance. By using a leucine-incorporation assay, spray of whole plants with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and wheat coleoptile bioassay, indications were found of an excess of activity and concentration of auxin-like substances in shoots of young and mature mutant plants. The wheat coleoptile bioassay also revealed a much lower amount of substances with abscisic acid-like activity in the mutant compared with the normal plant. In contrast to the appearance during ontogeny of morphological symptoms characteristic of auxin excess in the mutant, the absolute amount of auxin-like substances and their activity in incorporation of leucine decreased with age. A parallel decrease of the concentration and activity of auxin-like compounds was also found in the normal plant. The concentration of abscisic acid-like substances increased with age in both genotypes. The disagreement between the increasing morphological symptoms and the decrease of auxin-like activity and concentration is discussed, together with the possibility of a causal relationship between auxin-and abscisic acid-like activity and stomatal behavior.  相似文献   

糖和脱落酸及乙烯互作及其与植物生长发育的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从分子角度介绍和讨论了植物(主要是拟南芥)生长发育过程中,植物糖信号的复杂信号网络和作用,特别是它与脱落酸和乙烯合成的关系.  相似文献   

Ni BR  Bradford KJ 《Plant physiology》1993,101(2):607-617
Germination responses of wild-type (MM), abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient (sitw), and gibberellin (GA)-deficient (gib-1) mutant tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Moneymaker) seeds to ABA, GA4+7, reduced water potential ([psi]), and their combinations were analyzed using a population-based threshold model (B.R. Ni and K.J. Bradford [1992] Plant Physiol 98: 1057-1068). Among the three genotypes, sitw seeds germinated rapidly and completely in water, MM seeds germinated more slowly and were partially dormant, and gib-1 seeds did not germinate without exogenous GA4+7. Times to germination were inversely proportional to the differences between the external osmoticum, ABA, or GA4+7 concentrations and the corresponding threshold levels that would either prevent ([psi]b, log[ABAb]) or promote (log[GAb]) germination. The sensitivity of germination to ABA, GA4+7, and [psi] varied widely among individual seeds in the population, resulting in a distribution of germination times. The rapid germination rate of sitw seeds was attributable to their low mean [psi]b (-1.17 MPa). Postharvest dormancy in MM seeds was due to a high mean [psi]b (-0.35 MPa) and a distribution of [psi]b among seeds such that some seeds were unable to germinate even on water. GA4+7 (100 [mu]M) stimulated germination of MM and gib-1 seeds by lowering the mean [psi]b to -0.75 MPa, whereas ABA inhibited germination of MM and sitw seeds by increasing the mean [psi]b. The changes in [psi]b were not due to changes in embryo osmotic potential. Rather, hormonal effects on endosperm weakening opposite the radicle tip apparently determine the threshold [psi] for germination. The analysis demonstrates that ABA- and GA-dependent changes in seed dormancy and germination rates, whether due to endogenous or exogenous growth regulators, are based primarily upon corresponding shifts in the [psi] thresholds for radicle emergence. The [psi] thresholds, in turn, determine both the rate and final extent of germination within the seed population.  相似文献   

Intact plants of Xanthium strumarium L. were subjected to a water stress-recovery cycle. As the stress took effect, leaf growth ceased and stomatal resistance increased. The mature leaves then wilted, followed by the half expanded ones. Water, solute, and pressure potentials fell steadily in all leaves during the rest of the stress period. After 3 days, the young leaves lost turgor and the plants were rewatered. All the leaves rapidly regained turgor and the younger ones recommenced elongation. Stomatal resistance declined, but several days elapsed before pre-stress values were attained.

Abscisic acid (ABA) and phaseic acid (PA) levels rose in all the leaves after the mature ones wilted. ABA-glucose ester (ABA-GE) levels increased to a lesser extent, and the young leaves contained little of this conjugate. PA leveled off in the older leaves during the last 24 hours of stress, and ABA levels declined slightly. The young leaves accumulated ABA and PA throughout the stress period and during the 14-hour period immediately following rewatering. The ABA and PA contents, expressed per unit dry weight, were highest in the young leaves. Upon rewatering, large quantities of PA appeared in the mature leaves as ABA levels fell to the pre-stress level within 14 hours. In the half expanded and young leaves, it took several days to reach pre-stress ABA values. ABA-GE synthesis ceased in the mature leaves, once the stress was relieved, but continued in the half expanded and young leaves for 2 days.

Mature leaves, when detached and stressed, accumulated an amount of ABA similar to that in leaves on the intact plant. In contrast, detached and stressed young leaves produced little ABA. Detached mature leaves, and to a lesser extent the half expanded ones, rapidly catabolized ABA to PA and ABA-GE, but the young leaves did not. Studies with radioactive (±)-ABA indicated that in young leaves the conversion of ABA to PA took place at a much lower rate than in mature ones. Leaves of all ages rapidly conjugated PA to PA-glucose ester. Furthermore, when half expanded leaves were stressed on the intact plant, their rate of ABA catabolism was enhanced, an effect not observed in the young leaves.

In conclusion, young leaves on intact Xanthium plants produce little stress-induced ABA themselves, but due to import and a low rate of catabolism accumulate more ABA and PA than mature leaves.


The influence of air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and plant fruit load on the expansion and water relations of young tomato fruits grown in a glasshouse were evaluated under summer Mediterranean conditions. The contributions of phloem, xylem and transpiration fluxes to the fruit volume increase were estimated at an hourly scale from the growth curves of intact, heat-girdled and detached fruits, measured using displacement transducers. High VPD conditions reduced the xylem influx and increased the fruit transpiration, but hardly affected the phloem influx. Net water accumulation and growth rate were reduced, and a xylem efflux even occurred during the warmest and driest hours of the day. Changes in xylem flux could be explained by variations in the gradient of water potential between stem and fruit, due to changes in stem water potential. Misting reduced air VPD and alleviated the reduction in fruit volume increase through an increase in xylem influx and a decrease in fruit transpiration. Under low fruit load, the competition for assimilates being likely reduced, the phloem flux to fruits increased, similarly to the xylem and transpiration fluxes, without any changes in the fruit water potential. However, different diurnal dynamics among treatments assume variable contributions of turgor and osmotic pressure in F3 and F6 fruits, and hypothetical short-term variations in the water potential gradient between stem and fruit, preventing xylem efflux in F3 fruits.  相似文献   

Radin JW  Parker LL  Guinn G 《Plant physiology》1982,70(4):1066-1070
Suboptimal N nutrition increased the water potential for stomatal closure in water stressed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaves. This increased sensitivity to water stress had two components, increased accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) and increased apparent stomatal sensitivity to ABA. Low N increased the threshold water potentials for stomatal closure and ABA accumulation by about 4 bars and 2 bars, respectively. Low N also greatly increased stomatal response to low concentrations of exogenous ABA applied to excised leaves through the transpiration stream. In low N leaves, kinetin decreased stomatal response to ABA to the level observed with high N leaves. Kinetin by itself had little effect on stomata, nor did it alter stomatal response to ABA in high N leaves. The results suggest a cytokinin-ABA balance which is altered by suboptimal N nutrition to favor stomatal closure during stress.

Ambient temperature and N nutrition interacted to alter stomatal response to water stress. Stress-induced ABA accumulation and apparent stomatal sensitivity to ABA were independently affected. The effects of each treatment, and their interaction, could be explained as the net result of changes in both accumulation and apparent sensitivity. Although the results document environmental control of stomatal response to ABA, either altered partitioning of ABA between active and inactive pools, or altered sensitivity of the guard cells, could account for the data.


HENSON  I. E. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(1):9-24
Water stress was imposed by withholding water at an early vegetativestage from plants of two rice cultivars (IR20 and 63–83)grown in pots. As stress intensified the following sequenceof responses of the leaves was observed: (i) rise in abscisicacid (ABA) content, (ii) closure of stomata, (iii) initiationof leaf rolling. In both cultivars, turgor (p) declined linearly with total waterpotential () of the leaf. Bulk leaf ABA content increased linearlyas p declined, and attained twice the control (unstressed) levelfollowing a reduction in p of about 0.12 MPa. Stomatal conductance exhibited a sigmoidal relationship to p,declining abruptly when a particular ‘critical’p was reached (threshold response). The critical potentialsvaried considerably between experiments, but were closely correlatedwith control potentials and with the potentials at which ABAconcentration doubled relative to controls. Leaf rolling was initiated at s near to zero p. Increases inthe ratio of adaxial to abaxial conductance were associatedwith rolling. Variations in the above responses could be accounted for byvariations in the rate of stress development, which in termsof reduction ranged from 0.38 to 0.86 MPa day–1. Fastdrying rates resulted in: (a) reduced osmotic adjustment, (b)increased amounts of ABA in the leaf at a given level of orp, (c) an increase in the ABA concentration present at 50 percent stomatal closure, and (d) initiation of leaf rolling ata higher . Oryza sativa L., rice, water stress, stomata, leaf rolling, abscisic acid  相似文献   

Etiolated seedlings of foxtail millet (Setaria italica Beauv.) dwarf mutant CH84113 were treated with various concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA), mefluidide, mannitol, or polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000. It was found that these chemicals, at suitable concentrations, could increase mesocotyl length significantly, whereas these chemicals at higher concentrations had an inhibitory effect. Endogenous levels of ABA in mesocotyl were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. It was found that endogenous ABA increased progressively in a chemical (ABA, mefluidide, mannitol, or PEG 6000) concentration-dependent manner, indicating that the effects of these chemicals on mesocotyl growth may be mediated by increased endogenous ABA levels. On the other hand, S-3307, an inhibitor of the oxidative reactions in gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis, inhibited the elongation of mesocotyl significantly. When ABA and GA3 were applied simultaneously, the effect on mesocotyl growth was additive. These results imply that ABA and GA may control different processes in the regulation of mesocotyl growth. Received October 27, 1997; accepted May 11, 1998  相似文献   

脱落酸与植物水分胁迫的关系已进行了大量的研究,现已明确脱落酸可以抑制气孔的开放(Jones和 Mansfield 1970,Weyers和 Hillman 1979,Henson等 1989),但它的作用机制仍然很不清楚。已有报告指出,当土壤水分亏缺时,ABA可以作为根与地上部间的通讯信号,由很运到地上部并抑制气孔的开放(Blackman和 Davies1985,Gollan等 1986,Zhang和 Davies  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Germination is a crucial event in plant lifecycle mediated by a complex hormonal crosstalk. In this study, we revealed an antagonistic interaction between...  相似文献   

The movement of foliar applied [1-14C]abscisic acid (ABA) inwheat plants (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Kolibri) was investigatedat two stages of grain development (1000 grains, weight 19 and24 g dry matter). [1–14C]ABA seemed to be readily translocated within 12h into the developing grains as well as in other plant parts.A subsequent rapid metabolism took place leading to a decreasedactivity of the ABA-containing chromatogram fraction in theyounger plants 48 h after application. The metabolism seemodto be less intensive in the older grains, where the activityrunning with the ABA increased over 64 h. Treating the leaves of barley plants (Hordeum vulgare, L., cv.Union) 2 weeks after anthesis with a gentle stream of warm air(36° C) resulted in a significant increase in the ABA contentof all parts of the ear. The results mentioned above indicatethat this may be partially due to translocation from other partsof the plant such as the leaves.  相似文献   

Dark-induced growth (skotomorphogenesis) is primarily characterized by rapid elongation of the hypocotyl. We have studied the role of abscisic acid (ABA) during the development of young tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seedlings. We observed that ABA deficiency caused a reduction in hypocotyl growth at the level of cell elongation and that the growth in ABA-deficient plants could be improved by treatment with exogenous ABA, through which the plants show a concentration dependent response. In addition, ABA accumulated in dark-grown tomato seedlings that grew rapidly, whereas seedlings grown under blue light exhibited low growth rates and accumulated less ABA. We demonstrated that ABA promotes DNA endoreduplication by enhancing the expression of the genes encoding inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases SlKRP1 and SlKRP3 and by reducing cytokinin levels. These data were supported by the expression analysis of the genes which encode enzymes involved in ABA and CK metabolism. Our results show that ABA is essential for the process of hypocotyl elongation and that appropriate control of the endogenous level of ABA is required in order to drive the growth of etiolated seedlings.  相似文献   

HENSON  I. E. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(2):247-255
The effects of a period of water stress (drought conditioning)on responses to a second (challenge) stress were examined inyoung vegetative rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants. Drought conditioningdid not affect the rate of subsequent stress development, nor,in a first experiment, did it influence relations between turgor(p) and total () leaf water potential. However, conditioningdid extend the range of p over which stomata remained open andsignificantly reduced the amount of ABA which accumulated inthe leaf at a given p. The change in stomatal behaviour (stomataladjustment) was quantitatively accounted for by the change inleaf ABA accumulation. The reduction in ABA accumulation due to conditioning did notinvolve a change in the potential capacity to produce ABA, asABA accumulation in partially dehydrated detached leaves wasnot reduced by conditioning. It is suggested that effects ofconditioning on leaf ABA content in the intact plant involvechanges in the rate of ABA export from the leaf. Oryza sativa L, rice, drought conditioning, stomata, water stress, abscisic acid  相似文献   

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