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An altered T cell repertoire in MECL-1-deficient mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunoproteasome subunits low-molecular mass polypeptide (LMP)2 and LMP7 affect Ag presentation by MHC class I molecules. In the present study, we investigated the function of the third immunosubunit LMP10/multicatalytic endopeptidase complex-like (MECL)-1 (beta2i) in MECL-1 gene-targeted mice. The number of CD8+ splenocytes in MECL-1-/- mice was 20% lower than in wild-type mice. Infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) elicited a markedly reduced cytotoxic T cell (CTL) response to the LCMV epitopes GP276-286/Db and NP205-212/Kb in MECL-1-/- mice. The weak CTL response to GP276-286/Db was not due to an impaired generation of this epitope but was attributed to a decreased precursor frequency of GP276-286/Db-specific T cells. The expansion of TCR-Vbeta10+ T cells, which contain GP276-286/Db-specific cells, was reduced in LCMV-infected MECL-1-/- mice. Taken together, our data reveal an in vivo function of MECL-1 in codetermining the T cell repertoire for an antiviral CTL response.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of the collagen binding receptor leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptor-1 (LAIR-1) in vitro delivers an inhibitory signal that is able to downregulate activation-mediated signals. To study the in vivo function of LAIR-1, we generated LAIR-1(-/-) mice. They are healthy and fertile and have normal longevity; however, they show certain phenotypic characteristics distinct from wild-type mice, including increased numbers of splenic B, regulatory T, and dendritic cells. As LAIR-1(-/-) mice age, the splenic T cell population shows a higher frequency of activated and memory T cells. Because LAIR-1(+/+) and LAIR-1(-/-) T cells traffic with equal proficiency to peripheral lymphoid organs, this is not likely due to abnormal T lymphocyte trafficking. LAIR-1(-/-) mice have lower serum levels of IgG1 and, in response to T-dependent immunization with trinitrophenyl-OVA, switch less efficiently to Ag specific IgG2a and IgG2b, whereas switching to IgG1 is not affected. Several mouse disease models, including experimental autoimmune encephalitis and colitis, were used to examine the effect of LAIR-1 deficiency, and no differences in the responses of LAIR-1(-/-) and LAIR-1(+/+) mice were observed. Taken together, these observations indicate that LAIR-1 plays a role in regulating immune cells and suggest that any adverse effects of its absence may be balanced in vivo by other inhibitory receptors.  相似文献   

GABAB1-/- mice, which are devoid of functional GABAB receptors, consistently exhibit marked hyperlocomotion when exposed to a novel environment. Telemetry recordings now revealed that, in a familiar environment, GABAB1-/- mice display an altered pattern of circadian activity but no hyperlocomotion. This indicates that hyperlocomotion is only triggered when GABAB1-/- mice are aroused by novelty. In microdialysis experiments, GABAB1-/- mice exhibited a 2-fold increased extracellular level of dopamine in the striatum. Following D-amphetamine administration, GABAB1-/- mice released less dopamine than wild-type mice, indicative of a reduced cytoplasmic dopamine pool. The hyperdopaminergic state of GABAB1-/- mice is accompanied by molecular changes, including reduced levels of tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA, D1 receptor binding-sites and Ser40 phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase. Tyrosine hydroxylase activity, tissue dopamine content and dopamine metabolism do not appear to be measurably altered. Pharmacological and electrophysiological experiments support that the hyperdopaminergic state of GABAB1-/- mice is not severe enough to inactivate dopamine D2 receptors and to disrupt D2-mediated feedback inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase activity. The data support that loss of GABAB activity results in a sustained moderate hyperdopaminergic state, which is phenotypically revealed by contextual hyperlocomotor activity. Importantly, the presence of an inhibitory GABA tone on the dopaminergic system mediated by GABAB receptors provides an opportunity for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Ganglion cell axon pathfinding in the retina and optic nerve   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The eye is a highly specialized structure that gathers and converts light information into neuronal signals. These signals are relayed along axons of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) to visual centers in the brain for processing. In this review, we discuss the pathfinding tasks RGC axons face during development and the molecular mechanisms known to be involved. The data at hand support the presence of multiple axon guidance mechanisms concentrically organized around the optic nerve head, each of which appears to involve both growth-promoting and growth-inhibitory guidance molecules. Together, these strategies ensure proper optic nerve formation and establish the anatomical pathway for faithful transmission of information between the retina and the brain.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-dependent prostaglandin (PG) E(2) synthesis in the spinal cord plays a major role in the development of inflammatory hyperalgesia and allodynia. Microsomal PGE(2) synthase-1 (mPGES-1) isomerizes COX-2-derived PGH(2) to PGE(2). Here, we evaluated the effect of mPGES-1-deficiency on the nociceptive behavior in various models of nociception that depend on PGE(2) synthesis. Surprisingly, in the COX-2-dependent zymosan-evoked hyperalgesia model, the nociceptive behavior was not reduced in mPGES-1-deficient mice despite a marked decrease of the spinal PGE(2) synthesis. Similarly, the nociceptive behavior was unaltered in mPGES-1-deficient mice in the formalin test. Importantly, spinal cords and primary spinal cord cells derived from mPGES-1-deficient mice showed a redirection of the PGE(2) synthesis to PGD(2), PGF(2alpha) and 6-keto-PGF(1alpha) (stable metabolite of PGI(2)). Since the latter prostaglandins serve also as mediators of nociception they may compensate the loss of PGE(2) synthesis in mPGES-1-deficient mice.  相似文献   

Migrating cells and growth cones extend lamellipodial and filopodial protrusions that are required for outgrowth and guidance. The mechanisms of cytoskeletal regulation that underlie cell and growth cone migration are of much interest to developmental biologists. Previous studies have shown that the Arp2/3 complex and UNC-115/abLIM act redundantly to mediate growth cone lamellipodia and filopodia formation and axon pathfinding. While much is known about the regulation of Arp2/3, less is known about regulators of UNC-115/abLIM. Here we show that the Caenorhabditis elegans counterpart of the Receptor for Activated C Kinase (RACK-1) interacts physically with the actin-binding protein UNC-115/abLIM and that RACK-1 is required for axon pathfinding. Genetic interactions indicate that RACK-1 acts cell-autonomously in the UNC-115/abLIM pathway in axon pathfinding and lamellipodia and filopodia formation, downstream of the CED-10/Rac GTPase and in parallel to MIG-2/RhoG. Furthermore, we show that RACK-1 is involved in migration of the gonadal distal tip cells and that the signaling pathways involved in this process might be distinct from those involved in axon pathfinding. In sum, these studies pinpoint RACK-1 as a component of a novel signaling pathway involving Rac GTPases and UNC-115/abLIM and suggest that RACK-1 might be involved in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and lamellipodia and filopodia formation in migrating cells and growth cones.  相似文献   

Diffusible factors, including netrins and semaphorins, are believed to be important cues for the formation of neural circuits in the forebrain. Here we have examined the role of netrin 1 in the development of hippocampal connections. We show that netrin 1 and its receptor, Dcc, are expressed in the developing fimbria and in projection neurons, respectively, and that netrin 1 promotes the outgrowth of hippocampal axons in vitro via DCC receptors. We also show that the hippocampus of netrin 1-deficient mice shows a misorientation of fiber tracts and pathfinding errors, as detected with antibodies against the surface proteins TAG-1, L1 and DCC. DiI injections show that hippocampal commissural axons do not cross the midline in these mutants. Instead, when axons approach the midline, they turn ventrally and form a massive aberrant projection to the ipsilateral septum. In addition, both the ipsilateral entorhino-hippocampal and the CA3-to-CA1 associational projections show an altered pattern of layer-specific termination in netrin 1-deficient mice. Finally, optical recordings with the Ca(2+) indicator Fura 2-AM show that spontaneous neuronal activity is reduced in the septum of netrin 1-mutant mice. We conclude that netrin 1 is required not only for the formation of crossed connections in the forebrain, but also for the appropriate layer-specific targeting of ipsilateral projections and for the control of normal levels of spontaneous neural activity.  相似文献   

These studies address the role of PU.1 in T cell development through the analysis of PU.1-/- mice. We show that the majority of PU.1-/- thymocytes are blocked in differentiation prior to T cell commitment, and contain a population of thymocyte progenitors with the cell surface phenotype of CD44+, HSAbright, c-kitint, Thy-1-, CD25-, Sca-1-, CD4-, and CD8-. These cells correspond in both number and cell surface phenotype with uncommitted thymocyte progenitors found in wild-type fetal thymus. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that PU.1 is normally expressed in this early progenitor population, but is down-regulated during T cell commitment. Rare PU.1-/- thymi, however, contained small numbers of thymocytes expressing markers of T cell commitment. Furthermore, almost 40% of PU.1-/- thymi placed in fetal thymic organ culture are capable of T cell development. Mature PU. 1-/- thymocytes generated during organ culture proliferated and produced IL-2 in response to stimulation through the TCR. These data demonstrate that PU.1 is not absolutely required for T cell development, but does play a role in efficient commitment and/or early differentiation of most T progenitors.  相似文献   

Neuronal migration and axon guidance constitute fundamental processes in brain development that are generally studied independently. Although both share common mechanisms of cell biology and biochemistry, little is known about their coordinated integration in the formation of neural circuits. Here we show that the development of the thalamocortical projection, one of the most prominent tracts in the mammalian brain, depends on the early tangential migration of a population of neurons derived from the ventral telencephalon. This tangential migration contributes to the establishment of a permissive corridor that is essential for thalamocortical axon pathfinding. Our results also demonstrate that in this process two different products of the Neuregulin-1 gene, CRD-NRG1 and Ig-NRG1, mediate the guidance of thalamocortical axons. These results show that neuronal tangential migration constitutes a novel mechanism to control the timely arrangement of guidance cues required for axonal tract formation in the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

In humans, loss or alteration of the CHL1/CALL gene may contribute to mental impairment associated with the 3p-syndrome, caused by distal deletions of the short (p) arm of chromosome 3, and schizophrenia. Mice deficient for the Close Homologue of L1 (CHL1) show aberrant connectivity of hippocampal mossy fibers and olfactory sensory axons, suggesting participation of CHL1 in the establishment of neuronal networks. Furthermore, behavioral studies showed that CHL1-deficient mice react differently towards novel experimental environments. These data raise the hypothesis that processing of information, possibly novel versus familiar, may be altered in the absence of CHL1. To test this hypothesis, brain activities were investigated after presentation of a novel, familiar, or neutral gustatory stimulus using metabolic mapping with ((14)C)-2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) and analysis of mRNA expression of the immediate early genes (IEGs) c-fos and arg 3.1/arc by in situ hybridization. 2-DG labeling revealed only small differences between CHL1-deficient and wild-type littermate mice. In contrast, while the specific novelty-induced increase in c-fos expression was maintained in most of the brain areas analyzed, c-fos mRNA expression was similar after the novel and familiar taste in several brain areas of the CHL1-deficient mice. Furthermore, in these mutants, arg 3.1/arc expression was slightly reduced after the novel taste and increased after the familiar taste, leading to a similar arg 3.1/arc mRNA expression after both stimuli. Our results indicate that, in contrast to controls, CHL1-deficient mice might process novel and familiar information similarly and suggest that the altered neuronal connectivity in these mutants disturbs information processing at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis in MCHR1-deficient mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is well recognized that the hypothalamus is of central importance in the regulation of food intake and fat mass. Recent studies indicate that it also plays an important role in the regulation of bone mass. Melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) is highly expressed in the hypothalamus and has been implicated in regulation of energy homeostasis. We developed MCHR1 inactivated mice to evaluate the physiological role of this receptor. Interestingly, the MCHR1(-/-) mice have osteoporosis, caused by a reduction in the cortical bone mass, while the amount of trabecular bone is unaffected. The reduction in cortical bone mass is due to decreased cortical thickness. Serum levels of c-telopeptide, a marker of bone resorption, are increased in MCHR1(-/-) mice, indicating that the MCHR1(-/-) mice have a high bone turnover osteoporosis. In conclusion, the MCHR1(-/-) mice have osteoporosis, indicating that MCHR1-signalling is involved in a tonic stimulation of bone mass.  相似文献   

The ataxia telangiectasia mutant (ATM) protein is an intrinsic part of the cell cycle machinery that surveys genomic integrity and responses to genotoxic insult. Individuals with ataxia telangiectasia as well as Atm(-/-) mice are predisposed to cancer and are infertile due to spermatogenesis disruption during first meiotic prophase. Atm(-/-) spermatocytes frequently display aberrant synapsis and clustered telomeres (bouquet topology). Here, we used telomere fluorescent in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence (IF) staining of SCP3 and testes-specific histone H1 (H1t) to spermatocytes of Atm- and Atm-p53-deficient mice and investigated whether gonadal atrophy in Atm-null mice is associated with stalling of telomere motility in meiotic prophase. SCP3-H1t IF revealed that most Atm(-/-) p53(-/-) spermatocytes degenerated during late zygotene, while a few progressed to pachytene and diplotene and some even beyond metaphase II, as indicated by the presence of a few round spermatids. In Atm(-/-) p53(-/-) meiosis, the frequency of spermatocytes I with bouquet topology was elevated 72-fold. Bouquet spermatocytes with clustered telomeres were generally void of H1t signals, while mid-late pachytene and diplotene Atm(-/-) p53(-/-) spermatocytes displayed expression of H1t and showed telomeres dispersed over the nuclear periphery. Thus, it appears that meiotic telomere movements occur independently of ATM signaling. Atm inactivation more likely leads to accumulation of spermatocytes I with bouquet topology by slowing progression through initial stages of first meiotic prophase and an ensuing arrest and demise of spermatocytes I. Sertoli cells (SECs), which contribute to faithful spermatogenesis, in the Atm mutants were found to frequently display numerous heterochromatin and telomere clusters-a nuclear topology which resembles that of immature SECs. However, Atm(-/-) SECs exhibited a mature vimentin and cytokeratin 8 intermediate filament expression signature. Upon IF with ATM antibodies, we observed ATM signals throughout the nuclei of human and mouse SECs, spermatocytes I, and haploid round spermatids. ATM but not H1t was absent from elongating spermatid nuclei. Thus, ATM appears to be removed from spermatid nuclei prior to the occurrence of DNA nicks which emanate as a consequence of nucleoprotamine formation.  相似文献   

The intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) has been implicated in the recruitment of immune cells during inflammatory processes. Previous studies investigating its involvement in the process of Wallerian degeneration and focusing on its potential role in macrophage recruitement have come to controversial conclusions. To examine whether Wallerian degeneration is altered in the absence of ICAM-1, we have analyzed changes in the expression of axonal and Schwann cell markers following sciatic nerve crush in wildtype and ICAM-1-deficient mice. We report that the lack of ICAM-1 leads to impaired axonal degeneration and regeneration and to alterations in Schwann cell responses following sciatic nerve crush. Degradation of neurofilament protein, the collapse of axonal profiles, and the re-expression of neurofilament proteins are substantially delayed in the distal nerve segment of ICAM-1-/- mice. In contrast, the degradation of myelin, as determined by immunostaining for myelin protein zero, is unaltered in the mutants. Upregulation of GAP-43 and p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) expression, characteristic for Schwann cells dedifferentiating in response to nerve injury, is differentially altered in the mutant animals. These results indicate that ICAM-1 is essential for the normal progression of axonal degeneration and regeneration in distal segments of injured peripheral nerves.  相似文献   

Functional activity of natural antibody is altered in Cr2-deficient mice   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The major source of natural IgM Abs are B-1 cells, which differ from conventional B cells in their anatomic location, cell surface phenotype, restricted usage of particular V(H) genes and limited use of N-region addition during V-D-J rearrangement. The origin of B-1 cells is unclear. However, they are capable of self-renewal and their development is sensitive to signaling via the B cell receptor, as genetic defects that impair the strength of the signal often result in limited development. These findings suggest that B-1 cells require either an intrinsic signal, or contact with Ag, for positive selection and expansion and/or maintenance in the periphery. In support of interaction with cognate Ag, deficiency in the complement receptors CD21/CD35 results in a 30-40% decrease in the CD5(+) B-1 population. To determine whether this reduction reflects a loss of certain specificities or simply a proportional decline in the repertoire, we examined peritoneal B cells isolated from Cr2(+) and Cr2(def) mice for recognition of a B-1 cell Ag, i.e., phosphatidylcholine, and assayed for injury in an IgM natural Ab-dependent model of reperfusion injury. We found a similar frequency of phosphatidylcholine-specific CD5(+) B-1 cells in the two strains of mice. By contrast, the Cr2(def) mice have reduced injury in the IgM-dependent model of reperfusion injury. Reconstitution of the deficient mice with pooled IgM or adoptive transfer of Cr2(+) peritoneal B cells restored injury. These results suggest that complement receptors CD21/CD35 are important in maintenance of the B-1 cell repertoire to some, but not all, specificities.  相似文献   

Mouse embryos with a loss-of-function mutation in the gene encoding the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB4 exhibit misprojections of cranial sensory ganglion afferent axons. Here we analyse ErbB4-deficient mice, and find that morphological differences between wild-type and mutant cranial ganglia correlate with aberrant migration of a subpopulation of hindbrain-derived cranial neural crest cells within the paraxial mesenchyme environment. In transplantation experiments using new grafting techniques in cultured mouse embryos, we determine that this phenotype is non-cell-autonomous: wild-type and mutant neural crest cells both migrate in a pattern consistent with the host environment, deviating from their normal pathway only when transplanted into mutant embryos. ErbB4 signalling events within the hindbrain therefore provide patterning information to cranial paraxial mesenchyme that is essential for the proper migration of neural crest cells.  相似文献   

How guidance cues are integrated during the formation of complex axonal tracts remains largely unknown. Thalamocortical axons (TCAs), which convey sensory and motor information to the neocortex, have a rostrocaudal topographic organization initially established within the ventral telencephalon [1-3]. Here, we show that this topography is set in a small hub, the corridor, which contains matching rostrocaudal gradients of Slit1 and Netrin 1. Using in vitro and in vivo experiments, we show that Slit1 is a rostral repellent that positions intermediate axons. For rostral axons, although Slit1 is also repulsive and Netrin 1 has no chemotactic activity, the two factors combined generate attraction. These results show that Slit1 has a dual context-dependent role in TCA pathfinding and furthermore reveal that a combination of cues produces an emergent activity that neither of them has alone. Our study thus provides a novel framework to explain how a limited set of guidance cues can generate a vast diversity of axonal responses necessary for proper wiring of the nervous system.  相似文献   

In the developing chick hindlimb, sensory axons, which grow together in bundles as they extend distally, and the motoneuron axons they encounter express the cell adhesion molecule L1. Following injection of function-blocking anti-L1 antibodies into the limb at stage 25, some sensory axons choose inappropriate peripheral nerves even though motoneuron pathfinding is unaffected. Here, to further elucidate L1's role, we assessed the effects of this perturbation using pathway tracing, immune labeling, confocal microscopy, and electron microscopy. After L1 blockade, sensory axons were still bundled and closely apposed. However, clear signs of decreased adhesion were detectable ultrastructurally. Further, sensory axons grew into the limb more slowly than normal, wandering more widely, branching more frequently, and sometimes extending along inappropriate peripheral nerves. Sensory axons that ultimately projected along different cutaneous nerves showed increased intermixing in the spinal nerves, due to errors in pathfinding and also to a decreased ability to segregate into nerve-specific fascicles. These results suggest that, in the highly complex in vivo environment, as in tissue culture, L1 stimulates axon growth and enhances fasciculation, and that these processes contribute to the orderly, timely, and specific growth of sensory axons into the limb.  相似文献   

Altered myogenesis in Six1-deficient mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Six homeoproteins are expressed in several tissues, including muscle, during vertebrate embryogenesis, suggesting that they may be involved in diverse differentiation processes. To determine the functions of the Six1 gene during myogenesis, we constructed Six1-deficient mice by replacing its first exon with the lacZ gene. Mice lacking Six1 die at birth because of severe rib malformations and show extensive muscle hypoplasia affecting most of the body muscles in particular certain hypaxial muscles. Six1(-/-) embryos have impaired primary myogenesis, characterized, at E13.5, by a severe reduction and disorganisation of primary myofibers in most body muscles. While Myf5, MyoD and myogenin are correctly expressed in the somitic compartment in early Six1(-/-) embryos, by E11.5 MyoD and myogenin gene activation is reduced and delayed in limb buds. However, this is not the consequence of a reduced ability of myogenic precursor cells to migrate into the limb buds or of an abnormal apoptosis of myoblasts lacking Six1. It appears therefore that Six1 plays a specific role in hypaxial muscle differentiation, distinct from those of other hypaxial determinants such as Pax3, cMet, Lbx1 or Mox2.  相似文献   

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